ATRTRITRYTRh FIFTY RUPEES 5.50 Rs.50 INDIAU INDIA NON JUDICIAL uffay ztA WEST BENGAL V 829567 -i -Y191601 Certihed that. the document is ades to registration. The sinature seets and th endorsement sheets attached with ttis documeu rethe pert t nis documents. District Sud-Register HowTah 27 DEC 2017 DECLARATION FOR BOUNDARY BOUNDARY DECLARATION AT HOLDING NO. 24+25, THAKURDAS SUREKHA ROAD, P.O. GHUSURI, MOUZA & P.S. MALIPANCHGHORA, SHEET NO.3, LR. DAG NO. 94 LR. KHATIAN NOS. 14, 67,JL NO.. 01, UÑDER HOWRAH MUNICIPAL CORPORATION WARD NO. 02, BOROUGH NO. I, DISTRICT-HOWRAH-711107. Shivam Realestate TázayNal Sa29 Proprietor ******* R. Aara.Ta21akNak Scro ..N| REGGISTRA AHO ARAA OIST ARA sunc/Sub-Registrar HoWTah 27 0EC 2017 2 1, SRI GORA CHAND PAKHIRA, S/0 Gopal Chand Pakhira, by faith- Hindu[Indian], by Occupation Business, residing at 24 25, Thakurdas Surekha Road, P.O. Ghusuri, P.S. Malipanchghora, District- Howrah-711107, do hereby declare as follows 1. That represented by his lawful Constituted attorney of SRI TARAK NATH SAROJ, S/0 Late.Munarika Saroj, byfaith- Hindu[lndian), by Occupation Business, residing at 56, Madhab Babu Lane, P.O. Ghusuri, P.S. Malipanchghora, District- Howrah-711107, The Proprietor of a Firm namely "M/S. SHIVAM REAL ESTATE" having its registered Office at 13/1, Jaya Bibi 1st Bye Lane, P.O. Ghusuri P.s. Malipanchghora Ward No. 02 of H.M.C District- Howrah -711107, by . a registered Power of Attorney Deed No. 050206187 for the year 2017 registe red at A.D.S.R. Office, Howrah comprised in Holding No. 24+25, Thakurdas Surekha Road, P.O. Ghusuri, P.S. Malipanchghora, Ward No. 02 of H.M.C. Borough No. 1, District Howrah-711107. Shivam Realestate Tanay Nalh San Proprietor . 3 2. That at present the Plan submitted herewith may kindly be accepted for record as final boundary plan of Holding No. 24+25, Thakurdas Surekha Road, P.O. Ghusuri, Police Station- Malipanchghora, Ward No. 02 of H.M.C. , Borough No. I, District Howrah- 711107 measuring of Land area 4K-0CH-0 SFT. 3. That there is no Case Pending in both Civil and Criminal Court for the above said Premises. If any dispute arise then Howrah Municipal Corporation will be entitled to cancel the building Plan. 4. 1 Propose to construct a building in the aforesaid. premises. The actual boundary line of the Property which is fully mentioned below and demarcated by Red Colour in the annexed Plan and I sball be liable for dispute of any nature with our neighbor of this said land in future The Howrah Municipal Corporation will not be liable for any litigatkon over the said land and is at liberty to revoke the plan if any discrepancy arises and take action with law. 5. That there is no positional Change of the Property due to this Declaration. Shivam Realestate Tara NåThSan) Proprietor 6. The Responsibility of all the facts written in this Deed lies on the Declarant 7. That the aforesaid declaration will be binding on our legal heirs, executors, Successors and assigns. :THE SCHEDULE ABOVE REFERRED TO : ALL THAT piece and parcel of 4K-0Ch-00 Sft of mokrari mourashi Bastu Land together with existing structure