AVBBAGB DAILT CSBOULATIOII WEATHER for ttM aioatk of March, 1888 ef D. 8. Weether Bercae, Hartford 6,154 Mamber mi thm AmM ' elondy tonight afoi Friday, BmM of CbeelBtlow not I h change la tompentnre. MANCHESTER -- A CITY OP VILLAGE CHARM VOL. LVn., NO. 166 MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, APRH, 14, 1988 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS A Captain Goes Down With His Shii>—Almost ICC DENIES APPEAL f c PRESIDENT, ASKING FOR FARE INCREASE BILLION, DEPLORES EASTERN ROADS Asked Pem inios To Beod QQ ABANDONS ‘DIVISION BY HATE’ accord HOPES; Dictatorship By IndiTidnal Highlights Of Message Or Group Can Be Created Sw fJS! TO ALONE Washington, April 14.—(AP)—( At thla ImmiMiate time we suf- High spots of President Roose- fer from a failure of consumer de- velt's recovery message: mand. The hoped for re-employment Only By It, He Tells Con- Washington, April 14.—(AP)— Levm Group To Fom Par- There can be no dictatorship by of this spring la not proceeding fast The Interstate Commerce CommlS' an Individual or by a group to thla enough to create an economic up- gress; Proposes 5 BHfions . Sion denied today an application by nation, save through division fos- turn. tered by hate. Such division there the eaatem railroads for permission maoeut Orgauization; To must never be. It is essentia] to our economy Of Federal Spendmg, 2[ to increase passenger coach farea that private funds be put to work from two to two and a half cents Adopt New Nam^ Labor In the western hemisphere the and all of us recognise that such a mile. good neighbor policy has so funds are entitled to a fair profit. Billions More Of Bank^ The commission In its order said Split Is Now Inteosified. strengthened the American Repub- It found the proposed increase not lics Uiat a spiritual unity to our relations now prevails. Can that Let us unanimously recognise the Credit, In His Messagi.1 Justifled. fact that the Federal debt, whether Railroads had estimated the half good neighbor message be accept- It be twenty-flve billions or forty cent increase would have added Washington, AprU 14— (AP) — ed and practised to our national life? billiona, can only be paid If the na- Washington April 14.- 880,000,000 to their revenues. The decision of the C. L O. to form Spray, shortly before the vessel went to the tion obtains a vastly to9reased clU- liie eastern territory in which the a permanent organisation apparent- bottom at (R ^o w , Scotland, after a colllslofi with the liner Cumberland. The skipper waa ready to xen Income. (AP) — President Rooseveltl An the energiea of government increase was sought is bounded on ly locked the door todey agmtnst dive into the Oyde river when » rescue pmty to a motor launch came alongside and aaOed him. proposed today a |7,000,000.- the west by Lake Michigan, Chica- any reunion with the American. Fed- and business must be directed to go, Peoria and Springfleld, HI., St. Increasing the national Income; to We must start again on a long 000 recovery program, em- eratlon,of Labor. steady upward incline to national Louis, Mo., and Cairo, SI. PVom The two embattled factione of putting more people into private bracing $5,000,000,000 of Fed-'I Cairo the southerfa boundary of the Jobs; to give security and the feel- income. organised labor, moat observers eral spending and lending and ? territovy fMlows the Ohio river to ing of security to aU people to all Huntington, W. Va., then extends agreed, win prepare now for qn In- walks of life. Our capacity is llndtod only by a $2,(^,000,000 expansion ofi tenslfled rivalry overshadowing all THE MONROE DOCTRINE RFC IS READY bank credit. eastward to the Norfolk, Va„ ar our ability to work together. What The pasaenger fare application previous struggles, I believe that improvement in Is needed is the will John L. Lewis, who has guided Setting forth to CongreMj originally was part of a r^u est by government and business practices measures by which he said the! the carriers for a 10 per - cent the Committee for Industrial Or- IS REASSERTED BY U. S. TO CO-OPERATE must go hand to hand with recov- Amid the voices which now seek ganisation since its inception in government could “help toj freight rate increase to bolster ery—that they should be, and wjll to divide group from group, occu- dwindling rail revenues and relieve 1936, said his aasocatlon would be, a definite aid to recovery. pation from occupation, section start an upward spiral” and i flnanclal diatress. adopt a new name, but the toltials Pan-American Day 1$ Ob- IN BANK LOANS from section, thtoUng Americana summoning a "unit^ national ’ Freight Boost Granted. ‘C. L O.” would be