r//£. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT memorandum :; January 30, 1990 REPLY TO ATTNOF: \jigratory Bird Field Coordinator, Memphis, TN SUBJECT: preiiminary Results of the December 11-15, 1989 All Goose Survey T0: Chief , Wildlife & Hahi i at Management Division, Refuges & Wildlife, FWS, Atlanta, GA (ARW/WHM) The results of the subject survey are attached. 1 have called them preliminary since the states of LA, MS and AL have not yet confirmed the results. Hopefully there will be no changes and T will let you know if changes are necessary. Once the states have confirmed the data, 1 will distribute copies to appropriate personnel . /s/ Donald H. Or cc: Ken Gamble "Safety Has No Quitting Time" OPTIONAL. FORM NO. 10 (REV. I-SO) GSAFPMR(41 CFR) 101-11,0 SOKMI4 UPC : !••? O-I7O-78O 1989 ALL GOOSE SURVEY Mi ss i SBippi Klyway - Southeastern Region December 11-15, 1989 Most survey routes were completed during the scheduled period. Some routes were not completed in Arkansas until 17. Weather cond i t ion a ranged from cloudy to clear with extreme t.empera t.ures whore highs only reached the 30's and lows in 1 lie 1 0 ' K . .Sha 1 1 ow water areas were freezing by the m iddl e of the su r've y per i od . Kssrn t i a 1 1 y all habitat was dry wi th no na t_u ral f 1 ood i rig . The following is a .regional comparison of the results for 1989 and 1988: 1989 1988 Ca H &da Geese TOP 1 ,500 600 EPP 6,300 6,900 MVP 67,800 10) ,400 TVP 84,700 75,000 17,700 21,000 TOTAL 178,000 204,900 Snow Geese 776,500 787,400 Whi te-fronted geese 103,300 116,500 Compiled by: Don H. Orr Migratory Bird Field Coordinator January 22, 1990 1989 December Goose Survey - Mississippi Flyway Southeastern Region SPECIES CANADA White- Loral i on Migrants MAX TOTAL SNOW Fronted Kentucky Zone 1 49,500 1,200 50,700 15,000 0 2 100 0 100 0 0 3 500 100 600 TR TR Total 50, 100 1,300 51,400 15,000 TR Arkansas Zone 1 3,600 2,900 6,500 2,200 TR 2 4,400 0 4,400 20,400 2,800 3 5,300 0 5,300 189,200 5,000 Total 13,300 2,900 16,200 211,800 7,800 Tennessee Zone 1 16,400 100 16,500 0 0 2 51,700 800 52,500 500 0 3 0 9,700 9,700 TR 0 Total 68, 100 10,600 78,700 500 0 Loui s iana Zone 1 NS NS NS NS NS 2 100 100 171,500 38,200 3 1,500 1,000 2,500 311,900 56,800 4 0 0 0 62,800 0 Total i ,600 1 ,000 2,600 546,200 95,000 Mississippi Zone 1 2,600 100 2,700 500 400 2 4,400 1,200 0,600 TR TR 3 NS NS NS NS NS Total 7,000 1,300 8,300 500 400 Alabama Zone 1 20,200 300 20,500 2,400 100 2 0 300 300 0 0 3 TR 0 TR 100 TR 4 0 0 0 0 0 Total 20,200 600 20,800 2,500 100 Total - Region 160,300 17,700 178,000 776,500 103,300 TR = Trace (Fewer than 50 birds) NS = Not Surveyed Canada Goose Popu I at,i on Subdivision* 1989 December Goose Survey - Mississippi Flyway Southeastern Region State TOP KPP MVP TVP MAX TOTAL Kent u o k y 37,300 12,800 1 ,300 51 ,400 Arkansas 6 , :u)o 7 ,000 2,900 IB ,200 Tennessee 16,400 51,700 10 ,600 78 ,700 I.ou i s i ana 1,500 100 1 ,000 2,600 Mississi ppi 7,000 1 ,300 8,300 Alabama 20,200 600 20 ,800 TOTAL 1,500 6,300 67,800 84,700 17,700 178,000 ^Criteria used to separate 1989 estimates of Canada geese into management popu1 at i ons: State Criteria Kentucky Zone 1 - 37,300 MVP, 12,200 TVP; Zones 2 & 3 ALL TVP; rest MAX \rkansas Zone 1 - EPP; Zone 2 - MVP; Zone 3 - 1/2 EPP and 1/2 MVP Tennessee Zone 1 - MVP; rest TVP except MAX .ouisiana Zone 2 - MVP; Zone 3 - TCP except MAX iississippi All MVP except MAX labama All TVP except MAX KENTUCKY - ifeceraber li-15, 1989 ALL GOOSE SURVEY Canada *hite- Higrants Residents Total Snow Profited SE i *,i River iTN<KY line