The Chronicle of 1938 I I I E:dited by the Students of I Chelmsford High School I I I I Chelmsford High School •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••''' I I I I I I Foreword T/, l' weol,•,I n,Jr<'s/1111('11/ /or 1/1 c ol,lt,r uc11 - I <·rulio11 nm1<•., /rom t/,e spirit o/ , \11wrico11 y<J ul/1. Exu,1111/i[icd by t/w clwracll'ri>lics o/ cont·rrw~s. ]rw,kness. urnbitio11, iniliolil'e and I /oit /1 . ii is w1c• o] 1/1C' uplifting Jae/ors o] our /il'c s. \ \ 'itlwul ii u •c• ruuld eccl/ (/ll<'Slion the /uturl'. \ \ 'ith ii u·<· 11111st hot•e the uswronce I o/ 1/,<'ir spirit. \ \'<· /, ope you will [ind in J/w Jolluwi11g pOflC'S so111<• inc/;cc,/ion o/ your pus/ I bel,t,f i11 our younu pcop/C' us well os so111t• e11co11roge11w11/ /or th e co11 /i1111olio11 o/ your ]oii/1. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l'orcwor,1 Cunl~nl, 3 I C111· l111,f,ml l l1gh ~.11001 I ),., f, , ,,tion To 1!11• ~lt1Cl1·11t, of Cl ... lm,forrl I li~ h (1 I C,·org,· ~- \\' right 8 I 111 1<111 11 llurn, C/ I 1:,11 ully 10 ·11, •. Pa~~ICJII ror I )t•rnot rt•<'Y 14 11,,.,rrf of I:, l1lor, 15 I Cln" O.J,. 16 '°'<·niors 17 111 ~ lt•morit1rn 35 36 I To the Cl., ,, of 1q-1i-, r,.,tnnon1,.I to :,.1, I l,,,. 11 l '1nlc:rgrc1Clt11 llt•:,,, I lurnur ( ·1a!'" 'opl10111ow Cla,, 1·rC'..l111H111 Cla:-:­ .p I .\thll'lu, 4 4 j ,\c l1\'il1t·~ 51 I lumur 11rnl ~pt'< it1I 1·<'c..1 luH·!<I 6(1 l'rophn) of 1<)3._ \ uiogr,,plis , 79 '[/,ree 1 Chelmsford High School •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I I I I I I I I I I Chelmsford High School I OPPOR.TL 'i'\ITY I Tf,e cl,nnce /(J rr se , \/l(/ i/ ii cu11H·s lo me {)II/ once To rcucl, the sk ies I she,// ,wt 111iss m v cf,wwe. / 11 ony cl, oscn fi eld f\/ y J)l1111s (/fl' 11,wic \\';// come Uu/ OIIC'<! ,\fy cumpoiu11 /11id- I I /,ewe /wen /0/c/- f' 11 1. r<'m/y lo "cl1•1111cc. T/1 <')' cc,1/ ii opporlunily. f k11ow t!JC• f1dg/,t Tl, c work I cfwuse Tf ,01' s collc·d succ·<•ss I Tl, e p/ons I tt1(1kc h only uui11<'d by k11otl'ill!J T/w clr<'CIIHS I cf,cri,/1 so Tlw tl1i11!J S lo do, \ \';/1 fiue or die . \ 11d l, ow, C111c/ 11 ,fH·11- I /3 y my c·o111.111011d /' uc lec,mccl t/1<',<' tl1i11r1s in grotl'in!f. , \nd tf,c lw/p of opportunity . - B ,1111i,11<A 1'.rnrnn ·/I I I I l'our I I -I I ' I I I I I I I I I I I Dedicat:ion lo I GH)RCE R. K 1IGHTLY /11 11ppn•riutiw1 of Iii., wcu/t/1 of f111111 or, /1is spirit of (rit'111//111css, oncl I t/H' µ111• 1•.\·11111p/,, 1,J /iis ,ports111C111!1k(• <'/111rcwt,,r. I!'<'. th e /3011r1/ o/ Editor,. urot1•/11/lv d,,dir,,t,• t/ii, /,r,ok. I I ~ Chelmsford High School •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• To the Students of Chelmsford H igh School: Your Lown offers to you freely the opportunity for an education, yet it does not give you one. Your teachers cannot give it to you, nor can your parents, regardless of how long they kee p you in schoo l. All that can be given is the oppor tunity in appropriate surroundings, under skilled guid­ ance, a nd with home and school enco uragement for each one of you indi­ vidually Lo educate himself. On your pa rt ther e must be the active w ill I to profit from what is offered ; without such effor t there is no education. It is as true today as in the days of Alexander that there is no royal road II to learning. The aims of education have changed with the times. Mere knowledge, whether of Latin or mathematics, science or la ng uage, is not now enough . fl In the crowded scenes of this intricate and shrunken world in which you live there is need as never before for social consciousness, for abil ity to get along with all sorts and conditions of men. Isola tion is no longer possible. I~ Frontiers are gone. The cloistered scholar who kept alive the world s store of learning in an earlier age is not the need of today, but rather the ma n of action who can work harmoniously wit h his fellow men, whether in labor­ !I lory, on in office, or in faclory, or in any fi eld of human endeavor. We lry in Chelmsford High School to give you the fullest opport unity I Lo acquire useful knowledge. At the same time, in the classroom as well as 0 11 the athletic fi eld, you have th e opportunity to gain va luable experi­ ence in the team play so essential for success in modern life. Your attitude [~ toward school, t he manner in which yo u meet teachers and classmates, th'.'