HISTORY formed a beautiful series, and are found impressed Dr. Tracy was the significance of in abundance by the peasants who till the those “Seven Churches of Asia,” of which OF THE CHURCH AT SARDIS surrounding fields. The ruins of the build- Sardis held one. “When I think of the myr- ings which stood at the base of the hill have iads of various nationality and advanced now been nearly buried by the dirt washed civilization for whose evangelization these down from above. The hill upon which the churches were responsible, the messages acropolis stood measures 950 ft. high: the to the Christian communities occupying sar’-dis (Sardeis): Sardis is of special inter- made it the residence of their governor. triple walls still surround it. The more im- the splendid strategic centers fill me with est to the student of Herodotus and Xeno- It became free again in 190 B.C., when it posing of the ruins are on the lower slope awe. While established amid the splendors phon, for there Artaphernes, the brother formed a part of the empire of Pergamos, of the hill, and among them the temple of of civilization, they were set as candlesticks of Darius, lived, and from there Xerxes in- and later of the Roman province of Asia. Cybele is the most interesting, yet only two in the midst of gross spiritual darkness. Did vaded Greece and Cyrus marched against In 17 A.D., when it was destroyed by an of its many stone columns are still stand- they fulfill their mission?” his brother Artaxerxes; it is also of interest earthquake, the Roman emperor Tiberius ing. Equally imposing is the necropolis of to the student of early Christian history as remitted the taxes of the people and re- One of Dr. Butler’s recoveries is the mar- CHAPTER 3 the city, which is at a distance of two hours’ the home of one of the Seven Churches built the city, and in his honor the citizens ble throne of the Bishop of Sardis; looking ride from Sert, South of the Gygaean lake. of Re (1:11; 3:1;). It was moreover one of that and of neighboring towns erected upon it the message to Sardis recurs to The modern name of the necropolis is Bin of the oldest and most important cities of a large monument, but Sardis never re- mind. A fact of current history quickened 4 Tepe or Thousand Mounds, because of Asia Minor, and until 549 B.C., the capital covered its former importance (compare the visitor’s appreciation of the word to the large group of great mounds in which 3 of the kingdom of Lydia. It stood on the Revelation 3:12). Again in 295 A.D., after “the angel” of that church. “Yonder among the kings and nobles were buried. Many 2 northern slope of Mt. Tmolus; its acropolis the Roman province of Asia was broken the mountains overhanging Sardis there is of the mounds were long ago excavated occupied one of the spurs of the mountain. up, Sardis became the capital of Lydia, and a robber gang led by the notorious Chakir- 1 and plundered. At the base flowed the river Pactolus which during the early Christian age it was the jali. He rules in the mountains; no govern- served as a moat, rendering the city prac- home of a bishop. The city continued to We quote the following from the Mission- ment force can take him. Again and again tically impregnable. Through the failure to flourish until 1402, when it was so com- ary Herald (Boston, Massachusetts, Au- he swoops down like an eagle out of the watch, however, the acropolis had been pletely destroyed by Tamerlane that it was gust, 1911, pp. 361-62): sky, in one quarter of the region or anoth- never rebuilt. Among the ruins there now er. From time immemorial these moun- successfully scaled in 549 B.C. by a Median Dr. C. C. Tracy, of Marsovan, has made a stands a small village called Sert, a corrup- tains have been the haunts of robbers; soldier, and in 218 by a Cretan (compare visit to ancient Sardis and observed the tion of its ancient name. The ruins may be very likely it was so when Re was written, Revelation 3:2, 3). Because of its strength work of his countryman, Professor Butler, reached by rail from Smyrna, on the way `I will come upon thee as a thief.’ In each during the Persian period, the satraps here of Princeton University, who is uncovering to Philadelphia. case the message was addressed to `the made their homes. However, the city was the ruins of that famous city of the past. Al- angel of the church.’ Over every church burned by the Ionians in 501 B.C., but it The ancient city was noted for its fruits and ready rich “finds” have been made; among in the world there is a spirit hovering, as was quickly rebuilt and regained its impor- wool, and for its temple of the goddess them portions of a temple of Artemis, indi- it were-a spirit representing that church tance. In 334 B.C. it surrendered to Alexan- Cybele, whose worship resembled that cating a building of the same stupendous and by whose name it can be addressed. der the Great who gave it independence, of Diana of Ephesus. Its wealth was also character as those at Ephesus and Baal- The messages are as vital as they were at but its period of independence was brief, partly due to the gold which was found in bec, and a necropolis from whose tombs the first. `He that hath an ear, let him hear for 12 years later in 322 B.C. it was taken the sand of the river Pactolus, and it was were unearthed three thousand relics, what the Spirit saith unto the churches.’ “ by Antigonus. In 301 B.C., it fell into the here that gold and silver coins were first including utensils, ornaments of gold and possession of the Seleucidan kings who struck. During the Roman period its coins precious stones, mirrors, etc. What chiefly - Holman Christian Study Bible 52 / 53 REVELATION 3:1-6 Keyword “Write to the angel of the church in Sardis: “The One who has the seven spirits of God and the seven stars says: I know your “Reputation” / Greek: “onoma” works; you have a reputation for being alive, but you are dead. 2 Be alert and Phonetic Pronunciation: on’-om-ah strengthen what remains, which is about to die, for I have not found your works Definition: Everything which the name covers, everything the thought or feeling of complete before My God. 3 Remember, therefore, what you have received and which is aroused in the mind by mentioning, hearing, remembering, the name, i.e. for heard; keep it, and repent. But if you are not alert, I will come like a thief, and one’s rank, authority, interests, pleasure, command, excellences, deeds etc. you have no idea at what hour I will come against you. 4 But you have a few people in Sardis who have not defiled their clothes, and they will walk with Me Questions to consider in white, because they are worthy. 5 In the same way, the victor will be dressed in white clothes, and I will never erase his name from the book of life but will 1. Do you think the church at Sardis was concerned about their reputation? acknowledge his name before My Father and before His angels. Why can we be so concerned about our reputation? What are some of the CHAPTER 3 6 “Anyone who has an ear should listen to what the Spirit says to the churches. dangers of being too concerned about our reputation? 2. How would you describe the problem at Sardis? 3. How does Jesus instruct the church to handle the problem? 4 4. What does it mean Jesus will come like a thief? 3 Additional passages 2 1 James 1:22-25, Matthew 7:24-27 54 / 55 REVELATION 3:1-6 Sermon notes / journal Observations / what does god want me to know? Commands / what does god want me to do? CHAPTER 3 4 3 2 Promises / why does god want me to do these things? 1 Principles / examples Practical application 56 / 57.
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