ISSN 1725-2423 Official Journal C32 of the European Union Volume 48 English edition Information and notices 7 February 2005 Notice No Contents Page I Information Commission 2005/C 32/01 List of credit institutions provided for in Article 11 of Directive 2000/12/EC (Situation as at 1 May 2004) — Twenty-second version . .............................................................. 1 1234 23 4 1 23 4 1 23 4 1 23 4 1 EN Price: EUR 54,00 1234 7.2.2005 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 32/1 I (Information) COMMISSION List of credit institutions provided for in Article 11 of Directive 2000/12/EC (2005/C 32/01) Article 11 of Directive 2000/12/EC of the European Parliament The present list was drawn up by the Commission on the basis of and of the Council of 20 March 2000 relating to the taking up information supplied by the Member States. Unlike the registers and pursuit of the business of credit institutions (1) require the of banks kept in some Member States, the list has no legal signifi- Commission to draw up and publish a list of all credit institutions cance and confers no rights in law. If an unauthorised institution authorised to do business in Member States. is inadvertently included in the list, its legal status is in no way altered; similarly, if an institution has inadvertently been omitted This is the twenty-second occasion on which the Commission has from the list, the validity of its authorisation will not be affected. complied with the above requirement. The list published in the The Commission is responsible only for the accurate reproduc- Annex to this communication is based on the latest information tion of information received on individual credit institutions, available. while responsibility for the respective sections of the list, and especially the spelling of the style and location of the institutions As a general rule, the list comprises all the credit institutions fall- and their classification in a given group, lies with the Member ing within the scope of Directive 2000/12/EC. It does not include States in question. institutions excluded from the scope of the Directive pursuant to Article 2(3) thereof, nor institutions which, although subject to the Directive, are exempt from some of its provisions pursuant to Article 2(5) thereof, which introduces special arrangements for With regard to entries in the column headed ‘Legal form’, which institutions which belong to a network controlled by a central are, by their very nature, in most cases untranslatable, it should body to which the Directive applies in its entirety. It does not be pointed out that terminological similarities are not to be taken include credit institutions in the process of liquidation. to indicate that the legal status is the same. (1) OJ L 126, 26.5.2000, p. 1. C 32/2 EN Official Journal of the European Union 7.2.2005 ABBREVIATIONS IN THE TABLES In the column ‘Minimum capital’, values have the following meaning: Value Meaning Y Initial capital greater than EUR 5 million N Initial capital between EUR 1 and 5 million 0 No initial capital In the column ‘Status deposit protection’, values have the following meaning: Value Meaning Y Normal deposit guarantee scheme according to Directive 94/19/EC (Article 3(1)(1)) N Equivalent deposit guarantee scheme according to Directive 94/19/EC (Article 3(1)(2)) 0 No deposit guarantee scheme 7.2.2005 EN Official Journal of the European Union C 32/3 ANNEX CONTENTS Page Belgium (B) ......................................................................... 4 Czech Republic (CZ) ................................................................... 15 Denmark(DK)....................................................................... 21 Germany(D)........................................................................ 29 Estonia (EE) ......................................................................... 96 Greece (GR) ......................................................................... 100 Spain(E)........................................................................... 103 France (F) .......................................................................... 124 Ireland (IRL) ......................................................................... 162 Italy (I) ............................................................................ 168 Cyprus(CY)......................................................................... 204 Latvia (LV) .......................................................................... 207 Lithuania(LT) ....................................................................... 209 Luxembourg (L) ...................................................................... 213 Hungary (HU) ....................................................................... 