MASARYK UNIVERSITY }w¡¢£¤¥¦§¨ FACULTY OF I !"#$%&'()+,-./012345<yA|NFORMATICS Web applications in Haskell MASTER’S THESIS Bc. Pavel Dvoˇrák Bratislava, autumn 2011 Declaration I hereby declare that this thesis is my original work and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another author except where the citation has been made in the text. ............................................................ signature Adviser: RNDr. Libor Škarvada 2 Acknowledgements I am grateful to my adviser Libor Škarvada for his time, patience, worthwhile lectures, and also for enabling me and Peter Molnár, who is no longer with us, to teach a course about functional programming in the last two years. I am also very grateful to my family and friends for their toleration of my con- stant unavailability, which they must endure during writing of this thesis. Thank you all. 3 Abstract The main goal of this thesis has been to provide a description of web development methods in the programming language Haskell. That includes an exploration of web frameworks written in Haskell and their comparison. Furthermore, one of the frameworks, named Yesod, has been extended to inter- communicate with CouchDB, a document-oriented database system. Keywords Haskell, functional programming, HTTP, web development, web frameworks, web services, CouchDB 4 Contents 1 Introduction 7 2 Web development using Haskell 9 2.1 Hypertext Transfer Protocol . 9 2.1.1 HTTP requests . 10 2.1.2 HTTP responses . 11 2.1.3 HTTP client library in Haskell . 12 2.2 Serving content by Haskell . 15 2.2.1 CGI and FastCGI . 15 2.2.2 WAI and Warp . 18 2.2.3 Other implementations . 19 3 Haskell web frameworks 21 3.1 A brief overview of Haskell web frameworks . 21 3.1.1 Happstack . 22 3.1.2 Snap . 22 3.1.3 Yesod . 22 3.1.4 Other active projects . 23 3.2 Comparing Happstack, Snap and Yesod . 24 5 3.2.1 URL mapping . 24 3.2.2 Database handling . 25 3.2.3 Markup . 26 4 CouchDB and Persistent 29 4.1 CouchDB: a document-oriented database system . 29 4.1.1 JavaScript Object Notation . 30 4.1.2 Views . 31 4.1.3 CouchDB in Haskell . 31 4.2 Extending Yesod for CouchDB . 32 4.2.1 Implementing the Persistent back end . 32 5 Conclusions and future work 34 6 Chapter 1 Introduction I just had to take the hypertext idea and connect it to the TCP and DNS ideas and ta-da! the World Wide Web. —SIR TIM BERNERS-LEEI The World Wide Web (or the Web for short) has been the most widely used in- ternet service over the past decade and a half (the detailed history of the Web and the Internet is described in [2]). The merits of its gradual expansion are indis- putable: the Web has facilitated not only communication and information access, but also changed for the better the lives of many people. Regardless of the initial overoptimistic enthusiasm, which has been topped off with the dot-com bubble in the beginning of 2000s, the more realistic predictions look promising. It does seem that the Web is going to be with us for a long time. The service was originally designed for exchange of hypertext documents only, but as the time went and the number of connected users rose, the requirements increased as well. The simple static content ceased to be enough and the users wanted it to be more complex and dynamic. Therefore Sir Tim Berners-Lee founded the World Wide Web ConsortiumII (or W3C for short), an international standard organization for the Web. The main goal of W3C is to extend the orig- inal Web specifications according to the needs of the industry. Prior to the for- mation of W3C, the web browser vendors had been adding proprietary features to their software, which led to incompatibility problems and confusion. However, the specifications issued by W3C relate mainly to the client (i.e. web browser) side of the service. These specifications include, for example, Hyper- Text Markup Language (or HTML for short) and Cascading Style Sheets (or CSS I The original creator of the Web; for his complete biography, see [1]. IIHomepage: http://www.w3.org/. 