Vol. 38, No. 10 38th Year OCTOBER 1, 1960 .A tend Your C ----ty A---------- EDITORIAL What. I Saw at tile 4-/1 Club Show o Thi CLARK L. BRODY Me "We're raising boys and girls through 4-H Club projects," said Club leaders, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence CLARENCE E. PRENTICE Secr t ry-M nager of Michig n arm ure u Becker of Clinton county, in a radio interview July The Farm Bur au org niz tion 31. "4-H projects are the means and not the end of our efforts." tendance at OU ount arm meeting this year. It is the b t opportunit Again on August 28, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert mold the policy of your organization. Flynn, 4-H leaders in Kent county, commented, Resolutions will be adopted or r je "We're not worrying about juvenile delinquency resolutions will be forward d to th St In 4-H activities there's always something to do." tions Committ e for study pr par t th convention in 0 mber. These radio interviews conducted by Mar- Governor Williams Proclaim October as Co-op onth You are a vital pa t of thi pro shall Wells of W JR express the high ideals of 12,000 Michigan men and women who are Officers will b lected at your annu m ting serving as 4-H Club leaders. County Gr ups Meet · and other business importan to your F rm Bur u will b transacted. Ev ry m mb r has n qu I They are inspiring and guiding 70,000 Michigan voice and ote. hy not resolv now to tt nd boys and girls to achievements that constitute val- Editors, R dio People Many County Farm Bureaus h d c'11 n- uable stepping stones to lives of service and good nual meeting attendanc last y are Th m citizenship. In P rooms were packed with hundreds of Farm We witnessed the culmination of the year's ac- paign claims and promises made MELVIN WOELL by candidates. "Both the Demo- member and families. Others w r not II complishments at the 4-H Club Show at M~chigan Coordinator, Public Relations crats and Republicans are guilty attended. State University August 30 to September 2. of using vague terms, such as A series of three public rela- promising 'massive' farm pro- You can't participate if you are not pr nt. About 2,000 young people exhibited the results tions dinner meetings were held grams to bring added income to agriculture. Nor can any of us object to a program if we do not of their industry and skill, ranging from culinary in early September by the Mich- igan Farm Bureau in cooperation "Perhaps," Warner sa i d, do our part to help build that program. displays and' dress designing to farm 'animals and with County Farm Bureau "words have lost their meaning, groups. because it seems to me any farm The Michigan Farm 13ureau is a great org niz - tractor operations. program that has amassed eight Hosts included Kalamazoo, NEWSPAPERS billion dollars worth of farm Niles Daily Star tion. It is important that we r solve to att nd t Saginaw and Genesee County The home and general educational projects oc- surplus can be said to be a fairly Kalamazoo Gazette Farm Bureaus. The dinner meet- Lawton Leader County F~rm Bureau annual meeting this y r. cupied a goodly portion of two floors of the Audi- massive program." Fennville Herald ings brought together County Hamilton Press When you get your notic of the time and pl Farm Bureau Public Relations Centreville Observer torium. Farm animal exhibits completely encircled Warner added that both parties Vicksburg Commercial Committees and representatives are promising "new" farm pro- St. Joseph Courier mark your calendar for that me ting. M y I In- the area under the Stadium. It was filled to over- of local newspapers, radio and rams, and that in his opinion, South Bend Tribune cerely ursze you to attend? televi ion tations. Imlay City Tim flowing. Demonstration Hall was well occupied by '" 1 r i no ch animal. Fowlervlll Re iew "Sometimes we forget that prac- Livingston County Press Among the matt r lik ly to be di cu y displays of poultry, rabbits, vegetables, farm crops, Guest of honor for the series of Flushing Observer tically every kind of farm pro- Genesee County Herald County Farm Bureau member in th se impor nt meetings was Leonard Warner, gram that exists has been tried Almont Times-Herald insects, and handicrafts. Rifle matches were going director of press relations for Shiawassee News in one form or another. It is Linden Leader meetings are: on in the basement. the American Farm Bureau Fed- true that the political emphasis Gratiot County Herald eration at Washington, D. C. Bay City Valley Farmer can be changed from one type of Frankenmuth News Farm Labor - Efforts to unioniz