R e p o rScott t Hanna, editor Summer 2010 review of proposals for research sessions. (The deadline From the Podium of submissions is November 1.) The conference will include discussions on CBDNA’s evolving relationship I have been thinking about the relationship be- with educational issues. tween our national organization and its members. Elisabeth Charles and Barbara Lambrecht are Albert Einstein’s The World As I See It, begins putting together the Small College Intercollegiate with a quote attributed to Friedrich Nietzsche: “Only band. I am pleased that our colleague Lowell Graham individuals can have a sense of responsibility.” The has agreed to conduct the SCIB. Jim Latten’s summer quote seemed to complement my favorite cartoon, which efforts have produced a flurry of interest and activity shows a CEO at the Christmas party punch bowl with his from CBDNA members (and potential members) who arm around the shoulder of an employee, saying, “Frank, work in small colleges and universities. you are such a valuable employee. I don’t know what this company would do without you…or somebody just As you know from my emails, I was to have like you.” Nietzsche’s sentiment disallows that CBDNA, gone to Florida A & M University in October to present as an organization, could have a sense of or mandate to William Foster with the CBDNA Lifetime Achievement responsibility. CBDNA commitments and actions in Award (he was the fifth person to receive this rare dis- the areas of education, inclusiveness, artistry, expansion tinction). Past-president Foster passed away before that of knowledge, and new initiatives reflect the ideals and could happen. It is some comfort that he knew of the commitments of its individual members. And while I award in December of 2009, and knew that it reflected embrace an institution that has a place and purpose for CBDNA’s respect and admiration for him and his life’s every member, I would hate to think that CBDNA’s work. I regret we waited just a bit too long. A diligent needs are so generic that they require “somebody just review would have identified him as a prime candidate like you” as opposed to “you.” for this award a long time ago. Most of us want to be involved in the newest I will establish a new CBDNA committee, the thing, the pioneering research, the cutting-edge study, CBDNA Distinguished Service Review Committee. the out-in-front task force. Indeed, CBDNA is tackling This committee will be charged to meet annually to some new and big issues, through the sustained efforts review the credentials of CBDNA colleagues and oth- of its individuals. This summer, members of Past-presi- ers to identify those whose achievements are worthy dent Bill Wakefield’s pioneering CBDNA Task Force on of recognition. I will discuss with the National Board Music Education, chaired by Dick Floyd, collaborated whether this committee should replace the Lifetime with Craig Kirchhoff to produce the first of six annual Achievement Award with something less “temporal” CBDNA/ Music Education Symposiums. The event was (my concern is that the LAA necessarily suggests that a hosted by the University of Minnesota and was part of recipient need have completed much of his or her life!). their Art of Wind Band Teaching Symposium. Paula Holcomb has accepted my request to serve as the The annual CBDNA National Collegiate March- chair of this committee. ing and Athletic Band Symposium (July 2010) was hosted by Greg Byrne at the University of Louisville. CBDNA needs you, not “somebody just like John Madden and Eric Rombach-Kendall called on that you” to help plan our future directions. assembly to support CBDNA’s educational initiatives. (continued on Page 2) The result was the CBDNA Athletic Band Directors Statement on Music Education, which acknowledges the importance of comprehensive musical training and con- In This Issue: cert band to the high school marching band experience. That statement can be viewed in the Music Education From the Podium ............................... 1 - 2 folder on the CBDNA website. Recordings ........................................ 2 National Conference Tim Salzman and his staff at the University of Wash- Commissions and Premieres ............. 2 - 4 ington have been working diligently to produce an in- teresting and worthy national conference (March 23-26, Programs ........................................... 