MUNCY JR./SR. HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT HANDBOOK 2016-2017 PATHFINDER 2016-2017 PATHFINDER MUNCY JR./SR. HIGH SCHOOL 0 Dear Parent: After reviewing this year’s Student Handbook the “Pathfinder” with your child, please sign, have your child sign and return this page to his/her first period teacher no later than: Friday, September 2, 2016. Print Student Name______________________________________________________ Student’s Signature_______________________________________________________ Grade___________ First Period Teacher______________________________ Parent’s Signature________________________________ Date ___________ If you wish to not have your child’s name and/or photograph listed on the school web page, in school newsletters or school press releases throughout this school year, please submit your request in writing to the high school office. If you wish to not receive One Call messages this school year from the Muncy School District for informational or emergency messages, please submit your request in writing to the high school office. Opting out of the One Call messages will remove you from any and all messages from the Muncy School District. 1 2 MUNCY JR./SR. HIGH SCHOOL 2016-2017 PATHFINDER Principal: Mr. Timothy Welliver 200 West Penn Street Muncy, PA 17756 Telephone: (570) 546-3127 Fax: (570) 546-7688 www.muncysd.org Volume 57 This Pathfinder belongs to: NAME__________________________________________________ 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Forward 5 Academic Achievement Policy 5 Accident Insurance 6 Alma Mater 6 American Disabilities Act 6 Assemblies 6 Athletic Eligibility 7 Attendance Requirements, Tardiness, and Absences 7 Truancy Prevention Protocol Agreement 9 Attire for School 10 Audio Visual 11 Banners, Posters, and Signs 11 Bell Schedules 11 Regular Bell Schedule 11 Two/Three Hour Delay Bell Schedules 12 PM Activity Bell Schedule 12 Bullying/Cyberbullying 13 Bus Transportation 13 Cafeteria and Noon Lunch 13 Carl D. Perkins Implementation Plan 14 Cameras 14 Cell Phones, Pagers and Wireless Devices 14 Class Rank 14 College Visitation 15 Dances/Prom 15 Detention 15 Discipline 16 Distribution of Non-School Literature 17 Driving to School 17 Email and Voicemail for Instructors 18 Extra-Curricular Activities 19 FERPA 20 Field Trips 21 First Aid or Illness 21 Food and Beverages 21 Food Service Meal Debit Account 21 Gifted Education 22 Grading System 22 Grievance Procedure for Title IX 22 Guidance Service 23 Harassment 24 Hazing 25 Health Services 25 Homework Responsibilities 25 Late Homework 25 After School Tutoring 26 Honor Graduates 26 Incomplete Grades 27 In-School Suspension 27 Internet Policy 27 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS Lavatory Use 27 Leaving Building During School Hours 27 Leaving Classes/School 28 Lockers 28 Lost and Found 28 Medications 28 Morning Breakfast Rules 29 Muncy Assistance Program For Student (MAPS) 30 Muncy Vision Statement 30 National Honor Society 30 Non-School Sponsored Educational Trip Request 30 Nutrition Standards 31 Plagiarism 32 Progress Reports 32 Public Display of Affection 32 Report Cards 32 Special Education Programs and Services 33 Student Records 33 Student Responsibilities 34 Telephone 35 Terroristic Threats/Acts 35 Title IX Policy Statement 35 Tobacco in Schools Act 145-1996 18 C.P.S. 6306.1 35 Vocational Educational Programs 35 Weapons 24 P.S. 13-1317.2 36 Where To Go – Whom To See 36 Work Permits 37 Your School Officials 37 HALL PASSES 38 HALL PASSES 39 HALL PASSES 40 Disclaimer: As new policies are adopted the current policies will be modified in part or whole. The District reserves the right to apply current policies as guidelines. FORWARD The Pathfinder is intended to be a source of information for students to profit by the experiences made available at school, for parents to better understand the procedures and practices of the school and for teachers to better guide and direct the learning experiences of the student. In situations where provisions of the Pathfinder contradict school board policy, the policy shall prevail. ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT POLICY Mutual contact between parents and teachers is essential. A schedule for notification of parents is: Any time of year: student’s grades are available via PowerSchool™. 5 November: Parent/Teacher conferences June: Formal letter of retention mailed to parent/copy kept in office file. Conferences available upon request. ACCIDENT INSURANCE Muncy School District recognizes the need for insurance coverage for unforeseen accidents which may occur to students in the course of attendance at school or during students’ participation in the athletic and extracurricular programs of the schools. The Muncy School District will maintain insurance coverage by a qualified insurer over and above the first responsibility of family coverage and at no cost to the student for injury resulting from accidents sustained in the course of participation in all interscholastic sports, cheerleading, band, band front, field trips and P.E. classes. The district