Medford, MATHE 02155 Thursday, September 14,1989 DAILYJVol XIX, Number 7 State cuts Referendum calls for arm campus wide election called Tufts Community Union schools DAMELIN president, not Tufts Community Daily Editorial Board Union Senate President, so it by SCOTT DAMELIN A referendum calling for the stands to reason that the whole Daily Editorial Board opening of the Tufts Community campus should elect the presi- One in a series of articles on Union President’s election to the dent, not just the Senate,” Alessi rhe impact of the Massachusetts entire student body should be said. state budget crisis at Tujs. appearing on the ballot of the Shesaidthatshehaddiscussed upcoming Tufts Community the wording and concept of the The state of the Massachu- Union senate elections. referendum with current TCU setts economy has received an The referendum, which Senate President Billy Jacobson considerableamount of negative Robert O’Hara and Heather Sirnrns photo Kad Sdatr. is co-sponsored by former Tufts and said that “he has been aware attention in the past few months. Daily Editor-in-Chief Kelley of it and he has been involved in The current budget crisis has led Alessi and current Inter-Greek developing someof the ideas that the Dukakis Administration to Black Theater Company Council President Natale DiNa- are in the final version.” advocate deep cuts across the tale, would amend the TCU Jacobson said last night that board on state government spend- makes its debut Constitution if approved by the he was in favor of the referen- ing. A great deal of the cuts were American Center, and asked her student body. dum, especially after going to local aid, so that the targets of by ESTHER FERZOCO for advice on beginning the proj- The wording of the referen- through the election process those cuts are the elementary Contributing Writer ect. They then submitteda fo-mal dum was approved Wednesday himself. schools, high schools, and state night by the Tufts Community He said that he helped Alessi Sophomores Robert O’Hara PrOPosal to form a POUP to pen, colleges and universities. and Heather Simms, through a Paint, and PWU.dS, who ratified Union Judiciary, but 250 signa- with the wording and specificsof Although the impact will be mutual interest in theater, are the proposal at its last meeting. tures must be collected in order the referendum to assure that it clear on the state’s 29-school to place the referendum on the took into account the workings developing a new theater group Although the PouP is higher education system, the which would specific.ly reflect under the auspices of Pen, Paint ballot for the elections on Oct. 3. of the current Senate system. private colleges and universities the dents of playwrights whose and Pretzels, they did not ask for If the signaturesare collected, Jacobson said that a campus- of Massachusetts will also feel the Elections Board would pub- wide presidential election might works are rarely represented in fundingbecause Plan to go the budget crunch. Tufts Presi- before the Tufts Community Union licly announce the referendum not be extremely successful dur- dent Jean Mayer said on Wednes- Tufts’ theater. no later than 14 days priorto the ing the first year, but as time day that the current budget prob- The most recent addition to Judiciary to be recognized as a election date. Twenty-five per- passed the process would improve. lems will have a definite nega- shdent-w theater groups ~~fts,separate student Organization, and cent of the student body must “If they [the student body] tive impact at Tufts. the Black Theater Company, will they hoPetoreceivefundingfrom vote in order to make the passage realize that it’s a TCU president Mayer said that the budget present its first play, Trouble in the Tcu Senate. of a referendum valid. andpresidentofthestudentbody, cuts will affect the university in a Mind, by Alice Childress, at the Cumenfly,however, the Black The Tufts Community Union then I think a lot of people will numberofareas: scholarshipsfor end of October. open to dl Stu- Theater Company has no budget Constitution currently calls for naturally get more interested,” Dental School, Medical School dents, the BIack Theater Com- and therefore hopes that other the student body to elect seven Jacobson explained. and Occupational Therapy stu- pany will serve as a medium campus organizations will help senators from each class to serve DiNatalecouldnotbereached dents; state grants and contracts; through which the works of black fund the group in order to pro- on the Senate. The 28 sknators for comment last night. playwrights be presented. duce its plays. and support for the School of can then nominate candidates for the The referendum would require Last semester, O’Hara and O’Hara Simnls pointed out Veterinary Medicine. and Senate presidency