paccharts_34-38_Pac Charts for August 2014 6/12/14 6:00 PM Page 34 ELECTION WATCH By Janet McMahon Conspicuous by His Absence: Who’s Not Getting Money From Pro-Israel PACs from pro-Israel PACs, his words and TOP TEN 2014 AND CAREER RECIPIENTS OF actions attest to the object of his af - PRO -I SRAEL PAC F UNDS fections. In May of last year he and his wife visited the self-proclaimed Compiled by Hugh Galford Jewish state with South Dakota State Sen. Stan Adelstein—one of HOUSE: CURRENT RACES SENATE: CURRENT RACES 345 Jewish citizens in the state, ac - cording to the Jewish Virtual Li - Royce, Edward R. (R-CA) $43,450 Begich, Mark (D-AK) $58,298 brary, or less than .1 percent of the Engel, Eliot L. (D-NY) 29,000 Udall, Mark E. (D-CO) 53,500 would-be senator’s constituents. Boehner, John A. (R-OH) 28,700 Hagan, Kay R. (D-NC) 51,800 That August Rounds attended a Deutch, Theodore E. (D-FL) 25,500 Graham, Lindsey O. (R-SC) 45,000 pro-Israel event in New Jersey Hoyer, Steny H. (D-MD) 21,000 Shaheen, Jeanne (D-NH) 42,500 hosted by NORPAC—one of some Lowey, Nita M. (D-NY) 18,150 Landrieu, Mary L. (D-LA) 42,329 two dozen deceptively named pro- Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana (R-FL) 17,500 McConnell, Mitch (R-KY) 41,500 Israel PACs. “His visit reaffirmed Pelosi, Nancy (D-CA) 16,350 Booker, Cory A. (D-NJ) 35,500 his belief that U.S. aid to Israel and Cantor, Eric (R-VA) 15,875 Franken, Al (D-MN) 33,500 supporting her against hostile na - Murphy, Patrick (D-FL) 14,500 Coons, Christopher A. (D-DE) 31,000 tions is critical to our nation’s for - eign policy,” reported The Jewish Link of Bergen County. “He further House: Career Totals Senate: Career Totals stated that Jerusalem should be of - ficially recognized as the capital of Engel, Eliot L. (D-NY) $338,418 Levin, Carl (D-MI) $729,937 Israel and that the administration Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana (R-FL) 291,240 Harkin, Thomas R. (D-IA) 552,950 should comply with the Jerusalem Hoyer, Steny H. (D-MD) 288,025 McConnell, Mitch (R-KY) 539,641 Embassy Act of 1995 which would Cantor, Eric (R-VA) 240,605 Reid, Harry (D-NV) 394,001 relocate the U.S. Embassy to Israel’s Lowey, Nita M. (D-NY) 221,388 Durbin, Richard J. (D-IL) 393,921 capital.” Pelosi, Nancy (D-CA) 149,150 Wyden, Ronald L. (D-OR) 349,462 Weiland has been focusing more Levin, Sander M. (D-MI) 134,827 Kirk, Mark S. (R-IL) 339,386 on domestic issues—although some Boehner, John A. (R-OH) 129,200 Boxer, Barbara (D-CA) 279,044 clearly have international implica - Crowley, Joseph (D-NY) 109,457 Landrieu, Mary L. (D-LA) 250,218 tions as well. On the back of his Pallone, Frank, Jr. (D-NJ) 101,050 Rockefeller, John D. IV (D-WV) 235,700 business card are the words of a constitutional amendment Weiland vows to introduce on his first day s this magazine has demonstrated Israel contributions. A case in point: in the Senate: “So that the votes of all, Asince 1986, monitoring the contri - South Dakota, where Democrat Rick Wei - rather than the wealth of the few, shall butions of pro-Israel political action com - land, a former congressional aide and re - direct the course of this Republic, Con - mittees (PACs) to House and Senate can - gional director of the Federal Emergency gress shall have the power to limit the didates is critical to identifying which Management Agency, is running a pop - raising and spending of money with re - members of Congress may be working to ulist campaign against former Gov. Mike spect to federal elections.” protect the interests of a foreign country, Rounds for the seat being vacated by Sen. Could Weiland’s call for campaign fi - rather than of their own constituents. Tim Johnson. Weiland, who is in the nance reform explain his lack of support (Perhaps this is the time to bid farewell to midst of a second visit to all of South from Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid the Senate’s two top career recipients, Dakota’s 311 towns, is campaigning (D-NV) and other members of the Democ - who are not running for re-election this against big money, and has received no ratic establishment? year: Carl Levin of Michigan and Iowa’s pro-Israel PAC contributions—and little Tom Harkin.) support from the national Democratic Rewarding Pro-Israel Incumbents Particularly in open seat races, how - Party. Rounds, on the other hand, an - In Kentucky, Senate Minority Leader ever, where there is no incumbent, it can nounced his intention to raise a $9 million Mitch McConnell clearly is the favored be equally important to identify the good