will provide parents the opportunity to purchase insurance coverage at no cost to the Board for injury resulting from accidents sustained by students through the district appointed insurance broker or agency. The district shall notify all students and parents of the availability of insurance. ALMA MATER Hail to Alma Mater dear, Spread her fame in accents clear. Shout her glory to the skies, Tell the praise of dear old Muncy. May our hearts be ever true, To the colors white and blue, Muncy High School, here’s to you - Hail to Alma Mater, Hail. E. H. Roberts AMERICAN DISABILITIES ACT The Muncy School District adheres to the American Disabilities Act which prohibits employment discrimination against qualified individuals with disabilities: i.e., an individual who has a disability, but meets the skill, experience, education, and other job-related requirements of a position held or desired and who, with or without reasonable accommodations, can perform the essential functions of the job. Further, the Muncy School District is committed to following the procedures of hiring as required by this act. ASSEMBLIES Students are encouraged to plan and stage interesting programs for assemblies. Guests are sometimes invited to participate in order to help make assemblies more interesting and worthwhile. The following rules apply to all assemblies: 6 1. Students will be accompanied to the auditorium by their teachers and must sit in seats by grade level. 2. Remain quiet and attentive throughout the assembly period. 3. Applaud to show your appreciation. Whistling is not a proper method of showing your appreciation during an assembly. Booing is completely out of order. 4. When the assembly is over you will be dismissed by the principal. ATHLETIC ELIGIBILITY Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association (P.I.A.A.), the governing body of all interscholastic sports, and the Muncy School District require students failing two or more subjects shall be declared ineligible. Eligibility is determined each week. Class standing is defined as the grade or mark in a given subject for all work covered from the beginning of the marking period. Students found to be ineligible for academic or attendance reasons may not participate in a contest from Sunday through Saturday inclusive of the following week. Students may participate in practice when academically ineligible providing they tutor with the teacher prior to practice and return appropriate tutoring form(s) to their coach. In cases where a student is failing two or more subjects at the end of the marking period, said student shall be ineligible to participate in interscholastic athletics for the first three weeks (15 school days) of the next grading period, starting from the date report cards are issued. (PIAA Art. IX Section 3). A pupil who has been absent from school during a semester for a total of twenty or more school days shall not be eligible to participate in any athletic contests until he/she has been in attendance for a total of forty-five (45) school days following the twentieth day of absence. (PIAA Art. III Section 2). In order to participate in an athletic contest, a student must be in attendance at school all day on the day of a contest unless excused by the principal. All day is interpreted to mean present from 8a.m. to the end of period eight. Students should neither practice nor be in a contest when ill for their own welfare and so they do not spread the illness to others. Participants that exhibit abusive or profane behavior, on or off the school premises, in a manner that reflects detrimentally on the individual, team, school, or community, may be suspended or removed from their respective team in season or out of season. ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENTS, TARDINESS, AND ABSENCES Attendance Requirements - The State Law requires the attendance of every student every day the school is open under penalty of fine and imprisonment unless: 1. The student is ill. 2. The family is quarantined. 3. There is a death in the household. 4. The roads are impassable. 7 5. The weather is severely inclement. Three days of unexcused absences during any school term are allowed by law before legal action is taken. These days are intended to cover absences arising from other emergencies not mentioned above. Students have three school days following an absence to submit a written excuse before an absence is deemed illegal or unexcused. Truancy is considered as an unexcused or illegal absence and all work missed must be made up in an appropriate time. Failure to submit a written or verbal excuse within three days of absence or tardy will result in an unexcused or illegal absence. It is the responsibility of the student to see teachers about work missed during an absence. The student has the same number of days to make up the work as were missed for an excused absence. Failure to make up the work may result in a zero for that work. The guidance department may assist in collecting homework for a student when appropriate.
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