574 STOCKPORT. CHESHIRE. [ KELLY'S Yates Jam.es, seed merchant & implement dealer, 29 Young John, painter, 25 Park street Little Underbank Young Merideth M.D., D.P.H. medical officer of health. Yearsley John Wm. town missionary, 46 Wellington grove Stockport borough, Little Egerton street; res. rof> Yeoman Mattliew & Sons, ironfounders & machinists, Wellington road south Talbot street Y uung Thos. insurance agent, 76 ·Sandy lane, H. N Yorke Rose (Mrs.), apartments, 19 King street east Young William J. teacher of music, 69 Heaton Moor rd Youlden Emma. (Mrs.),grcr. & post off.413 Hempshaw la Yorkshire Provident Life .Assurance Co. (.Albert Edward Young Andrew, p11.inter, I Turner street & 29 Park street Stone, district supt.), 24 Heaton lane, H. N Young David, Star & Garter P .H. 6r Higher Hill gate Za.ndra Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 127 Buxton road BRINNI~GTON . .Andrew Alfred, Home lea Johnsun Frank, Osborae teiTace j ~halley Joseph, jun. Osb0rne ter Bancroft George Fredk. Carlton terr J ohnson Charles Fielding, Mayfield 1W heeldon J am.i!s, .Albert terrace Barlow Waiter, Mount villa J ohnwn John Good, Brinnington ho Wheeldon .T ohn Charles, Ivy cottage Bell Mrs. Belmont terrace Johnson Jn. Good, jun.Brinnington hll "\Vheeldon J oseph, .Alb<Jrt terrace Bell William, Brook bank Leather John Wilham, Carlton terrace Whitfield Mrs. The Poplars Bennett Rev. Fras. Selway Macauley Leigh J. Hu.rnilton, Brinnington mount Wilson Mi,;;;es Hettie & Alice, Elm bnk B.A. (vicar of Portwood), Vicarage Leig-h Mrs. Mano!" house W :JOd William, Albert ter~·ace B~nnett Rev. George B. A. (curate of Maddock Miss, Belmont terrace W orthingt:Jn J ames, Be!'ch house Portwood), St. Paul's cottage Marsden William, Albert terrace Bennett Samuel, White Louse .Marsden Herbert, Ingle;:ide cmnrERCllL. Blackshaw Warren,· Goytholme :\>lills Tom HampdenJ .P. WhiteBank ho: Barnes Elius, farmer, The Hives Braddock Robert .A. Osborne terrace Moseley Thomas, Carlton terrace i Brassington William, Woodhouse frm Bray J ames, Rose bank N ettleton .T osPph Coates, Rose bank ·Brigham Thomas, farmer Brigp,-s Edward, Daisy bank N ormansell J ame~. Bryntirion ! Brinnington Brick & Tile Co. Limited, Briscoe Peter, Brinnington rise Oates William Edward, Osborne ter ! brick makers, Brinnington muor Brooks John J ames, West view Pontef!'act Henry, Riversdale •Burgess Sa,...,uel, farmer, Fir Tree & Castle John, Brinnington rise Rider Rev. Sidney 0. (Methodist New I Thornhill farms Chetham Mrs. Fern bank Connexion), Kenwyu vils. Brinning- Purge ss 'I'homas, ffJrmer, Manor farm Deaville William H. Mvrtle• villa ton rise Ford Matthew, farmer, Pollitts farm Dodgson Mrs. Elm bank Shallcross Thomas, West view I Green John, farir'er, Hollow farm Derwent Peter, Carlton terrace Smith John, Osborne terrace Hadfield .Tos!'ph, gardener, The Lodg~ Evans William, Home lea Spedding J ames 'V alter, Lonsdale cot : Hopwood Mr 1. farmer, Burnt heath Fairhurst John James, Brinnington rse Stansfield Mrs. Lily bank !.Tones John Wm. farmer, Maycroft Fletcher John Thomas, Green mount Still John Henry, White house •Lee Jas. teacher of music, The Poplars Flowerden Charles Edwin, Osborne ter Stockton Ernest, Sunnyside Lewin Thomas, Ry. guard, Elm bank Fosbrooke Mrs . .Albert terrace Stnbhs Robert, Brinnington rise Lowe Joseph Walker, warehouseman. Froggatt C(!phas, Heath bank Taylor George, Elm bank Osborne terrace Holme Henry Barker, Brinnington rise Thomas William, Lily bank Malpas Ellen (Mrs.), beer retailer Helm Edward, 2 Belmont terrace Walker Robert, Elm bank, Brinning- WorthingtDn James L.R.C.S. &; Hollingworth Lie•Jt.