~"~~ --. " • nEPR')OUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARChiVE:> . -~ J - r 3 r.~. ':i! Ie, IIIIIT / A l gab ... ..§ ...• 1 ";; Contents .J 0 ..... 2 !!stimony of Paqe ~· : 3 ·5 IIE. Howard Hunt 2 ! I ~ Accompanied by: •........,...... - - 5 Randall Coleman ,........ M M 6 N .....,~ 7 Exhibits < u 8 ~ ~hibit Pave • c:: 9 Runt Exhibit No. 1 3 .....0 .u u 10 CJ Bunt Exhibit No. 2 5 r-! 'r-! 0 u 11 Hunt Exhibit No. l 6 .I ::x: :;) ~...., ( .. 12 Hunt Exhibit No • ... 7 >. ) •a P- I 0 c 13 Exhibit No. S 20 u J Hunt OJ u 14 c:: Hunt Exhibit No. G 48 OJ I, ~ CJ "-f 15 OJ Hunt Exhibit No. 7 62 ~ 18 17 18 .., - 0 Q 0 t\j 19 u c c 20 0 f .~ 21 i: ~ 101/ iii 22 ! ~ 23 ~ ). II. ...2 24 25 18' IIIIIT BEST AVAILABLE COPY II , .. ~ '-~W • ~. Si~ • .rEPR )OUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVL, .. 'IIRIT I .. EXECUTIVE SESSIOM !' .,.:s 1 ... ... ..:::I 2 ~· Saturday, January 10, 1976 ... f· . II ~ ;/ •.....r. United State. Senate, 5 ;1 i r,: Select Committee to Study Governmenta11 .-M 6 , M IN Operations with R.spect t~ I~ 7 1- I 1< Intelligence Activiti•• ,1 'I::) 8 W•• hinqton, ... D.C. I I~ 9 I ~ ....0 The Committee met, pursuant to notic., at 2:50 o'cl~k .&.J CJ 10 c:.I ! ,..; ',..; p.m., at Eqlin Air Force a••• , Fort Walton, Plorida. ~ 0 11 I::) :.1 I:IIilI ::I Pre.ent: Prederick aaron, Prof••• 1oaal St&f~ ~r. ~ .. 12 t-:I "• >-. a Cl. I 13 0 CJ "I QJ CJ 14 ~ QJ H ....QJ 15 ~ 16 17 18 .., Q g g - !" 19 - Ii 0 c" 20 ;.0 c 5 21 i loW 22 '"! ;; 23 .f-= I ..s 24 25 , ,R- .. ,5*#: . P.EPR')DUCED AT THE:: NATIONAL ARCHIVE:> ole'8111ET 2 STATEMENT OF E. HOWARD HUNT 1 ACCOMPANIED BY: RANDALL COLEMAN 2 Mr. Baron. Mr. Hunt, as we were discussing off the record, f f we have to start with some formalities, namely, advilinq you •....... r-.. ! of your rightS • o • 5 ,...., As you surely must know, you hay. & right to counsel and M 6 M N you are ,appearing here with your counsel, Mr. Randall Coleman .....,~ 7 I i ' t)< here. en 8 :x: I Is that correct? I r:: 0 "r"'I Mr. Hunt. That ia correct. ..... I­ U CI.J 0' :: ::t Mr. Baron. Are you alao aware that you have the right i 0 11 u oJ ~ .,t any point to ceas. answering qu•• tiona and consult with your ~ 0( .. 121 .. II Q ~ counsel? Po. C 13 0 I U "i I Mr. Hunt. I am aware of that right. CU 14 I Ur:: CU 1-1 Mr. Baron. Are you further aware that you hav. all of .....CU 151 ~ your con.titutional rights intact before the Ca.mitt•• , includi q 16 17 I your Pifth ~n~nt privilege.? Mr. Bunt. Ye., I'm aware of that. .., lsi c0 I ", Mr. Saroft. Pinally,.s we were di.cus.inq off the ,.." ~ 19 u Q record, we are takinq your t •• timony today in coftteapl&tion ri 20 0 ij, c of haviJlCJ yeu ."..r to ita. .oon po •• ihle after we are 5 2: &. ~• 161 done. There i. no Senator pr•• ent her. today &ad you are iii 22 { i ! ~.. 23 J ~ are anawerinq in, a manner that you con.ider to be not under ~ .. ! 24 4 .. oath at any point that you would like to !l&ke that clear. 25 '8P IIIIIT ·(as St, <:1 ah l ' REPR'JOUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVEJ ..Ie P IIIIIT a 3 § , .. But I would like to get your consent now to anawer que.tion. " 1 '";;" l ...0 in contemplation of swearing to them. ... 2 ~. Mr. Huftt. Yes • f Mr. Baron. Under the rules of the Committee, you have ~ 'I •.....r.. the right to make a preliminary statement and you might alao r.- 5 ,..... i want to make any closing statement that you have at the end M M 6 N of our s~ssion tomorrow. But I see that you have a prepared ....,~ 7 <: statement, and why don't you read that into the record? u 8 ::x:v.l Mr. Hunt. I do. Do you want me to read it into the - 9 p 0 orl J.J record formally or simply pa •• it over? 10 -( cuCJ ,..; - ,..; Mr. Baron. Well, we ean submit it a. an exhibit. ~t'. 0 11 U ! ..I tid :::I mark this statement, which i. he.dad ·Statement by E. Howard ...,J:=c ..c 12 .. • >. Q Hunt," .a Hunt Exhibit 1. c:lc c 13 0 « CJ • cu CJ 14 p CI.I J.f marked a. Hunt Exhibit 1 cu 15 . ~ ~ for idaatiflcatian.) 16 17 " 18 .., g Q g ~ 19 .;'" Q i 20 0 •c 5.. 21 ~ iii iii 22 ! ~ 23 ; w.. I· ! 