New York Mass Protest, April 27 See Page 8 Vol. 32 - No 11 Monday, March 11, 1968 Price 10¢ By Dick Roberts well as abroad. One who casts MARCH 5 - It is only a rna t­ aside, for instance, the fragile ter of time before Lyndon John­ economic arguments for an anti­ son will respond to the new sit­ inflation increase - and instead uation in Vietnam by a further hammers a tough demand for a mobilization of reserves and a call­ war tax.'' up of fresh troops for the battle­ Business Week, March 2, thinks fields. This is the opinion of prac­ the war image will be even strong­ tically every authority, for or er: "In Dallas, this week, Johnson against the war. said: 'I think every American will The only question now is how want to say, "I stood up to be far and how fast Johnson intends counted." to go. "He will hammer home this ap­ The National Liberation Front's peal to patriotism on every domes­ five-week-long offensive coupled tic issue until there is a turn for with Hanoi's isolation of the U.S. the better in Vietnam . marine base at Khesanh have dem­ "On wage-price ·policy, White onstrated Washington cannot win House head-knocking will be the war at the ·present troop tougher and tied to the war. Strik­ levels, if at all. ing copper workers and their em­ "Any serious negotiation," ployers will get the first taste of Theodore Sorensen stated two it, as Johnson struggles to avoid days ago, "would risk a Commu­ breaking the strike with a Taft­ nist South Vietnam." Sorensen Hartley injunction . formerly acted as top aide and ad­ viser to President Kennedy. "On civil rights disturbances, The feeling that Washington Negro leaders will be given the could actually lose the war is blunt message that strife in the bringing forth unprecedented crit­ Westmoreland cities this summer will be assailed icism of administration policies. as a betrayal of U.S. soldiers." More and more prominent Demo­ Henry Gemmill figures Johnson Elsewhere in the same issue, cratic and Republican politicians is on the way to becoming "LBJ, Business Week gloats that the sec­ are urging the President to slow War President." Here's the image: ond half year economy may be down and hold back. "A prolonged disappearance of better than originally thought: "Defense spending has taken on a Secret Speeches the Lyndon Johnson who eagerly seeks, in public, for paths to Viet­ different look." It predicts a $6-8 So far, Johnson has not felt com· nam peace talks. No more visits billion rise in spending on the Photo by Shannon pelled to answer his critics direct­ war, compared to early estimates BACK MUHAMMAD ALI. Demonstrators support heavyweight to the Pope ... ly and publicly. But he is appar­ "Instead, a Commander-in-Chief of a $4 billion increase. champion deprived of crown because of· his opposition to draft ently making some sort of answers who pours more soldiers into the Whether Johnson adopts the war and war. in the secret speeches to hand­ war - breaking through the Viet­ image suggested by these finan­ picked audiences he has been mak­ nam manpower ceiling he himself cial sources in the 1968 campaign ing around the nation in the last set last summer. And a President remains to be seen. Image or no few weeks. who calls on Congress for more image, however, he will continue Thus, Max Frankel, the New military money - busting the bud­ to be "waist deep in the Big 700 Picket Fake Bout York Times' chief authority on get he himself set last month. Muddy" and sinking deeper, as the LBJ's moods, tells us March 3 "A War President at home, as song says. that Johnson "has figured out his answers to the electorate's most -Ali Still the Champ nagging questions." For instance, to the question "Are we really By Alex Harte fighting. for freedom?" Johnson NEW YORK, March 4 - Over be said that the blacks were ready would respond: 700 demonstrators picketed the to fight and claim it. Let the "Mr. Ho Chi Minh, who has I whites have that opportunity ..." never been elected to anything in CHOICE 68 News gala debut of boxing at the new :J/Iadison Square Garden tonight Edwards stated that Frazier and his life, has determined that his By Doug Jenness might will make right and that he to protest the phony world heavy­ Mathis had given the petition a can take that little country. We This column will be a weekly service to campus newspapers put weight championship match be­ friendly reception. The petition are pledged to them." feature devoted to news of the out by the United States Student tween Joe Frazier and Buster Ma­ was also signed by Lincoln ,Lynch, And to the question about not nationwide CHOICE 68 campus Press Association, has asked to in­ this. chairman of the United Black paying