Special analytical export project of Industrial Weekly № 06 (07) November, 2016 BRICS summit Military cooperation Famous missile R-73 Against any tanks Strategic partnership is Russia retains leading A masterpiece of defense The best in the world a key of organization position from Russian ‘DUX’ multipurpose system .08 .16 .34 .40 Russia and China: large-scale aircraft cooperation Special partnership AIRSHOW CHINA 2016 CONTENTS NEWS SHORTLY EDITORIAL 2 俄罗斯直升机集团公司的设 #06 (07) November 2016 备为G20高峰会的消防安全 保驾护航 'Industrial Weekly' special export project 3 Russia and India Sign Agreement Registered in the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology 4 Aviation Service and Mass Media (Roscomnadzor) 09.12.2015 Center Branch in PI № FS77-63977 Africa General director 4 KRET has placed in Editor-in-chief the Top 100 Valeriy STOLNIKOV 5 Chinese market: personal view Chief editor’s deputy Julia GUZHONKOVA Elena SOKOLOVA MAIN TOpICS Defense partnership Commercial director 6 Meeting in for peace Andrey TARABRIN Hangzhou 8 The eighth BRICS Political situation in the world makes Managers summit nations once again reconsider their Tatiana VALEEVA defense possibilities. Threat of local Natalia MOZHAEVA conflicts to be evolved into global ones, Andrey PARAMONOV ExpORT failure of worldwide system of safety and REgulations non-ending crisis — all of this leads to an Designed by unstable and dangerous situation. One can 16 Military Olga Filippova a n d t e c h n i c a l predict raise of defense means market in Alexey ZINOVYEV cooperation times like this. But together with developing of defense technologies in order to secure There are materials from the information people’s safety, rivalry among sellers of agencies and from the press services of the federal authorities of the Russian gLOBAL WEApONS weapons and defense systems increases in Federation used in the project. order to achieve such goals as increasing 24 Setting a good profits and market share. example Edition is 3 thousand copies World experience shows that it is not 34 R-73 missile: about how many weapons you have, but Editorial office: a masterpiece quality and possibilities of every single Novy Arbat, 21/1 of defense one of them is what leads to victory on Moscow, 119019 the battlefield. Other significant factor is Tel.: +7-495-690-3108, 778-1447, 7293977 40 Against Any Tanks technological independence from seller — modern technologies make it possible to Media postal address: shut down any device from any place of Moscow, Russia, 123104, mailbox 29 HIgH TECHNOLOgY the globe if you have appropriate access. With hi-tech technology (in air too), solid [email protected] 44 Secure rescue at after-sales service and proven reliability [email protected] any height of products, Russia is honest and friendly www.promweekly.ru galand media partner for all countries, which ready for The materials marked with R 48 published on a commercial basis mutual work. Successful cooperation with Chinese partners confirms this. © 'Industrial Weekly', 2016 Valeriy STOLNIKOV News shortly News shortly Sino-RuSSIA MC-21 FUSELAGE — TO Russia and India Sign Agreement Co-engineeRED HEAVY 俄罗斯直升机集团公司的设备为G20高峰会的 TSAGI FOR STATIC TESTS T he joint Russian-Indian enterprise must arrange the localization of production HELICOPTER 消防安全保驾护航 Irkut Corporation delivered to Central A heavy-lift helicopter jointly devel- AeroHydrodynamic Institute named after of 200 multirole Ka-226T for 9 years oped by China and Russia made its de- 2016年7月由俄罗斯直升机集团公司下属的Rosvertol直升机厂生产并于2016年 professor N.E.Zhukovsky (TsAGI) the MC-21 but in China. On display at the Tianjin 7月向中国供应的的米-26TC号大型运输直升在举行G20高峰会的浙江省参加了 fuselage designated for static tests to con- The signing of the agreement on creation of the joint venture is part of the Russian-Indian summit. firm the strength characteristics of the new International Helicopter Exhibition, the For Russia, the agreement was signed by Russian Helicopters CEO Alexander Mikheev and the head 三次灭火行动 aircraft and to provide certification of the chopper is specially designed to suit type for static strength. The MC-21 fuselage of Rosoboronexport Anatoly Isaikin. Both Russian Helicopters and Rosoboronexport are part of State China's geographical conditions, and was delivered to Zhukovsky from Irkutsk by Corporation Rostec. The Indian side was represented by the Chairman and Managing Director of can operate smoothly at high altitudes 米-26TC型是由中国 要的任务。 俄罗斯制造 自己的效率。 紧急救灾 An-124 freighter. In the near future other Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) Suvarna Raju. and temperatures, said Huang Chuanyue, Lectern Aviation 的直升机能够有助于实现 时米-26TС的主要任务是, parts of the airframe will arrive to TsAGI. In deputy chief engineer with the helicop- Supplies公司购买,用于 这个任务,使我们非常高 把消防队员送到火灾中心 particular, Irkutsk Aviation Plant, a branch of 满足山东省森林保护与扩 兴。 