H11226 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 3, 2007 The CHAIRMAN. The question is on himself, they had a friend who would tempts to prevent a show’s cancella- the amendment offered by the gen- send people into hysterics when times tion by scripting an absurd season have tleman from Indiana (Mr. HILL). were light or cut through the tension been coined ‘‘jumping the shark.’’ The amendment was agreed to. with a joke that lightened the mood. In But what should we call situations Mr. PRICE of North Carolina. Madam Iraq he used that sense of humor to where the U.S. Government willfully Chairman, I move that the Committee keep up the spirits and morale of his suspends its disbelief Communist China do now rise. fellow warriors. is a strategic threat and, instead, ap- The motion was agreed to. But people were drawn to Robbie for peases it? I suggest we call such in- Accordingly, the Committee rose; more than his affability. Robbie was stances ‘‘dropping the shark.’’ and the Speaker pro tempore (Ms. also the one you knew you could de- Mr. Speaker, the Committee on For- CLARKE) having assumed the chair, pend on, the one you would go to if you eign Investment in the United States Mrs. TAUSCHER, Chairman of the Com- needed help, support or simply a friend. must review and block Bain Capital mittee of the Whole House on the state That sentiment was shared by the and Communist China’s Huawei Tech- of the Union, reported that that Com- many at home who loved him and those nologies’ deal with the 3Com Corpora- mittee, having had under consideration who served with him in Okinawa in the tion. If approved, Communist China’s the bill (H.R. 2740) to require account- 1st Battalion, 12th Marine Regiment, Huawei Technologies stake in the ability for contractors and contract 3rd Marine Division, III Marine Expedi- 3Com Corporation will gravely com- personnel under Federal contracts, and tionary Force. promise our free Republic’s national for other purposes, had come to no res- Robbie dreamed of going to Holly- security. olution thereon. wood to sing. He wrote songs and The 3Com Corporation is a world leader in intrusion prevention tech- f poems that expressed, among other things, his passion for justice and free- nologies designed to prevent secure REAPPOINTMENT AS MEMBER OF dom. Tragically, his devotion to serv- computer networks from hacker infil- ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ice eclipsed his artistic aspirations, tration, and our Department of Defense RECORDS OF CONGRESS and that dream will not be realized. extensively utilizes them. These tech- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Still, his words remain with us, and I’d nologies were severely tested this June ant to 44 U.S.C. 2702, and the order of like to share just a few. when Communist China hacked into the House of January 4, 2007, the Chair He wrote, ‘‘I don’t plan on being a our DOD’s computer networks and announces the Speaker’s reappoint- hero to the world. I just want to try to caused a shutdown. Given this and ment of the following member on the help make it a better one.’’ Clearly, other instances of Communist China’s part of the House to the Advisory Com- Robbie underestimated himself, for in persistent cyberwarfare against us, ap- mittee on the Records of Congress: just 20 short years on the planet we are proving this sale would be an abject ab- Mr. Joseph Cooper, Baltimore, Mary- better for having him here, and he is a negation of CIFUS’s duty to protect land hero to us all. America’s vital defense technologies from enemy acquisition. f Today I’m introducing legislation to rename the Fairdale, Kentucky, Post Few doubt the aims of Communist b 1800 Office the Lance Corporal Robert A. China’s Huawei Technologies, which was set up in 1988 by a People’s Libera- SPECIAL ORDERS Lynch Memorial Post Office, so that it may stand as a testament to his tion Army officer to build military The SPEAKER pro tempore (Ms. heroics and strong character. For his communications networks. The pend- CLARKE). Under the Speaker’s an- selfless devotion to all of us in the ing deal with Huawei is deemed ‘‘really nounced policy of January 18, 2007, and United States, he deserves our recogni- worrisome’’ by a former Pentagon under a previous order of the House, tion and thanks. For their sacrifice, his cybersecurity expert, and as reported the following Members will be recog- family deserves our support. We are by Bill Gertz in today’s Washington nized for 5 minutes each. poorer for the loss of him but we, as a Times, a current Pentagon official con- f community and a country, are better firmed, ‘‘Huawei is up to its eyeballs with the Chinese military’’; while an- HONORING LANCE CORPORAL off for the short time we had him. other official stated ‘‘we are proposing ROBERT LYNCH I urge my colleagues to join me today in honoring Lance Corporal Rob- to sell the PLA a key to our front door. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a ert Lynch, a patriot, a poet, and a good This is a very dangerous trend.’’ previous order of the House, the gen- man. This is not the first time Communist tleman from Kentucky (Mr. YARMUTH) China’s Huawei Technologies has is recognized for 5 minutes. f raised legitimate American concerns. Mr. YARMUTH. Madam Speaker, I The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. In January 2006 Newsweek described rise today to honor Lance Corporal BRALEY of Iowa). Under a previous Huawei Technologies as ‘‘a little too Robert Lynch who was taken from us order of the House, the gentleman from obsessed with acquiring advanced tech- far too soon when he and two other Ma- Texas (Mr. POE) is recognized for 5 nology.’’ Appearing before the House rines were killed in Iraq by an IED. In minutes. Armed Services Committee on Sep- Louisville, the hearts of his family and (Mr. POE addressed the House. His tember 19, 2002, Professor Gary friends are full of grief as they mourn remarks will appear hereafter in the Milhollin, Director of the Wisconsin this tremendous loss, but we are also Extensions of Remarks.) Project on Nuclear Arms Control, tes- full of pride as we celebrate the life of f tified as to the extent of the danger: an American hero who made the ulti- ‘‘The history of Huawei shows how sen- mate sacrifice. COMMUNIST CHINA AND CIFUS: sitive American exports can wind up Robbie’s heroism began well before ‘‘DROPPING THE SHARK’’ threatening our own Armed Forces. So his service in the Marines. At a young The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a when we talk about export controls, we age, he conquered Tourette syndrome previous order of the House, the gen- are not just talking about money. We and became a charismatic joker, an el- tleman from Michigan (Mr. MCCOTTER) are talking about body bags.’’ oquent poet and a caring and empa- is recognized for 5 minutes. This is not hyperbole. At the start of thetic young man. Mr. MCCOTTER. Mr. Speaker, to re- this decade, Huawei violated U.N. sanc- At Seneca High School, he enrolled suscitate the 1970s sitcom ‘‘Happy tions and illegally provided a fiber- in the ROTC as a freshman, becoming Days,’’ Arthur Fonzarelli was aquati- optic network to Iraq. This network an instant favorite among the faculty cally clad in a swimsuit, white T-shirt linked the Iraqi military’s air defense and his classmates alike. In fact, to and leather jacket and filmed per- network. Moreover, the CIA-led Iraq many, it seemed Robbie was friends forming a harrowing water ski jump Survey Group’s final report concluded with everyone, classmates, teachers, over a shark. Though The Fonz pulled Huawei illicitly participated in pro- administrators, clerks, everyone. And it off, the network pulled the plug on viding transmission switches for Iraq’s in Robbie, or Jax, as he nicknamed ‘‘Happy Days.’’ Subsequently, inane at- fiber-optic communications. In August VerDate Aug 31 2005 03:28 Oct 04, 2007 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00054 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K03OC7.118 H03OCPT1 hmoore on PRODPC68 with HMHOUSE.
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