North Dakota Directory of Radio KFYR(AM)- 1925: 550 khz; 5 kw -U, DA-N. TL: N46 51 12 W100 32 (acq 7 -1 -94) Net: ABC /C; N.D. News Net. Format: C &W. Target aud: aud: General. Spec prog: American Indian 2 hrs, folk 6 hrs wkly. 37. Stereo. Box 1658 (58502). 210 N. Fourth St. (58502). (701) 30 plus. Robert J. Ingstad, pros; Steve Stoudt, gen mgr; Sue Staudt, Kathleen Pavelko, pros & gen mgr; David Thompson, news dir. 258 -5555. (701) 255-8147. Fax: (701) 255-8155. Web Site: ww- sls dir; Lisa Whitney, progmg dir; Bill Spitzer, chief of engrg. Licensee: Group owner: Jacor Com- Citicasters Co. KZRX(FM)- Aug 15, 1983: 92.1 mhz; 630 w. 571 ft. TL: N46 55 24 munications Inc. (acq 11 -6-98; $4.8 million with co-located FM) Net: KYNU(FM)- Coowned with KDAK. 1997: 98.3 mhz; 100 kw. 866 ft. W102 43 35. (CP: 8 kw, ant 554 ft.). Stereo. Hrs ope: 5 AM- midnight. ABC /I. Rep: Katz. Format: Adult contemp, news/talk. Stewart, Syd TL: N47 05 38 W99 02 11. Box 1170, Jamestown (58402). (701) 129 3rd Ave. E. (58601). (701) 227 -1876. Fax: (701) 225 -2700. Parker, mus news dir; gen mgr & gen sls mgr; Phil dir; Jeff Alexander, 252 -1400. Fax: (701) 252 -1402. Format: Country. *Neil Cary, gen Licensee: KLTC/XCAD L.L.C. (acq 2- 17-99) Net: ABC/SMN. Rep: Dave Taylor, chief of engrg. mgr, Don Britnall, chief of engrg. Hyett/Ramsland. Format: Adult contemp. News staff: one. Target aud: 18-45. *Denise Goodman, CEO, pros, gen mgr, stn mgr & gen sls KYYY(FM) -Co-owned with KFYR. Aug 15, 1966: 92.9 mhz; 100 kw. mgr; Linda Howard, news dir. 1,180 ft. TL: N46 36 19 W100 48 30. Stereo. 206 N. 4th St. (58501). Cavalier (701) 224-9393. Fax: (701) 2556293. Rep: Katz. Format: Hot adult Fargo contemp. *Todd Mitchell, opns dir; Mark Tibor, prom dir. KAOC -FM- Sept 29, 1998: 105.1 mhz; 44 kw. 512 ft. TL: N48 37 44 W98 00 35. Hm opn: 24.856 W. 12th St., Grafton (58237). 232 Third St. N.E., Valley City (58072). (701) 352 -0431. (701) 265 -4174. Fax: KDSU(FM)- Jan 17, 1966: 91.9 mhz; 100 kw. 991 ft. TL: N47 00 48 KKCT(FM)- -1994: 97.5 mhz; 100 kw. 324 ft. TL: N46 35 25 W100 47 (701) 352-0436. (701) 265-4177. E -mail: [email protected]. W97 11 37, Stereo. Hrs opn: 18. Box 3240 (58108). (701) 241 -6900. 47. Box 1377 (58502). 4303 Memorial Hwy., Mandan (58502). (701) Licensee: Two Rivers Broadcasting Inc. Group owner: Robert Ingstad Fax: (701) 231 -8899. Licensee: North Dakota State University. Net: 663.6411. Fax: (701) 663-8790. Licensee: Cumulus Licensing Corp. Broadcast Properties Format: Hot country. Dave Reed, cons mgr; NPR, PRI. Format: Jazz. News staff: one; news progmg 45 hrs wkly. Group owner: Cumulus Media Inc. (acq 5- 11 -98; grpsl) Format: Harry L. Dyer, gen mgr, stn mgr, gen sls mgr, nati sls mgr & rani sls Target aud: 24 plus; general. Spec prog: Folk, Sp. Paula Larson, dev Country. *Bob Denver, gen mgr. mgr, Brian James, progmg dir. dir; Lynn Brekke, dev mgr; Roger W. Grimm, mktg dir, prom dir & progmg dir; James R. Hetland, chief of engrg. KKLV(FM) - Sept 13, 1968: 94.5 mhz; 100 kw. 1,117 ft. TL: N46 51 31 W100 41 38. