I Census of India, 1951 DISTRICT lPOPULATllON STATISTICS UTTAR PRADESH 14-MORADA,BAD DISTRICT 315.42 ALLAHABAD: 1951 'ING AND STATIONERY, UTTAll PllADESH, INDIA 1953 MORDPS I' - Price, Re.1-S. FOREWORD THE Uttar Pradesh Government asked me in March, 1952, to supply them for the purposes of elections to local bodies population statistics with separation for scheduled castes (i) mohalla/ward-wise for urban areas, and (ii) village-wise foe rural areas. The Census Tabulation Plan did not provide for sorting of scheduled castes population for areas smaller than a tehsil or urban tract and the request from (he Uttar Pradesh Government came when the slip sorting had/ been finished and the Tabulation Offices closed. As the census slips are mixed l'fp for the purposes of sorting in one lot for a tehsil or urban tract, collection of data reg.arding scheduled castes population by mohallas/wards and villages would have involved enormous labour and expense if sorting of the slips had been taken up afresh. Fortunately, however, a secondary census record, viz. the National Citizens' Register, in which each slip has been copied, was available. By singular foresight it had been pre­ pared mohalla/ward-wise for urban areas and village-wise for rural areas. The required information has, therefore, been extracted from this record. 2. In the above circumstances there is a slight difference in the figures of population as arrived at by an earlier sorting of the slips and as now determined by counting from the National Citizens' Register. This difference has been accen tuated by an order passed by me during the later count ,from the National Register of Citizens as follows:- (i) Count Ahirwars of Farrukhabad District, Raidas and Bhagat as 'Chamars'. (ii) Count Bhangi, Khakrob. Sweepers. Harijan, Mehtar, Jamadar and Achhut as 'Balmikis'. The fact, that some members of the scheduled castes had returned their caste by names which did not find place in the schedule as notified under section 341 of the Constitution ofIndia, came to my notice during the course of the earlier sorting, but at too late a stage to enable me to pass definite and uniform orders. I have tried to rectify it by passing this order for the purpose of counting from the National Citizens' Register. The differences in the figures of the two counts have been clearly s~t out in the tables that follow. 3. The figures of total population of mohallas/wards have been arrived at by actual counting from the National Citizens' Register, while the figures of~otal population of villages are those determined by actual sorting of the slips and recorded in the Primary Census Abstract. 4. In the Summary of Urban Population the code number of each town has been given. The first element of the code gives the code number of the district, th~ second the code number of the tehsil (or towns of over one lakh population) and the third the code number of the town (other than a town of one lakh population). The key to the code numbers of tehsils will be found in the Summary of Rural Population. RAJESHW ARJ PRASAD, I.A.S., RAMPUR: Superintendent, Census Operations, July 23, 1952 . • Uttar Pradesh. LIST OF ERRATA TO DisTRICT POPUtATION STATISTicS of MORADABAD DISTRICT A-Errata to column 1, Code no. and name ot Mohalla (Urban) (a) Corrections in existing names of mohallas page For nO. 2 66-Kala Khana 66-Ka;l'a• .:s;uan. 2 67-Naubat Kuan 67--1'f~t!ba:t Kha~; " ",,ell'! ;1 ~. f . "" .' ' • 1:, B--Errata to column 1, Code no. and mtme- 'Q'f. ~jllages (Rural) , ~ 4 ~ -: .