attention to his critics, poll on the Vietnam war and the terview Fred Halstead and Paul Excluded from the fight was Front. Presidency, to be held on April Boutelle, the SWP candidate for Muhammad Ali, the uncontestable Johnson would answer, "I asked Edwards, who also helped or­ the Secretary of State and the 24. Vice President. In a letter to the world heavyweight champion, ganize the boycott 6f the New Secretary of Defense only yester· CHOICE 68, financed by Time national office of the Socialist barred from the ring because of York Athletic Club track meet day to take Senator X's speech and magazine, is beoing run by a group Workers Campaign Committee, his opposition to the racist war [The Militant, Feb. 25-] because of take Senator Y's television ap· of student-body presidents and one of their editors writes, " ... I in Vietnam. the club's discrimination against pearance and take Senator Z's editors. They are presently setting have noticed a number of articles In below-freezing weather, the blacks and Jews, tol.d reporters: statement and take General So­ up coordinators and CHOICE 68 in college newspapers and I noted demonstrators marched to such "It's two entirely different dem­ and-so and analyze them all to see committees on each campus across that Mr. Halstead was included chants as "Who's the champ'' onstrations. We make a distinc­ if there is any alternative plan the country to encourage interest on the ballot for CHOICE 68 ... Muhammad Ali" and "He won't tion between the racist pigs who they have that we could profit in the poll and formation of can­ We have been trying to set up go, we won't go." They belonged put on the fight and the brothers from." didate-supporter groups, to get out interviews with all the major can­ to a number of organizations in­ who are in there fighting . ." Different insights into Johnson's the vote, and to conduct the poll. didates for President. It is clear cluding various nationalist groups to me that, on campuses at least, Following two hours of picket­ plans come from other quarters. The name of Fred Halstead, So­ in Harlem, the National Black Halstead and Boutelle are among ing, a rally was held on the steps Wall Street Journal correspondent cialist Workers Party candidate Anti-War Anti-Draft Union, the the major candidates." of the U.S. Post Office on Eighth for President, appears on the Black Caucus, the W.E.B. DuBois Avenue at 33rd Street. Short CHOICE 68 ballot along with 13 ' The College Press Service has Clubs, the Young Socialist .Al­ speeches were given by Dixie other announced or prospective more than 300 college and univer­ liance, and Youth Against War Bayo of the Puerto Rican Inde­ Is Your Scllool candidates. In addition there are sity newspapers among its sub­ and Fascism. pendence Movement; Carlos Rus­ three referendum issues on the scribers with a potential reader­ Right before the demonstration, sell, chairman of the Black Cau­ ballot, including the first national ship of about three million stu­ Harry Edwards, chairman of the cus; Harry Edwards; Jarvis Tyner, In CHOICE 68? campus poll on the war in Viet­ dents. Olympic Boycott Committee, pres­ chairman of the W.E.B. DuBois Check with your student gov­ nam. * * * ented a petition to Frazier and Clubs and Matty Berkelhammer, ernment or Social Science or The Socialist Workers Campaign The New York Student Mobil· '.\1athis urging them not to fight. a lead,er of the DuBois Clubs in ization Committee to End the War Political Science departments to Committee has called for a vote The petition called attention to a New York; and Charles Kenyatta. for immediate withdrawal of U.S. in Vietnam has established a number of black freedom fighters Edwards reiterated the fact that make sure your school is partic­ forces and permanent cessation of CHOICE 68 subcommittee. This who have been unjustly perse­ the demonstration protested in­ ipating in CHOICE 68. For more the bombing, on the antiwar re­ committee is planning to send out cuted and stated, in part: justice against all black people, information, write: CHOICE 68, ferendums; and for a write-in organizers and speakers to New "Gentlemen, out of dignity and specifically mentioning Huey New­ Room 1924, Time and Life Build­ vote of "black control of the black York campuses to help get respect to the black people of ton, H. Rap Brown, Stokely Car­ communities" on the urban crisis CHOICE 68 organized and to cam­ ing, Rockefeller Center, New America, which includes yourself, michael and Herman Ferguson. referendum. paign for a vote for the imme­ let the title remain unchallenged "We must move against racism in York, N.Y.
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