! extent to which you effeclively cooperate wit h other s- these a re most im­ porta nt factor s in the education you are giving yourself, fully as important II as high marks. Self-education does not end with school days. Go out with an open mind, think problems thr ough, endeavor to see both sides of a I question, aim to be of service to the wo rld, and you may then be assured of fi lli ng an honorable and a satisfying place in the life of your community. Sincerely yours, I GEORGE S. WRIGH T I I I So, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Gl:ORGE . \ \/RIGHT I S11perinfc,11denl u/ t!te Schools o/ C /wlms/ord I I ~ I -- Chelmsford High School •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I I I I Th Ne 1s no fri g,tl C' l1le a book To Lil l e us la1 Hls uway. i\Jor .. ny ,011r,<·s l1l C' i1 page I ( )f pra11 , ing poC'lry. This lrn versl' may Llw poorC'st lake I \\' il hrn1l opp1 C'ss of toil ; I low f r11 }.! al ,, the , hilm,l That IH',H S a humil11 so 11 JI I -l: 111 i/y I )lfkinso11 I I I I I I I l:,yli t I I..... ·, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • I I LUCl1\J\.! l-1 . l)U R.f'\ - P,;,w;pa/ u/ lfw Cl1el,11~JurJ f-1 iuh Scl,ool I I I I I Chelmsford High School ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.0,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,0,,,,,, I Faculty I I :il 11 ··C1fiur1 if,ws no/ Ill """ /c'w),;,,!I /"'''fl/,. " ''"'' llw,· do 110/ k11mr. /1 111 '"'" l,·11 /,i11 u rh,·m lo /,. i""'" Cl.' liw,· do 11u/ il('/1(11'<·. // i , ,, p11·u/11/. r·wt/1111111 / <111 tl ,l;f/ i,·11 /1 w,,J '" /11 • ,/.,,,, /," !.;,,,/,".'"· In· w111 l,i11 u. /, " 1,,,.,·,·pl . I w11f /," 1m1i.<1•. /,11 / l!ht11•c r,/1- /, ,· ,. 1r11 111,f, .. - f./l'S/.:1 .\' I I I I II I I II T en I r -I I I -I I I I I I I I I I I I Faculty I I I I I Chelmsford High School ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,, I I I I I (' 1-'.ll lTII i' ld ',,1HIIY. ltS. l"'.'. ll. 1·. ( 1rn1•;i 1:-:1. HonT11 . /\.B. \ ' w1 flririnpol /.n/m, \/nt/1nno/,r., Hu,,Lk.·1:11111q. T ,·,ww,,lwg ( .,Jl, y :,..;.J"m T,,,,. l,Pr, < oll,·ac I P1wcr rn< P. \\' 11. soN. l~.~- S,·it'n'<'-" I :-1.,-- l11,J1lull' .. r I,·, 1111 .. J.. ~, I I l)A:SY I\. :'-l., c-l\1{.\) :>;E. ,\ .I\.. r\ .:'-1. 0lrnrn1s I,. l~1 1ir-.:1c ..: . /\.11. /"11r1/,,/, .,1·11•111 ,, , . 1\ /,,t/wnwt1r., l\o,tnn l 1111 \"<·r .. ,I\ I I I I I Jrn 1., .l. 0L,t·LAt·c11 1.,, N, P11.I L /\.J\ l. \ VARRf:N C. D EAN, A.R. J\/o tlwnwtit~·. l.otm / l,,... torv I Ho,lon l,'n,\'NSJly I lol) ( ·"'" 1 l\o .. lor1 L 1tl\rr,1ty I T,relue I I • I , , , , , , , , •,,,,,,, •,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, •.,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,, The Chronicle of 1938 I I I I 1 I l~1< .,;1 .sr1N1: J-:. l'L,, x,\IW , 11.S. I·:,,. f-~ t\RI J. \\ t\TT , /\.13. /\}, I_ Sl,ori/1111,d, T ,·1 ><•w11/11t!J, F«w l, ( )fl,, t' 1'111< '"' 11 ,u,,,nl I "-ilcm l ,·,u l11·r, ( ·.,11,-~, I C,rnF1<1XE \ V. 0 l o oi--EY. ltS. 1:D. rrco/,,h, ,'!«tlcc•rnrc/« ,, I T y p1 •ri 1r11111u :-« lt•m T,•.ic lwr, Coll .. ~r I I 131:rn I<. I lorF~1 ,,:-. /\.13. /\.M. l~rr,, Rr,,N, /\.13. l:,,ul,.,/, . ( ;,.,1,rupicv. J:,,ul,,I,. l.u /111 I /lo.,k.·I /l«l/ l-:111111,11, uel Culkgc Bo,lu11 l!111vcrsily I I I I ;-,.. 1. 0 L,R10N ADMIS l' IRS. 0 (,\E I. F\\IS, R.N. S up('tl'i ..
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