~:..::' 1~ (a) Corrections in existing Oode numbers Pagfl For Read no. 26 336-Madhauli Rasoolpur 306~Madhaulj Rapoolpur. 26 337-Mandli 307-MandlaL 28 31-Biroowala 38-Biroowala. (b) l'JorrediOlJs in existing names of 9mag~s Page For nO. 11 40-Aliuhafizpur 40-Avihaffipnr. "' 11 144-Chaunra 'Uri Mathranagar .. .. 144__"dha~nra urJ Mat.hranogl11'. 12 292-Kasampurneo .. 292-Kaf.lam1lUr Maoo. 12 311-Khidhatpur Auranagubad 311-Khidinatpur AuranagobillL 13 332-Majrapura . , 332-Majoopura. 14 5 16-Salzalipur 516-SabzaIipur. 114 517-Safipurpatti Ga.rbi 5i7-Saif(mrPatti barbi. \.. ~< 14 524-Sabdupur Bariwala ; 24-Sabdalpul' BariWa!u. 14 537--8haipursharqi 531-Shaifpursharqi. 14 549-Shirpur 549-Shafrpur. 15 73-Bahpur 73-Babepur. 15 83-Bazefa Khizarpur 83--Bret.ha Khizarpur. 15 IOI-Chawara IOI-Chhaora. 15 I (i9-Husainpur HaIner 169-Husainpur Hamir. 15 172-Husainpur Rurs I 72-Hllsainpur Rup. 16 222-Khaliaria 222-Khabaria. 16 234-Lakhnath 234-Lakhnehta. 16 266-Mohsumpur 266-Ml)hsinpur. tb 2S6-Ms,kalpur 2S6-Malakpur. 16 324-Pafgar Aiatpur 324~pagarafatpw" 11 355-Bah:t1l 355-'-R.auza. 11 365-·Safipur 365-Safi1pur. 18 49-Baman Khari .. 49-Bawan Kher!. 18 73---Bulna AhtsDiaIi 73--Bilra Ahtamali. 18 77~:I3aldana Saghar 17-Baldana Asghar Ali tthUh. 18 132 _Chakahwala Ahtamali •• I 32-Chakarwala AhtamaJi. •18 I 45_'Daudpur Munirul Nisa 145-D!1ndpur lVIiroul'Ni!'lJ • 18 160-DheemiKhera 160-Dheemer Kheri. 18... 168-Dherkla.. .. l62-Dhenkla. IS I83--Dharagpur 183--Dharangpur. 2 List of Errata to District Population Statistics of Moradabad District-(concld.) page For Read nO. 19 280-Jagpura Sharqi 280-Jatpura Shurqi. 19 340-Koodiwiran 340-Konriwiran. 19 356-Kharpedi 356-Kharpari. 20 366-Khijelipur 366-Kha yalipur. 20 420-:\lelludipur 4 20-)iehendipur. 20 453-NaOKl1da 453-Nawada. 20 515-Papnarunnagar 515-P~psllrl1 Banger. 20 516-Phcndair 516-Phunderi. 21 555-Rajhauli 555-Rajhoti. 22 701-l\Iohdablld .Iadid 701-1Iohammadabad Mm;tekhnm Judid. 27 445-Sair Khan Sarni 445-SaifKhan Sarai. 27 5 25-Altllhndpur Khanna 5 25-Allahdftdpur Khanna. 28 37 -Baijrompur 37-B,,;irampur. 28 47-Bhoronwala 47-Bhunruwalfl. 28 51-Bahadurnagl1r .. 51-Budhna gar. 28 62-Dhaka Jut 62-Dakia Jat.. 28 121-Ilarhat Ahtllmali 121-Ilar Ahtamali. 29 I 32--Jalalpur Khaddar J32-Jalalpur Khaha. 29 182-Mahmood QUlmi 182-Mahdood Qalmi. 29 257-Pirthipur GaUnWUll 257-Pirthipur Gaonri. 30 278-Ramnagar 278-Rani NagaI. 30 303-Sherpur Patti )Iustehkam Jadid 303-Sherpur patti Dulwli Mustafubad Ahtll.lali JUdid. 30 313~'3ultanpu~ Qadim Kustehkam 313-Sultl-tnpur Khadrlur Mnstehk3ru. DISTRICT. MORADABAD Summary of Urban Population Population . Code no; and name of Town Scheduled Males Females Total' Muslims Castes Other~ 2 3 4 5 6 7 4-1-26 AMROHA MUNICIPAL BOARD 30,056 29,050 59,106 42,307 2,719 14,080 4-1-424 NAUGAWAN SADAT TOWN AREA .. 2,440 2,590 5,030 4.375 414 241 .4-1-282" KANTH TOWN'AREA 5,047 4,201 9,148 4,053 1,145 . 