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Box 1233 (58502). Licensee: Devils Lake KFBN(FM)- Dec 8, 1997: 88.7 mhz; 30 kw horiz, 100 kw vert. 869 Educational Media Foundation. Group owner. K -Love Radio Network ft. TL: N47 00 46 W97 11 37. Box 107 (58107). (701) 298-8877. (acq 11- 29-99; $550,000) CNN. Format: country. *Net: Contemp KOLR(AM)- 1925: 1240 1 Jan 25, khz; kw -U. TL: N48 06 42 W98 50 Licensee: Fargo Baptist Church. Format: Mus, world news/rgnl News progmg 4 hrs wkly. Target aud: 18-49. Matt Murphy, progmg 43. Box 190, 400 12th Ave. (58301). (701) 662 -2161. Fax: (701) weather, bible instruction. T. C. Scheving, pros & gen mgr. dir; Dean August, mus dir. 662 -2222. Licensee: Dakota Rose Broadcasting Inc. (acq 7 -1-88) AgriAmerica, N.D. News Net. Format: Country, news. Target aud: 25 KFGO(AM)- Mar 14, 1948: 790 khz; 5 kw -U, DA-N. TL: N46 04 05 KM(AM) -(Bismarck-Mandan). 1925: 1270 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 w -N. plus; general. Spec prog: Minnesota Twins baseball, Vikings football. W96 48 05. Stereo. Box 2966 (58108-2966). 1020 S. 25th St. (58103). TL: N46 48 37 W100 50 10. Box 1377 (58502). (701) 663 -6411. Fax: Dale Alwin, pres & gen mgr; Randy Kloehn, gen sls mgr; Paul (701) 237-5346. Fax: (701) 235 -4042. Web Site: (701) 663-8790. Licensee: Cumulus Licensing Corp. Group owner: Clementich, progmg dir; David Baxter. news dir; A.S. Fridgen, chief of Licensee: Capstar TX LP. Group owner: Clear Channel Communica- Cumulus Media Inc. (acq 5- 11 -98; grpsl) Net: Unistar. Format: adult engrg. tions Inc. (acq 11 -9-00; grpsl) *Net: ABC/E, ABC/R; Minn. Pub. Rep: standards. Spec prog: Sports 6 hrs wkly. *Bob Denver, gen mgr, CBS Radio. Format: Talk. Target aud: General. Spec grog: Farm 20 Terry A. Fleck, gen sls mgr; Larry Stabik, progmg dir; Larry Johnson, KDVL(FM)- Jan 1, 1967: 102.5 mhz: 100 kw. 471 ft. TL: N47 59 16 hrs, nati sports 20 hrs wkly. Richard C. Voight, VP & gen mgr; chief of engrg. W98 55 59. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Box 190 (58301). 400 12th Ave. Connie Ness, gen sls mgr; Robert Escen, nati sls mgr; Jack Sunday, (58301). (701) 662 -2161. Fax: (701) 662 -2222. Licensee: Dakota prom dir, progmg dir & pub affrs dir; Paul Jurgen, news dir; Marty Inc. KBYZ(FM)- Coowned with KW(. June 1, 1985: 96.5 mhz; 100 kw. Rose Broadcasting Format: Adult contemp. News staff: one. Berglanger, chief of engrg. 1,000 ft. TL: N46 35 25 W100 47 47. *Net: Unistar. Rep: D & R Target aud: 18 -54. *Dale Alwin, pres & gen mgr; Randy Kloehn, stn Radio, Roslin. Format: Classic rock. Target aud: 25-54. John Norton, mgr & gen sls mgr, Bob Gunderson, progmg dir. KFGO -FM- Feb 23, 1984: 101.9 mhz; 100 kw. 866 ft. TL N47 00 48 progmg dir. W97 11 37. (CP: Ant 987 ft.). Stereo. Format: Country. *Brad Rivers, August 1996: mhz; 45 kw. TL: 46 KOZZ(FM)- 96.7 512 ft. N47 58 progmg dir. KSSS(FM)- Aug 1. 