HITE HOUS e Dat e Jun e 10 , 196 7 ENT LYNDO N B . JOHNSO N NARY Th e White House resident bega n his day at (Place) ' Washington , D . C . Da y SATURDA Y Time Telephon e t or t ..... 1 . Activit y (includ e visite d by ) In Ou t L o L D 1:32am t \ Whit e Hous e Situatio n Room 1:37am t Nationa l Militar y Command Cente r - Th e Pentagon 3:15am t Whit e House Situatio n Room ^3:21 a m _ t Amb . Arthu r Goldber g - Ne w York City 3:30am _ t Stat e Departmen t Operation s /HITI Hous e Dat e Jun e 10 , 196 7 *NT LYHOO N B . JOHNSO N MARY 'resident bega n hi s day at (Place) Th e Whit e House, Washington , D . C . Da y SATURDA Y Time Telephon e ' I Expcndi - 1 1 Activit y (includ e visite d by ) lur e In Ou t L o L D Cod e 4:05am t Dr . Burkley' s Offic e - Presiden t talked to Chief Nauser complaining o f ra pai muscula n in the left shoulde r region . Dr . Burkle y came an d upon examination foun d i t t o b e not of significant nature. 4:58am t Wal t nRostow Sit Room - i \ 5:33am t Wal t nRostow Sit Room - i 7:30am - Sgt . Pau l Glyn n arrived in Pres.'s bedroom. H e found th e Presiden t aslee p 6:00am - 8:35a m Th e President asleep an d learned Pres. ha d had very littl e slee p . durin g th e nigh t . 7:51am £ Wal t Rostow - DI D NOT TALK - Dr . Burkle y told th e Op . t o tell Mr . Rosto w the Presiden t was restin g an d shoul d not b e disturbed unless absolutely ____^___ _ urgent. [ " i | ; 7:54am f Sec y Dean Rusk - DI D NOT TALK - Op . relaye d Dr . Burkley' s message that th e Presiden t wa s restin g an d should not be disturbed unless absolutel y urgent. Th e Secretary then sai d "neve r mind . " wil l talk later. i 1 — 1 1 I ! ..-.. ) ) — i ——————. — _____ _ 8:00am ; Dr . Burkle y t o th e President' s bedroom. tanf HOUSE Date June 10, 1967 CNT LYNDON B. JOHNSO N WARY 'resident began his day at (Place) The White House, Washington. D. C. Day SATURDAY T- Telephone - Tune f I Jror tExpend!- ....... 1 Activity (includ e visited by) ture In Ou t Lo LD Code 8:35ar i The President awake - got up and dressed. Marvin Watson and Sgt. Paul Glynn with the President in the bedroom. Sgt. Glynn advises President gave no indications of 8:36am t Walt Rostow - Sit Room it being anything but a normal day — showered, ' shaved and dressed and left the bedroom a 8:55a m 8:39am ~T~ Walt Rostow - '' 8:48a "hot line" - Kosygin to Johnson - "Israel continues fighting 8:57am The President arrived in Situation Room <^^-*Lua^ his Breakfast was sent over on a tray and the President ; ate it in Situation Room.. ; 3. It consisted of: ; ; Mellon balls . Hot tea with milk ; _ _^_____ Cream chipped beef 9:40am ; . / The President while in the Situation Room ' Meeting in Sit Room w/ was given a medical report on the Vice President Hon. Clark Clifford from Dr. Burkley. Mr. Marvin Watson handed Amb. Llewellyn Thompson the President the following message: . Director Richard Helms "Medical Report on the Vice President. Secy McNamara Examination of the bladder completed . Two Walt Rostow small polyps removed, neither of which are McGeorge Bundy felt t o be malignant. Final pathological report - 10:00a Under Secy Katzenbach available tomorrow. { VPres. withstood the examination very well '. [ : : -and is now in the recovery room. Will go to his j hospital room in approximately one hour. ! j Exact time of hospitalization indefinite at this SEK TRAVEL RECORD " "«»*"<" T'''"™°"'« '~ —time but probably will be 3 to 4 days. " ' ~ fHITI HOUS E Dat e Jun e 10, 196 7 CNT LYNDO N B . JOHNSO N MARY 'resident bega n hi s day at (Place) Th e Whit e House, Washington , D . C . Da y SATURDAY . Time Telephon e f or t ..... Activit y (includ e visite d by ) In Ou t L o L D 9:30a "ho t line " - Johnso n to Kosygin - assurance s fro m Israe l 9:44a "ho t line" - Kosygi n to Johnson g- continuin fightin g 10:50a "ho t line " - Johnso n t o Kosygin s- o statu f ceasefir e 11:31a "ho t line " - Kosygi n to Johnso n - nex t step s 11:54a "ho t line " - Johnso n to Kosygin - military action endin g 11:55am Th e Presiden t departed the Situation Roo m 11:56am . Arrived i n Ova l Room office w/Marvi n Watson -- walke d into Mrs . Roberts ' offic e j sayin g "wel l there' s Mis s