-Gll. George H. ton rise L.R.C.P.Edin., F.P.S. & S.Gias. V.D. Brinnington lodge Whalll'y George, Kenwyn villas physician & surgeon, Beech home Holme Hy. Barker, Brinnington rise Whalley J oseph, Brinnington rise CHEADLE HEATH. PRIVATE RESIDENTS . Wcodruff Misses, Westleigh Matthews George, china dealer, 484 .Arundel Hy. Birkley,Cheadle Heath ho COMMERCIAL. Stockport road Craig Mrs. Bank view Aston .Arthur, shpkpr.298 Stockport rd ~Ells William, shopkeeper, 435 Stock- Elliott John Matthew J.P. Heath bank Bowker Wm.shpkpr. 415 Stockport rd port road Eltoft Harry, Park view, .Ack lane Chadwick Jn.boot ma.490 Stockport rd Newton John, joiner &c Gee Mrs. Heath cottage Cocker Tom, jun. hat trimming Parry Mary (Mrs.), provision dealer Holehouse Mrs. Poplar cottage manufacturer, Brinksway works Rhead J an,es, Fqrmers' .Arms P .H Horne Thomas, 493 Stockport road Fogg George, shopkeeper & beer retlr. Rogers Samuel\ Hy. grocer, Stock- Hudson Thoma'l, Hawthorn cottages 461 Stockport road port road Keating George, Yew Tree cottage Gee Samuel, farmer,CbeadleHeath frm Roff John, Robin Hood P.H. 494 Moorhouse James, Thorncliffe house Gorsey Bank Doubling Co. cotton Stockport road • Pegg John, Gorsey bank coublers Rogerson James William, paving con- Shawcross William, Oak mount H.-am,>pson William, shopkeeper, 409 tractor, Riley mount Sherlock James, Yew Tree cottage Stockport road Rose Thomas, butcher,so2 Stockprt.rd Sidebottom Mrs. Mersey view Eea.ton Thomas, news agent, 48 8 Smith Charles, frmr.Roundthorn fnn Smart Sidney, X orwood villas Stockport road Taylor Peter, be~r retailer Taafe Wm. James, Heath Bank house Hooley John, nurseryman Williams :Mary (.:Mrs.), shopkeeper,492 Williamson Albert, Mersey bank Kmsey Joseph, frmr. Walnut Tree frm Stockport road REDDISH. Hnr..t~r Simon Thompson, Bella Vista cmnnmcuL. PRIVATE RESIUF~TS. Reddish road Ackerley Elizabeth (~Iiss), shopkpr- Ball Mrs. Rose cot. Broadstone road Lowe Clement, g6 Gorton road 21 Gorton road Broadbent Edwin, 6r Newton street Lowe Mrs. Charles, g6 Gorton road Agnew Reform Club (Alfred Onne. Browning Chas. Tarne hn.Reddish vale WDermott-Roe Rev. Charles (Cath. ), sec.), 65 Coronation street Browning Robert HammC'r:d, Hope ho. St. Josepb's rectory, Gorton road Andrew J. E. H. & Co. Ltd. gas Bowlas lane ::\laden J ames, Cherry cottage, Pink engine makers, Rrddish read Christie Henry, Broadstone house, Bonk lane .Andrews James Alfred, shopkeeper. Broadstone road MarplPs Theophilus, Pink Bank house, 32 Barlow lane Clarke John Richard, Broomfield, Pink Bank lane !shton Elias. shpkpr. r9 Coronation st. Reddish road Marples William, Cherry Tree cottage, Ashworth Wm.nws1gt.488 Gorton rd Donnell J osepb, Sprir..gHill.Reddish rd Pink Bank lane Barlow Daniel, frmr. 108 Broadlrtone rd FlEott Robert, 398 Gort::m l'Oad Oldfield Rev. Edmund (rector of St. Barlow Henry, farmer, :1 Halllans ForshaWI Rchd.R..Atla.s vil.Reddish rd Elizabeth's), The Rectory, Man- Barlow John, farmer, Mill lane Gleeson Patrick, Pink Bank cottage, cl1ester street Barlow Sarah ( ~l:iss ), dress maker, 6& Pink Bank lane Rawlings Frederick F. S. Se. Willow Reddish road Greenhalgh John, Perseverance villa, Grove house, Reddish road Barnes J [}hn, grngrcr.53 Broadstone rd Houldsworth street Scott Frederick Whitaker J.P. South Barnes Richard, fruiterer,53 Gorton rd Hainsworth J oseph, The Cottage, cliffe, Redclish road Earnshaw Georg-e, shpkpr. 131 Greg st Reddish road Smith Thomas Hanson M.D., D.P.H. Beeley Mary (Mrs.), "'l'·ardrobe dealer. Rammond Robert J.P. Sunnyside, Heresford, Gorton road 83 Gorton road Reddish vale Spink E'rnest Wm., M.D. 36 Gorton rd Bent Thomas, beer retailer, 2 & 4 Harrison Rev. Frank M . .A. (vicar of Sw:mn Mrs. Burnley cot. Saynor st Coronation street St. Mary's), St. Mary's rectory, West Hy.R. Yew Tree ho.Reddish rd Bennett William, grocer & sub-post- Reddish road W oolfenden RobPrt Schofield Hopwood, master, 422 & 424 Gorton road Hayward .Arthur, Barcombe cottage, 38 Gorton road Bentley Elizabeth M. (:Miss), dining Saynor road rooms, 63 Gorton road .
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