Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes University Publications 6-30-1921 Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes 1921-06-30 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bot Repository Citation Bowling Green State University, "Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes 1921-06-30" (1921). Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes. 168. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bot/168 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. 64 Proceedings, Trustees Bowling Green Normal College June 30th, 1921 192 PROGRAM Lovely Spring ------------- Coenen Ladies Glee Club Invocation ------- Dr. G. H. fern Bongs (a) 3i men vers avaient dea ailes ----- Hahn (b) Sunset ------- ----- Russell I ''iss Ethel Light Address --------- .-- Hon. F. G. Blair State .Superintendent of Instruction, Springfield, 111. Only to Thee (Swan Song) --------- Saint-Saens I Ladies Glee Club Presentation of Diplomas Conferring of Degrees Vocal Duet - Passage Bird's Farewell ------ Hildach Misses Light and Rae Benediction GRADUATES, JUNE 16, 1921 DIPLOMA IN ELEMENTARY EDUCATION Stella E. Baker Rose Marie Healy Irene Balis Maude Heap Florence I. Bowman Marguerite Lowry *da M. 3rown Arline Poe Caroline H . Dachsteiner Margaret J. Roberts Dorothy Louiso Dietsch Elisabeth Salathe Lanora Emriclt Thelma Saul I Mary Farquharson Mary Sheahan Angela Fischer Florence Sherbourne Joy Fox Gladys M. Smith Marie H. Franklin Vernota Pauline Stove Alice Gerding Esther Brisbin Weatherbee Marie Wilkey Margaret Atherholt (Diploma 2/4/21) DIPLOMA IN HOME ECONOMICS Esther Ayers DIPLOMA IN INDUSTRIAL ARTS Gurney E. Fry DIPLOMA IN MUSIC Edna Muriel Blue Donna Rae DIPLOMA IN COMMERCIAL EDUCATION Helen Marie Veber I DEGREE BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN EDUCATION Charles 3. Clucas Nellie M. Randall On motion of Brown, seconded by Ganz, the 3oard adjourned to meet at 2:00 P. M. on I June 30th, 1921 WcCTyZX^ Pres. Bowling Green, Ohio, June 30th, 1921 The Board of Trustees met at its office in the Administration Building of the State Normal College with the following members present: Pres. J. E. Shatzel, Vice Pres. J. E. Collins, Sec'y Dr. H. J. Johnston, and D. C. Brown. Dr. Williams, President of the College, was also present. The minutes of the meetings of June 8th, 1921, and June l6th, 1921, were read and approved. 64 Proceedings, Trustees Bowling Green Normal College June 30th, 1921 192 PROGRAM Lovely Spring ------------- Coenen Ladies Glee Club Invocation ------- Dr. G. H. fern Bongs (a) 3i men vers avaient dea ailes ----- Hahn (b) Sunset ------- ----- Russell I ''iss Ethel Light Address --------- .-- Hon. F. G. Blair State .Superintendent of Instruction, Springfield, 111. Only to Thee (Swan Song) --------- Saint-Saens I Ladies Glee Club Presentation of Diplomas Conferring of Degrees Vocal Duet - Passage Bird's Farewell ------ Hildach Misses Light and Rae Benediction GRADUATES, JUNE 16, 1921 DIPLOMA IN ELEMENTARY EDUCATION Stella E. Baker Rose Marie Healy Irene Balis Maude Heap Florence I. Bowman Marguerite Lowry *da M. 3rown Arline Poe Caroline H . Dachsteiner Margaret J. Roberts Dorothy Louiso Dietsch Elisabeth Salathe Lanora Emriclt Thelma Saul I Mary Farquharson Mary Sheahan Angela Fischer Florence Sherbourne Joy Fox Gladys M. Smith Marie H. Franklin Vernota Pauline Stove Alice Gerding Esther Brisbin Weatherbee Marie Wilkey Margaret Atherholt (Diploma 2/4/21) DIPLOMA IN HOME ECONOMICS Esther Ayers DIPLOMA IN INDUSTRIAL ARTS Gurney E. Fry DIPLOMA IN MUSIC Edna Muriel Blue Donna Rae DIPLOMA IN COMMERCIAL EDUCATION Helen Marie Veber I DEGREE BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN EDUCATION Charles 3. Clucas Nellie M. Randall On motion of Brown, seconded by Ganz, the 3oard adjourned to meet at 2:00 P. M. on I June 30th, 1921 WcCTyZX^ Pres. Bowling Green, Ohio, June 30th, 1921 The Board of Trustees met at its office in the Administration Building of the State Normal College with the following members present: Pres. J. E. Shatzel, Vice Pres. J. E. Collins, Sec'y Dr. H. J. Johnston, and D. C. Brown. Dr. Williams, President of the College, was also present. The minutes of the meetings of June 8th, 1921, and June l6th, 1921, were read and approved. m Proceedings, Trustees Bowling Green Normal College June 30. 1921 192 MC MAircs-TBOirr CO., TOLEDO, 0. 