222 Malta (MT) .......................................................................... 233 Netherlands (NL) ..................................................................... 241 Austria (AT) ......................................................................... 257 Poland (PL) ......................................................................... 285 Portugal(P)......................................................................... 304 Slovakia (SK) ........................................................................ 313 Slovenia (SI) ......................................................................... 318 Finland (FI) ......................................................................... 321 Sweden (SE) ......................................................................... 332 United Kingdom (UK) .................................................................. 340 C 32/4 7.2.2005 BELGIE BELGIEN BELGIEN ΒΕΛΓΙΟ BELGIUM BÉLGICA BELGIA BELGIA BELGIQUE BELGIUM BELGIO BELGIJA BEĻĢIJA Il - BELĠJU BELGIË BELGIA BÉLGICA BELGICKO BELGIJA BELGIEN Pro další informace / For yderligere oplysninger / Für weitere Informationen / Για τυχόν συμπληρωματικές πληροφορίες / For any additional information / Para toda información adicional / Täiendav informatsioon / Lisätietoja / Pour toute information supplémentaire / Minden további tájékoztatásért / Per informazioni supplementari / Bet kokiai papildomai informacijai / Jebkāda papildu informācija / Għal kwalunkwe informazzjoni addizjonali / Voor verdere inlichtingen / Dodatkowe informacje / Para toda informação suplementar / Ďalšie informácie / Za dodatne informacije / För ytterligare upplysningar Commission bancaire, financière et des assurances (CBFA) / Commissie voor het Bank-, Financie- en Assurantiewezen (CBFA) Rue du Congrès 12-14 / Congresstraat 12-14 B – 1000 Bruxelles/Brussel Tél./Tel. (32-2) 220 54 75 Fax (32-2) 220 54 96 7.2.2005 C 32/5 Poznámka / Bemærkning / Anmerkung / Σημείωση για τον αναγνώστη / Note to reader / Nota / Märkus lugejale / Huomautus / Remarque / Megjegyzés az olvasónak / Nota / Skaitytojo dėmesiui / Paziņojums lasītājam / Nota lill-qarrej / Opmerking / Uwaga do czytelników / Nota / Poznámka pre čitateľa / Obvestilo bralcu / Anmärkning Poznámky pod čarou najdete na straně 12 Fodnoterne findes på side 12 Fußnoten siehe Seite 12 Οι υποσημειώσεις ευρίσκονται στη σελίδα 12 The footnotes appear on page 12 El texto de las notas se encuentra en la página 12 Joonealused märkused asuvad leheküljel 12 Alaviitteet ovat sivulla 12 Le texte des notes se trouve page 12 A lábjegyzetek a 12 oldalon szerepelnek Il testo delle note si trova a pagina 12 Išnašos yra puslapyje 12 Parindes atrodas 12 lappusē In-noti tal-qiegħ jidhru f’paġna 12 De tekst van de voetnoten bevindt zich op bladzijde 12 Przypisy znajdują się na stronie 12 O texto das notas encontra-se na página 12 Poznámky pod čiarou sú na strane 12 Opombe so na strani 12 Fotnoterna finns på sidan 12 C 32/6 B 7.2.2005 Status ochrany vkladu / Status over indskuds- garantiordninger / Einlagenschutzstatus / Σύστημα εγγυήσεως των καταθέσεων / Minimální kapitál / Status of deposit Minimumskapital / protection / Mindestkapital / Situación de la Název / Sídlo / Právní forma / Poznámky / Ελάχιστο κεφάλαιο / garantía de Navn / Hjemsted / Retlig form / Bemærkninger / Minimum capital / depósitos / Name / Sitz / Rechtsform / Anmerkungen / Capital mínimo / Hoiuste kaitse Όνομα / Έδρα / Νομική μορφή / Παρατηρήσεις / Miinimumkapital / staatus / Name / Location / Legal form / Observations / Vähimmäispääoma / Talletussuoja / Nombre / Sede / Forma jurídica / Observaciones / Capital minimal / Situation en matière Nimi / Asukoht / Õiguslik vorm / Märkused / Alaptőke- de protection des Nimi / Kotipaikka / Yhtiömuoto / Huomautukset / minimum / dépôts / Nom / Siège / Forme juridique / Observations / Capitale minimo / A betétvédelem Név / Székhely / Jogi forma / Észrevételek / Minimalus státusza / Nome / Sede / Forma giuridica / Osservazioni / kapitalas / Sistema di garanzia di Pavadinimas / Vieta / Teisinė forma / Pastabos / Minimālais depositi / Nosaukums / Atrašanās vieta / Juridiskā forma / Novērojumi / kapitāls / Indėlių o apsaugos Isem / Post / Formula legali / Osservazzjonijiet / Kapital Minimu / statusas / Naam / Zetel / Rechtsvorm / Opmerkingen / Minimaal kapitaal / Noguldījumu Nazwa / Lokalizacja / Forma prawna / Uwagi / Kapitał aizsardzības statuss / Nome / Sede / Forma jurídica / Observações / minimalny / Ħarsien ta’ l-istatus Názov / Miesto / Právna forma / Pripomienky / Capital mínimo / tad-depożitu / Ime / Naslov / Pravna oblika / Stališča / Minimálne imanie / Status deposito- Namn Säte Rättslig form Anmärkningar Najmanjši znesek garantieregeling / kapitala / Status ochrony Minimikapital depozytów
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