in the sunshine. the in plans approved by English Heritage. English by approved plans Adder and Grass Snake, basking basking Snake, Grass and Adder (Funerary Monuments) and have current management management current have and Monuments) (Funerary Common Lizards, Slow worm, worm, Slow Lizards, Common Hill Plantation (see map). All are Bronze Age Barrows Barrows Age Bronze are All map). (see Plantation Hill warm days keep an eye out for for out eye an keep days warm on the ridge near the southern boundary of Cannon Cannon of boundary southern the near ridge the on emerging until early March. On On March. early until emerging Three Scheduled Ancient Monuments are located located are Monuments Ancient Scheduled Three seasonal, with most reptiles not not reptiles most with seasonal, archaeological sites that are well worth a look. look. a worth well are that sites archaeological of the Trailway. Again these are are these Again Trailway. the of Along the Trailway, there are some interesting interesting some are there Trailway, the Along of reptiles along certain areas areas certain along reptiles of sites, there are regular sitings sitings regular are there sites, Y G AEOLO CH AR Due to the proximity of heathland of proximity the to Due Fritillary and Speckled Wood. Wood. Speckled and Fritillary Now the Share This Space advice overleaf. advice Space This Share the service ran on 2 May 1964. 1964. May 2 on ran service White Admiral, Silver Wash Wash Silver Admiral, White follow the Countryside Code as well as well as Code Countryside the follow ‘Old Road’. The final passenger passenger final The Road’. ‘Old habitats. Keep an eye out for for out eye an Keep habitats. please keep to the indicated path and path indicated the to keep please known to railwaymen as the the as railwaymen to known species will prefer different different prefer will species The route is marked by way markers; markers; way by marked is route The Castleman’s Corkscrew became became Corkscrew Castleman’s along the Trailway; different different Trailway; the along in passenger numbers and the the and numbers passenger in opportunity to enjoy butterflies butterflies enjoy to opportunity in road traffic, there was a fall fall a was there traffic, road in wheelchair users. wheelchair Spring and summer bring the the bring summer and Spring to the new line and an increase increase an and line new the to horse riders (see map) and much of it is suitable for for suitable is it of much and map) (see riders horse Bournemouth to Poole. Due Due Poole. to Bournemouth Parts of the route are also open to cyclists and and cyclists to open also are route the of Parts trees in the woodland areas. areas. woodland the in trees from Brockenhurst through through Brockenhurst from Dorset’s most varied and interesting countryside. countryside. interesting and varied most Dorset’s Then wings help them negotiate the the negotiate them help wings a new main line was opened opened was line main new a you on foot, bike or horse through some of South South of some through horse or bike foot, on you call of the Tawny Owl. Their small small Their Owl. Tawny the of call Railway in 1848 and in 1888 1888 in and 1848 in Railway which was closed in the 1960s. The Trailway can take take can Trailway The 1960s. the in closed was which the distinctive “to-whit-to-whoo” distinctive the the London and South-Western South-Western and London the of the old Southampton to Dorchester railway line, line, railway Dorchester to Southampton old the of Later in the evening you may hear hear may you evening the in Later The company was taken over by over taken was company The Much of The Castleman Trailway follows the route route the follows Trailway Castleman The of Much It makes a “churring” noise at dusk. at noise “churring” a makes It festivities along the route. route. the along festivities are more likely to hear it than see it. see than it hear to likely more are public on 1 June 1847, with 1847, June 1 on public forest and wildlife habitats. wildlife and forest bird is very well camouflaged; you you camouflaged; well very is bird The railway was opened to the the to opened was railway The through river, woodland, woodland, river, through visits from Africa. This ground-nesting ground-nesting This Africa. from visits The route corkscrews corkscrews route The During the summer, the Nightjar Nightjar the summer, the During of the line. the of Valley near Ringwood. Ringwood. near Valley chiefly responsible for the building building the for responsible chiefly few miles east of Moors Moors of east miles few and Greater Spotted Woodpeckers are frequently seen. frequently are Woodpeckers Spotted