r .W PAeiC P0tTRTf5EI» FRiDAr, mARcn s, 1944 \ '' the W fHther Manchester Evening Herald Average Daily ClrcalatfaHi Foraaaat oi u. s. Wuitber Bureau Kp# the Mouth of Febranvy. 1944 'I Sunset Council. Degree of Poca­ ion, Hartford, and received his thp. fact that so many American- Light wow tonight; -deurtaig hontas, will hold its regular meet­ basic air training at Jefferson bar­ -bbrn .sona of Italian parents - are Snnday morning wim fhlr weather About Town ing Monday evening at 8 o'clock Soon to Rate racks, St. Louis, Mo., his C.T.^ Church Group fighting in the plaCes where their In afteiraoon; epatmiMil cold to- at the Ztpaer clubhouse. A com- training at Akron Univeralby,-and fathers - and mothers came f iom. !'$ SELF SERVE BlehiW of the' Audit ,nlgiit and mlttee from the Council has set As Army Pilot prc-fltght training at San.Ahtonfo Hears Lecture \ The next meeting of the League, 'BardM ut Clrculatlona Curing th®iJO?<b •. m. worship the date of Marbh 18 for a food (Texas) AvidCion Cadet' Training the first Thursday of April, will TheOriginal In New Englandt Manchester— A ipU ^ of Village Charm service iiuNming. St Bnawi* sale to be held at Hale's store. Conte^.^'Hc is sootf to graduate beheld at the^ Home of Mrs. Nel- net shurob the .olticlal as ,,an Army pilot at the A*’*by "ijoir'S. Smith, 65 Middle Turnpike' K ’- ot burolnr the church Ernest S. Taggart, For­ Primary Cadet Training Center, Rev. Philip M. Ruh« iFOVRTEEN PAGES) p r ic e ruR E E c e n t s Miss June Brlcker of the Con­ 'East.V ’ ^ AND HEALTH MARKET VOL. LXIJI., NO. 131 (ClaaaUkBd Adverthteg au Page IS) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MARCH 4, 1944 <:^rtgsge will take. p l^. with necticut Food and Dairy Council mer Member of Kilties, Colemgn Field, tableman'.' Texas. Gives an Informative Several of the membcrs'''worked _________ ____ _________ ■ '■Toetabtra of the ori^lniu building will be the guest spenker^^iat the Although close bo the age limit -oh gowns,for;,the vested choir yes- committes and representatives of Is to Grafluate. for Army'Air,.fjadet training. Ca­ Talk Aboi^t Italy. tervlay, '^V ' ' 3 : meeting of the Professional Wom­ det, Taggart persisted and ’.firtally the present.Alard of AdnUnlstra^ en's club, Tuesd^ evening, March tion aaaiatliig with the cercmonj^. The Manchester Pipe Band. the. was selected from the Infantry for About thirty members of the I y Two *6 ^ojotibn' Crashes in Mairiand 7, at the home of Mrs. Stuart Q. air corps training. s : Segar, 118 Main street. •’KlltieH," is well represented in Second Congregational Wo,mani's Charles Turner of Hartford, slhe service. Today comes news In a letter to his lormer buddies League for Service attended., the ARMOUR’S STAR HAM> Three Sm all well known business executive that Aviation Cadet Ernest- S. In the State Guard, Cadet Tag­ Lenten luncheon-meeting yester­ and la3rman who has frequently Seaman 2-c Willianr' Stephen Taggart, of South WUllhgton, gart. whdvwas a sergeant In Com­ day at the church. Mrs. Charles J. NOTICB1 Shank, 33c lb. Butt,'-35c lb. occupied pulpits 'n "this end other Leister has completed his boot former member of the Manchester pany 1. wrote that the training he Strickland and her group -Of wom­ towns on Laymen’s Sunday, will training at Samp.son, N. Y^-'and Pipe BiuiU and one Of the best received in his two years In the en workers were in .charge. THE OFiFIi Smoked '^r^ttacks Failiir^s;^ be the guest speaker at the sec­ is spcncUng a 15 day leave with drummers the corps ever turned State Guard was extremely help­ Rev. Philip M.- Rose of the DR. D. ond of the Lenten services, Wed­ his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen out. iS well bn his way to becom­ ful to him ' In his cadet training, Bucking hA in Congregational Shoulders H.^29c an nesday evening of next week at 1-etirter of Florence street. ing an Army pilot, and his broth­ and urged any local young men church who liyed for a number of CALDWELL the Second Ooi^fivgatlonal church er-,' Joseph Taggart, also' a tenor interested In entering the Army years in Italy, gave an informa­ Sunlight Blast^^ R a il L iiie s The Everyman's Bible class ol Chapman Court, Order of Arp- drummer of the band, is now “t Air Corps to serVe a period in the tive talk In regard to that coiin- WILL BE this church rates Mr. Turner a< aranth will hold ita regular pK'ct- (irccnslxjro, N. C-. for Air Cadet State Guard. try and its people, under the title one of its most popular speakers- Ing this evening,- following the training. Cailct Taggart soloed on Feb. "Hillsides of Italy." He distributT CLOSEIT SI iced Bacon 3 So Germans Continue to Mrs. David Bennett, organist of chicken pie supper at B:30 in the Cadel.,Taggart, who now resides 2."