retained. INSURGENT DRIVE Our immediate task Is to consoli- must inslat on common effort in a will” for a vigorous attack onj Last month the L C C granted Leaders of the 39 affUlated unions date and maintain the gains common endeavor and a common freight rate boosts which, it is esti- vbted yesUiday to bold a conAutu- achieved. faith In each o\her. the recession, Mr. Roosevelt I mated, will return 8175,090,000 ad- Uonal convention, probably to Sep- served With Address By Chairman Jones Asks Fi* told legislators who r e c e n ^ | ditional annually. tember, at - place to be decided PUSHES FORWARD Since then President Roosevelt have dealt stunning defeats to^ later. President O n, Relations nanciers To Tnm Over major administration meas-; has been seeking other means of Jullua Hochman, representing the siding the carriers and only tbi. International Ladies Garment Work- HEADS OF COLLEGE ures: week put the problem up to Con- Between AD The Repubfics SWARH IS CALLED gress *'»—the largest C. L 0. unit—did Only Seren Or Eight Miles Sock Applications As “Our capacity ia limited only,! In ruling on the request for the not vote, saying his union's ezecto by our ability to work togeth*! passenger rate increase, a majority Uve board would have to decide More And Objectire Will They Cannot Now Meet MUCH BOSSED MEN BY ROAD PROBERS er. What is needed is the wllL'- of the commission said th? two-cent whether to go along. The garment Washington, April 14— (AP) — “DivMon by Bate” basic fare “should not be disturbed, workers bad hinted Ahey might drop President Roosevelt declared today "The time hoc come to bring that J especially during a period of bual- out of the C. I. O. If it abandoned the American patlona would not per- Be Reached In S p ak will Into action with every drtvhlg j ness receasion, except on a peraua- ^ o rts to m ake peace with the A. Wa."!htogton. April 14.—(AP)— force at our command. And 1 F. of I* mit peace to the western bemla- RFC Chairman Jesse Dr. McConaughy Says No State Comptroller Appears stve stowing tbait a basic difference pbere- ”to-be endangered from ag- Jones, ready determined to do my share." from the present would result la a Lewis refused to reply to a | greaskm coming from outside." Handays, France, At the Bpanlsb to lend 81.500,000.000 to busincas The Prealdent declared that inibetentlal Increase in net reven- porter's quesUoo on peace pn assB and stetea ssid ■ OAer Ezecutire Hat So h Bridgeport For The wiU to cooperate places ”<m all , ue.” ' Speaking on Pan-American day to Frontier. April 14.—(AP)—The tor- sHlea, aSh US the duty of eeU-reetralnf’ ai._ Reduce DeflcH. (Ootlwgil eg rage Eight) the governing board of the nm - trems flanks at OeAerallaslmo Fran- the nation's bankers today to turn that “there can be no dlctatorah^ i American Unton, the President te- “Such a showing.” the majority co’s Catalonian front advancea slow- over to his corporation the loan ap. Many Gring Him Advice. First Time At A Witness. by aa Individual, or by a group In f added, has not been made. Appli- aaaerted to a -ew wordt the historic this nation save through divutoa* Monroe Doctrine—without naming ly today despite reinforcement of pUoations they can not meet. cants should at once give considera- the government’s aviation arm. "The security put up by borrow- fostered by hate. Such dlvixion tion to such further steps as may be It—and placed It on ah Intcr-Ameri- ers must be reasonable,” he de- Hartford. April 14 —(AP) — "A there must never be.” IR ^D L L QUITS can bssiaM lis speecn was broadcast After a month of almost con- Bridgeport, April 14—(AP)—The necessary to reduce, or eliminate, tinuous flghting the extended Insur- clared, "but naturally we expect to college president has more bosses Merritt Parkway Grand Jury today The chief executive reiterated tn the deflciti from bead-end and Pull- to all American Republics. make loans which the banks con- a meseage read to the House and ' man services.” * Asserting that the 300,000,WN) gent pressing movement seemed probably than any other person in called State (Comptroller Charles Senate, that ''improvement to gov- about to cut Catalonia's lines of sider slow, froxen or unllqutd. The eleven-man eommlaelon divid- STATE W . POST dtlsena of this hemisphere have 'Tn fact, we've already set about the world”. Dr. James L. Mc- C. Swartx before It for ths first time ernment . and buotoess practices ed tlx to live in its deeixion. The oommunica’Jun north and south. the same material for controversy doing that and we're now working Oonaughy, president of Wesleyan since It began Its deUberatioM Jan.
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