Greater and the Wimborne solicitor who was was who solicitor Wimborne the Park in Poole ending a a ending Poole in Park wingspan as it soars overhead. Goldfinches, Goldcrests Goldcrests Goldfinches, overhead. soars it as wingspan Corkscrew” after Charles Castleman, Charles after Corkscrew” path from Upton Country Country Upton from path by, listen for the mewing sound of a Buzzard, or see its 5ft its see or Buzzard, a of sound mewing the for listen by, line was nicknamed “Castleman’s “Castleman’s nicknamed was line a shared use, 16 mile (26km) (26km) mile 16 use, shared a each season. Look out for a flash of blue as a Jay passes passes Jay a as blue of flash a for out Look season. each Due to its twists and turns, the the turns, and twists its to Due The Castleman Trailway is is Trailway Castleman The There is a good variety of bird life to look and listen out for out listen and look to life bird of variety good a is There heading west to Dorchester. Dorchester. to west heading (the junction for Poole) before before Poole) for junction (the then via Wimborne to Hamworthy Hamworthy to Wimborne via then the New Forest to Ringwood, Ringwood, to Forest New the The route chosen snaked across snaked chosen route The between these two towns. two these between was formed to build a line line a build to formed was Dorchester Railway Company” Company” Railway Dorchester In 1844 the “Southampton and “Southampton the 1844 In E F LI D WIL ISTORY H TRAILWAY ASTLEMAN C E H T , , CASTLEMAN TLE M Share this space Dorset County Council S A TRAILWAY A N C T Greenspaces Team (East) A shared use 16 mile (26km) R Y A Ranger Workbase path following much of the A I L W Birch Road route of the old Southampton St Ives to Dorchester railway line. This joint code of conduct encourages all Ringwood The Trailway is a permissive Trailway users to be polite, considerate and take BH24 2DA path and, except where it CASTLEMAN TRAILWAY responsibility for their actions on shared paths follows existing rights of way, and roads. t: 01425 483809 there is no legal public right of access, nor can one be Please... e: dorsetcountryside@ created by prolonged use. dorsetcc.gov.uk z Take your litter home or bin it The Trailway is available for z Respect local wildlife www.dorsetforyou.gov.uk/ public use for the foreseeable castlemantrailway future by kind permission of z Be careful around corners, narrow gaps and bridges the landowners. z Keep to the left The Trailway is managed Cyclists Supported by: in partnership by Dorset z Slow down or stop for other users, pass wide and slow County Council, the Forestry Commission and Hampshire z Use a bell, horn or friendly greeting County Council with support z Be patient as some might not hear, see or move well; from other organisations. allow time for them to call young children or a dog(s) z Use lights in dawn, dusk, dreary weather and dark The Castleman Trailway links into the National Cycle Walkers, wheelchair users & mobility scooters Network (NCN) which is over z Leave space for cyclists to pass you 14,000 miles long. It can be used for every kind of journey - from the school run and commute to Dog owners weekend bike rides and long- z Keep dogs on a short lead or very close control distance challenge rides. It is around others popular with walkers, joggers, wheelchair users and horse z Stop your dog from jumping up, let people choose riders as well as people on bikes. to meet your dog www.sustrans.org.uk/ncn/ z Extendable leads can be a hazard across the path map/national-cycle-network for cyclists and others z Clean up after your dog z The Great Heath is a partnership Horse riders led by Dorset Wildlife Trust and z Ride at a sensible pace for the path e.g. walk or trot involves Amphibian and Reptile Photo credits: Conservation, Poole Harbour z Use high vis at dawn, dusk,dreary weather and dark Catherine Annetts, Borough of Commissioners, Borough of Poole, T Chapman, B Kohring, Poole, The Erica Trust, Dorset The code of conduct is supported by: Kate Martin, Moors Valley County Council, Bournemouth Country Park and Forest, Borough Council & Christchurch Clive Morgan, I Peters, Wildstock and East Dorset Councils. www.thegreatheath.org dorsetwildlife The @TheGreatHeath British Horse Society Printed on FSC accredited paper E H www.dorsetforyou.gov.uk/castlemantrailway T CASTLEMAN TRAILWAY TLE M Moors Valley Country Park S A KEY A N C T Walkers Moors Valley R Y Country Park A A I L W Cyclists The Trailway follows the Horse-riders P RINGWOOD old railway line as closely as Greenspace possible, but in some places National Cycle Network the line is inaccessible.
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