O 3 C3 Tl "sj O ^ -sj V' c? C —« TJ O T i: o t* fp o Easter r» T. <r <r . X? X I T J O "O God, Who on this day has overcome »» cs death and has opened to us the gate of everlasting life through Your only-begot­ ten Son; follow with Your help the desires which You put into our minds and by Your continual assistance give effect to them.” Prayer for Easter Abortion Backers IVlap Underground Reflecting the Old and New at Regis College Defiance of Law «Regist«*r ,Sp«*ciah tional grounds of rape and Dedicated to the honor and uJory of (Jod and to the The student body at the 89-year-old Jesuit school has would do their best to en­ Adv<x:ates of pro-abortion incest - but (Jovernor education of youth . stately Main Hall in the hack- doubled in recent years. I'hysical expansion has included courage j>rognant women legislation have .served no­ Roger Bninigin vetoed the {{round, the modern lines of the Dayton Memorial Library the addition of six major buildings in the past 10 years, who want to get rid of tice they will go under­ measure. at right . reflect the old and the new at Regis college, an investment not only of millions of dollars but of nu)re their unborn babies to ground and defy laws Denver, which offers Catholic private higher education in importance, an investment to provide greater opp<»rluni- STATKS which killed submit to abortions, in jigainst abortion rather the Rocky Mciuntains. The V ery Rev. Richard F. Ryan, ties and facilities for those seeking knowledge and wis pro-abortion proix)sals. at violation of the law. than accept the defeat of president of Regis college since has directed dom in the atmosphere* o f the small college o f liberal arts least fr>r this year, in the He said he aln*ady had proposals to relax the re­ legislatures are Rhode Is­ major developments at the college in his 14-year tenure. and sciences. referred about 300 "women strictions. land. (Jeorgia. Nebraska, in need" to what he called A statement of intent New .Mexico, Arizona, and "the Iw.st medical .sorvice.s.” issued to the pre.ss in New New York. and added: "Let me state York mapfied a large-.scale It was defeat of the bill for the record this service conspiracy to circumvent in New York’s .Assembly will be expanded.” that sta le’s abortion law, that triggered a defiant Gov. liranigin informed and was accompanied by a reaction from the meas­ the Indiana legislature he d tm icr. catholic prediction that the plan ure’s advocates. vetoed the bill it passed for would be the pattern for a three reasons. They were; nation-wide movement. In New York. Law­ Abortion bills have rence Lader announced • "It offends the moral been d e fe a ted in seven formation of a secret p r in c ip le s o f ii la r g e states so'far this year. organization with the proportion of our citi­ Similar legislation was aim of helping "any zens. introduced in more than woman in need” obtain • "It does not, in my 20 states. an abortion. Lader is opinion, provide suffi­ In six states, the pro­ chairman of the citizen’s c ie n t safeguards in the abortion legislation was advisory committee of case of childrc*n under COLORADO’S LARGEST WEEKLY defeated by legislative ac­ the A sso cia tion for the the age of 16 whose tion. Only in Indiana did Study of Abortion. p re gn an c y may he tor- such a measure pass, after Lader’s statement niinat<*d solely because Thursday, March 23, 1967 VOL. LXI No. 33 being amended drastically amounted to a declaration o f age. to authorize only the addi­ that abortion advocates • "Sufficient study has n o t he«>n g iven to the whole urea involved.” Branigin. a Baptist, also said: "I have listened to. and weighed, the many practi­ The Abortion Bill ca l. m edical, and social goals which are thought to By Jack Bacon .stitutions committee. Al­ ize abortion from three to The recess w’as ordered be accomplished I\v this An attempt to add broad though 11 of the com­ five members each. before Shore’s amendment act. I cannot in good con­ new legal grounds for mittee’s 15 members are JU ST before the recess, could be discussed. science afjprove it . ” abortion to Colorado law among the sponsors, the Rep. Dr. Roy Shore. R- During discussion of ran into unexpected delays legislators’ tight schedule Greeley, a Catholic physi­ preceding amendments. LA D E R 'S announcement during the past two weeks delayed final committee cian, introduced an amend­ Shore charged the bill in New York, indicated that may have helped op­ action. ment