1994: 101.5 mhz; 100 kw. 987 ff. TL: N46 56 31 W99 03 16. Hm opn: 24. 318 W. Walnut St. (58301). (701) 662 -7563. W100 41 38. 3500 E. Rosser Ave. (58501). (701) 223-5777. (877) E-mail: Licensee: Two Rivers Broadcasting `KFNW(AM)-(West Fargo). Oct 28, 1955: 1200 khz; 10 kw-D, 1 212-9905. Fax: (701) 222-1131. Licensee: Cumulus Licensing Corp. Inc. (acq 3- 11 -99; $250,000) Wash atty: Fisher, Wayland, Cooper, kw -N, DA-N. TL: N46 48 06 W96 52 57. Hm opn: 24.5702 52nd Ave. Group owner Cumulus Media Inc. (acq 1999; grpsl) Format: Adult Leader & Zaragoza. Format: Classic rock. *Kurt Geigen, stn mgr; S. (58104). 5702 52nd Ave. S. (58104). (701) 282 -5910. Fax: (701) Contemp. Bob Denver, gen mgr. Curl Teigan, progmg mgr; Dan Bdntnall, engrg dir. 282-5781. E -mail: kfnw Web Site: Licensee: Northwestern College. Group owner: Northwestern College Radio KZZY March 1984: 103.5 mhz; 100 kw. 433 ft. TL: N47 59 28 KXMR(AM)- Mar 20, 1999: 710 khz; 50 kw -D, 4 kw -N, DA -3. TL: N46 -FM- Network Net: SkyLight, AP. Format: Relg. News statt: one; news W98 56 57. Stereo. Hm opn: 24. Box 882, 318 W. Walnut St. (58301). 50 04 W100 31 19 (D), N46 40 08 W100 46 33 (N). 3500 E. Rosser progmg 6 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25-54. Spec grog: Sp 2 hrs wkly. (701) 662-7563. Fax: (701) 662 -7564. Web Site: Ave. (58501). (701) 255 -1234. Fax: (701) 222-1131. Licensee: Wayne Peterson, exec VP; Gary D. Herr, stn mgr; Beth Pennings, Licensee: Double Z Broadcasting Inc. (acq 4-11-90) *Net: ABC Anderson Broadcasting Co. Format: Newsrtalk. *Charlie Ferguson, /I. opns mgr: Laurie Lind, news dir; Gary Ellingson, chief of engrg. gen mgr. Rep: Group W. Format: C &W. News staff: one. Larry Larson, pres & gen sls mgr; Curt Teigen, gen mgr, stn mgr, opus mgr & progmg dir, KFNW -FM- Mar 12, 1965: 97.9 mhz; 100 kw. 1,000 ft. TL: N46 48 Rob Hendricks, mus dir; Eric Amdt, news dir; Kaye Schwab, pub affrs Bismarck -Mandan 07 W96 52 58. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Target aud: 25 -54. Gary D. Herr, dir; Dean Johnson, chief of engrg. gen mgr. KLXX(AM )-Licensed to Bismarck- Mandan. See Bismarck Dickinson KPFX(FM)- Jan 4, 1993: 107.9 mhz; 100 kw. 713 ft. TL: N46 32 41 Bottineau W96 37 33. Stereo. Hm opn: 24. Suite 201, 2501 13th Ave. S.W. KCAD(FM)- Nov 20, 1996: 99.1 mhz; 100 kw. 712 ft. TL: N46 43 34 (58103). Box 9919 (58106). (701) 237-4500. (701) 237-4949. Fax: W102 54 56. (CP: 51 kw, ant 592 ft.). Box 1478 (58601). (701) (701) 237 -9774. Licensee: Monterey Licenses LLC. Group owner: KBTO(FM)- Nov 9, 1980: 101.9 mhz; 52 kw. 492 ft. TL: N48 51 10 227 -1876.
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