SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH OF THE SCO COUNTRIES: SYNERGY AND INTEGRATION 上合组织国家的科学研究:协同和一体化 Materials of the Date: International Conference April 10 Beijing, China 2020 上合组织国家的科学研究:协同和一体化 国际会议 参与者的英文报告 International Conference “Scientific research of the SCO countries: synergy and integration” Part 1: Participants’ reports in English 2020年4月13日。中国北京 April 10, 2020. Beijing, PRC Materials of the International Conference “Scientific research of the SCO countries: synergy and integration” - Reports in English (April 10, 2020. Beijing, PRC) ISBN 978-5-905695-52-0 这些会议文集结合了会议的材料 - 研究论文和科学工作 者的论文报告。 它考察了职业化人格的技术和社会学问题。 一些文章涉及人格职业化研究问题的理论和方法论方法和原 则。 作者对所引用的出版物,事实,数字,引用,统计数据,专 有名称和其他信息的准确性负责 These Conference Proceedings combine materials of the conference – research papers and thesis reports of scientific workers. They examines tecnical and sociological issues of research issues. Some articles deal with theoretical and methodological approaches and principles of research questions of personality professionalization. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of cited publications, facts, figures, quotations, statistics, proper names and other information. ISBN 978-5-905695-52-0 ©Scientific publishing house Infinity, 2020 ©Group of authors, 2020 CONTENTS ECONOMICS 大公司对国家经济发展的影响的系统方面 Systemic aspects of the influence of large companies on the development of the country's economy Shimshirt Natalia Dmitrievna, Kopilevich Valeria Vadimovna............................10 在实施行业特定的进口替代策略期间,俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司获得竞争优势 Obtaining competitive advantages by Gazprom Neft during the implementation of industry-specific import substitution strategies Larin Sergey Nikolaevich, Stebenyaeva Tatyana Viktorovna, Yuryatina Natalya Nikolaevna.............................................................................18 制裁和西方国家因俄罗斯实行食品禁运而给俄罗斯经济造成的经济损失 Financial losses of the Russian economy from sanctions and Western countries from the introduction of a food embargo by Russia Larin Sergey Nikolaevich, Znamenskaya Alexandra Nikolaevna.......................25 评估医疗服务的质量和可及性,将其作为该地区可持续发展的一个因素 Assessment of the quality and accessibility of medical services as a factor in the sustainable development of the region Koltsova Tatiana Aleksandrovna, Pelkova Svetlana Vladimirovna.....................33 管理创新领域的投资项目 Managing investment projects in innovation sphere Koroleva Elena Vladimirovna, Mukhopad Vladimir Ivanovich, Pyataeva Olga Alekseevna...................................................................................39 高等教育是俄罗斯经济发展的一个因素 Higher education as a factor in the economic development of Russia Suraeva Maria Olegovna...................................................................................44 堪察加领土垄断市场的竞争 Competition in the monopoly markets of the Kamchatka Territory Kulakova Lyudmila Ivanovna...............................................................................49 组织财务稳定性分析 Analysis of financial stability of the organization Chernyakov Mikhail Konstantinovich, Akberov Kamal Cholu-ogly, Mammadli Fuad Bakhtiyar-ogly.........................................................................55 在国际运输通道中应用系统定义的可能性 Possibility of Applying the Definition of System to International Transport Corridors Zamaraeva Elena Nikolaevna.............................................................................59 竞争力是企业战略形成的基础 Competitiveness as the basis for the formation of an enterprise strategy Kulakova Lyudmila Ivanovna, Ogorodniokova Tatyana Sergeevna....................68 PEDAGOGICAL SCIENCES 俄罗斯远程学习的大规模组织的第一次经验 The first experience of mass organization of distance learning in Russia Monakhova Lira Yulevna, Riabokon Elena Aleksandrovna...............................75 现代职业教育的人文传统 Humanistic traditions of modern vocational education Nadeeva Marina Iosifovna....................................................................................80 民族音乐教育在培养民族文化素质中的作用 The Role of National Music Education in Cultivating Students' National Cultural Quality Cheng Han...........................................................................................................85 远程教育观点 Distance Education Perspectives Ustimenko Oksana Anatolevna............................................................................92 PHILOLOGICAL SCIENCES 在研究委婉语语义机制的背景下,概念隐喻表示模型 Models of conceptual-metonymic representation in the context of studying semantic mechanisms of euphemization Porokhnitskaya Lydia Vasilyevna, Teplyakova Svetlana Mikhailovna...............99 谓语实用标记在Ch的句子中起作用。 