The Official Publication of the National Fresh Water Fishing The Hall Opens Hall of Fame VOL. 32 NO. 2 Spring 2008 on April 15th! Inside: • Awards Presented, page 3 • Ol’ Tackle Talk, page 7 • Records Update, page 8 Member Please Give Us Your New Address! • International If you have moved or if you change your Association of address for the winter, please let us know. Sports Museums It will insure a more timely receipt of your and Halls of Fame Hall mail. Thanks for the help! Supporting Member Founded 1960 • Outdoor Writers Association of America THE HALL IS Incorporated Not For Profit 1970 • Association Great Lakes Outdoor Writers P.O. Box 690, 10360 Hall of Fame Drive • Wisconsin Outdoor Communications WORKING FOR YOU! Hayward, WI 54843 Association Phone 715/634-4440 • SEOPA SUPPORT IT! SIGN http://www.Freshwater-Fishing.org • National Lure Collectors Club e-mail: [email protected] • Antique Outboard Motor Club International UP A NEW MEMBER! Printed February 15, April 15, August 15, November 15 The Easter Bunny Programs and Activities • Recognition of World Fresh Water Sport- fishing Records Visits • Record Book Published Annually • Enshrinement for Achievement and Accomplishment • Library for Research and Pleasure the • Educational Museum of Sportfishing Arti- facts Museum open April 15 to November 1 Hall! 7 days a week, 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (no admittance after 3:30 p.m.) Administration Office open year ‘round 5 days a week, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. (except Christmas-New Year interim weeks) On Saturday, March Executive Board of Directors 22nd the Easter Bill Beckwith . .President John Dettloff . .Vice President Bunny stopped and Ted Dzialo . .Secretary wished the over 350 Tom Turngren . .Treasurer Randy Albrecht . .Director children in Scott Allen . .Director attendance a Happy Bill Gautsche . .Director Dave Perkins . .Director Easter at the Don Robinson . .Director Hall's 3rd Annual Jim Scheer . .Director Harold Tiffany . .Director Com munity Easter Wendy Williamson . .Director Egg Hunt. Ben Wold . .Director Professional and Volunteer Staff The sponsors of this Emmett Brown . .Executive Director Kathy Polich . .Business Manager "free" event were Darlene Overman . .Secretary Hayward Myrna Huber . .Clerk Emmett Brown . .Splash Editor businesses: Arclin; Tim Gavigan . .Webmaster Johnson Bank; Donna Scheer . .Volunteer Fred Scheer . .Volunteer Lynn Marie's Candies; The National Fresh Water Fishing Hall of Fame is a non-profit educational or gan iza - Marketplace Foods; tion dedicated to conservation and sportfish- Wal-Mart and ing and to the maintenance of a hall of fame where the history of fishing and angling WHSM Radio. achievements are displayed. A 501(c)(3) organization © Copyright 2008 National Fresh Water Fishing Hall of Fame, Inc. 2 Awards Presented Emmett Brown (left) pre sents Lew Morri- son's 2008 Special Recognition plaque to his nephew (Bill Mor- rison) on March 15th at the 2008 Milwau- kee Sports Show. Lew was re mem bered and hon ored by the Hall for his tireless efforts to promote fresh water sportfishing. Lew was the outdoor editor for the On Friday, February 15th, Elmer Guerri (right) presents Milwaukee Sentinel from 1941 through 1961. The cer- Harry Renfro's 2008 Special Recognition plaque to his emony, attended by over 100 spectators, was made son, Dan Renfro. The presentation was made at the even more special by a display of some of Lew's arti- Press Party for the 2008 54th annual Indianapolis Boat, facts. The display was put together by Chris Slusar. A Sport and Travel Show. Harry was remembered as the special thanks goes to Charlie Potter and Fran Lee of consumate promoter and educator of fresh water sport- Great Outdoors for making this presentation possible. fishing. His special interest revolved around children. Great Lakes sturgeon found vulnerable to lamprey predation Researchers from Purdue U. in their nets. In the 19th century, lake sturgeon,” Sutton added. have completed a study that con- demand for caviar, flesh, oil, fertiliz- “Although the scute-covered bodies of cludes sea lampreys kill smaller lake er, and other delicacies caused an in - lake sturgeon provides some armor, sturgeon in the Great Lakes, stress- crease in value of sturgeon. The sea lampreys cleverly managed to ing the importance of protecting larg- destruction of lake stur geon habitats attach and feed on the fleshy areas of er lake sturgeon during recovery from pollution, sedimentation, and the fish, such as the underside of the efforts. The study provides vital man-made obstructions such as snout, at the base of the fins, and information to managers who must hydroelectric dams