BASE BALL, TRAP SHOOTING AND GENERAL SPORTS., Volume 47—No. 5. Philadelphia, April 14, 1906. Price, Five Cents* AND OF THE ^MERIGAN LEAGUE SPORTING LIFE. April 14, 1906. Club, has signed Dan Meehan, of Philadelphia, O'LOUGHLIN'S OVERTURE. 4-U-6. to cover third base for that team. Butler, having" failed to secure the Punxsti- SPORTING LIFE PUBLISHING CO., tawney franchise, they have made a very good The Crack American League Umpire otter to Kane. The Kane management claims Discounts the Future and Talks of to have one of the best teams and will no California Plans a Long Way Ahead. 34 South Third St., Philadelphia, Pa. doubt keep it. Rochester, N. Y., April 8.—Editor "Sporting Life."—Senator Frank "Silk" Please send me cabinet size phototype of the celebrated O'Loughlin, the "Peerless," the "Ar­ bitrator," -the Rochester base ball umpire whose base ball player The Napoleons in Good Shape For the fame is not confined to Coming Race—Many Men to be Car­ the cities of the Ameri­ for which I enclose three 2-cent stamps to help to defray expense can League, but is spread ried to Guard Against Accidents. throughout the base ball Cleveland, O., April 9. — Editor •world, expects again to of printing, postage, packing, etc. "Sporting Life."—The Cleveland Blues winter in California. It are now on their way home,from the will be next winter, too, 'South. When asked the provided plans that are other day how his men well laid are carried Send to _________-——____________________ were shaping up Mana­ through. One of these is ger Lajoie said that he the organization of •was satisfied with CQI}- team of American League ditions, and he had ivo F. (X'Lougrhlin stars to tour along the fear that when the sea­ Pacific coast when north­ son opened, in eight days ern diamonds are hidden with snow. from now, the team ag It is possible that something will turn a whole would not be fa up to thwart the organizers, but at the credit to Cleveland. The present things work done in Birmiiig- LOOK FAIRLY BRIGHT. ham during the thred Yet the players may not be willing-, ——————r—— days the team Was there and several other things may happen. Napoleon Lajoie has had effect. Laiole The "Senator" makes no secret of the has an eye on a batting fact that a reasonable excuse to take oraer that will prove valuable when him back to the State of sunny winters the season opens. The indications are will be warmly received. In what there will be considerable stick work, capacity he would accompany the team tne men making efforts in batting. of American League stars he does not NO RELEASES YET. say. He migtit go along as arbitrator, Reports that some of the men being and with his reputation, which is as "Sporting Life" has had reproduced cabinet size phototypes of cele­ carried now would be given to South­ green and flourishing on the coast as ern League clubs when the season anywhere, there is little doubt but brated base ball players and offers to send to any of its readers photos of opens, or before that, are still without that he would, be as big a drawing their favorite base ball players by complying with the conditions named «'«£| fic.ation. There is no denial that card as the best player in the country. in the coupon above, 6 cents for each photo; by the dozen, 50 cents. Only some inquiry was made by Atlanta and SEEN IN ONE GAME. one coupon required with an order. some other Southern League teams as O'LoughMn last winter umpired only The photos are regular cabinet size (5% x 7% inches) mounted on heavy to whar Lajoie could do, but nothing one game in California and announce­ Mantello mats and packed carefully to insure safe delivery in the mails. definite has been decided on. Manager ment that he was going to work Lajoie said briefly that he was not brought out an immense crowd of fans Here is an opportunity to ornament your room with photos of your going- to take any chances of losing who had read of him. Papers devoted favorite base ball players at small expense. Each photo in a separate en­ the pennant this year by not having much space to his ways, his intona­ velope to protect and keep it clean. available substitutes. The Cleveland tions and sharp decisions. He was One coupon and three 2-cent stamps entitles you to One photo. You can, pennant aspirants are all in good besieged with invitations to serve however, obtain as many photos as you desire by sending three 2-cent shape, and Lajoie is pleased with the again, but declined them. It is be­ stamps for each photo. showing made by some of his young­ lieved by "Silk" that a trip of American sters. League stars to the coast next winter The following photos are now ready