and an in-house the newly elected Senate, on the Sinims brought their idea to Jewel that many campus productions Mayer blamed an “abysmal election determines the winner. Bell, the director of the African see THEATER, page 12 lack of leadership in all sectors “Technically, the position is see ELECTION, page 13 of the state, not so much a declin- ing economy,”asthe cause of the current state budget problems. Police interrupt free speech protest He singled out bad manage- the week to publicize the Tufts Pachyderm section titled “Gath- the first officer on the scene, later ment, and groups like the Cham- by ANNA GEORGE celebration of the 200th anniver- erings, Demonstrations, and identified as Officer Eli. ber of Commerce and the High Daily Editorial Board sary of the French Revolution. Disturbances,” says that any stu- “I’m at Eaton Hall. We’ve got Tech Council which don’t want Within fifteen minutes after The new free speech policy, dent may be disciplined who “fails a problem here,” Eli radioed out. to pay higher taxes, as contribut- they began at two a.m. yesterday written by the Dean of Students to obey reasonable orders, or As the officer gathered IDS ing to the budget crisis. morning, the group calling them- Office and approved late last year otherwise interferes with or dis- from the seven students present Mayer explained that at the selves the Tufts Free Speech by the Committee on Student Life, rupts the orderly conduct of at that point, one student ques- cnG of this past fiscal year, state Movement had divided the aca- divides the campus into three types University affairs.. .” tioned the rights of the officer to yeceipts were approximatcly 5.9 demic quad into three sections, of areas where the range of ex- Though all participants seemed force the students to take the percent higher than the previous using masking tape, flyers, and pression allowed varies. serious abol;t the cause of free posters and tape down. The stu- year, but that expenses wcre about chalk to protest the new Tufts The 10 male students involved speech, they laughed and smiled dent acknowledged that what they 14 percent nigher than the prior free speech policy adopted at the in the demonstration, who de- while they worked. At one point, did could be considered a viola- year. end of last semester. clined to give their names, re- when a large dog began barking tion of poster policy, but asked “When problems arise with Buildings and Grounds work- ferred to themselves as a “bi- loudly in front of Ballou Hall, that the officer allow a dean to the economy, as usual who gets it ers were called in early yester- partisan” group. one student joked, “He’s not in deal with the violation. in the neck but children, students day morning to the remove all “This is not about ideology, the script.” The students said they would and, to a lesser extent, the poor,” traces of the posters and tape, this is about free speech,” one After the students had finished take the tape and posters down in Mayer said. which stretched between trees student said. the sectioning and postering of 24 hours. He said that schools are often throughout the quad. Earlier that While one student present said the campus, they returned to re- “All the debris has to come easy targets when budgets are in morning, though, a lengthy stand- he rarely agreed with someof the group at Eaton and found that a down off the trees, now,” said trouble.“They actasif they don’t off took place about the removal more conservativestudents pres- Tufts police officer had arrived Eli. “You’re being a wise ass. realize that the foundation of the of the posters between the stu- ent on political issues, he said, in a cruiser. You clean up the mess and then state’s future prosperity is its dents and four Tufts police offi- “I’m here because I believe in “Take them all down ... and see SPEECH, page 15 higher education,” Maycr said. cers. free speech.” don’t tempt my.. patience” said He said that the budget is The FSM announced in a press One of the leadersof the group “expected to be a problem until release late Tuesday that they said last night that after the po- intended to stage the demonstra- lice had left, the group finished see BUDGET, page 17 tion “to illustrate the absurd and what they were working on. He repressive nature”of the Univer- believed, however, that B & G sity policy. had cleaned up the posters and I Inside I Some of the flyers posted tape before classes this morning. yesterday morning, likening the “If nothing, the campus looked The French Revolution .. p.7 campus to the divided city of cleaner than ever before, so we President Mayer and Professor Berlin, were titled “Concentra- Simches team up to celebrate the French may have accomplished some- Revolution here at Tufts.
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