QINUFFE MITO BODY MOUTIiS TALCOTTVII.Lt,CT. 763 MAIN ST. 643-1191 191 MAIN ST. FEATURING THIS WEEK . fl. •COHrLfTI COLLISION NISAIfl MANCHESTER •SOMIQN AND AMIAICAN CARS 643-1900 > m J. B. ELECTRONICS HJMDWAIIE AWNIIMS Air F^rce Europe HQ ^ A a a WINDOWS SHUTTERS CANOPIES released. At the end of March, West Ger­ > 6 l1 S C 8ALB8-^8ERVIC£J-IN8TALLA TION RAMSTEIN AIR-BASE, West building, which also serves as The Air Force announcement said “ Windows were blown out, par­ The explosion occurred shortly man terrorists proclaiming "Death Germany (D P I) — A bomb believed headquarters for the NATO air the cause of the explosion in the titions, interior walls,. equipment and furniture received some after 7 a.m. (1 a.m. E D T). to U.S. imperialism” hurled three planted by terrorUts damaged the force for central Europe. parking lot had not been deter­ YANKEE ALUMMUM SERVICES dam age." It took place against a background firebombs at a U.S. army personnel beadquarteni building of the U.S. The West German federal mined, but German police said the ipec/Auers w olass « scneen nepaia The U.S. Air Force fire depart­ of a growing pacifist and neutralist office in FrankfuVt and exploded a Jesigns,.nc Air Force in Europe today, injuring prosecutor’s office said . a bomb went off in an automobile, blowing its hood over a five-story ment put out fires in vehicles, but .m ovem ent in Germany with an- bomb in a U.S. intelligence building 20 WARREN STREET 18 Americans and two Germans, the- preliminary invesUgation indicated M l •KOAD S T R U T M A N C H IiT iK CONN OSWO building and injuring people within there were no other fires, the an­ (PAmerteSn undertones. in Giessen. MANCHESTER; CONN. A ir Force said. terrorists were re^wnslble for the MAnchester Preftssioniil Park, Suite A-l Betty C.itlaaher, Pror. nouncement said. After the bomb went off, the Air 6 4 0 - 1 1 0 6 Two of the Americans were bombing, the third this year at an 100 yards. In the 1970s, a series of bombings American installation. Of the injured, seven American Force tightened security measures. seriously hurt and were being A year ago, in a raid on a terrorist carried out by the Red Arm y Fac­ Police in southern Germany "Damage was limited to the joint Air Force personnel and two Ger: treated at the Lan d i^I U.S Army hidSout in Heidelberg, police found tion, the Baader-Meinhof band, WE SUVICE AND IN tT A U INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL sought two automobiles seen near headquarters building .and to mans were taken by helicopter to h im ital. ‘v maps of ttie base and data on securi­ killed four Americans and injured AIR CONDITIONING - REFRIGERATION In e bomb wrat oH in a parking lot the guarded American Air base near vehicles in the parking area,” the Landstuhl. The other 11 were K-B AUTOMOTIVE treated at Ramstein Air Base and ty measures there. 51. HEATING and SHEET METAL KEN BRAITHWaiTE outside the Air Force headquarters Kaiserslautern before the explosion. Am erican announcement said. 299 BROAD ST. 9 4 3 -9 9 4 4 New England Mechanical Services, Inc. SPEaAUZM6 M: • STMITERS 166 TUNNEL RD. • GENEMTORS • TUNE UPS School lunches VERNON, CT. 06066 871-1111 •M.TEMUTONS *91111110 CLYDE a MICKEY MILLER'S .Si*rri#iM ^tfiitvhvutvr ovvr .TO_v p n . TEL.649-38U p - - AUTO cost 5c m ore. PARTS “MITO PNtTS FOR LESS" PentiBRi^ The Florist By Nancy Thompson subsidies. However, the legidature 24 BIRCH ST. adopted less severe cuts than HOURS Herald Reporter ^ originally anticipated. e TO c MON.-FRI. TEL. 643-6247 In addition, the school administra­ 8 T O 5 S A T. S SUN. 643-4444 Lunch prices will be 5 cents higher F.T.D. when school opens this week than tion did some cutting back of Its 307 E. CENTER ST. (REAR) MASTE6 CHASGE when the cafeterias closed in June, own. Nine cafeteria jobs have been MANCHESTER AME6ICAN EXPRESS WORLD WIDE Superintendent o f Schools James P. eliminated, cafeteria manager BEHIND LENOX PHARMACY SERVICE Kennedy said today. M ary UppUng said. Students w ill Hot lunches will cost 60 cents at also be eating off paper plates, Jack Bertrand says “ Don’t buy or repair a stereo or TV without talking to m e.’’ elementary sdiools and 85 cents at rather than china, eliminating some .