v Contents Bditor's an (Our grant didn't happen but it Jlooks like we might get funded for a Bob Patrick demo. uly meeting tlHot weather didn't put a Odu*p., on the tblks who made it to our July event. temher QTables, chairs, tableclothes and Page 6 meeting Oribs made this one of BAM's best ever meetings. ABANA news 1 0 i:: ;il:*lfitffi ?::l,Ti: W PB@@F and we couldn't agree more. fs sT '5l\,rua[ /4 t z't,4 Bulletin boa q) 1 2 H:i:l'"11,,,1 I i"#!i a>NL P,pe b 7 B(F, we've got it here. ""; - Don's center chisel 1 3 il,T'^Iil L? .i:Y,ililX chisel works. "ffi Page 19 Gargoyle feet 1 4 )ff I ;:,?:?: J.,"8? f;:.?: you do. Here's how to do it. Patrick firepot 1 9 ffi ll;i :ffiiil, Y:,",,"i:; not to crack. notes Shop 2 0 f,::*i,';'f ii:flLff t Jl; newsletter and elsewhere. ext I I lt's back to Sparta, lll. for meeting LJ*" November meeting U which is Dec. 5 at Ken Markley's. Page 20 NEWSLETTER of the BLACKSMITHS ASSOCIATION OF MISSOURI HM Membership Apptication Name: Address: City: State: Phone: ( ) zip: July-August 1998 fl New Member E Renewal Volume 15 No. 4 How did you learn about BAM? Our cover: Michael Saari was one of the demonstrators at the Asheville Conference. He will bring his traditional style of forg- ing to the 1999 Ozark Conference Do you need any tools? in May. Editor Jim McCarty Memberships are for one year from receipt of dues. Dues are $20, which includes a subscription to the bimonthly Contributing Editors newsletter. Please make checks payable to Black- Bob Alexander BAM Maurice Ellis smith Association of Missouri. Stephen McGehee Don Nichols Del O'Rear Mailing Labels Membership Apptication Maurice Ellis ABANA Primary ABANA Chapter Affiliation: The Newsletter of the Blacksmiths Association of Missouri is pub- Name: lished six times a year and is mailed to members of BAM. The Address: annual fee for regular membership City: State: is $2Olyear; a portion of this amount is for a subscription to this Phone: ( ) zip: newsletter for one year. Editorial inquiries should be addressed to: E New Member fl Renewing Member Jim McCarty,582l Helias Dr., Jef- Includes a Subscription to the Anvil's Ring and The ferson City, MO 65101; (573) 395-3304. BAM membership in- Hammers' Blow magazines quiries should be addressed to: E Regular Member ..............$45 yr. Maurice Ellis, Rt.1 Box 1442, Bel- grade, MO 63622, (573) 766- E Senior Citizen (Age 65+;....... ..........$40 yr. 5346. Occasionally some material tr Fulltime student .$35 yr. will be copyrighted and may not E Overseas airmail ..............$80 yr. be reproduced without written consent by the author. BAM wel- E Overseas surface mai......... ..............$60 yr. comes the use of any other materi- E Contributory ....$100 yr. al printed in this newsletter pro- tr Full time student.......... .....$35 yr. vided the author and this given tr Public librarv""' $35 vr' organization be credit. ;.;;"';";;;; JULY-AUGUST I998 Send your payment to: this form in an envelope with Officers: BAM, c/o Maurice Ellis President Rt.1 Box 1442 Bob Alexander Belgrade, MO 63622 lst Vice President Mike Williamson 2nd Vice President Phil Williamson Secretary John Murray Treasurer Maurice Ellis The Blacksmiths' Association of Mis- souri is a chapter of the Artist Black- smiths' Association of North America, and to the preservation and membership is devoted hereby apply for advancement of blacksmithing and to in the Artist-Blacksmiths' Association of North America and communication among blacksmiths in enclose $ as my annual membership dues for one year. Missouri and surrounding areas. BAM's newsletter's goal is to support these aims. Letters to the editor, tech tips, tools for MasterOard tr VISA tr Check/Money Order tr sale or anything else which furthers these ends will be considered for publication. The Newsletter of the Blacksmiths' Card Number Association of Missouri and its members do not manufacture, distribute, sell, test, Exp. Date (Required) \\arrant. guarantee, or endorse any of the tools. materials, instructions or products contained in articles or features in the Checks must be in U.S. currency \eu'sletter of the Blacksmiths' Associa- SEND RENEWAL TO: tion of Missouri. The Newsletter of the ABANA Blacksmiths' Association of Misouri dis- claims any responsibility or liability for P.O. BOX 206, Washington, MO 63090 (314) 390-2133 damages or injuries as a result ofany con- Dues Distribution: struction, design, use, manufacture or 1 year subscription Anvil's Ring: 68.5 % $24 other activity undertaken as a result of the Adm. offices & other ABANA projects (Conferences, etc.): 3l .5% $ I I use or application of information con- tained in any articles or features in the Newsletter of the Blacksmiths' Associa- tion of Missouri. The Newsletter of the Blacksmiths' Association of Missouri assumes no responsibility or liability for the accuracy, fitness, proper design, safety or safe use of any information contained in the Newsletter of the Blacksmiths' Association of Missouri. NEWSLETTER of the BLACKSMITHS ASSOCIATION OF MISSOURI f,all is the best time of year fathers and to ask where we got I for blacksmithing in my the coal ("Out of that bag," we opinion, especially when the told them.) weather has been as good as it At the event a tent was set up was this year. Besides a great where those who make archi- September meeting we had the tectural iron could show off long-awaited Oktoberfaust their wares. Steve Austin, Stan event and several demos by Winkler, John Medwedeff and BAM members that enlightened Andrew MacDonald all were This grill is the logo for the .\{issouri Folk Arts Prograyn I was the public and made some Set up. I WaS eXtremely impreSsed told the orisitral \Lts ,tade by Dar,.tld rinedollar change for those taking part. ;tdtA;i;;;.s stull. This guy is I won't get into the September to the Ashel'ille Conference. Peter in the big league now. meeting much here as that is covered talked about machine vs. hand men- We also had Maurice and Bruce elsewhere, except to mention the pro- tality and hou'*'e are losing the ties Herzog taking turns at the spinning posed coal buy. One of the biggest to the generation that understand lathe, and two members of the Craft benefits of BAM membership over hand mentalitl'. My proposal was for Alliance did fine chasing work. Ruth the years has been the coal buy. a three day event that would focus Hull set up the BAM boutique and Unfortunately, we have lost the use of solely on hand techniques. we brought in some more money this Lou Muellert storage area since he The director of the program liked way. moved his shop to higher ground. the idea a lot but it didn't get funded. The only disappointment was the However a lot of talk went on at the One of the reasons we lost out, she auction. Some really nice iron includ- last meeting about getting an order said was because they felt only Mis- ing Paul and Walt's demo pieces and and dividing it up over some week- souri artists should be used (I had Pat's sword, sold way too cheap. end Peter listed as one of the demonstra- Look for Oktoberfaust to be an We still don't have the next coal tors). This wasn't a criteria in the annual event. buy u'orked out as I wrap up this application but then the committee I made my annual outing at Harts- ne$'sletter. Look for information next had to find u.ays to make its deci- burg in October. I think this is the 5th issue, get your order in and be pre- sion year for me demonstrating there. pared to pick it up or have someone The good ne'uvs is I got a call a few They have unbelievable crowds, esti- do that for you at the specified time. days later with an offer to partially mated this year at 29,000 over two If you miss out this time don't fund the project. To pull this off we days. I never have much to sell but worry. Tom Clark is going to have have to spend the money this year, so this year did real well. Bill Irvin coal available, but you will need to I got on the phone with Bob Patrick joined me on Saturday and he pay him a little extra for his troubles. and Lou Mueller and here's the couldn't take money fast enough. Tom will be stocking the Sewell coal result: A two-day, demonstration only The No. I thing they wanted to we used at the Columbia meeting. It event featuring Bob Patrick demon- buy? Coal, forges and anvils. burns real good and leaves little or no strating traditional skills to be held at Folks seem to be fascinated by clinker but in my opinion doesn't Lou Mueller's shop in Fenton, Mo. iron these days and that is a good coke as well as the Pocahantus coal Nov. 28-29. I still don't have this s1gn. we have been using. narled down yet but since I must get Last weekend must have been a Good coal really makes a differ- the newsletter out this weekend I am good one for tool buying. I picked up ence. I picked up three bags from a going to leave it at this announce- a nice Acme "coyote killer" anvil and man who called me one day just to try ment and get the details out to you heard Bob Patrick found a 350- it out.
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