THE OBSERVER Volume 16, Number 13 College at Lincoln Center, Fordham University, New York November 11,1992 CLC TRIBUTE TO FRED LIBRARY TO BE NAMED FRIENDLY AFTER QUINN By Sheila Harris The Leon Lowenstein library will be renamed emony is scheduled to last 15-20 minutes, and the Gerald M. Quinn Library, the College Coun- afterwards there will be refreshments in the Law cil announced on October 20th. School Atrium, Bristow said. On November 24th at 4 p.m., there will be a Another way of commemorating Quinn was ceremony held in commemoration of the late the naming of the Studio Theater after him,said dean of CLC, Dr. Gerald M. Quinn, said Dean Bristow. Edward J. Bristow. The new Media Studies Center, scheduled to "It's just about a year since the accident," said begin construction either Thanksgiving or Christ- Bristow. Quinn was killed in an auto accident last mas, was another method considered by the Col- year, along with another passenger, while en lege.to commemorate Quinn, Bristow said. The route to Pennsylvania. He was dean of CLC from College Board of Advisors "spearheaded" the 1989-1991. fundraising of the project, and the Quinn Family "After Gerry was killed, we talked on how best has been a major contributor, said Bristow. Funds to commemorate him," Bristow said. He said that have reached almost $100,000, Bristow said. ;», the University Board of Trustees decided last When asked if he was satisfied with this, Bristow spring on naming the library after Quinn. said, "Although nothing seems adequate, these The ceremony will be held at the entrance to two steps seem appropriate." the library, and will entail the unveiling of a "I think it's great," said Manie Hansraj, a CLC Father O'Hare and Fred Friendly talking in the Faculty Lounge. bronze plaque by Quinn's brother, Mr. Kevin student when told about the Library commemora- Quinn. The plaque will be placed on the left wall tion. of the library, said Bristow. By Sean Gallagher "I'm happy to see that a facility such as the Fred Friendly, a former president of CBS dent CBS News ever had," Rooney said. Other members! of Quinn family scheduled to library is being named after Dean Quinn," said News, was saluted by his peers on October 29th. Anthony Lewis, an editorial columnist for The be present are Quinn's brother; his sister. Sheila Anize Jean-Pierre, a junior, " since he always Joseph'Dembo, Professor of Media Studies at New York Times, said, "I haye nothing like Gargano, and his mother, Bristow said. The cer- stressed excellence." CLC,organized theeventDembo also introduced Fred's verve orpassion, [or] his ability to provoke continued on page3 the speakers and welcomed the audience to the students and love them, which is to say, make tribute. them think." Lewis, who also teaches at the^Co- "It is with a special sense of pride and affection lumbia Graduate School of Journalism, said, that I welcome you to this evening's celebration of "Fred has taught the country." the great man we honor tonight, Fred Friendly," Bill Movers, former press secretary of Presi- said Father Joseph O'Hare, President of Fordham dent Johnson, who now works for The Ford University. O'Hare had met Friendly when they Foundation, said, "When I first met Fred, he still served on the city charter revision committee as had all his hair and I stilt had all my marbles." FACULTY SPONSORS representatives of the Bronx, O'Hare said. "It Moyers said that it was because of Friendly that certainly was an education forme," besaid. O'Hare " The Ford Foundation became one of his first wished Friendly a happy birthday. Friendly turned patrons, underwriting his work on PBS. Friendly's, 77 on October 30th. As O'Hare returned to his seat " friendship is astonishing," Moyers said. ELECTION FORUM Friendly asked, "How would you like-to be presi- Joan Connors, Dean of Columbia's Graduate dent of Columbiar O'Hare joked, "Is the job School of Journalism, said, "As a teacher openT' [Friendly] he has seeded the industry with talent, Andy Rooney, Commentator on CBS' program ideas, and ideals. He has made journalism better." By Teresa Tran who were fed up with the Carter 60 Minutes, said, "He [Friendly] says he's re- Walter Cronkite, former anchor of the CBS' An informal forum held just six days Administration and became Republicans tired, but don't you bet on it." Rooney said he has Evening News, said, "Fred was the best president before the election, beaded by Professors and now vice versa, DeLuca said. known Friendly since 1945 when both were work- of CBS News." He said that while Friendly hired Thomas DeLuca, Susan Beck, and Ralph DeLuca also said that the Clinton ing for military news services. Friendly later hired Rooney, he fired Cronkite