狄更斯角色反驳 Predicative pragmatic markers functioning in the sentences of Ch. Dickens characters retorts Merkuryeva Natalia Yuryevna............................................................................106 MEDICAL SCIENCES SOCS蛋白在失衡代谢过程中的作用 The role of SOCS proteins in imbalance metabolic process Kulakova Anastasia Sergeevna, Snimshchikova Irina Anatolyevna, Kabina Natalya Alexandrovna...........................................................................113 翻修髋关节置换术的结构特点 Features of the structure of revision hip replacement operations Izmalkov Sergei Nikolaevich, Bratiichuk Aleksandr Nikolaevich, Osin Denis Igorevich..........................................................................................121 根据现代文献,医源性对大隐静脉的损伤在小腿下半部手术中静脉功能不全的 初始体征发展中的作用 The role of iatrogenic damage to the large saphenous vein in the development of initial signs of venous insufficiency during operations on the lower third of the lower leg according to modern literature Kukushkin Evgeni Petrovich, Kukushkina Ekaterina Sergeevna, Midlenko Vladimir Ilich, Midlenko Oleg Vladimirovich...................................127 3岁以下儿童热灼伤毒血症期间中枢和外周血流动力学的变化 Change in central and peripheral hemodynamics during toxemia during thermal burns in children under 3 years old Muhitdinova Hura Nuritdinovna, Nazarova Fazilat Sunnatullaevna, Abdullaev Umid Halitovich...............................................................................134 PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES 从葡萄粉中分离出的水溶性多糖(栽培)(Vitis Vinefero L.)的表面现象 的研究 Study of the surface phenomena of a water-soluble polysaccharide isolated from grape meal (cultivated) (Vitis Vinefero L.) Mykots Lidiya Petrovna, Zhilina Oksana Mikhailovna, Shubaev Mark Gennadevich..............................................................................140 BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES 重组L-苯丙氨酸-铵裂解酶的分子量和氨基酸组成的测定 Determination of the molecular weight and amino acid composition of recombinant L-phenylalanine-ammonium-lyase Babich Olga Olegovna, Ivanova Svetlana Anatolyevna...................................148 评估椰子油酶解产物的致突变性 Assessment of the mutagenicity of enzymatic hydrolysates of coconut oil Noskova Svetlana Yuryevna, Babich Olga Olegovna, Dyshlyuk Lyubov Sergeevna, Ivina Oksana Anatolyevna..................................................................................152 贝加尔湖底部沉积物中嗜冷微生物代谢产物的氨基酸组成分析 Analysis of the amino acid composition of metabolites of psychrophilic microorganisms isolated from bottom sediments of lake Baikal Sukhikh Stanislav Alekseevich, Shevchenko Margarita Andreevna, Bulgakova Olga Mikhailovna, Belova Daria Dmitrievna.................................156 CHEMICAL SCIENCES 熔融氯化物中液态金属电极极化过程中电化学活性颗粒浓度对传质参数的影 响 Effect of the concentration of electrochemical-ly active particles on the mass transfer pa-rameters during polarization of liquid metal electrodes in molten chlorides Mikhalev Yuri Glebovich....................................................................................163 Foreword We thank all participants of our conference "Scientific research of the SCO countries: synergy and integration" for the interest shown, for your speeches and reports. Such a wide range of participants, representing all the countries that are members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, speaks about the necessity and importance of this event. The reports of the participants cover a wide range of topical scientific problems and our joint interaction will contribute to the further development of both theoretical and applied modern scientific research by scientists from different countries. The result of the conference was the participation of 56 authors from 7 countries (China, Russia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan). This conference was a result of the serious interest of the world academic community, the state authorities of China and the Chinese Communist Party to preserve and strengthen international cooperation in the field of science. We also thank our Russian partner Infinity Publishing House for assistance in organizing the conference, preparing and publishing the conference proceedings in Chinese Part and English Part. I hope that the collection of this conference will be useful to a wide range of readers. It will help to consider issues, that would interest the public, under a new point of view. It will also allow to find contacts among scientists of common interests. Fan Fukuan, Chairman of the organizing committee of the conference “Scientific research of the SCO countries: synergy and integration” Full Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences 前言 我们感谢所有参加本次会议的“上海合作组织国家的科学研究: 协同作用和整合”,感谢您的演讲和报告。代表所有上海合作组 织成员国的广泛参与者都谈到此次活动的必要性和重要性。参与 者的报告涵盖了广泛的主题性科学问题,我们的联合互动将有助 于不同国家的科学家进一步发展理论和应用的现代科学研究。会 议结果是来自7个国家(中国,俄罗斯,乌兹别克斯坦,哈萨克 斯坦,阿塞拜疆,塔吉克斯坦,吉尔吉斯斯坦)的83位作者的参 与。 这次会议的召开,是学术界,中国国家权力机关和中国共产党对 维护和加强科学领域国际合作的高度重视的结果。我们还要感谢 我们的俄罗斯合作伙伴无限出版社协助组织会议,准备和发布中 英文会议文集。 我希望会议的收集对广大读者有用,将有助于在新的观点下为读 者提供有趣的问题,并且还将允许在共同利益的科学家中寻找联 系。 范福宽, 教授,经济科学博士,中国科学院院士,会议组委会主席“上合 组织国家科学研究:协同与融合” Scientific research of the SCO countries: synergy and integration 大公司对国家经济发展的影响的系统方面 SYSTEMIC ASPECTS OF THE INFLUENCE
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