PBS's Natio-nal Program Service is currently $209 million, and although an additional Local honors. The Corporation for Public Broadcasting gave out its Public Television $100 million may seem "a shocking figure," Local Program Awards at the Public Broadcasting Service's annual Program Fair last it is just one -tenth of the public television week in Austin, Tex. The awards, public television's highest for programs produced for a industry's revenue. The PBS staff has care- local or regional audience, honored programs in eight categories. The top winners: fully looked at where we are and where pub- Cultural documentary-This Time Each Year, UNC Center for Public Television, lic television should be." he said, and deter- Chapel Hill, N.C. mined that $300 million should be spent on News -Wisconsin Magazine, Wisconsin PTV Network and WHA -TV Madison, Wis., and national programing. Almanac, KTCA -TV Minneapolis -St. Paul. Christensen said he has seen evidence that Informational programing -Keith County Journal, KUONTV Lincoln, Neb.. and Ne- public television executives feel "it's time to braska EN Network. cu,ae to grips. collectively. with our future." Performance programing -Anna Wyman Dance Theatre, KcTSTV Seattle. Managers have advocated investing more Children's programing -Sata's First Christmas, KPTS(TV) Hutchinson, Kan., and money. producers support "finding a way to Summer's End, Arkansas ETV Network, Conway nurture programs from their beginnings." Target audience programing -The Dream Deferred: Black Politics in Texas, KERA -TV state network heads have asked for stronger Dallas. national leadership. and some major market Public affairs -The Asian Connection, Kcrs -ry Seattle. managers have offered to pledge their sta- Instructional programing -Forever Wild Study Modules, WCFE -TV Plattsburgh. N.Y. tions' future CSG growth in order to fund a much larger pot of money for national pro- duction." he said. (Community service grants are federal grants given yearly to pub - lic radio and television stations by the Cor- CMRCR-gmam6g, poration for Public I I Broadcasting.) PROPOSED I I chairman. HSN has completed purchase of Christensen cited common carriage (syn- WPWR-TV Aurora, Ill. = Sold by Metrowest three TV's and is purchasing seven others. chronized scheduling of PBS programs by including WPWR -TV. WPwR -TV is on ch. 60 PBS stations). reducing underwriter credit Corp. to Silver King Broadcasting of Illi- nois. wholly owned subsidiary of Home with 5.000 kw aural. 600 kw visual and an- disparity and allocating resources for adver- tenna 1.615 feet above average terrain. tising and promotion as three issues that Shopping Network. for S25 million cash. Seller is by Fred Evchaner. who also WIL -AM -FM St. Louis, need to be addressed by members of the sys- owned WEMP(AM)- has interest in KTVJ(TV) WMYX(FM) Milwaukee and tem. The "absence of agreement and cooper- CP for Boulder. WBBF(AM)- and in CP WCAE(TV) Ind. WMJQ(FM) Rochester, N.Y. _ by ation now threatens the entire enterprise." he Colo.. for Gary. Sold LIN WPWR-TV Broadcasting to Heritage said. And he stressed the importance of Programing currently carried on Communications will move to for $23 is maintaining program exclusivity. saying the Gary station upon approval of million. Seller publicly traded. sale by FCC. - New -York appearance of PBS shows on cable services Buyer is Clearwater-Fla. based communications company. based. publicly of home which owns five five FM's and independent stations has led to "a battle traded producer AM's. and seven for our very programing life.- shopping programs headed by Roy Speer. TV's. It also has interest in cellular radio operations in New York. Los Angeles. Phila- delphia, Dallas -Fort Worth and Houston. Donald A. Pels is chairman. Buyer is public- ly traded. Des Moines. Iowa -based cable OCEAN COMMUNICATIONS MSO with 950.000 subscribers in 22 states. (William C. Koplovitz and Steven Sinn, Partners) It also owns five AM's. one FM and six TV's. James M. Hoak Jr. is president. Wit_ (AM) is on 1430 khz with 5 kw full time. has acquired WIL(FM) is on 92.3 mhz with 97 kw and antenna 900 feet above average terrain. WEMP is on 1250 khz with 5 kw full time. WIBG -AM & WSLT -FM WMYx is on 99. I mhz with 50 kw and anten- na 450 feet above average terrain. WBBF is on 950 khz with I kw full time. WMIQ is on for 92.5 mhz with 50 kw and antenna 500 feet above average terrain. Broker: Wertheim & $1,162,500 Co. WAGQ(FM) Athens, Ga. c Sold by Broadcast from Properties Inc. -C.A. McClure and EK. Brown -to Diamond Broadcasting Inc. for $8 million. Seller also owns w'RCG(.AM)- SHORE BROADCASTING, INC. WCGQ(FM) Columbus. Ga.. and WCHK -AM- FM Canton. Ga. Buyer is owned by Daniel (Robert A. Fox, Owner) R. Lee and Seth Mason. Lee also owns WSBC(AM)- WXRT(FMI Chicago. Mason is We are pleased to have served general manager of wXRT. WAGQ is on 104.7 mhz with 50 kw and antenna 240 feet above as broker in this transaction. average terrain. WHWH(AM) Princeton, N.J. -WPST(FM) Tren- ton, N.J. - Sold by Herbert W. Nobler to Louis Mercatanti for S8 million cash. Seller Bu\cKBuRN EÖMPÂNy is chairman and 80% owner of licensee. and will be I N C O R P O R A T E D Nassau Broadcasting Co.. founder- chairman under Nassau's new own- Media Brokers Cr Appraisers Since 1947 ership. John J. Morris. president of Nassau. will retain 20% ownership in stations and WASHINGTON, D.C. 20036 ATLANTA, GA 30361 CHICAGO, IL 60601 BEVERLY HILLS, CA 90212 1100 Connecticut Ave., NW 400 Colony Square 333 N. Michigan Ave. 9465 Wilshire Blvd. will become president and chief executive (202) 331 -9270 (404) 892 -4655 (312) 346 -6460 (213) 274 -8151 officer. Hobler has no other broadcasting in- terests. Buyer is Princeton businessman with Broadcasting Nov 10 1986 92 .
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