shortly after the 1968 Meyer, on the 1992 Presidential election campaign was designed to move the him as the resident writer at the CBS Evening Republican Convention in San Francisco. Friendly was open to all students. campaign away from issues such as News, Rooney. "Fred Friendly was the best presi- flew out from New York to tell him'in person and Among the many issues covered were the poverty and race, and focus on the economy. "Perot offers a different continued on page 4 impact of the election on student's lives, and how will it affect their future. vision, a dangerous one," She advised the One student said, "Bush already cut aid to students to be wary^of Perot. students. I will vote for Clinton because he •Beck felt that Americans were bombarded A QUESTION OF ACADEMIC seems to care about the younger by misleading ads and that the campaign generation." would be much better off without polling. DeLuca lead the discussion by explaining The last speaker, Professor Meyer said, FREEDOM why this year's election was so different "People need to look at the economy," from past elections. From the 60' s on, because that will determine the outcome of By Erna Leslie politics have been governed by the election, the way people see the In the September '92 issue of the periodical, but not from budget cuts in education," he said. conservative governments, he said. economy in retrospect, whether the The Chronicle Of Higher Education, Lynne V. Professor Robert O'Brien, Associate Professor "Politics these days are controlled by amount of income people made went up or Chenney, Chairman of the National Endowment of Philosophy, said, "It is going on, but not here at social issues such as race, affirmative down, affects voting, he said. for the Humanities, states, "liberal scholars are Fordham." When asked if he could state any action, and patriotism," he said. "The personal income change for this trying to suppress academic freedom." Profes- schools where suppression of academic freedom , Another point made by DeLuca was the year was zero, one of the lowest it has sor Tom DeLuca, Professor of Political Science, is happening, he declined. O'Brien commented on types of voters Bush needed to win over. been," Meyer said. said he has not seen or known of any situation here Chenney's statement that trustees should be more Those were the white. Catholic, ethnic The forum ended with a mock election, at Fordham where professors try to suppress aca- involved in observing the faculty and making sure retired males who are voting Democrat, which included three students who spoke demic freedom. students feel free to debate any issue. namely the Reagan-Democrats. Bush also in behalf each candidate. Clinton got 44 "She has never been to Fordham," DeLuca said. "The faculty should create the curriculum and, needed the suburbanites and young people votes to Bush's 11 and Perot's 4. "Chenney's vague generalizations don't amount most importantly, things should be resolved in the to anything concrete." DeLuca questions the fact faculty," he said. that Chenney does not name any schools to back College experience should be a liberating one, up her attack. "We would need to know how stated Professor Thomas McDonald, Associate prevalent this is," DeLuca said. Professor of Sociology. He made this comment in response to Chenney's critique that liberal schol- ars are using college classrooms to advance their "No matter who you are or what political agendas. you teach, you are bound to have "No matter who you are or what you teach, you Kenneth Koch page 1 some values that you can't sepa- [professors] ore bound to havo some values that youcan'tseparatefrom yourself." said McDonald. College Music Journal coverage page rate from yourself." "I tell my students my father used to say to mo when I was little, if you vote Republican, your Head Coach, Nick Macarchuk page 16 finger will fall off.' Sure, I tend to be a democrat Profeiior Robert D. Wnsscnnnn, Associate Pro- and I tend to bo more of a liberal democrat, that U fetsor of EnglUh, mode a ihort comment on who I am, However, if you [studenti] want to bo Chcnney'g belief saying, "I have faith that stu- a Republican conservative I don't core." dents can protect ihcmsolvoi from propaganda, Ho reiterated, "collogo experience Is lupponed Continued on page 3 Page 2 - CLC Observer - November 11,1992 Student Programming Board Upcoming SPB Events Batman Returns Tuesday and Wednesday, November 10 and 11,1992 3:30 PM and 9:15PM in the Student Lounge, Room 412. The Dark Night (Michael Keaton) returns to the streets of Gotham to battle the likes of the Penguin(Danny DeVito), and Catwoman(Michelle Pfeiffer).
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