> and after a few more weeks ot ed numerous pictures of Bcertic UNTIL .MAR. 2:»TH Free Press orts the North Methodist church, will banquet hall. After the business In South Willington, entered the primary training will, gc to anoth­ places which added to the Interest, Stab Weakly at Al­ ■ play for the song service. session there will be card games, Army Air Cadet Corps from Com­ er soutnwestern for advanced and listed many of the towns and Pure Lardi.b.pk,.18c lied Lines on Beach- With prizes for the winners, pany I, State .Guard, 2nd Battal- training. cities in that theater of war, apd Sunsweet Nat Backed Bombers Cross Channer Royal Black Preceptory No. 13 Head; Unfavorable Germans Set War Gets will hold its monthly meeting In 111 Tremendous Protes* Orange hall this evening at eight Trune Juice qi. 29e Weather Cfirtails By Cithens sjon; Powerfully Es> o’clock All members are asked io Narva Afire; On Nerves be present. Ground Operations. sorted by Fighters: Limited Survey Reveals airl Scotit Troop No. 9 o'f the Apple Juice n lSc Allied Headquarters, Na­ Reds Nearer Of Ireland Approach Under Cov* South Methodist church will omit ples, March 4.—(i<P)—Three Only Half of People er of Clouds, But Eu* Ita meeting Monday, March 6. Treraler small German attacks against Understand and Be­ Russians Smash Way In­ Wild Shots Fired 10 gage in Fierce Com* The Beethoven Olee Oub will the beachhead below Rome lieve in Press Stand. hold a special rehearsal at the Tomdto Juice ' PL 11c were smashed yesterday and to Outskirts of' Bal­ Days Ago by Drink- hats Near Targets. Concordia Lutheran church this Thursday as the Nazis con­ tic Gateway City of Befutldled Allied Sol- evening at eight o’clock. Director All Kind$ of Fancy String Beans, tinued to stab weakly at Ihe New York, March 4—(JF)—Only London, March 4.—(/P)— Fred E. Wemer requests that all Allied lines after the failure half the people had a reasonable Pskov; Near Railway. flier Bring Jitters. Strong forces of heavy Amer­ members be present as the club is imdersUnding of and belief li; bo give a concert Sunday evening ^ Wai^ and Green Beans of their latest all-out offen­ ican bombers struck at tar- In Rockville. sive, headquarters announced to­ free press a recent but limited London, March 4.—(ff)—Russian London, March 4—(JF)—, The getfi in Germany today, U. S New Spring ____^ No Points. day. A dusk assault against newspaper survey of men and troops have smashed their way in­ war is .{leginning to get on Eire's headquarters announced, anc American troops along'^the Clster- women in seven cities has dis- to the outskirts of the Balttq^gate­ neutral nerves. the Berlin radio, said thal Taylor na-Montello road Thursday was cloised. TAIX CEDARS beaten back by artillery fire and way city of Pskov from the east, It was reported in London to­ some American bombers hac three tanks were destroyed. The Bulletw, publication of the Moscow announced today, and un­ day that a few wild shots fired 10/ reached Berlin. The raid ot Sweet Potatoes American Society of Newspaper official Soviet reports said the B I H 6 O Sl^rt Coats No Points. I* Strong Patrols Dispersed Editors, started the inquiry in Wil­ days ago by a drink-befuddled r.ci lin by heavy Americat Two strong enemy patrols prob­ mington, Del., where It has its of- Germans have put the torch to the Allied soldier who crossed the bombers, if confirmed by U. S TONIGHT In Lovely Pastel Colors. ing British positions around Car- fit;e and found results so unex­ ancient Estonian fortress town of border from Northern Ireland,Into headquarters, would be the firsi roceto were dispersed and infil­ pected that it Induced editors in Narva as the Soviets lunge near­ Eire brought on a case of /inva­ of the war by the giant craft. ORANGE HALL Boxy Styles. Suga^Hearf Peas tration attempts in the Moletta six pthei places to have their re­ er. sion jitters. / Powerful Fighter Escort river area also failed. porters question a aozen people at Red Army units now hold posi­ The Daily Express, quoting trav­ The American announcement Some With Velvet Collars. No. 2 Can Falrmount Unfavorable weather curtailed random. tions in the environs of Pskov ellers. said the Eire army was said that the four-engined craft ground operations on all the' Although fewer than a hundred from two directions even before ordered on a five-day ‘-'stand to ’ fronts, a communique said, with, replies were analyzed, the aimi- Firemen extinguish flames In the wreckage of a two-engine B-28 Marauder plane after It yesterday’s advance they had thundering into Germany for Uw crashed in a wooded atca^ a mile short of an open field at Tuxedo, Md.) killing two men.
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