中国时我们在亚洲 并在着火的林区上倒水。 The signing of the joint venture ter division of the Aviation Industry Corp. Irkut Corporation where MC-21 fuselage was of China. With a maximum cruising speed 大项目的要求 该型直升机 市场的战略伙伴,我们继 米-26TС的特点包括高效 assembled, will hand over auxiliary pow- marks a new stage of cooperation of 300 km/h, and the ability to take-off 一到中国就开始执行灭火、 续实行一下有前途的共同 率以及在任何天气条件和 er unit compartment. Irkut Corporation’s between Russia and India in the carrying 38.2 tonnes, it can carry exca- 设备和超大货物运输等工 项目“。 客观困难下的工作速度的 specialists, together with the employees of helicopter industry, which was first vators, cargo containers and light tacti- 作,并用于保证九月初在 除了Lectern Aviation 准确性。 TsAGI and cooperation companies, will per- defined by the intergovernmental cal vehicles, Huang told Xinhua. China 浙江杭州举行的G20高峰会 Supplies所购买的新台 俄罗斯直升机集团公司 form airframe assembly. The first stage of agreement between Moscow and and Russia on May 8 signed a framework 的消防安全 Mi-26TC外还有三台类似 是世界直升机制造行业的 the airframe test includes leaks inspection. agreement agreeing to take the project Delhi in December 2015. In addi- 米-26TC在2016年9月值 的直升机被中国国有和 领先公司,俄罗斯唯一的 Then TsAGI specialists will initiate static tests tion, the joint venture will become a to the next stage, which specified that which include simulation of structural loads 班时熄灭了浙江省林区和 私有企业使用。 两台Mi- 直升机设计于制造公司。 all future models will be manufactured in all flight modes with registration of stress- pilot project for the Russian-Indian in China, Huang said. These heavy-du- 山区内的三处起火点 其 26TC属于青岛直升机航空 本集团在2007年建立。 总 strain state of the aircraft structure. The pur- part of the Make in India program, ty helicopters will be used in rescue and 中一处起火点位于居民点 有限公司机队。 另一台被 部在莫斯科。 集团包括 pose of tests comprises experimental ver- which is implemented by the Indian disaster missions, as well as maritime af- 附近 借助于这台巨大的直 中国飞龙专业航空公司使 五个直升机厂、两个设计 ification of static strength, checks of cor- government. fairs, Huang said. 升机,中国的消防队成功 用。 四台Mi-26TC都为中 局、直升机配件工厂、航 rectness of calculation methods of strength, "The joint venture is certainly a 阻断的火势向居住建筑物 国林业部值班,每年参与 空修理厂以及一家在俄罗 and fine-tuning of the finite element mod- breakthrough project for us, because 的蔓延 米-26ТС直升机 灭火行动。 斯国内外提供售后服务的 els based on experimental data. TsAGI has it fundamentally changes the mod- FIRST OVERSEAS OFFICE already conducted tests of a large num- 在两个小时内扑灭了森林 按照大多数专家的评价, 服务公司。 el of our cooperation within the he- IN CHINA ber of elementary and structurally-similar 火灾,期间共倾倒的120吨 在最近几年内米-26TС是 集团的客户包括俄罗斯 patterns, including several types of panels, licopter industry. India has been one JSC Sukhoi Civil Aircraft (SCAC) announces 水。 直升机上的官兵也因 中国航空业的最好的采购 国防部、俄罗斯内务部、 of our most important strategic part- ‘The joint venture agreement The joint venture is set to cre- the company’s plans to open its first over- cross and longitudinal joints. Tests of fuse- 此次行动的高效及出色表 之一。 具有中国航空调理 俄罗斯紧急部、俄罗斯天 ners. For the first time we are ready to signing is the result of long time ate facilities for repairs and main- seas client liaison office. Beijing office is lage compartment, structurally-similar pat- 现得到了省政府领导班子 规定的证书的米-26TС直 然气航空公司、UT Air等 the first step taken to implement the terns of tail and fin box are being held. The offer our deep localization of helicop- work with our Indian partners. The tenance of helicopters produced in business strategy focused on the brand’s 的表彰。 目前这台直升机 升机是唯一能够在机外或 国家部门以及国内外的航 preparation for the isolated testing of com- ters, including the set up for produc- production of Ka-226Ts is a Russian- India in 5 years, and facilities for global marketing and setting up corpo- 在山东省值班。 机舱内承载总重量达到20 空公司。 在2015年,按照 posite-made wing box, stabilising fin and tion of various helicopter components Indian project within the framework the overhaul within 7 years after rate offices in other key markets. Beijing 俄罗斯直升机集团公 吨的负荷的直升机。 世 财务报表国际标准结算的 high-lift device is being performed. Ongoing and assemblies. I hope that the Ka- of the Make in India program and is deliveries of the first batch of he- and planned tests are performed to verify office, scheduled to be opened by the end 司营销和业务发展副总经 界上任何其他的直升机都 俄罗斯直升机集团公司的 226T assembled in India has a great a logical continuation of great col- licopters. the ability of the new MC-21 aircraft struc- of 2016, will specialize in marketing, pro- 理亚历山大·谢尔彼宁表 比不上米-26TС的载重量。 进款达到2200亿卢布,同 ture to perceive design loads without break- future in the world market," said laboration to create high-tech indus- The light multirole helicopter motion, certification and arrangements 示,“保证举行政府首脑 该型号直升机在熄灭中国 比增长为29,5%,发货总 ing and without receiving unacceptable per- Russian Helicopters CEO Alexander tries in India. We are proud that we Ka-226T with a coaxial main ro-
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