\%m i ^ssi .INTEP^SCHOIASTIC LEAGUE t'N&ttb fc c 11 *. t, t Vol. XXXV AUSTIN, TEXAS, SEPTEMBER, 1952 No. I Conferences at Eagle Pass, Dallas First of 12 Scheduled A record-breaking total of 12 LEAD-OFF conference for the ford Hestir will be guest consult­ the largest of all activities meet Student Activities Conferences art lew season will be on September ant. ings—the Southeast Texas S.A.C. at Houston. The University o*f scheduled for the 1952-1953 27 at Eagle Pass, where the Jour­ The first large-scale conference Houston will again be host. school year, beginning in late Sep­ nalism Department of the High of the year, including speech, tember at Eagle Pass, and closing School is to be host to staffs and journalism and ready writing ses­ OTHER DATES on the activi­ in early February at Nacogdoches. sponsors from central and south­ sions, will be held at Southern ties conferences calendar are: November 8, Lower Panhandle, Blanketing the entire state, the western border cities. Miss Nancy Methodist University, Dallas, on Texas Tech, Lubbock. conferences will bring within reach Salisbury, journalism teacher, is October 11 for North Texas. This November 15, Northeast Texas, of every student and teacher spe­ general chairman for the confer­ will be followed on October 25 by Kilgore College, Kilgore. cial help in various speech, journal­ ence. University Interscholastic the conference which was the pro­ November 22, South Central istic and ready writing activities. League Journalism Director Blu- totype, and has continued to be Texas, University of Texas, Aus­ tin. December 6, Central West Texas, Abilene Christian College, University Receives MemorialAbilene . December 13, West Texas, Odessa High School, Odessa. To Shurter, League's FounderJanuar y 10, Upper Panhandle, West Texas State College, Canyon. NEW BASEBALL CHAMPIONS—The Conference AA State Cham- Top row, Jim Bethea, Jerry Sims, Robert Sears, Jack Schultea, The University of Texas has re­ University's "School of Oratory" January 17, South Texas and jsions of Texas high school baseball are the Bulldogs of John H. Wayne Tucker, Caroll Booker, Mike Hiney, Wayne Graham, and ceived a memorial to a former pro­ (forerunner of the present speech Valley, Texas College of Arts & Reagan High School, Houston. By coming from behind to defeat Coach Lee Roy Ashmore. fessor who founded the Inter­ department) in 1899, introducing Industries, Kingsville; and North­ Crosier Technical High School of Dallas, the Bulldogs cinched the Second row, John Wolda, Vito Marchese, Don Price, Don Yeakley, scholastic League and promoted many "new" courses such as pub­ ern Central Texas, Southwestern title tn the Fourth Annual State Baseball Tournament, in Austin last Pete Vance and James Hardin, speech as a course in Texas high lic speaking, formal oratory, de­ University, Georgetown. June.: Bottom row, Richard Arnold, Charlie Puis, and Earl Mickey, schools. bate and extempore speaking. He February 7, Central East Texas, Left te right, the members of the championship team are: had embarked on a campaign to Professor Edwin DuBois Shur- Stephen F. Austin State College, free Texas from the "elocution" ter's 500-volume reference library, Nacogdoches. techniques which prevailed at the including copies of 40 or more All of these will have both turn of the century, Hayes noted. LETTER Reagan 'Bulldogs Win Committee Makes books written by him, his portrait journalism and speech sections, ftOX and a bronze plaque commemorat­ "HIS AIM WAS to train Uni­ except the last, which will have and ing the League's 1910 founding versity students in a type of speak­ only speech sections. Ready writ­ PERSONAL State Baseball Crown are included in the gift. They were ing which was conversational, ing sections will be held at Hous­ ITEMS Few Rule Changes Winner of the Fourth Annual I up a new record, since the highest a bequest by his widow. functional and practical, speech ton, Dallas, Kingsville, Austin, and State Championship Baseball Tour­ that would prove useful in the possibly Kilgore and Odessa. previous strike-out tally, also 21, Shurter died in 1946 and his nament in June, 1952, was John everyday life of a changing I read with much interest your was made in 10 innings. In Girls' Basketball wife in 1951. They had returned THE DALLAS CONFERENCE, H. Reagan High School, Houston. world," Hayes explained. discussion on baseball (April The championship game, how­ to his boyhood honre, Brookton- of which Dr. C. L. Wisseman is By virtue of an 8-5 comeback There will be very little change In 1910 Shurter organized on a the general chairman, will open at Leaguer) in our high schools. I ever, was marred by fielding bob­ dale, N. Y., after his retirement victory over Crozier