WEEK 14, 2021 ALL PHOTOS BY THE CHAPTER, CANTERBURY CATHEDRAL In the early 1200s, 12 stained glass windows, about 30 feet tall, were made to depict the events of Thomas Becket’s life and death, including miracles attributed to him. The series of windows, called the “miracle windows,” surround where Becket’s now-lost shrine was once placed. This particular window (L, the top half of the window, R, the bottom half) shows how Becket helped ordinary people. HISTORY A Window Into Thomas Becket’s Life, Death, Sainthood, and Miracles The exhibition: ‘Thomas Becket: Murder and the Making of a Saint’ at The British Museum, London LORRAINE FERRIER Storming into the cathedral, the focuses on Becket’s life and legacy, how knights abruptly interrupt the glorious he rose and fell, and how 350 years after It is Dec. 29, 1170, at Canterbury Cathe- sound of monks singing and chanting he died, he was once seen as a traitor by Three short dral in southeast England, one of the Vespers, evening prayers. The knights King Henry VIII. years after his most important places of worship in the shout: “Where is Thomas Becket, traitor Stunning pieces of jewelry, sacred reli- country. The archbishop of Canterbury, to the king and the kingdom?” quaries, illuminated manuscripts, and death, in 1173, Thomas Becket is settling down for din- Pandemonium ensues. an 800-year-old stained glass window Becket became ner in the Archbishop’s Palace after a Becket grabs one of the cathedral’s from Canterbury Cathedral are some St. Thomas of busy day. pillars in another attempt to resist ar- of the items that shed light on Becket’s It is a day like any other, yet an ex- rest. Enraged, one of the knights raises intriguing life and legacy. Canterbury. traordinary event is about to happen, a his sword high over his head, and then heinous act of sacrilege that will affect strikes the archbishop. The other knights From Clerk to Archbishop the king, country, and much of Europe for follow his lead, until England’s most Becket’s parents came from Normandy centuries to come. powerful churchman lies lifeless in a and settled in England after the Norman Five vivid eyewitness accounts, some of pool of blood. Conquest. His father was a merchant of them graphic, help us re-create the scene. His murder shook Europe. Three short no notable wealth. He was educated in Outside Canterbury Cathedral, four of the years after his death, in 1173, Becket Merton Priory in southwest London, and knights of King Henry II have just arrived became St. Thomas of Canterbury. then he studied in Paris for a few years. from Normandy, France, home of the royal On his return to England, Becket began court. They traveled to England with an ‘Thomas Becket: Murder and the working as a clerk for Theobald of Bec, express purpose: to avenge the king. Making of a Saint’ the archbishop of Canterbury. Barging their way into the palace, the Becket’s life and martyrdom has fascinat- Becket was charming, intelligent, and knights demand Becket’s arrest. He ed many for centuries. The British Mu- had an authoritative presence. These refuses to cooperate. Becket’s monks seum in London hopes to open in May its qualities impressed the archbishop to persuade him to take refuge in the cathe- new exhibition: “Thomas Becket: Murder such an extent that he put his clerk for- dral. But the sanctity of the church will and the Making of a Saint.” ward for the role of royal chancellor. not protect him from the knights’ blood- Remarkably, the exhibition is the first thirsty rage. large UK show dedicated to the saint and Continued on Page 4 B22 | ARTS & CULTURE TUESDAY, WeekAPRIL 14, 6, 2021 TUESDAY,Week 14, 2021 APRIL 6, 2021 ARTS & CULTURE |B3 3 PuBlic DomAin PuBlic DomAin At one point, Pyotr Verhovensky tells Stavrogin: “A teacher who laughs with children at their God and at their cradle is on our side. The lawyer TH who defends an educated murderer 2021 NTD 8 because he is more cultured than his victims and could not help murdering them to get money is one of us … The International juries who acquit every criminal are ours. The prosecutor who trembles Chinese Vocal at a trial for fear he should not seem advanced enough is ours, ours. Among officials and literary men we have Competition lots, lots, lots, and they don’t know it themselves.” Sound familiar? Bolshevik revolutionaries attacking the czarist police in the early days, 1917, of the Russian Apparently, Dostoevsky could foretell the Revolution. From Edward Alsworth Ross’s “The Russian Bolshevik Revolution,” 1921. future. A portrait of Fyodor Dostoevsky, In ‘Devils,’ 1872, by Vasili Perov. Tretyakov Gallery. a collection of Literature that event pointed to Dostoevsky radicals intend as a prophet, a prognosticator who had foretold this upheaval. I would to seize control of go even further than these men and