2366* Moved by Brown and seconded by Collina that Dr. Williams be authorized to dispose of the old barn in the rear of the Training School Building, or in case a satisfactory sale cannot be made, that he have the building razed and the material stored for future use. Voting aye: Shatzel, Collins, Johnston, Brown. Motion carried. The following communication addressed to L. G. Folts? ft Sons and signed by R. J. Merriam, Architect, was read and the President directed that it be made a part of the record. June 29, 1921 L. G. Foltz ft Sons # 448 Nelson Road I Columbus, Ohio. Gentlemen: Having receired a verbal declaration from your Co's representative at 3owling Green that he has completed the work covered by your contract for Cyclone Damage Repairs, We, as Architect for the Board of Trustees, beg to submit the following statement. We find upon examination of the work that the items herein men- I tioned have not been properly executed. ADMINISTRATION BUILDING. Sash in center andend pavilions are not yet properly equipped as called for. Metal weather strippingfor repaired sash where destroyed by your workmen has not been replaced. The general appearance of the finish of thi3 work should be improved upon. TRAINING SCHOOL BUILDING. Concrete slab for vent duct cap is not in place on North West corner of building. Concrete slabs for vent duct caps are not in place on East center of building. Concrete hood for main vent ducts South and West center of building is not in place. POWER HOUSE North Gabl e Wall which has been replaced is not built in a straight or workmanlike manne r. This wall must be taken down and rebuilt. Roofs over North Wing and Pump room have not been properly repaired. Damaged construe- tion where indicated on plans at East center of North Wing roof has not been repaired. There wil 1 be required approximately 100 lineal feet of flashing to make this work compl ete. Pipe railing for Area-Ways on West Front of Power House, taken down by your workmen during construction of Chimney are to be I replaced. Opening t o Chimney around breeching entrance must be pointed up in a manner to prevent ingress of outside air. The above items cover in a general way the important parts of the work included under your contract for Cyclone Damage Repairs which will re- quire your immediate attention. Upon your notification of completion of the above, we will go over the entire work included under this contract and when found satisfactory, will issue final estimate. In connection with the contract for completing Training School, we find that floors in Entrancesto 3rd floor toilet rooms have been constructed of cement where wood is called for on plans. We, as Architect for the Board, have issu ed no order directing your company to make the above change. We have been informed by marble setters that it required two men fifty-two hours time for cutting reinforced stair construction in order to secure uniform rise to slate steps. In view of the fact, that sub-contractors are held to remedy defects o f this nature, we can see no reason why your company should not work under the same conditions required of sub-contractors employed by you. These floors as constructed will not be accepted. In connection with wood finish in Training School and Connecting Corridor, we wish to call your attention to the manner in which cove moulding has been substituted for window stops. This method of securing sash is not only unsightly but not according to current building practice. Proper beaded I stop moulding must be put in place before acceptance of this work. We request that you inform us with regard to the progress being made by the ornamental iron sub-contractor in furnishing ornamental iron stair landing rail. We wish to suggest that in order to further the progress of the work that you communicate with us relative to any matters pertaining to this con- tract about which you may have any doubt. I Yours truly R. J. Merriam. Dr. Williams presented the following report of the test of water well #4. Apparatus - Through the assistance of Wiggins ft Gillespie a four-inch pipe and pump were secured from the City Water Company and a pumping outfit from Valentine ft Johnson. The latter firm was employed to do the pumping under the supervision of Mr. Wi ggi n s. Test - Well #4 was pumped day and night from June 15 Noon, to June 22 Noon. Two employees of the Normal College, Messrs. Barr and Young were assigned as inspectors and kept an hourly log showing static head, pumping head, rate of pumping, and stops for oiling. 66 Proceedings, Trustees Bowling Green Normal College June 30, 1921 192 Results - At the outset the static head or height of the water was 3 ft. below the surface of the ground. After three hours of pumping the water was lowered to 7 ft. 6 in. where it stood throughout the test. The rate of pumping was 32 gal. per minute which would equal 46,080 gal. per day of twenty-four hours. Effect upon Other Wells - Well #3 located north of #4 wa3 found to sympathize with ?4 to the extent that the water level was reduced 3 ft.
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