United Nations A/AC.183/PV.320 General Assembly Official Records Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People 320th meeting Monday, 30 November 2009, 10 a.m. New York Chairman: Mr. Badji........................................ (Senegal) The meeting was called to order at 10.40 a.m. those who have accepted the Committee’s invitation to participate in this solemn meeting. International Day of Solidarity with the Allow me at this point to make a statement on Palestinian People behalf of the Committee. The Chair (spoke in French): Today, the On behalf of the Committee on the Exercise of Committee is holding a special meeting to observe the the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, I International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian would like to express our appreciation to everyone here People, in accordance with the provisions of General for attending this special meeting in observance of the Assembly resolution 32/40 B of 2 December 1977. International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian It is my honour and pleasure to bid a warm People. Our appreciation and greetings also go to those welcome to His Excellency Mr. Ali Abdussalam Treki, joining us from all over the world through the United President of the General Assembly; His Excellency Nations webcast system. Mr. Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United When the General Assembly decided on the Nations; His Excellency Mr. Thomas Mayr-Harting, annual observance of this day, in 1977, it was mindful President of the Security Council; His Excellency of the responsibility of the United Nations towards the Mr. Palitha T.B. Kohona, Chairman of the Special Palestinian people and of the need to promote a Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the comprehensive, just and lasting solution to the question Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other of Palestine. Today’s gathering is a reaffirmation of the Arabs of the Occupied Territories; His Excellency ongoing commitment of the international community to Mr. Riyad Mansour, Permanent Observer of Palestine achieving that goal. to the United Nations and representing Palestine at this special meeting; and Mr. Haile Menkerios, Assistant Sixty-two years ago, on 29 November 1947, the Secretary-General for Political Affairs. General Assembly, in its resolution 181 (II), provided for the establishment of two States in Mandate I would particularly like to welcome the presence Palestine, one Jewish, one Arab. To date, only one at our meeting of Professor Walid Khalidi, renowned State has come into being. The hopes and aspirations of Palestinian historian and General Secretary of the the Palestinian people for living in their own home Institute for Palestine Studies in Washington, D.C., remain unfulfilled. Generations of Palestinians in the who will be our keynote speaker this morning. West Bank, in East Jerusalem and in Gaza have lived, I also wish to warmly welcome all of you — and continue to live, under the longest military representatives of Member States, intergovernmental occupation in modern history. Palestinian refugees in organizations and civil society organizations and all camps in Jordan, Syria and Lebanon are still yearning This record contains the text of speeches delivered in English and of the interpretation of speeches delivered in the other languages. Corrections should be submitted to the original languages only. They should be incorporated in a copy of the record and sent under the signature of a member of the delegation concerned to the Chief of the Verbatim Reporting Service, room U-506. Corrections will be issued in a corrigendum. 09-62553 (E) *0962553* A/AC.183/PV.320 for the end of the plight. Despite these never-ending Developments on the ground clearly demonstrate how challenges, the Palestinian people continue to hope that the occupying Power has been consolidating its hold on one day the dream of living in a State of their own will the Palestinian land and its resources. Since 1967, be realized. Israel has gained control of all aspects of the lives of the Palestinians. The reality of the situation on the ground today is quite bleak. It gives us little reason to believe that the The Palestinian people deserves our solidarity occupation will be brought to an end any time soon. because it is still denied its inalienable national rights, The peace process is stalled. In the very land where a defined by the General Assembly as the right to self- future Palestinian State is supposed to be established, determination without external interference, the right illegal Israeli settlements continue to multiply. The to national independence and sovereignty and the right refusal of the occupying Power to bring a halt to of Palestine refugees to return to their homes and settlement expansion has become a major obstacle to property, from which they had been displaced and the resumption of peace negotiations. uprooted. In East Jerusalem, the construction of settlements The Palestinian people deserves our solidarity all has been accompanied by the demolition of houses, the more because its leadership, under President evictions of Palestinian residents and other Mahmoud Abbas, has vowed to achieve its national discriminatory measures. The situation around the holy goals through peaceful negotiations. And the Palestinian sites of the city, in particular at and around Al-Haram Authority has demonstrated, through concrete steps in Al-Sharif, remains tense. Any illegal or provocative the territory under its jurisdiction, that it is serious in action is prone to escalate into a wave of violence with building Palestinian public institutions in accordance far-reaching implications. with widely accepted norms of transparency and good governance. The construction of the separation wall on occupied Palestinian land continues, in spite of the Our Committee is encouraged by the fact that ruling by the International Court of Justice. Together international solidarity with the Palestinian people is with more than 500 checkpoints and obstacles to stronger than ever. It manifests itself in a multitude of movement throughout the West Bank, the wall stifles actions by Governments and intergovernmental and the daily life of the Palestinians. civil society organizations, as well as by individuals. Many Governments are actively involved in the pursuit The humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip has of peace between Israelis and Palestinians. Be it always been a source of special concern to our through the work of the Quartet, the Security Council, Committee. After being subjected for more than two the General Assembly or other bodies, they are seeking years to an almost total economic blockade, the to make a positive contribution to the two-State Palestinians of Gaza had to endure a three-week solution. military invasion accompanied by extraordinary violence. More than 1,400 Palestinians were killed When, in December 2008, the Israeli army during the Israeli offensive, more than 1,100 of whom invaded Gaza, the international community responded were non-combatants. Among the non-combatants immediately by calling for calm and demanding respect killed were more than 300 children and more than 100 for the lives of innocent civilians. The rocket attacks women. More than 5,000 Palestinians were injured; by Palestinian groups indiscriminately targeting Israeli many were maimed for life. The Israeli side reported civilians were also condemned. In their respective 14 deaths, including four civilians, and 182 injured. resolutions, the Security Council and the General Although the ceasefire has by and large been observed Assembly called for a permanent and durable ceasefire. since the end of the Israeli invasion, the economic The Secretary-General intervened and personally blockade continues, allowing only for some basic relief visited Gaza. in order to avoid a humanitarian catastrophe. At this point, Mr. Secretary-General, I would like The Palestinian people needs and deserves our to express our Committee’s sincere thanks for your solidarity. Owing to the compelling imbalance of efforts and your commitment to peace between Israelis power between Israel and the Palestinians, that and Palestinians. The members of the Committee urge courageous people greatly needs our active solidarity. you to continue to see that the United Nations retains 2 09-62553 A/AC.183/PV.320 permanent responsibility for the question of Palestine a two-State solution is achieved, with Israel and until that issue is resolved in all its aspects, in Palestine living side by side in peace and security. accordance with international law and international I now have the honour to give the floor to His legitimacy. Excellency Mr. Ali Abdussalam Treki, President of the The international community’s solidarity with the General Assembly. Palestinian people was reaffirmed last March at the Mr. Treki (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya), President of donor conference held at Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, the General Assembly (spoke in Arabic): I would like where pledges of some $4.5 billion were made for to express our deep gratitude to the Committee on the Gaza’s reconstruction, although the bulk of the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian promised funds have still not reached the Palestinian People for its important work in promoting the cause of people in Gaza. We also see a demonstration of the Palestinian people. solidarity in the work of various fact-finding missions undertaken by the United Nations and other The International Day of Solidarity with the organizations in the wake of the war in Gaza. Palestinian people is a solemn occasion for renewing our commitment to a just and lasting solution to the I would like to take advantage of this opportunity question of Palestine and comprehensive peace in the to state here, unequivocally, that our solidarity with the Middle East, a goal that eluded us for far too long, with Palestinian people is not at Israel’s expense. It is disastrous consequences.
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