for immediate delivery. Others will would be financially successful. He be added. LIKES THRIFTY PLAYERS. says that section of the country is "I like a ball player whose heart base ball mad and that the leagues out and soul are in the game; who just there NATIONAL LEAGUE FOR 1906. AMERICAN LEAGUE FOR 1906 thinks of and dreams of the game, but ARE COINING MONEY. NEW YORK CLTTB—John J. McGraw. man­ PHILADELPHIA OLTTB—Connie Mack, man­ I like him all the better if he has A trip there would be better than a ager; Joseph McGinnity, Christopher Mathew- ager; Maurice R. Powers, Daniel F. Murphy, some plans for the days when he will dozen excursions to Cuba or Mexico. son, Samuel Mertes, William Gilbert. D. L. Ralph O. Seybold, Harry Daris, Edward S. not be playing ball," said Manaker In the meantime "Senator Silk" is en­ McGann, Roger Bresnahan, George Browne, 5a^',°s?e F. Schreckengost, George Edward Larry. It s too bad that so many men, joying himself in Rochester, waiting Frank Bowerman, Luther H. Taylor, William vvaddell, Frederick L. Hartzell, Monte Cross, right in the prime of life, quit the the time when his call for work comes Dahlen, Michael Donlin, Leon Ames. Claude Uaniel Hoffman, Charles Bender, Weldon game with no plans or prospects what­ from President Ban Johnson. He looks, Elliott, George Wiltse, William R. Marshal, Henley, Briscoe Lord, John Knight, James ever. There are so many ways a man he says, for a remarkable base ball Arthur Devlin, Samuel Strang, William Clark, n« y^?,r,tl Andrew Coakley, Harry L. Barton, on a ball players' salary can get in year. All the American League teams Clyde Robinson, Cecil Ferguson. Otto Williams. some business, fit himself so as to seem to have strengthened, and the CHICAGO CLUB—Fielder Jones, manager; have something to do, something com­ race appears to promise to be the PITTSBURG CLUB—Fred Clarke, manager; Edward McFarland, George Davis, William ing in when he is done with the game, closest and most exciting in the his­ Hans Wagner, Claude Ritchey, Thomas Leach, D Sullivan James J. Callahan, Daniel Green, that I wonder more of the boys don't tory of base ball. Samuel Leevef. Clarence H. Beaumont, Frank Isbell, Roy Patterson, Lee Tannehill, avail themselves of the chance. I BASE BALL INTEREST HIGH. Charles Philippe, Patrick Flaherty, Henry T u£.°..wens' G- Harry White, Nick Altrock, think a powerful lot of the ball play­ Peitz Otis Clymer, Homer Hillebrand, George J. ( Jiggs ) Donahue, August Dundon, er who thinks ahead. It makes him a Wherever he went last winter, and Gibson, Harry Smith, V. Willis. Frank Smith, Edward A. Walsh, Ernest he made leisurely progress to and from Gibson, Harry Smith, Victor Willis, Joseph Vinson. shrewder, more reliable man." California, he found more interest in Nealon. HOW JOSS IMPROVED HIMSELF. the game than he expected and be­ DETROIT CLTTB—William R. Armour, man­ "When I first came down from Wis­ lieves that there never was a time CHICAGO CLUB—Frank Chance, manager; ager; Jameis Barrett Frank Dooahue, Samuel consin to join the Toledo team," said when base ball fever was so high. On Joseph B Tinker, James Slagle, John Evers, Crawford, Louis Drill, William Donovan, Addie Joss the other night, "I couldn't the coast the "Arbitrator" put on Carl Lundgren, John Kling, Robert Wicker, George Mullm, Matty Mclntyre, William pick up bunted balls any more than I about fifteen pounds of extra flesh, Mordecai Brown, Frank Schulte, Harry Stein- Coughlin, Edward Killian, Charles O'Leary, could hit Cy Young's pitching on a and never was so heavy as he is now. feldt, James Sebring, James Sheckard, Pat­ Jesse Stovall, J. Warner, Thonias Doran. dark day. I would boot them with my Some of this weight he will work off rick J. Moran. BOSTON CLTTB—James Collins, manager; feet, stamp on them with my spikes, before the gong sounds. Charles Stahl, Denton Young, George Winter* PHILADELPHIA CLUB—Hugh Puffy, man- Frederick Parent, John Freeman, Albert Sel- juggle them with my big, clumsy aeer- Charles Pittinger, Frank Sparks. Roy bach, Hobe Ferris, William Dineen, Louis hands—do everything, in fact, except Thomas, William Gleason, Charles Dooin. Criger, Norwood Gibson, Jesse Tannehill pick them up and hand them to the THE INTERSTATE LEAGUE. William Duggleby. William Bransfield Sher­ Jesse Burkett, Robert Unglaub, Myron Grim- baseman. I saw that would never do, wood Magee, Ernest Courtney, Michael so I hired a young man to go out to shaw. the ball park with me every morning President Rindernecht Appoints His Doolin. CLEVELAND CLTTB—Napoleon Lajoie, man­ the Mud Hens were at home.
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