comprised in Holding No. 24+25, Thakurdas Surekha Road, P.O. Ghusuri, P.S. Malipanchghora, Ward No. 02,of Howrah Municipal Corporation, Borough No. 1, District - Howrah. in the 711107, as per Deed and Field measurement, delineated therein coloured in RED map or plan hereto annexed and Border and the said land butted and butted as Previous Deed No. 838 for the year 1942 at Sadar Joint Sub-Registrar Office, Howrah as follows Shivam Realestate Tanal Nalk ano Proprietor Surekha Road. ONTHE NORTH: Thakur Das Road. ON THE SOUTH: 22, Guha Rahim Tandle. ON THE EAST House of Abdul ON THE WEST 22, Guha Road. That said Property Presently butted and butted as as follows ON THE NORTH: Thakurdas Surekha Road. ON THE SOUTH: 22/4, Daýaram Naskar Road. ON THE EAST 26, Thakurdas Surekha Road. ON THE WEST 22, Thakurdas Surekha Road. ON THE NORTH: 6-8", 12'-3", 6-7.5", 10'-4",21'-6 ONTHE SOUTH 50'-8" ONTHE EAST 47-5" ONTHE WEST 49'-6", 4'-10", 16-1" Shivam Realestate Tanay Nah Sanu Proprictor 6 Deed & hands and Seals unto this IN WITNESS WHEREOF I put my of December, 2017 Howrah on this 2hpay execute the same at by WITNESSES: DPAuh Nah Kundu ati 27, khag a GOPAL CHAND PAKHIRA Constituted Represented by its Attorney TARAK NATH SAROJ H oT ornd. Tarik Naly SaNb) *****e*****"* ********************'****°**** ludesSote DEC L A R ANT stMadhab bhuU ahuri Hevnunr Prepared in my Sheristha. LAkanllajpuk- Advocate, Howrah Judges' Court. W 1o5t ?74 Typed by : Mouuwmifal Shivam Realestate Tãna Nalh Saz» Proprietor UNDARY DECLARATION PLAN OF HOLDING NO.-24 25 THAKURDAS SUREKHA ROAD, P.O-GHUSURI, DAG NO- 94 (L.R.), KHATIAN NOS- 14,67 J.L (LR.),SHEET- NO-01,MOUZA &R SMALIPANCH GHORA, UNDER H.M.C. WARD NO- 02, B0ROUGH NO-I, DIS1-HO WRAH-71107. AREA 0F LAND=L K-0 CH-0 SF1 [SHOWN BY RED BORDER] SCALE:-16-0 NAME OF DECLARANI- TARAK NATH SAROJ PROPRIETOR OF SHIVAM REAL ESJA1E (CONS1ITUTED ATTORNEY ON BEHALF OF GORAC HAN0 PAKHIRA) i THAKURDA KHA GUHA RO AD ROAD (PRESE NT 23 PREVIOUS(PREVIOus) 4-10 -216H.M.C DRAI N---- 50-8 HOL NO-22, GUHA ROAD (PREVIOUS) NASKAR ROAD HOL NO,- 22/4, DAYA RAM PRESENT) TaakNajh Saro) DRAWN BY:-S.SAMANTA DATE 18.12.2017. SIGNATURE Shivam Realestate TaakL NaTbSaD Proprietor PRINTS SPECIMEN FORM FOR TEN FINGER Twwn INOER FORE FINOER LITTLE FINGER RINo FINOEP MIDPL LEFT HAND FINGER MiDDLE FINGERRING FINGER LITTLE THUMB FORE FINOER RiaHT| HAND Signaturea K N Sar THUMD FINGERFORE FINGER JLITHENGER RING FiNGER MioDLE LE HA. PHOTO FINGER LITTLE FINGER -JUMB FORE FINGER MiODLE FINGER RING R H D Signature LITTLE FINGER RING FiNGEMioDLE FINGER FORE FINGER THUMB LErT HAND PsOT) THUMB FOREFINGER MIDOLE FINGER RING FINGER LITILE FimoER RIGHT HAND Signaturee LITTLE FINGER RING FINGERMiDDLE FINGER FoRE FINGER TRUMB LErT HAND PHO1O THUMB FoRE FINGER MioDLE FINGER RING FiNGER LITLE FINGER RioHT| HAND asie Signture Government of Indiaa 1arak NA'"| SaO atr Mutugk,a S.ro 1 DOR 1 1G73 fvil 7154 7782 5114 Unique ldentification Authority of India Ar: N,DRT) 1. i i stBe; 7E . 