drafted by the Cath­ "would allow any abor­ pro-abortion physicians ponents prevent passage of The committee conducted olic Lawyers Guild that tion on anybody w’ho would accomplish by sub­ the proposal during the a three-hour public hearing w'ould require that any w’ants one.” He also said terfuge what cannot be current session of the Gen­ on the bill March 9. Its abortion authorized under the language concerning sanctioned by law. He said eral Assembly. first scheduled di.scussion the act be ordered by a appointment of three- "a group of prominent The bill, however, con­ o f the bill, set March 14. district court. The court physician hospital m inisters" soon would tinued to enjoy strong ma­ was postponed until last action would be preceded boards granted latitude announce a "similar croun- jority support in the State Thursday. March 16, but a by a hearing at which that easily could result seling service in abortion” House o f Representatives, late general session of the counsel Nvould represent in hoards who would and predicted "dozens of where 37 of the 6.5 mem­ House resulted in recess of the unborn child to insure "abort anything that’s other groups throughout bers signed it as co-s{x>n- the committee meeting af­ that his legal rights were pregnant.” the country” would join the sors. ter little more than an protected. (Turn to Page 2> underground movement. hour. Meanwhile. Dr. Alan A D V O C A T E S also cla­ Guttmachcr. president of im to have enough supp<)rt THE NEXT scheduled Planned Parenthood Fed­ St. Michael's Church, Calhan in addition to the bill’s 16 committee discussion, eration of America, pre­ co-sponsors in the 35-mem- Tuesday, March 21. aLso dicted hospitals generally her State Senate to push it was postponed — until this Good Friday |would relax their abortion Funds From Drive Helped through the upper cham­ afternoon. Advocates ho)>ed policies, ’’because the com­ ber. the committee could com­ Good Friday, March 24. is a day of fast and total m unity is behind liberal­ A R egister check of sev­ plete its action, and recom­ abstinence from meat. These actions of sacrifice ization. .” « Build Church in Calhan e ra l co-sponsors in the mend passage of the bill, and mortification stand as our personal witness to A cross the nation, in House indicated no likely today. It was understood, the Passion and Death of Jesus Christ. California, a public defense change of position on the however, several amend­ The mission church of eryone, but the dearth of th e top 80 that a new The law of abstinence means that Catholics who fund w-as started for a measure, although there ments were to be pro|x>sed St. Michael’s. Calhan. population made it impos­ church was available. are 14 years of age and older should refrain from group of San Francisco was apparent disparity in committee that probably eating meat and meat products on this day. In ad­ which will he dedicated sible to finance its con­ S M A L L E R places in the doctors charged with un­ among their view’s of the would consume a subst.m- dition. Catholics between the ages of 21 and 59, Monday, April 17, at 5 struction with local funds Archdiocese of Denver as­ professional conduct be­ bill’s efftHTts. tial amount of time. inclusive, should fast. p.m., is one of several alone. sisted by the development cause they performed The bill’s initial progress For controversial legisla­ The law of fast means that those Catholics who which has been aided by drive include Rangely, abortions to prevent pos­ the Archdiocesan Develop­ With the help o f the Ar- was slowed by postpone­ tion, time is a vital factor arc obliged should take only one full (meatless) Meeker, Brush, and Ijovc- ments in the House at this stage o f the session. sible births of deformed ment Fund. chidocesan Development meal on (Jood Friday: they may also take two other children. land. licaith. Welfare, and In- The bill faces a second smaller meals as necessary to maintain strength. St. Michael’s, located in Fund, however, the church This cooperative effort of committee hurdle in the Ash Wednesday and (»ood Friday arc the only- Founders of the de­ the plains area between and hall have been built. the entire Church of the There was $71,930 contri­ House, the influential two days of the Church’s liturgical year on which fense fund for the doc- ^.,imon and Colorado Archdiocese of Denver to Springs, has for many buted by the ADF.
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