4,050 14-2-94A BILAR.I TOWN AREA 3,840 3,251 7,091 3,372 44 3,675 14-..:.2-1l0A CHANl)AUSI MUNICIPAL BOARD 19,952 16,668 36,620 8,193 4,422 24,005 14-2-229 'KUNDARKHI TOWN AREA 3,011 2,778 5,789 3,723 574 1,492 14-3-263 HASANPUR MUNICIPAL BOARD .. 7,541 6,889 14,430 8,364 1,313 4,753 14-3-28 • BACHHRAON TOWN AREA 4/93 4,387 9,180 6,948 1,052 ' 1,180 14-3-19'7 DHANAuRA 1'OW~ AREA 3,o.l6 2,396 5,431 1,235 7'15 3,422 14-4-2 RAILWAY SETTLEMENT NOTIFIED AREA .. 4,226 3,537 7,763 1,014 272 ,6,477 14-4-1' MORADABAD MUNICIPAL BOARD 83,607 71,s05 155,112 80,637 4,828 68,942 (excluding the population of one Dlis~ing N. C. R.) 14-6-495 SIRSI TOWN AREA 3,84(:) 3,687 7,527 5,831 248 1,448 14-6-4,6 SAMBRAL MUNICIPAL BOARD 32,448 29,120 61,568 43,667 3(138 14,163 14-6-53' - HARJO[ TOWN AREA 3,520 3,052 6,572 1,505 655 4,412 14-7-328 THAKUR DWARATOWN AREA 3,501 3,109 6,610 4,448 338 1.,824 Total 210,858 186,220 397,078 219.672 22,537 154,164 (excluding populatwn of one missing N. O. R.) ~~~---"-- -~-~-- -------. ~oPulution according to Primary Census Abstract 211,222 185,138 396,360 Population of Muslims according to Table D-II 221,049 Population of Sehedaled Custes according to Table D-III 20,640 --_--.------ -_-_. - 2 DISTIUCT MOItADABAD PopalatioD &f To'Wlls by M~.hallas/Wal·ds PopulatIon Schednled Code no. and name of Mohalla Males Females Total Muslims Castes Othen ----- 2 3 4 5 6 7 ~-~- AMROHA (MUNICIPAL BOARD) I Pirgarh 229 132 361 28 333 2 Dani~hmandan 1,047 1,046 2,093 1,.39.3 53.3 167 3 Lal Masjid 427 412 839 827 12 4 Niarian 226 232 458 453 5 5 Begum Sarai Kalan 1,114 1.023 2,137 1,139 91 907 6 Begum 8.arai Khurd 714 664 1,378 887 5 486 7 Bazar Kat]'a Ghulam Ali .. 75 65 140 106 4 30 8 Katra Ghulam Ali 662 660 1,312 551 10 761 9 Chaiwra 293 268 561 162 387 12 10 Bazar Guzri 84 54 138 135 3 11 Bazar Shal'at Pota 109 82 191 187 12 Basawang'lnj' 622 552 1,,174 1,092 36 46" 13 Machharatta 584 523 1,107 990 52 65 14 Bazar Kalan 50 40 90 II 12 67 15 Kneha Khatrlyan I 86 94 180 ", 180 16 Kuella Khatriyan 2 62 67 129 129 17 Bhatti 50 45 95 95 18 Mandi Ohob 770 719 1,489 306 2 1,181 19 Darbar Kalan 862 877 1,739 1,672 67 20 Gashti 294 294 588 450 138 21 Cbhanga Darwaza 461 413 874 141 733 22 Shah Ali Sarai 402 342 744 316 5 423 23 Ahmadnagar 1,062 909 1,971 686 580 705 24 Takia Husain Shah 62 58 120 109 II 25 Raju Sarai 394 437 831 761 70 26 Bazar Jat 20~ 178 381 108 26 247 27 Niazian 227 220 447 390 57 28 Katkui 791 787 1578 1,491 87 29 Afghanan 563 578 1,141 1,116 25 30 !;llii'Tdwara 208 207 415 244 171 31 Chowk 890 759 1,649 621 5 1,023 32 Mohkam Sarai 132 144 276 122 154 33 Bazar Basawanganj 75 79 154 127 7 20 34 Kali Pagri 675 570 1,245 975 10 260 35 GU2ri 245 279 524 510 14 Jafri 36 275 249 524 524 00 37 Tirpolia 103 119 222 220 2 38 Qazi Zada 281 360 641 641 39 Chakli 482 529 1,011 997 14 40 Saddo 252 273 525 504 21 41 Chah Shore 199 210 409 344 65 42 Darbar Miran Khan 52 44 96 92 3 43 Chah Ghori 354 422 776 762 14 44 Shafat Pota 521 555 1,076 1,070 5 45 Ghair Munal' l"72 187 359 294 6~ 46 Bagla 331 384 715 594 II 1I0~ 47 Maj:a pota 640 659 1,299 1,214 85 48 Bazar Kot 280 249 529 I 47 481 49 Bazar Batwal 385 347 732 516 216 50 Batwal 793 796 1,589 1,237 155 197 51 Chilla 459 435 894 781 113 52 Kot 956 890 1,846 1,122 100 624 53 Nal 240 217 457 457 54 Sarai.
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