Technical of in the way in which girls' basket­ state-wide basis the Texas High 8:30 p.m. October 11 With regis­ have long been a strong advocate bles by both teams. A total of in 1923. of this sport for our youngsters. Dallas, the Reagan team cinched eleven errors were made, six of ball will be played in Texas this School Debating League, which be­ tration, followed by a general as­ My contention is that we do not the title. Third place in the state them by the champions. year. As a result of the action ARTHUR ROBERT HAYES of came the nucleus for the present sembly. Sectional meetings in race went to Waco, with a 4-2 taken by the Interscholastic Austin, who recently was awarded University Interscholastic League, have a major sport in the high First round play matched Waco E. D. SHURTER speech and journalism will follow victory over Laredo. League Girls' Basketball Commit­ a Doctor of Education degree from formed in 1913. Under Shurter's the assembly. schools that has more carry-over against Abilene, with the Waco Department of Education granted tee, the unlimited dribble, as in the University, spent five years direction, the League grew from value than, baseball. Our young­ The 1952 Tournament was the team getting the big end of the one unit of affiliation credit in Boys' and girls' debate sections the boys' version of basketball, will preparing a dissertation on "The 28 schools in 1910 to 4,095 schools sters play it after they are out of most evenly [contested of the four 4—1 score. The second game in the speech work, one-half unit in pub­ will optn at 9:15, running through be continued. Over 95 percent of Influence and Impact of Edwin in 1921. In 1917, it was recognized sob 31. whereas football or even thus far heldl urider Interscholastic first round was Reagan's victory lic speaking, and one-half unit in 12:30. Sections on declamation, the coaches contacted preferred DuBois Shurter on Speech Edu­ as the largest organization of its basketball are played by a com- League sponsorship. The sports­ over Tyler. Martin High of Laredo argumentation and debate, Hayes interpretative reading and extem­ the unlimited dribble to the limited cation in Texas." He dedicated the manship of players and fans alike took the third game from Stephen kind in the U.S., a distinction it poraneous speaking will all begin dribble, and the Committee was recalled. Shurter also campaigned was exemplary. Crowds were larger F. Austin High of Bryan in a 324-page study to Mrs. Alice B. still holds. at 9:15. closing at 10:30. Toe In o ni this year, we had unanimous in its recommendation for the later state requirement than in anyi pjrevious year, con­ tight 2-1 duel. Luis Ramirez al­ Shurter, who corresponded with drama section will begin with a 12 boj >r six-man football, that it he maintained. "Through the League, the Uni­ that public speaking training be tinuing to rttow steady growth in lowed Bryan but 2 hits and struck him three years, supplying much lighting snd «<>pre->.uild-;:<y d"*n-iy.. nd 20 for base­ versity of Texas reached out into iriven all shwleata in connection interest in the' school-boy champ­ out ten men. His opponent,' Dick Some' other changes, a.3 Hated valuable material. stration, an.; a make-up demon­ ball. st they want to every part of the state to render with regular high-school English ionship games. Munday, lost despite 3-hit pitching below, were voted by the 1952-53 Dr. Hayes also contacted about stration, both at 9:15, The closing • play if we will only let guidance in these various contests courses. and six strike-outs. Committee during its summer 50 prominent judges, business men of these units will mark the be­ them. REAGAN'S !VICTORY over and extension services," Hayes Dr. Hayes taught speech at the meeting in Austin. The Commit­ and teachers who were students of ginning, at 10:00, of a directors' Crozier matched two excellent The last game of the opening pointed out. University five years, and was YOUJ point cm the financial side tee is composed of Superintendent Shurter at the University 1899- clinic. At 11:00 a demonstration pitchers, bofh .with one tourna­ round, played June 3, was the John T. Morris, O'Donnell; Super­ SHURTER GAINED recogni­ director of state championship one of the isaue> was also well taken. 1923, Many Texans, like Dr. of one-act play will complete the I belifve the money angle is em- ment victorV behind them, Jack Crozier Tech victory over Ama- intendent P, J. Dodson, Bastrop; tion for oral English and public act plays in 1935 and 1940 as drama portion of the program. rillo. This was the only extra- Hayes, first knew Shurter when pbAsized t.oo much. Baseball has a Schultea anaf, Doyle Stout.
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