FORiJlAT I Office of the Deputy Conservator of Forests, Socia I F(:res try Division, Van Bhavan, Gangesh wa r Mahadev Road, Opp. D-Mart, Adaj an, Surat 395-009 Email. [email protected] Phone No.: 0261 2733831 ~~~Tt_ ..~d:!!!!cf!!!!,s~u~r....aa"",i~1!!!!"t~@C~!!!!,g~~n~O~..,.~!!!!,~l,_I1~!!!!,l,~,~~,!!!!,!!!!~~r-~'a"""x~N~'"!!,o!!!!,, !!!!': ~0~2!!!!,6!!!!,1!!!!,2!!!!!7,!!!!!3~3~8~3~1~~~~ NO.B/Land/T-9' 12016-17 Dt. J) / OS/20]6 -tc I .- C Lt To, The Director (Policy & Corporate Affairs & HR & Admin.) Gujarat Gas Limited 9 th floor, Avdhesh House, Shri Govind Gurudwara, S.G.Highway, Ahmedabad-380054 Gujarat Sub. Diversion of 2.2601 Ha. Protected Fore .t land for laying of underground gas pipe!ines in ta/uka Chorasi, Bardo/i, Kamrej and Surat Cit:' in Surat district and Va/od and Vyara Taluka of Tapi District in favour of Gujarat Gas Limited, 3andhinagar, Gujarat Ref. 1. Government of Gujarat, Forest & En-rironrnent Department Letter No. FCAl1 015/1 0'/3 115/SF- 83/F(I), or 04/02/2016. 2. Government of Gujarat, Forest & En /ironrnent Department Letter No. FCA/1 015/1 0'13 115/SF- 83/F, Dt. 03/05/2016. 3. Director (Policy & Corporate Affair: & HF~ & Adrnin.), Gujarat Gas Limited, Gandhinaqar's Letter No. GGCL/PCAISurat-Tapi/Pf 12014/01 dtd. 06.10.2014 Sir, / am directed to invite a reference '.) your letter no. GGCL/PCAISurat-Tapi/PF/2014/01 dtd. 0610.2014 on the above mentioned subject seE <ing prior approval of the Government under Section-2 of the Forest (Conservation) Act 1980 as per following. §:JRAT Length 51. Particulars I Details for la ing Along & in Project No. Crossing Forest (Meter) Palsana- 1 Kharvasa-Dindoli r--- Dindoli 2 Vaktana-Lajpore Canal Top on Ex 125 mm GGCL Gas 3 r--- Village Top on M1 @ Ch: 728.84m to 4 Talangpore s r--- f-Village ---- Top on M1 @ Ch 728.84m to ~ 5 Vii/age -------_.- -- D:\DCF_11 \ T-ll \FCA\DCF Perrnissionvl orrnat-l-Principal Appr oval.docx .' '. :.' •... ::r..«: :':._•.:-:."...:_..::.:._'!. .....;.j:.,;":~':':':.:-:.~'-,t.":'-_...:.~_•:'.-'~.:'."_" :"'.~. __ .. _ ioo ,_.,_, ._ .~$~}- .'" . i#ft Top on M1 @ Ch 1095.92m to Jlahya Vanshi 6 8.24 0.375 0.0003 Mohallo -~- 8 Kansad Sachin to Kansad Village 604.47 0.375 0.0227 --- - 9 Bardoli Pipeline Route (LHS) r---- 340000 0.375 0.1275 _ 10 Bardoli Pipeline Route (RHS) r---- Bardoli 340000 0.375 01275 -_ 11 Dom Bardoli Pipeline Route 35.00 0.375 00013 f--- -- 12 Bardoli Pipeline Route 35.00 0.375 0.0013 Kamrej- 13 Navagam- Kamrej Pipeline Route Towards Khadsad 1100.00 0.969 0.1066 Kolwad Saniya- 14 Saniya Hemad Pipeline Route 560.00 0.375 0.0210 Hemad DPRC 15 DPRC Nr. Glamour pipeline rou 3 360.00 0.375 0.0135 2014 .- UM Road 16 to Godhod Udhna-Magdalla Road Crossinc 35.00 0.969 0.0034 Road Bardoli lam-lam CNG station 1) Surat District 17 849,18 0.657 0.0558 boundry f--- Bardoli lam-lam CNG station L) Surat District 18 56.00 1.219 0.0068 boundry f--- Bardoli Zarn-Zarn CNG station 1 ) Su rat District 19 705.16 0.657 0.0463 boundry r---- -r---··-- Bardoli lam-lam CNG station 1) Surat District 20 19.94 0.657 0.0013 boundry r---- Bardoli - ._- --- Bardoli lam-lam CNG station t ) Surat District 21 Valod- 9735.05 0.657 0.6398 boundry r---- Vyara -_. From TOP (on M1 @ 10339.17 sardoli lam-lam 22 CNG station to Surat District bo mdry) to Village 2679 0.657 0.0018 Vankaner I--- -_. -----_. From TOP (on M1 @ 13446 Ba doli Zam-lam 23 CNG station to Surat District be mdry) to Village 2.51 0.657 0.0002 Shikher TOTAL - Surat [, 5t. 25131.88 13.026 1.4328 -- J - ROUI Total Length Width Area ir in SI. Particulars I Details for la~ .nq Along & in Fares Project Forest Forest No. Crossing land (Meter) Land (Hecto (m) _._ 3hikar Village to From Tapi District boundry near 9677.52 0.657 0.636 1 Bardoli- causeway on E.SH-5 Valod- - - Vyara ON NH-6 in Vyara Town 1815.74 0,657 0.119' 2 -~ Bardoli- Old NH-6 crossing near Bajipurs (From Top on Valod- 60 1.219 0.001'3 3 M1 @ CH:26.243km to village 6 uipura) Vyara -_ .. Bardell- Old NH-6 crossing near Bajipurz (From Top on Valod- 60 1.219 0.001' 4 M1 @ CH:26 243km to village B ijipura) Vyara -- \ D:\DCF_11\ T-ll \FCA\DCF Permission\Formal-I-Principal Appr oval.docs Bardoli- New NH-6 crossing near Bajipur : (Fr om Top on Valod- 60 1.219 00073 5 M 1 @ CH 26 243km to village B, raj Vyara ~'Jipu T( ;,TAL - Tapi Dist. 11673.26 4.972 0.7773 GRAND TOTAL - S Jrat & Tapi Dist. 36805.14 6.275 2.2601 Government of Gujarat, Forest & Environment Department, Gandhinagar vide its circular mentioned under Reference has