farm labor ar Jenison Field House and the Intramural Sports Formerly chief political writer program, or from a portion of Alma Record for the Providence (Rhode Chesaning Argus increasing, with farmers suffering crop losses due area were the scene of the tractor operation con- some governmental scheme to Bay City Times Island) Journal and Bulletin for another, but that doesn't change Bay City Democrat tests. The programs and contests utilized several 20 years, Warner has travelled Saginaw News to work stoppage. the fact that there really is St. Louis Leader extensively in following the ma- nothing new, and we should be other facilities of the University both in and out jor political conventions and RADIO STATIONS Minimum Wage in Agriculture - Labor and extremely skeptical when we WSBT - South Bend, Ind. of doors. October 17 d 18 with candidates for President. hear about any 'new' kind of WKLZ - Kalamazoo church groups are demanding action by Congre WNIL - Niles Mr. Warner told the groups to program being offered." WHFB - Benton Harbor These included 30 talent contests, dress revues, be especially pbservant of cam- After his talk, Warner opened WALM - Kalamazoo to apply minimum wage laws to farm labor. Th WOAP - Owosso food selection, clothing evaluation, sheep shearing MAFC and WFDF- Flint same groups are also working to liminate the child WMDN - Midland contests, stock judging, horse showmanship, insect YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND WBCM - Bay City labor exemption in agriculture. WKNX - Saginaw identification, land judging and many others, cov- . WFYC -Alma Farm Credit WWBC - Bay City Agricultural Research - Re- schools fast enough to m ct the ering the whole range of home and community liv- Mich. Farm ureau' TV STATIONS search in new uses, new market- needs? Should federal funds b WNEM·TV - Bay City ing methods and new varieties used for school construction? mg. WKNX-TV - Saginaw with market a ceptance can help For tach rs' salaries? Group~ Meet WSBT-TV - South Bend, Ind. I noted the continual activity in the farm animal Michigan farmers serve Mich- Annual Meetill(J Nov. 9-11 igan mal kets. A "crash" research County F rm . ur The annual meeting 0 f the u (Continued on Page 2) program has been proposed na- Michigan Ass'n of Farmer Co- Two thousand Farm Bureau members and tionally. Annual Me ting operatives will be held October Ni. ODS' V·sit 17 and 18 at the Kellogg Center guests are expected to attend the Michigan Farm St. Lawrence Seaway - Th Alcona - Oct. 3, Harrisville Michigan Needs Lauis at Michigan S tat e University, Bureau's 41 st annual meeting November 9 - 10 - Seaway has brought probl ms as Township Hall, 8:00 p.m. R fresh- East Lansing. Mt. Ie us well as markets. Plant and ani- m .nts served after meeting. A t the same time. a t Kellogg 11, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. mal diseas and insect inspection Allegan - Oct. 14, Allegan at Center the St. Paul Bank for Co- and controls are not adequate to On Use of Water Plans are developing rapidly for the convention Methodist Church, Supp r at 7:00 operatives and the M i chi g a n meet the need of Great Lake p. m. Fa "ty. {. ports and coastlines. Directors 0 f Michigan's S 0 i 1 scale industrial, municipal and Production Credit Association which will be held in the Auditorium at Michigan Alp na - Oct. 14, Lung R aplds Conservation Districts, meeting will hold their annual confer- agricultural uses are competing State Taxes - Should Propo al Township Hall, 8:00 p.m. H fI csh- at Higgins L a k e Conservation ences. State University. Special interest meetings will be The third annual Farm - City with recreational.needs for water No. 2 be adopted'? This would ments served after me tinge Training School early in Septem- in many areas. ~eld in other places on the campus. Week at Mt, Clemens sponsor d ber, devoted a part of their con- The tree groups will meet b the Macomb County Farm permit th Legi lature to levy a Antrim - Oct. 24, Ellsworth So that investors in equipment jointly at times and in separate sales tax of up to 4c. Community Hall, 8:00 p.m, ference program to problems of requiring quantities of water can President Wightman's annual address will be giv- Bureau, Chamber of Commerce, water management and water sessions for the benefit 0 f the Cooperative Extension Service, Ar nac - Oct. 12, Orner om- know that the water will b e directors and managers of farm en at the opening session Wednesday morning, Dairy Unfair Trade Practices munity Building, 8:15 p.m.
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