Yolanda kard a t work s o early i n the morning . " ' the n gav e Mrs. Robert s instruction s o n engraving t o b e put o n accutron watch the President gave Secy McNamar a yesterday o n his birthday . i 'Mire Hoosf Dat e June 10, 1967 ENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON MABY resident began his day at (Place) Th e White House, Washington, D. C. _ Day SATURDAY Tune Telephone 1 . Activity (include visited by) In Out Lo LD 11:59a:n - 12:11pm Mr. Paul Popple OFF RECORD Pictures taken --a farewell call 12:04p £ Walt Rostow (pl) / : ^12:10p t Secy McNamara 12:20p - working his signing table with Marvin Watson 12:29pm f Walt Rostow 12:33p - 1:00p Walt Rostow to Oval Rm Office / ^12:51p -12:55p I Hayes Redmon OFF RECORD 12:59p - 1:00p I Ivan-Sinclair QFF RECORD | j__ (Sinclair leaves for Dallas where he will be in charge of Braniff's | , Community Activities Department) „« Houw June 10, 1967 ENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON MARY resident began his day at (Place) The White House, Washington, D. C. Day SATURDAY T- Telephone „ Tune f £ ^ Expendi- 1 . Activity (include visited by) ture In Out Lo LD Codc 1:01p - 2:41 The President to the cabinet room - speaking to Mary Slater said "well did Mary finally get back to work, .were the Marines having a parade last night? " Mary replied ""Yes - she was back to work ' and ^Bf'"yes" about th e Marines. Meeting with agency heads on the Budget: Secy Henry Fowler, Treasury Secy Orville Freeman, Agriculture Secy John Gardner. HEW Secy mHimm Willard Wirtz. Labor ' Secy Robert Weaver. HUD ' Secy Alan Boyd. Transportation ; Hon. Sargent Shriver, Director OEO Hon. Lawson Knott. Adm GSA ^_ Hon. William Driver. Admin. VA \ s Hon. Al Fitt. General Counsel, Army Gen. William Cassidy, Corps of Engineers | Dr. Glen Seabor g I Hon. James Webb. Admin NASA Hon. Charles Schultze, Director, BOB Hon. Frederick Belen, P. O. Dept. Joe Califano 2:00p | Marvin Watson 2:10p I George Christian joined — after JAC coming to mjdr's office and calling him saying the i , President would like for him to be in there. i MiTf House Date June 10, 1967 ENT LYNDON B. JOHNSO N MARY resident began his day at (Place) The White House Day Saturday Time Telephone f or t . Activity (include visited by) In Out Lo LD 2:41p The President to the oval office, stopping at mjdr's desk to look at some papers w/ MW. He read a note from Mrs. Jack Valenti concerning plans for the evening. 2:43p Into Oval office w/ Marvin Watson / 7:52p 3:00p Hon. Sargent Shriver, Director, OEO 2:59p f Secy Robert McNamara--returning the President's call 3:01p t | Walt W. Rostow (pl) i 3:03p 3:15p I Mrs. Arthur Krim • /HITI House Date June 10, 1967 >ENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON MAKY 'resident began his day at (Place) The WHite House Day Saturday T.- Telephone _. Tune f £ t Expendi- . Activity (include visited by) ture In Out Lo LD Code 3:20 t • Leonard Marks, Director, USIA 3:27p t JaaMfiaiaiMBB^pl^BgPte: Larry Levinson (on Califano pl) 3:30 p f Joe Califano \ Today announced that he has accepted "with the deepes t reluctance and regret" the resignation of Cyrus R. Vance as Deputy Secy of Defense -- intending to nominate Paul H. Nitze as his successor New Secy of Navy to be John T. McNaughton. 3:40p The President to the south grounds to walk to the mansion w/ Mr. & Mrs. Larry Temple, Press Secy to Gov. Connally George Christian Marvin Watson. ._ ; Mary S ; ^ The President called for the dogs, and they were all brought out--several beagles , and Blanco . _ 3:50p j To the second floor w/ the above for LUNCH--all at table but only the following eating: The President J Marvin Watson Mary S The dogs were also in the room, and succeeded in causing quite a disturbance by ~\ \ ° ~" ' • I chewing " up th e lining of the carpet. 1 , _ . 3:54p I 1 U_ Nell Yates in MW's office. Call the following people and see if they can go out on the 1 j boat with me: The Jack Valentis. The Ramsey Clarks, the Barefoot Sanders, Cong. & Mrs . Jake Pickle, the Bill Whites, the Emmet Riordans, the Simon McHughs, the Bill Deasons. VHITE HOUSE Dat e June 1 0 1967 XNT LYNDON B.
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