further increased near the vent. Small er fish were take into account all sources of mor- population declines. As a result, more likely to die due to blood loss tality as they formulate and imple- restoration of sturgeon in the Great fol low ing a sea lamprey attack than ment sturgeon recovery plans. Lakes is now a focus of multiple and larger individuals. Further, smaller “Lake sturgeon are freshwater binational agencies. lake sturgeon that survived a sea goliaths, growing over six feet in One potential limitation of cur- lamprey at tack were more likely to length and 200 lbs. in the Great rent lake sturgeon restoration is the die from a secondary infection than Lakes,” said Dr. Trent Sutton of Pur- sea lamprey. Sea lampreys are larger fish. Because a larger body due U. (now at U. of Alaska), the lead known to attack lake sturgeon, but it size provides a sur vival advantage researcher on this project. “They are is not clear what impact they might for lake sturgeon following a sea lam- in bottom dwell ing species, and feed have on survival of this species. prey attack, it is important to protect on insects and clams that they lo cate In a series of observation tanks, older, larger fish in the population in with their sensory whiskers. Stur- one lake sturgeon and one sea lam- order to aid ongoing restoration geon are pokey crea tures; they move prey were paired together. The obser- efforts.” conservatively, mature and repro- vation tanks were checked three (Courtesy of the Great Lakes Basin Report) duce at an older age than most fish, times each day for sea lamprey and live for up to 150 years. The stur- attachments to lake sturgeon. Once a Correction: geon is one of the oldest species liv- sea lamprey de tached from its host ing on the planet, and looks today or the sturgeon died, that trial was Last issue on page 4 in the much the same as they did 200 mil- complete and a new sturgeon was “From the Director’s Desk” lion years ago. put in the tank with a sea lamprey. column we referred to the Humans have had a very “love- After each trial, the lake sturgeon “Take Me Fishing” section of the hate” relationship with lake stur- was assessed for short- and long- 2008 Chicago Boat, RV and geon. Years ago this species was term growth and survival. Outdoor Show as the “Let’s Go routinely dis carded by commercials “The results from our study Fishing” section. Our mistake. who grew tired of them ripping holes showed that sea lampreys can kill 3 rels and chipmunks in our yard, tions, and could explain why fish- From the seem a little more bold. I suspect eries tend not to rebound in the Tara’s departure has also finally manner we expect after we reduce Director’s Desk been realized by them as well. harvest or close a fishery,” he said. Tara now rests beneath a “What surprised me was how sprawl ing balsam in our backyard. fast it occurred,” Biro said. He said Her resting place is bathed each the largest catch occurred on the day with the warmth of the late first day of fishing. afternoon sun. Biro and his colleague, John R. *** Post, stocked two lakes in western by Emmett Brown I am very excited about a new Canada with different types of regular addition to Splash. Com- rainbow trout – one type was mencing with this issue Chris known to be aggressive in seeking Slusar will write a feature enti- food and to grow rapidly, while the Today is the last full day of tled, "Ol' Tackle Talk." Chris other grew more slowly and tend- winter. The longer days and high- brings about 20 years of vintage ed to take fewer risks in foraging. er arc of the sun is a promise that fishing tackle history and collect- They set gillnets in the pond winter’s grip is fading. ing experience with him. I know over five days, moving them each This spring will be a little dif- Chris wants this to be interactive. day, and caught 50 percent of the ferent for me. April 13th marks Now is the time to get grandpa's stocked fast-growing fish but just the one year anniversary of the old tackle box out of the garage 30 percent of the more cautious death of a frequent companion in and see what you have. “Ol' Tackle ones. my boat. Talk” premiers on page 7. “Fish that are highly active Tara was a part of our family We hope you’ll stop in when and bold tend to bump into these for about eleven years. She came to you’re in the area this summer. nets more often and are less likely us, one spring afternoon, following Best regards, to avoid them,” he explained. And my son home from school. “She’s Emmett A. Brown, Jr. increased activity is necessary to not spending the night,” turned get enough food for rapid growth. into over 4,000 nights with us.
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