24 " 25 wi.' IICII,. • qEPR;ouCro AT Tf-'E NATI0NAL ARCI'IVl" ua~ qah 4 '811 IICIEI • Mr. Hunt. And you witnesled my .ignature. I juat ligned 1 L it before you. 2 ~r. Baron. It's signed E. Howard Hunt, January 10, 1976, .:; f : and was just signed in my presence • .;, Because the first subject that I would like to inquire into 5 ' , is your interview with John Crewdson of the New York Times 6 relating to Colonel Boris Pash, may I ask you to read into the 7 record now just as an introduction thia paragraph that relates 8 to that New York Times interview, the paragraph of your 9 preliminary atatement. 10 Thia ia on page 2. 11 ,,J Mr. Hunt. I read from my prepared statement'on page 2. ..c 12 • C It is the first full paraqraph on that paqe. I: C 13 J "In December, 1975, John Crewdaon of the New York Tim •• 14 interviewed me in pri.on. He ••ked if I knew .nything about 15 'CIA a ••••• in.tion capabilitie.,' and I rel.ted to ht. my 16 encou~ter with Colonel 8or1. ~. ' ••h. Kr. Crewd.on then 17 inquired wbtIthu: the Church C~tt.e had interviewed lIle. 18 .., Cl ~ . g I re.ponded in terms of the foreqoing noting that I vould have .... 19 Ii ci c· 20 o ~ publicised oppottunity. My interview .1th Mr. Crewelaon. v.a 5 21 ~ w.i 22 published and shortly thereafter ., .tto~ey v.. contacted \Ii i 23 by. r.pr••• ntative ot the C~tta •• ·, ~ i II. Mr. Baron. I th1nk the pl.ce to start i. I'd like to t. ~ 24 " 25 give you a fairly open-.nded chance to PUt an this rHord the TOp 11111' _. -....... gah 5' I1EPR,)DUCED AT THE NATIONAL .... RCHIVE:> ,'811 111111. 5 I •... .~e story that you gave to John Crewdaon and why don't we •on 1 ;; Q II(.. first introduce the Crewdson story as Exhibit ~, which is • 2 \ ~ •l:: ... ',entitled "Hunt Says CIA Had Assaa.in Unit," and ia dated :;l f : December 26, 1975. 41 •........r. (The document referred to . - 5 ! ,.... M was marked for id.ntificati~ M N as Hun~ Exhibit No.2.> .....,~ ? <U =til 8 9 0 "1"4= .u U 10 CI.I N ': .-4 0 U 11 loJ ~ ...,~ ..I( 12 .. >. •Q ~ C 0 c 13 u I Q,I u 14 OJ= ~ .G,I ~ 15 ~ 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 .'IIIRII ':,,~;r•• __ ..... , .I1EPR')oUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVE.; 91h 6 § .. Mr. Baron. Why don't you give me an account in your •on 1 ~ L ...Q own words now of this allegation that there was a small ... 2 ci II unit set up to arrange for the assassination of suspected ! double agents at the CIA, 'which was headed by Boris Pash . •........ .,-;... Mr. Hunt. Very well. I will have to go back considerably .. 5 ,...., M , in time to the period in 1954 and early 1955 when I Will. ill M 6 N g staff officer of the Southeast European Division of the Central ....., 7 <: u Intelligence Agency. Vl :;I: 8 My title was Chief of Political and Psychological Warfare ~ 9 0 >M 4.J for Southeast Europe. As such, I had a, staff r.spon.ibility tJ CJ 10 M ~ , :M 0 to the Chief of the Division for all political And P.YChOlOgiCa~ U 11 .I ! • :::I warfare matter. that involved the followin~ countri.s: ~ 0( I L 12 '".. II >. Q Po. c Albania, Rumania, Greece, Yugoslavia, Trie.ta, and Bulgaria. 0 0( 13 tJ I CJ I have a rough sketch of the divi.ion organization at tJ ~ 14 CJ J..I CJ that time, and I don t t MOW if you want to JUte an exhibit of 4-4 15 CJ p::\ it, but it'. at l •• st something that we can reter to for 16 clarificatioa purpo •••• 17 Mr. Baron. I thinJt this i. helpful and why don't ve, 18 '"I 0 0 with your parmi •• ion, introduce aa Exhibit 3 and then Exhibit ~ Q /'oj 19 ~ C 4 tM two charta that you have prepared. ri 20 Q iio c Exhibit 3 Would be headed "SE diviaioft.- i.. 21 !: I..i Mr. Hunt. Table ot orqaniz.tioa ia what it ia. vi 22 ! (The d.cu.ent referred to v •• W; 23 .- w. marked for identification •• l ...2 24 Hunt Exhibit No.3) 25 ,. J 'iJ;ut _~EPR,)DUCED AT THE NATIONAL AHCHIVEJ 981\ 7 lar 11111" § • Mr. Baron. And Exhibit 4 ia headed PB Se.ff, and JI •.ro 1 ~ l 0... stAnds tor -- • 2 .t· Mr. Runt. Political and Psychological • ~ € . Mr.
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