^Coliw ^D cm iatttgS^ IJ. amc illl a<a technicianvCV^lillAvlcaii withttama 9v yearsj ^ crao ei^^A|p^ftawaiv>^ rien ce inaaa themr^ audiocsu\arv andcrrru videotav fields. Let me the high sdiool, Kennedy revealed. dishwaters. GAP -N- CORK PACKAGE STORE # . ’' ’V 489-489 No. Main St. show you why you can’t depend on a brand name or a high pilce to iassure quality and OHidals had earlier feared that “ We’re taking a calculated risk, lunch prices would jump over the f l trying to keep the price as low as we Manchester, Conn. why buying a cheap, poorly designed unit can cost you more in nre p a irs . mark because ot cutiuute in federal possibly can and cut food products 6 4 9 -0 5 9 1 Many hard to find items. The first tim e stereo buyer and the demanding listener costs and service Costs, and keep the volume in>,” Kennedy said. Photo by John Bossidy Ht'iiioilelvd &■ tinlnrfivd can buy w ith c o n fid en ce. P h o n e 643-1262 M on. thru Sat. J To ll»*ll«>r Sorrt' I on The amninlstratioa will review Royals fire the situation la to ' during the school , / LIQUOR - BEER - CORDIALS 191 CENTER 8T. Jam session SPeCIAL ORDER MANCHESTER, CONN year to see U tim ^ I / Larg* Salaclion of Blank Tapaa Quality Brands !«««,• Amp. CAKE ' MON.-SAT. lO-S sufficient, he hddM. Imoorltd a Opmttlic Winai (203)646-0228 THUR8. 10-9 Bridge girder repair on the Slminona Road overpass In East heavy duW Ampax Dynace Frey, name ’’There is eome worry,’’ Kennedy Harttord vraa blamed for this maaalve traffic Jam Sunday at nto ^ ^ BASF Sharp said, noting that the schools may >iQon on Interstate 86. The state Highway Department worked lasled well Into the afternoon. find they have a cash-flow problem Irlah S p e a k e rs NeediM A Cartrldgus 'all day to repair the girder, which had been damaged by a MOHAWK INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY. INC. Zenith 0VE9 4 9 if subsidies from the’ state arrive Audlotox A.D.C. MMKHESTER Dick Howser late and creditors are kept waiting Stip/ttivrM «»/ Sri/rlv IVoti'rliun VEA98 Eloetro-Volc* EiMtro-voic* TurntabiM for payment. “ We had sertoualy Sharp Shur* MEMqMKLCO. EXPERIINCE KANSAS CITY, Mo. (U Pl) - Jim t t o u t t hi going up a dime, but •FOUL WEATHER SUITS SparkortMlIc B8R Frey, the manager who led the Kan­ Waleo ^ 0pp. East Cemetery CALL 649-S8D7 rejeett that.” •BOOTS •HOSE Oaktron Audlo-Taehnica sas City Royals to their first pen-, Ms. UppUng said she is not sure •6L0VES*TARP8*RESPIRAT0RS nant in bis first year at the helm, what effect the price wiU have on Blast kills Iran leaders QUALITY HARRISON 8T. wai fired today by team General the menus offered. The menus must Manager Joe Burke. meet nutritional standards in order 5 ai0 n Rd. • Manchetter • 6 4 3 -5 1 0 7 M C M O R IA L a MANCHESTER recordings of speeches by R ajai and Islamic Republican Party "President Rajai and Prime The Royal! named former New to qualify for the federal mone)r, so By SaJid RIzvl Minister Bahonar have joined the prayers for the health of Ayatollah headquarters killed 74 people and YANKEE ALUMINUM York Yankee manager Dick Howser changes will not be too drastic. army of the revolution’s martyrs,” United Press International Ruhollah Khomeini, Pars said. only a week after ousted President as their new manager. The However, cutbacks in food subsidies Tehran Ftiidio said, adding that the Iranian President Mohammed All Haskemi Rafsanjanl, speaker of Abolhassan Bani-Sadr predicted five American League champions are 10- from the federal government may two men gave their lives “ in the carpel cleaning.,. Ih« Iran.’* parUament, addressed assassinations — including Rajai EVERYTHING IN GLASS CIsaning? 10 in the second half of the season, idso mean changes. Rajai and Prime Minister path of the prophets ... for the cause •WE CAN T HIDE BEHIND OUR PRODUCT " SERVICES Bane-Clene wat Mohammed Javad Babonar were mourners in front o f the parUament and Bahonar— would cause the fun­ one-half game behind Chicago in the Kennedy said the cut is mainly in of Islamic justice.” CALL and said he was speaking to “ an im­ damentalist Islamic regime to Western DivWkn. Rowaer was to be the area of labor. The school kiUed in a bombhig that demoUshed The new council blamed “ the mense and unprecedented gathering collapse. Bliti MaMenancE formally introdneed at the new cafeterias wiU “ run as skeletal a the prime mlnlstw’s office and set enemy's fifth column, the servants of angry people — angry people who In Paris, Bani-Sadr denied any J .i WHITE GLASS GO. 487 No. Main 81. Royals manager at a 2 p.m. EDT crew as possible and get the job off massive demonstrations today of of imperialism and Saddam” — have re a c h ^ their lim it ... and role in the bombing butTaid, “ They . ’•laiss!;*'’ B43-906B news conference. mourners chanting “death to the repeating the accusations against done,” he said.
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