5 - 16 2011). Mike Votta is coordinating the collection and 2 - RECORDINGS/COMMISSIONS AND PREMIERES SUMMER 2010 All of these committees, task forces, research Century Fox) and Miss Nobody (Miss Nobody Produc- projects, and conferences need to be housed in an insti- tions). His symphonic concert band piece The Valley of tution that can support a diverse collection of activities the Dry Bones received honorable mention in the 2008 and the longitudinal focus required to sustain endeavors ASCAP/CBDNA Frederick Fennell competition. over several changes of administrations. In a letter to Samuel Kercheval, Thomas Jefferson wrote: Bartz offers the following regarding Tall Tales: Pecos “I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws Bill: and constitutions, but laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human Tall tales have always captivated me. As a composer mind. As that becomes more developed, more it only seemed obvious that someday I would attempt enlightened, as discoveries are made, new truths to retell a few of these treasured stories through music. discussed and manner and opinions change…in- Extremely dynamic, rich in color, and instantly acces- stitutions must advance also to keep pace with the sible, they seemed to have an inherent musical quality time.” (July 12, 1810) to them. Originally conceived as entertainment or outra- The CBDNA Constitution can be amended only geous campfire stories, there’s nothing remotely subtle by action at the National Convention, followed by a about them. Exaggeration was key in chronicling the vote of the membership. I and my colleagues on the extraordinary events of some of American folklore’s National Board will review the activities of CBDNA most beloved and timeless individuals. I thought that the and its standing constitution. We intend to keep our best way to capture these larger‐than‐life characters institutional documents and procedures in line with the musically would be to take the same route ‐ splashes pioneering works of CBDNA members. of color, exaggerated nuance markings, and easily whistleable tunes. Have a wonderful year. Tom Duffy, President When Dr. Timothy Oliver, director of the Arkansas State University Wind Ensemble approached me to write a piece to be premiered at the 2010 CBDNA Southwestern Recordings Conference, I immediately recalled a character from In October-November 2009, the Oklahoma City Uni- a tall tale I’d read as a child. Pecos Bill, the ultimate versity Wind Philharmonic recorded six works by Dr. cowboy, is the embodiment of superlatives: strongest, Martin Mailman, father of conductor Matthew Mailman. meanest, toughest, greatest. I attempted to capture the Works recorded included Geometrics No. 1, Op. 22; spirit of Pecos Bill during the great American expan- Alarums, Op. 27; Geometrics in Sound (No. 2), Op. 29; sion into the Southwest – his days on the wild frontier, Liturgical Music, Op. 33; The Jewel in the Crown, Op. his encounter with his love interest Slue-foot Sue, and 78; and Pledges, Op. 98. These definitive recordings of course his legendary ability to lasso, ride and tame of these important works are available through stream- tornadoes. I thought a rip-roarin’ account of some of ing at the Bass School of Music website (www.okcu. these adventures could be a lot of fun for both the musi- edu/music). For all questions regarding the availability cians and the audience and would be the perfect way to of music and recordings of works of Martin Mailman, inaugurate a larger multimovement work. contact Matthew Mailman or visit www.martinmail- man.com. Art(isms) Randall Standridge Commissions and Premieres In addition to his work as a composer, Randall Stan- dridge is the Director of Bands at Harrisburg Public Commissioned Works by Arkansas State University Schools in Harrisburg, AR. Standridge holds B.M.E and M.M. in Composition degrees from Arkansas State Tall Tales: Pecos Bill University, where he studied composition with Tom Jonathan Bartz O’Connor and Tim Crist. Standridge has successfully fulfilled many commissions and has works published Jonathan Bartz is a concert and film composer currently by Jon Ross Music, Grand Mesa Music, Twin Towers residing in Los Angeles, CA. He studied composition Music Publications, and Northeastern Music Publica- with Timothy Mahr and Justin Merritt at St. Olaf College tions. and then attended the University of Southern California’s graduate program in Scoring for Motion Pictures and Regarding Art(isms), Standridge offers the following: Television. Jonathan recently received two new concert band commissions and also earned orchestration credit Art(isms) is a suite for concert band in three movements. on two major motion pictures: Alien’s in the Attic (20th Each movement is inspired by a different style of paint- 3 - COMMISSIONS AND PREMIERES SUMMER 2010 ing, drawing from a particular “ism.” Three Percussion, Black River Concerto for Violin, Percussion and Orchestra, Turns for Violoncello and Movement I - Pointalism is inspired by the technique that Orchestra, Triptych for Trumpet and Orchestra, Three pointalists use to create their works. The notes flow like Portraits for Tuba and Chamber Orchestra, Simple dots from a painter’s brush to create the entire picture. Lives and Monument for Orchestra, The War Prayer, This movement is not inspired by any particular painting a cantata based on a poem by Mark Twain of the same or painter, just the relentless concentration and energy name, and numerous chamber works for members of that an artist must employ in this technique.
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