HERALD STATESMAN, YONKERS, N.Y., THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1963 19 Katia Nolin Is Married Plays Slated mmmmm^ Aides Feted ! Joseph W. Shannon HI Weds In Double Ring Ceremony For Young At At Blythedale At Nuptial Mass In Jersey In a double ring ceremony Saturday, Miss Katia Maria Tappan Zee By Patients The marriage of Miss Catherine Nolin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Borgstedt, daughter of Mrs. Joseph Henry Nolin of 13 Bron- NYACK— VALHALLA— William F. Borgstedt of Ho- son Ave., Eastchester, was mar­ Five all-time favorites have The children at Blythedale boken, N. J., and Joseph W. ried to Garrison A. Marsted, son been selected for the children's Children's Orthopedic Hospital .Shannon III, son of Mr. and of Mr. and Mrs. G. Allen shows at the Tappan Zee Play­ and Rehabilitation Center gave a : Mrs_ j h w shannon j,.. of Marsted of Cortland. house this summer. party yesterday for volunteer • 01 ., . , , The Rev. Herbert W. Hansen The schedule is "Snow White workers who have served at the j81 ">att Ave< has hccn an" performed the ceremony in Scars- and the Seven Dwarfs," July 2; hospital during the past year, j nounced today. dale Community Church. "Alice in Wonderland," July 16; The program opened with wel-j Thc wccding took placP Satur. Given in marriage by her "Tom Sawyer," July 30; "Cin­ coming remarks by Mrs. William ; day at Sts Peter and Paul father, the bride had Miss Sarah derella," Aug. 13 and "Treasure II. Stein of New York, president, Cnurch in Hoboken with Msgr. Louise Nolin, her sister, as maid Island," Aug. 27. of the board of trustees and by John A \veisbrod officiating and of honor. Miss Barbara Anne Each production will be pre­ Robert Stone, executive director. celebrating the 11 a.m. Nuptial Marsted, sister of the bridegroom, sented by the Dolphin Stage It was announced that under Mass. was a bridesmaid and Martha Players of New York. All per­ the professional direction of Mrs. Nolin, the bride's sister, was formances are Tuesdays, at 11 Ruth Saron, volunteers have been The bride daughter of the. late junior bridesmaid. a. m. and 1 p. m. Special rates used in the areas of remedial Mr. Borgstedt, was escorted in R. Alan Myhal of Weathers- are offered for groups of 25 or reading, tutoring, recreation, in­ marriage by her cousin, Eugene field, Conn., was best man and more. cluding scouting groups, pho­ J. Skratt. Miss Sheila Sullivan ushering were W. Anthony Shay Further information can be ob­ tography, office assistance, meal­ was maid of honor and other of Cortland, Jeffrey G. Marsted tained from the Tappan Zee Play­ time assistance, gardening, dance bridal attendants were Mrs. of Hamden, Conn., cousin of the house, Nyack. movement, music and religion. William Loughrey and Miss Betty bridegroom, and Bruce J. Nolin In addition to these areas, vol­ Gillon. of Scarsdale, the bride's brother. unteers with special abilities in Robert Mahlman was best man Theresa Sinclair, a cousin of languages, science and mathe­ and ushering were Prank Driscoll the bride, and John H. Sinclair, 18th Festival matics will be needed when and John Halldfan. MRS. JOSEPH W. SHANNON III her brother, were flower girl school resumes in the fall. (Gary GJadstone) A reception was held at the I and ring bearer respectively. MRS. FREDERIC F. AUSTIN Mrs. Margaret Atwood, direc­ The bride is a graduate of Set Saturday tor of the Volunteer Service Bur­ Casino-in-the-Park, Lincoln Park, | Eastchester High School, West­ eau of Westchester, White Plains, Jersey City. Smith A wards chester Business School, and At Caramoor was a special guest. A graduate of the Academy of i __(Cre*t Studlo_ tended Cazenovia Junior College. Helen Austin Named Head Mrs. Robert Levinson of New the Sacred Heart in Hoboken and j N — MRS. G. A. MAR8TED Up to the time of her marriage, "^J^ „ , York, chairman of the volunteer Katharine Gibbs School in New Degree To + she was a secretary to one of Thc 18th annual Caramoor Fes- committee, gave the awards to: York, the bride is a secretary, | the editors of House Beautiful tival of outdoor concerts opens Of College Public Relations Mrs. Arthur Traxler of Harts- with a New York advertising Magazine in New York City. j Saturday evening with a concert Mrs. Raskin of dale, 600-hour bar; Robert White agency. Walter Carey, Mr. Marsted was graduated Spanish and English music Mrs. Frederic F. Austin of .Mrs. Austin at 76 Rockledge and Mrs. Peter Gettinger of Judith Raskin, daughter of Mrs. An afternoon concert of cham­ Mr. Shannon was graduated. from Mercersburg Academy and Lawrence Park West, whose ' Load, the faimily lived for many White Plains, pins; Mrs. William from Roosevelt High