society. Undermining women of letters and declare “Dev- ils” a crystal ball in which the author predicted the totalitarian movements Ultimate Goals the Foundations: of the last 100 years, with their statist Near the end of “Devils,” one of the philosophies, their utopianism, and radicals confesses his part in the at- their willingness to murder, often on tempted uprising. When asked what a grand scale, to advance an agenda was “the object of so many murders Lessons and to seize power. and scandals and dastardly outrages,” In “Part Two: Chapter Seven: A he replies: “It was with the idea of Meeting,” for example, we encounter systematically undermining the a gathering of “the flower of the red- foundations, systematically destroying From Fyodor dest Radicalism of our ancient town.” society and all principles, with the idea This assemblage discuss subjects as of nonplussing everyone and making diverse as the family (“a superstitious hay of everything, and then, when form”), a moral compass (“There’s no society was tottering, sick and out of such thing as moral or immoral”), joint, cynical and skeptical though Dostoevsky’s and “the division of mankind into filled with an intense eagerness for two unequal parts,” with one-tenth, self-preservation and for some guiding an elite, acting as governors while the idea, suddenly to seize it in the hands, Dostoevsky depicted demons, possessed by revolutionary furor, attacking the foundations of civiliza- others “have to give up all individual- raising the standards of revolt….” tion. An engraving, “The Temptation of St. Anthony,” circa 1480–90, by martin Schöngauer. The met- ‘Devils’ ity and become, so to speak, a herd, Sprinkle this explanation with some ropolitan museum of Art, new York. and through boundless submission, of the obscenities used by today’s will by a series of regenerations attain radicals, and you could well be listen- Jeff Minick a real-life incident of a revolutionary primeval innocence, something like ing to a member of Antifa spelling out Jeff Minick has four children and a growing platoon murdered because he wanted out of the garden of Eden.” that organization’s goals. of grandchildren. For 20 years, he taught history, arly in March, I was sucker the movement—but by the end of the This year marks the 150th anniver- literature, and Latin to seminars of homeschooling VOCAL.NTDTV.COM punched by a Russian. A dead novel, the pages are littered with more The More Things Change, sary when installments of “Devils” students in Asheville, N.C. He is the author of two Russian, as a matter of fact. bodies than at the close of “Hamlet.” the More They Remain the Same first began to appear in “The Russian novels, “Amanda Bell” and “Dust On Their Wings,” GOLD AWARD REGISTER Let me explain. Some of the key figures in this move- As Pyotr Verhovensky says, “It’s a new Messenger.” Given humanity’s various and two works of nonfiction, “Learning As I Go” and +1–888–477–9228 Late in December, I made ment are Stepan Trofimovitch Ver- religion, my good friend, coming to catastrophes since then, we are appar- “Movies Make The Man.” Today, he lives and writes in NEW YORK Oct. 2021 VOCAL@GLOBALCOMPETITIONS.ORG Ea New Year’s resolution to read at least hovensky, a school teacher and liberal take the place of the old one.” ently a race of slow learners. Front Royal, Va. See JeffMinick.com to follow his blog. six classics that were new to me in the idealist who unintentionally helped coming year. Sir Walter Scott’s “Ivan- create some of these radicals; his son hoe” was my first choice, and I found Pyotr Verhovensky, who is a leading that excursion into the days of King figure among the revolutionaries; Ivan Richard and Robin Hood an agreeable Shatov, who initially is a member of adventure. the group but comes to despise their Next up for investigation was Fyodor ideas; and the charismatic Nikolay Dostoevsky’s “Devils,” the Constance Stavrogin, who tests the limits of mo- Garnett translation that had sat un- rality while acting as a skeptical com- opened on my shelf for years. Long ago, mentator on the plans of the radicals. I’d read “Notes From the Underground,“ The Brothers Karamazov,” and “Crime and Punishment,” and I later taught these last two books to my Advanced Placement Literature students. When the Russian And so I began “Devils,” unfazed by Revolution occurred, the novel’s length—almost 700 pag- es—and inspired to make my march many contemporaries through that story by the book’s blurb, of that event pointed to which proclaimed that the novel cen- tered on a group of radicals and revolu- Dostoevsky as a prophet, tionaries in 1860s Russia, a “prophetic account of modern morals and politics, a prognosticator who had with its fifty-odd characters, amazing foretold this upheaval.
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