to iiickiit'fe, KYI keel toot N*h i.'hio River mcKliffe to Goiconda, II] Lift 10 Kvr (Goiconda H to Gwenstniro KYi Henderson bioutfns HMO Kiver i.Owensborn tu Louisville! Barkley Lake (KY portion! bayou Du Chien il<ater Vailey - Hickman) Ubion Creek srora Hwy, 51 to Hiokraan 0 i' Hayfieid Creek frora CcCracsten County 0 line to Kickliffe 0 KY Lake to Hwy 75 (both sides of river) 0 1 tiaiiard County Waterfowl Hgrant. Area 21,000 21,000 15,i ;A Swan Lake Waterfowl Mana^'enent Area i fc.nd Paver 8 Tradewater River 50 50 Zi.'fit TOTAL 49,450 1,200 50,650 15,000 0 ONE II Oh River (Louisville - Rabbit Hash, KY) 53 53 b TsyiorsvilJe Lane 25 25 78 0 78 tiemngton Lake 250 250 Cumberland Lane 210 210 Daie Hollow Lake (KY portionl |) Green River Lake 1 1 Barren River Lake 0 Koiin La«e 0 Rough Kiver Lake KS US Laurei River LaKe 11} TO 80 Fainteville Lake US US Lewey Lake NS US Levtsa Fork US US Fishtrap Lake US US Carr Fork Laxe NS US Buckhorn Lane US NS 471 70 541 'i "497993 U70~ 517269 IMOY "•S : Uot Surveyed ARKANSAS - Decenber 11-15, i!*89 ALL GOOSE SURVEY Canada Kbite- Migrants Residents Total Snow Fronted ,1,(>00 2,900 6,500 2,£00 10 4,400 0 4,400 20,400 2,800 5,300 0 5,300 189,200 5,000 16,200 211,1 ',810 IENNE5SEE - DeceffiDer 11-15, 1989 ALL GOOSE SURVEY Canada White- i Lil'i-* IH'N flints Residents lotal Snow fronted ZONE I 1 teelfoot Lake & MR ( fN) 1 1 , WO 11, boo iH La«e Isofli NkR 4 , but* 4,500 L r!S Rwer , M line to MS line) 0 5 Matcrue NwK 3o5 75 440 4 Obion - Forked Deer 4 4 5 hatctue River Bottoms 0 5A Lower Hatcnie NWR 43 4j & Cold Creek, Old Middle Fork of 3 3 forkea Deer River, Open Lake, Cnisholm Lake Io,4l5 16,490 .E II Bit; Sandy - TN NkR & KY Lake 9,225 from Hwy 79 to Hwy. 147 Sprinqviile Bottom WilA 0 Gig Sandy «MH 0 Duck River - TN NWR i KY Lake 22,500 22,500 325 (Hwy 147 to Decatur Co. Line) Camden hlNA 0 busseltown - TN NWR S KY Lake 2,500 2,500 130 (Decatur Co. Line to Hwy 100) Perryvilie Wflfl 0 Cross Creeks NWR 17,358 350 17.708 Cneathan Reservoir 463 463 unite Oak 100 100 Earkley HMrt 0 6arc,ley L^ke (KY line - Lock (M 0 51,683 813 ~52~496" 457 ZON E III i Percy Priest Reservoir 52 52 2 Old Hickory keservoir 3,248 3,248 3 Cordeii hull Reservoir 535 535 4 Normandy Reservoir 10 10 ^ Tins Ford Reservoir 362 362 0 Woods Reservoir 908 908 3 7 Douglas - Cnerokee Reservoir 1,311 1,311 e Melton Hill Reservoir NS NS V Hatts Sirr Reservoir 1,589 1,589 10 Cnu Kamauga Reservoir 1,710 1,710 1 il Teliico Reservoir NS NS 9,725 9,725 68,098 10,613 78,711 461 NS : Not Surveyed LOUISIANA - December IMS, 1989 ALL GOOSE SURVEY Canada Htiite- DC A I ION Migrants Residents lotal Snow Fronted one I (Northwest > NS NS NS NS NS one II (Central & HE) 100 0 100 171,500 ,58,200 me III (Southwest! 1,525 1 , 000 2,525 311,900 56,800 cne IV (Soutnedst) 0 0 62,800 0 ° 2,625 546,200 95,000 - Uecenber Il-i5, 1989 ALL GOOSE SURVEV Canada White- Lui.'ATIOfi Migrants Residents Total Snow Fronted >ne I 2,600 60 2,660 500 400 ZOfjt TOTAL 2,600 60 2,660 500 400 j.0rie ii it Noxubee MR .150 212 562 1 13 U sardis Reservoi r 4,000 1,000 5,000 11 23 ZONE TOTAL U50 1,212 5,562 28 36 ne III h Mississippi. Sound fJS US NS NS US ,272 1,222 500 400 ,sS - Not surwyec - December il-15, 198s ALL GOOSE bilRVEY White- rligranls Keaidente Total Snow Fronted »eler MR iC.OiJO i) 20,000 2,400 53 .ianhf.n Count) L'Ui) 3li(i 500 U U iifst TVA 20 1) 2(1 1) 0 LfNt Ti'TAL 20, til' MI(J U',520 2,4U(J 53 i) 251 251 I) 0 o 25) £51 0 0 10 0 10 145 12 ZONE TOTAL HI 0 10 145 12 ne IV Choctaw 551 £0,771 2,545 53.
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