delegated powers under "Ceru'ral Approval" to the concerned divisional forests officer to grant approval under forest (Conservation) act. 198C for laying of underground optical fibre cables, telephone lines, drinking water, electric lines, CNG/PNG pipeline and Petroleum pipeline along the roads withi n existing right of way not falling in National Parks and Wildlife sanctuaries, without felling of trees, where the maximum size of the trench is not more than 2.00 meter depth and 1 00 meter width subject to certain conditions AND whereas the user agency while applyinq and through the documents submitted has confirmed that its FCA proposal falls along the roads within existing right of way not falling in National Parks and Wildlife sanctuaries without felling of trees, where the maximum size of the trench is not more than 2 00 meter depth and 1 00 meter width and hence fulfils all the above specified conditions and eligibility, as laid down in circular mentioned at ref (1) and falls under the category of proposal eligible for "general approval". AND whereas having verified on the site that above facts are correct and fulfils the above specific conditions of "general approval" the following order i~,Issued In view of the above the undersigned IS pledsed to convey its "in principle" approval for di version of 2.2601 Ha. of Protected Forest Land in Surat & Tapi Jlstrict subject to the following conditions' 1. The permission is granted only for use of the torest land for the purpose specified in the proposal. The legal status of the forest land shall remain unci anged. 2. Tile cost of NPV Registration Fees, Processir.j Fees etc. as per Demand Note attached herewith shall be deposited in advance with the Forest Depa tment by the project authority 3. Tile User Agencies shall generate challan thrcugh OSMFWC portal before making payment for Stage-II Clearance process. All the fund shall be depos ted through OSMFWC portal by the User Agency. 4. In future if any amount regarding Net prese it Value (NPV) of Compensatory Afforestation (CA) IS required the user agency is bounded to pay in .avour of Deputy Conservator of Forest. 5. The forest land shall not be used for any purprse other than that specified in the FCA proposal. 6. Tile user agency will have to obtain perrnissici from tile undersigned for carrying out any maintenance works in future. 7. The user agency will have to make good the i xest land after use I maintenance work. No tree shall be cut. 8. The user agency will be liable to make good a y loss to Forests I Environment caused due to the use of the said land by the user agency 9. The user agency will seek permission from tl 2 Road & Building Department I Science & Technoiogy Dept. Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar if required so 10. The line will be laid underground in a trench of depth of 1.65 meters and width of 65 crn in between rows of road side plantation D:\DCF_11 \ T-ll \FCA\DCF Permission\Format-I-PrincAppripaloval.dor» -....'-. ',:' ,:':;r.'_ j~ -. '.-'-."" _\_,. ,,", . '.A.;:;.;r.;,-.i ~;;,.. ~';'·}0'.~.·:;~' ·<:-·;2'".;.:".~':J~~.':,'.o':'::";:';.;:j~~_'-;:'?>:":-"".~'., j' - - ", 5 , ·"C'. .... 3 . r 'hMPi,,· --fiia . ,- mo' .c, nritti r'r-·~bt#':~W· 'p UN' 11. The User Agency shall submit the details reg Ijill() compliance of MoEF's guideline dated 0308 20ml and 05.02.2013 with regard to the Scheduleri Tribe & Other Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006 12 The additional conditions under chapter-5 of F:orest (Conservation) Act 1980 shall be applicable to this proposal as the Government of Gujarat's Reso'ution No FCA-1 013/11-1 0/11 /SF-24/F Dated 12.06.2015 The user agency shall comply additional condi ion as per the aforementioned resolution. 13. Any other condition which the Nodal Officer ( :CA) I the State Government may stipulate from time to time. After receipt of the compliance report on the fulfillment of condition no (2) (3) (5) & (12) mentioned above from you, order of formal approval will be ISSU !d by this Department Copy Submitted to: The Principle Secretary, Foress & Environment Department, Gujarat State, Gandhinagar Copy Submitted to : Additional Principle Chief Conss 'vator of Forests land, Gujarat State, Gandhinagar Copy Submitted to : Conservator of Forests, Bbaruc!' SOCialForest Circle, Bharuch D:\DCF _11 \ T-11 \FCA\DCF Permission\Format-I-PrincipalApproval.doc- . _':;:ji'- ~,;: ' .. ' ,,:..
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