School, at- | Hairy Raskin of5o Bajart Place Syracuse Univeristy, College of ber music is set for Sunday. professional background has in- years on North Broadway. Her William, Mrs. Melvin Turkel, tended St. Lawrence University and the late Mr. Raskin, was Mamaroneck Business where he was vice pre­ The Caramoor Orchestra, a eluded public relations and news- lathe r, a New York sales both of Scarsdale, and Mrs. Han- in Canton, N. Y., and is a awarded an honorary degree this sident of Lambda Chi Alpha P^tSlrS jrP^i Pnin"? PaP« ^ork, has been named engineer,' died in- July, 1937/ si Ungar of Briarcliff Manor, fraternity and of Sigma Iota | works of Turina, Walton, Delius, candidate for a degree at Hunter month at commencement exer­ Director of Public Relations at Mrs. Austin has been assistant Volunteer Service Photographers College. He is employed by Con- Girl Wed Epsilon honorary business j Granados and de Falla at the Sarah Lawrence College by Dr. awards. cises at Smith College. Northamp­ fraternity. He was also a mem- 8:30 p. m. Saturday concert in fashion editor of Mademoiselle solidated Edison in Mount Mrs. Carl J. Wiedemann of 425 Paul L. Ward, president. Magazine, was on the Women's Mrs. Karen Knoll of White Vernon. His father .is a political ton, Mass. The award was given Tompkins Ave., Mamaroneck, ber of Scabbard and Blade, the outdoor Venetian Theater In her new position, Mrs. Plains and Mrs. Herbert Hinck­ Featured will be "Facade," Page staff of the New York writer for this newspaper. for her "outstanding achievement formerly of Larchmont, has an­ honorary ROTC organization. \ustin will serve as liaison Times and has done corporate ley of Hartsdale, 100 - hour After "a trip to "Bermuda the I William Walton's witty setting of j between the college and the awards. in the music world," it was re­ nounced the marriage of her public relations on a free lance ported. daughter, Suzanne, to Walter A. couple will reside in Cortland, j Edith Sitwell's poems, and Man- vVestchester Committee for Sarah basis. The new appointee and her Special mention was given Mr. Carey Jr., son of Dr. and Mrs. where the bridegroom will be! uel de FallaV"J£l Amor Bru- La^nce, supervise college hushand m,hii«hin«r and direct and Mrs. Horace Montague of A graduate of Smith, Miss Ras­ associated in business with her i Jo." Peggy Wood and Russell Ob-1 ^, publicity and Carey'of 190 Hudson Ter. publications d mail consultant, have two sons, White Plains; Mrs. Frances Levy kin is the first alumna to sing father in the Overhead Door Co. ! erlin are the speaking soloists will have membership on the and Miss Nancy Katz, both of with the Metropolitan Opera Co., The ceremony took place April until he receives his orders for in. "Facade" and Shirley Ver- Andrew, 15, a sophomore at Scarsdale; Mrs. Minna Taub of 16 in New York City. The mar­ administrative faculty and on the Bronnxville High School, and it was learned. She is the holder military service. rctt, the mezzo soprano soloist Joint Committee. She was named Harrison, Mrs. Donald Ross, and of the Ford Foundation grant riage was announced Friday in "El Amor Brujo. Frederic Jr., 12, in the seventh Mrs. Edward Haddad, both of night at a small dinner party at to fill the position left vacant grade at School Eight. and will sing this summer at Sunday at 5 p. m., the Fine since the death of Doris Riker Hartsdale; and Mrs. George Sil­ thc -Glyndebourne Opera Festi­ the Larchmont Shore Club. DianeSchilio, Arts Quartet will" play music by in November, 1962. ver of Elmsford. val in England. The bride, a graduate of Rye Mozart, La Montaine and Men- Honorable mention for out- Country Day School and Brad­ The former Helen Stevenson, COLLEGE Miss Raskin was singled out as I delssohn. a graduate of Gorton High School, islanding service went to Mrs. ford Junior College, is the daugh- Ticket information can be ob- "an interpreter of Mozart," and Mr. Schwartz arts degree from Barnard College. Herman Jass and Mrs. Charles was the youngest of the six recip­ ler of the late Mr. Wiedemann. I tained by calling Caramoor, Since graduation she has been STUDENT Weinberg, both of Hartsdale; She is a member of the Larch­ ients of honorary degrees at ; which is on Route 137 one mile active in Barnard Alumnae af­ Mrs. Abe Blinder of Scarsdale; Smith this year. mont Shore Club. Are Engaged i beyond\ the crossroads with fairs,, served on the board of MARY KAY KEHOE, daugh- Mrs. Jack Winkier of Croton, and Her husband attended Prince­ •Route 2: directors of the Associate ter oT Mr. and Mrs. Clarence W. Mrs. Herman Wexler of Tarry- In, private life. Miss Raskin is ton University where he was Mr.
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