7 for short). The former standard is used for creating structured documents, the lat- ter for shaping their visual aspect. With such tools, web developers are able to form a complex content. But what about the dynamic part? Are there any spec- ifications for writing web applications that respond to the user input? Well, par- tially. The client side scripting is mostly done with ECMAScript (commonly known as JavaScript) developed by Sun Microsystems and afterwards standard- ized by Ecma International. The server side, which functions for processing re- quests and serving the corresponding responses, is based on a few rare changing standards (for example, W3C introduced the Common Gateway Interface, or CGI for short, that specifies the way in which the code is executed by a web server). It means that for a web development (on the server side), virtually any programming language can be used. In the meantime, functional programming boomed. New languages, such as Scala and F#, emerged. The declarative paradigm became more popular than ever and started to be employed outside of academia. One of these successful lan- guages is Haskell,III a strongly typed purely functional language. Despite being designed by an academic committee, Haskell found its way to general public and currently, the language is maintained by community, whose members provided many libraries. Haskell is even being used for commercial purposes.IV For more information about programming in Haskell, we recommend sources [4, 5, 6, 7]. This thesis is about utilizing the programming language Haskell for development of web applications. Currently, there has been a rapid progress in this area, particularly caused by growing interest in web development in general. Also, the growth has been accelerated by introducing new ideas, such as enumerators, a concept that improves effectiveness of monadic computation dramatically. The following chapter contains a brief description of the Hypertext Transfer Pro- tocol and the basics of deploying web applications in Haskell. In the third chapter, we introduce web frameworks, which make web develop- ment much easier. We also compare three major Haskell web frameworks. The fourth chapter describes our improvement of the framework Yesod. We have created a Haskell module that creates a link between the Yesod database interface and the document-oriented database system CouchDB. And finally, the last chapter summarizes our text and proposes some of the next steps that can be done in the presented subject-matter. III Homepage: http://haskell.org/; for a comprehensive language definition, see [3]. IVSee the Industrial Haskell Group: http://industry.haskell.org/. 8 Chapter 2 Web development using Haskell Our language is state-free and lazy The rest of the world says we're crazy But yet we feel sure That the pure will endure As it makes derivation so easy. —JOY GOODMANI The Web is basically an internet service that is provided by web servers. A web client communicates with one of these servers through the Hypertext Trans- fer Protocol (or HTTP for short), alternatively through its secure version called HTTPS. The exact specification of HTTP is defined in the document [8]. 2.1 Hypertext Transfer Protocol On the application level, HTTP works on the principle that the client sends a re- quest, to which the server answers with a response. The protocol itself is stateless, so in Haskell, it would be natural to use a function with the following type sig- nature: communicate :: Request IO Response. As we connect to the out- ! side world, the IO type constructor denotes the input/output monad; the types Request and Response would be data structures defined here later. What should a proper HTTP communication look like? IA researcher at University of Cambridge. 9 2.1.1 HTTP requests An HTTP request consists of a request-line and optional request headers and a request body. The request-line includes a request method and a path name. All the data are separated by the <CR><LF> sequence (hexadecimal codes 0x0D and 0x0A in the ASCII character set). HTTP request methods A request method determines the way in which the request is going to be handled. The current version of the protocol defines eight different request methods (see [8, section 5.1.1]), but in practice, mainly these three methods are used: The GET method The method is the commonest one. It is for example used when the user enters an address of a web site to the browser or when they traverse to another document through a link on a web page. This method is usually cached (both on the client side and on the server side), in order to save some bandwidth. The HEAD method The same as the previous method, except that the response body is omitted and only the response headers are returned. This is useful in situations where we are not interested in the content and we just want the metadata. The POST method With this method, the client can send some nontrivial data to the server. Apart from transferring binary files, the method is used for submitting HTML forms. As a rule of thumb, we choose this method when we need to modify a state of the server; for the read-only access GET mostly suffice. HTTP path names A path name is a part of the Uniform Resource Locator (or URL for short) that serves for an unambiguous identification of the objects on the Web.
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