111 7154 7782 5114 www 8DO. rep. da.go i www iadn yr TanekNAG Sanay TO1SO1 1198n Major Information of the Deed Deed No: 27/12/2017 Query No I Year -0501-11988/2017 Date of Registration 0501-1000419100/2017 Office where deed is registered Query Date 21/12/2017 4:22:39 PM D.S.R. HOWRAH, District: Howrah Applicant Name, Address Kumar & Other Details Dilip Majumdar Howrah Court.Thana Howrah, District: Howrah, WEST BENGAL, PIN - 711101, Mobile No. 9830403934, Status Advocate Transaction Additional Transaction [0901] Declaration, Declaration relating to immovable property[4305] Other than Immovable Property, Declaration [No of Declaration: 1] Set Forth value Market Value Rs. 64,00,000/- Stampduty Paid(SD) Registration Fee Paid Rs.50/-(Article:4) Rs. 46/-(Article:E, E, M(b), H) Remarks Received Rs. 50/-(FIFTY only ) from the applicant for issuing the assement slip. (Urhan area) Land Details District: P.S:- Howrah, Malipanchghara, Corporation: HOWRAH MUNICIPAL Road: Sureka CORPORATION, Thakur Das Road,, Premises No. 24and25, Ward No: 2, Holding No:24 and 25 Sch Plot Khatian Land Use Area of Land SetForth Other Details No Number NumberProposed ROR Market L1 Value (In Rs,)Value (ln Rs.)l Bastu 4 Katha 64,00,000/-|Property is on Grand Total: Road 6.6Dec 64,00,000/- Declarant Details ,SI No Name,Address,Photo,Finger print and Signature 1 Mr Gora Chand Pakhira Son of Mr Gopal Chandra Pakhira 24 And 25, Thakurdas Surekha West Road, P.0:- Ghusuri, P.S:- District-Howrah, Bengal, India, PIN -711107 Sex: Male, Malipanchghara, India, Status :Individual, Executed By Caste: Hindu, Occupation: Citizen of: by: Attorney, Executed by: Attorney Busirtess, Attorney Details: SI No Name,Address,Photo,Finger print and Signature Name Photo Finger Print Mr Tarak Nath Saroj Signature (Presentant) Son of Late Munarika Date of Execution - Saroj 27/12/2017, , Admitted by: Tasak Na Sane | Self, Date of Admission: 27/12/2017, Place of Admission of Execution: Office Doc 27 2017 11:54AM LTI 27/12/2017 27/12/2017 27/12/2017 QUe Query N: 0501-1-000419100 of 2017 Deed ANB!LES0HEOE08/2017 No :- 050111988/ 2017, Document is digitally signed. rietor, M/s. Shivam Real Estate, 13/1, Jaya Bibi 1st Bye Lane, P.O:-Ghusuri, alipanchghara, District-Howrah, West India, PIN P.S:- P.S:- Bengal, -711107, 56, Madhab Babu Lane, Ghusuri, Malipanchghara, District-Howrah, West P.O: Caste: Hindu. Occupation: Business, Citizen of. India, StatusBengal, Attorney,India, PIN Attormey -711107, of: Sex: Mr GoraMale, Chand By Pakhira IdentifierDetails Name & address Mr Joy Krishna Roy Son of Late Kamal Krishna Roy Howrah Court PO Howrah, P.S- Howrah, District-Howrah, West Bengal, India, PIN-711101, Sex Male, By Caste: Hindu, Occupation: Law Clerk, Citizen of. India, , ldentifier Of Mr Tarak Nath Saroj 27/12/2017 Endorsement For Deed Number : 1-050111988 / 2017 On 27-12-2017 Certificate of Admissibility(Rule 43,W.B. Registration Rules 1962) Admissible under rule 21 of VWest Bengal Registration Rule, 1962 duly stamped under schedule 1A, Article number 4 of Indian Stamp Act 1899 Presentation(Under Section 52 &Rule 22A(3) 46(1),W.B. Registration Rules,1962) Presented for at registration 11:50 hrs on 27-12-2017, at the Office D.S.R.
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