campaign warchest. (Weiland informed candidate, with $41,500 so far in pro-Is - guys and gals who are not receiving pro- supporters in May that the median contri - rael PAC contributions. Indeed, with the bution to his campaign was $9.) departure of Levin and Harkin at the Janet McMahon is managing editor of the While Rounds has received a relatively end of the year, McConnell is slated to Washington Report on Middle East Affairs. modest $7,500 in campaign contributions become the senator with the highest ca - 34 THE WASHINGTON REPORT ON MIDDLE EAST AFFAIRS AUGUST 2014 paccharts_34-38_Pac Charts for August 2014 6/12/14 6:00 PM Page 35 reer total in pro-Israel PAC contribu - pared to Hanabusa’s $2 million. Pro-Israel taxpayers’ money to fund Israel’s short- tions—assuming he is re-elected. There PACs have been even more generous to range missile defense system. does seem to be some support for his De - the incumbent, giving Hanabusa a nomi - “This Jewish kid from the state of mocratic opponent, Kentucky Secretary nal $9,500 vs. $30,700 to Schatz—almost Hawaii vows to continue [Inouye’s] legacy of State Alison Lundergan Grimes, half enough to make him one of the top 10 re - of support for Israel,” Schatz said at the McConnell’s age (and “not an empty cipients of pro-Israel PAC money for this Feb. 27, 2013 event, held days before the dress”), as evidenced by a token $4,000 year’s election. As of mid-May he was government sequestration took effect. contribution. McConnell has raised a leading Hanabusa by 15 points in opin - “My commitment to Israeli security is total of more than $21 million, according ion polls, according to the Honolulu Civil firmly grounded in public policy and the to the Center for Responsive Politics, to Beat. interests of Israel and the interests of the Grimes’ $8 million. At the end of May he Unlike South Dakota’s Rick Weiland, United States, but it is also a personal one. led her by 7 points in public opinion Schatz has the enthusiastic support of the With the sequester looming and deep de - polls. Democratic Senatorial Campaign Commit - fense cuts coming, Congress must act. My The situation in Hawaii is a bit more tee (DSCC), the Civil Beat reported. “That colleagues must come together once again complicated. There, following the death not only opens fund-raiser doors for the and protect funding for critical programs of Sen. Daniel Inouye, Gov. Neil Aber - senator,” Nathan Gonzales of the Rothen - such as this. The resources needed to crombie ignored Inouye’s expressed wish berg Political Report explained, “but it guarantee American and Israeli security that he appoint Rep. Colleen Hanabusa to closes fund-raiser doors for Hanabusa, cannot be subject to political partisan - fill his seat. Instead the governor, a for - making it more difficult for her to raise ship. We as a nation must do what is right mer 10-term congressman himself, ap - money. That is one thing the DSCC can do and guarantee the security of Israel and pointed Lt. Gov. Brian Schatz to complete is tell some of their biggest donors, ‘You the United States of America.” Inouye’s term. Hanabusa is challenging need to get involved with Schatz.’” Perhaps Israel’s American-born ambas - Schatz in the Aug. 9 primary prior to the Hawaii’s senior senator, who was sworn sador put it most succinctly. Declared Nov. 4 special election to fill out the re - in on Dec. 27, 2012, didn’t waste much Oren, “Behind the Iron Dome stands a maining two years of Inouye’s term. time in making his support for Israel marble dome: the Capitol of the United Hawaii being a heavily blue state, the known. Two months later Schatz joined 16 States of America.” winner of the primary is likely to win the members of Congress and Israel’s then-Am - Ain’t it the truth. Increasingly, how - special election. bassador Michael Oren at an Iron Dome ever, American voters may want to elect As of mid-June, Schatz had raised Tribute Luncheon in the Russell Senate Of - members of Congress who put their own twice as much campaign money as fice Building. Congress has generously al - country’s Capitol Dome ahead of a foreign Hanabusa: more than $4 million com - located almost $300 million of American nation’s Iron Dome. K PRO -I SRAEL PAC C ONTRIBUTIONS TO 2014 C ONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATES 2013-2014 State Office District Candidate Party Status Contributions Career Committees Alabama H1Byrne, Bradley R. RI 2,500 2,500 AS H2Roby, Martha RI 2,500 5,000 AS H4Aderholt, Robert B.
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