Tree Phydology 21.1015-1030 0 2WI Hemn Publishing-Victoria, Ca& The ratio of NPP to GPP: evidence of change over the course of stand development ANNIKKI MAKELA' and HARRY T. VALENTINE^ I Dcplnmnf offomst Ecology, P.O. Box 27, FINMM14 UnivemizyofHclrinki, Finkmd USDA Forest Service. Nonkancm Reseord Smtiw P.O. Box 640. Duhm, NH 038244540. USA Received October 1.2W Summary Using Scots pine (Pinu. sylvestris L.) in Fenno- wrong reasons. statistical calibration of such models should be Scandia as a case study, we investigate whether net primary avoided Whenever possible; instead, values of physiological production (NPP) and maintenance respiration are constant parametenshouldcomefiommeasurementsof thephysiolog- fractions of gross primary production (GPP) as even-aged ical processes themselves. mono-specific stands progress from initiation to old age. A model of the ratio of NPP to GPP is developed based on (I) the Keywords: carbon balance, photosynthesis, pipe-model fhe- ory, modeling, respiralion. Scofspine. classical model of respiration, which divides total respiration -- -- into construction and maintenance components, and (2) a pro- cess-based model, which derives respiration from processes including constluction. nitrate uptake and reduction, ion up- Introduction take, phloem loading and maintenance. Published estimates of Stand-level measurement of gross primary production is ex- specific respiration and production rates, andsome recent mea- tremely difficult and subject to many uncertainties (e.g., surements of components of dry matter in stands of different Lavigne et al. 1997). An adequate quantitative theory of eco- ages, areused toquantify the two approaches overthecourseof system respiration is therefore crucial for the understanding stand development in an average environment. Both ap and prediction of net (NPP) and gross (GPP) primary produc- proaches give similar results, showing a decrease in the tion over the course of stand development. Most model predic- NPPIGPP ratio with increasing tree height. In addition, we tions of plant productivity are based on the theory of respira- show that stand-growth models finedunder threedifferent sets tion originally developed by Penning de Vries (1974. 1975). of assumptions--(i) annual specific rates of maintenance res- which divides consumption processes into maintenance and pirationof sapwood (mw)andphotosynthesis (sc)areconstant; growth components. Maintenance respiration has been ex- (ii) mwis constant, butscdecreases with increasing tree height; plained by the amount of live biomass and its temperalure, and (iii) total maintenance respiration is a constant fraction of whereas growth respiration hasbeen defined as the unitcost of GPP and s~decreaseswith increasing tree height--can lead to constructing new plant tissue (e.g., Penning de Vries 1975, nearly identical model projections that agree with empirical Waring and Schlesinger 1985, Ryan 1990, Sprugel 1990, observations of NPP and stand-growth variables. Remeasure- Ryan et al. 1994). The theory has given rise to two widely held ments of GPP and respiration over time in chronosequences of views in tree physiology. First, maintenance respiration has stands may be needed to discern which set of assumptions is been thought to cause a decline in net primary productivity correct. Total (construction + maintenance) sapwood respira- (NPP) over the course of an even-aged stand's development as tion per unit mass of sapwood (kg C (kg C year)-') decreased the ratio of productive to consuming tissue decreases (Kira with increasing stand age, sapwood stock, and average Uee and Shidei 1967, Shidei and Kira 1977, Cannell 1989). Sec- height under all three assumptions. However. total sapwood ond, stands in warmerclimates have been thought to haverela- respiration (kgC (ha year)')increasedover the course of stand lively higher respiration costs; this is because the rate of respi- development under (i) and (ii), contributing to a downward ration increases exponentially with temperature (e.g.. Ryan et trend in the time course of the NPPIGPP ratio after closure. A al. 1994. 1995). whereas the rate of photosynthesis tends to moderate decrease in mw with increasing tree height or sap stabilize over a wide range of temperatures, i.e.. 20 to 35 "C wood cross-sectional area had little effect on the downward (e.g.. Kiippers and Schulze 1985. Teskey et al. 1995). How- trend. On the basis of thisevidence, we argue that a significant ever, recent findings cast doubt on the correctness of both decline in theNPPlGPPratio with treesizeor ageseems highly views. probable. although the decline may appear insignificant over Several studies have shown that the fraction of GPP allo- some segments of stand development. We also argue that. cated to respiration differs linle among stands of herbaceous because stand-growth models can give correct answers for the plants (Monteith 1977, Gifford 1994, Monje and Bugbee 1016 MAKELAAND VALENTINE 1998) and trees (Linder 1985. Keith et al. 1997. Malhi et al. Thornley (2000) and Thomley and Cannell(2000) presented a 1999). Each of these studies considered plants of comparable new framework for analyzing total respiration that is based on size amss different environments, which suggests that the substrate transport and utilization. Under this new framework. respiration process is acclimated to the local conditions and, maintenance and growth respiration share some components therefore, the relationship between respiration and tempera- that are inseparable. Furthermore, the framework allows for ture cannot be generalized from one place to another. futile cycles, which could consume excess carbon substrate Ina study involving lodgepole pine (Pinuscontom Dougl.) during highly active periods of plant life. However, Thornley in Oregon. Ryan and Waring (1992) found that the NPP of a and Cannell(2000) conclude, from a model analysis, that fu- 245-year-old stand was less than that of a 40-year-old stand. tile consumption may not be of great significance quantita- The estimated rate of sapwood maintenance respiration was tively. Their models suggest that the NPPIGPP ratio is not slightly, but not significantly, higher in the older stand, so the constant but it is confined to a narrow range. The model by difference in NPP could not be explained by respiration only. Dewar et al. (1998) is similar, though it does not consider Their alternative explanation--that the older, taller trees had multiyear time periods. lower specific rates of photosynthesis and, hence, lower pro- Although it seems that the model employed by Thomley ductivity because of higher hydraulic resistance in their stems and Cannell(2000) could explain many of the recent con& and branches--was supported by subsequent measurements venies regarding maintenance respiration, the model has (Yoder el al. 1994. Hubbard et al. 1999). many parameters related to substrate transport and utilization These and other findings have given rise to new theories and rates that cannot be measured, instead, the parameten must be hypotheses about the influence of respiration on stand devel- fitted to provide reasonable outputs Clhornley and Cannell opment. Waring et al. (1998) suggested that NPP may be a 2000). Therefore, even if the model is qualitatively adequate, constant fraction (approximately ID) of GPP in even-aged comparisons with conventional measurements of respiration stands. If this were true, total respiration would also be a con- and growth are problematic. Moreover, the degree to which stant fraction of GPP. Consequently. respiration would not the NPPIGPP ratio varies over the coum of stand develop contribute to the decline in NPP generally seen in an even- ment remains an open question. aged stand following closure. However, Medlyn and Dewar The objective of this study was to investigate the develop- (1999) pointedout that theevidencepresented by Waringet al. ment of the NPPIGPPratio in a simpler quantifiable modeling L.) (1998) was derived from the assumption that respiration of framework using Scots pine (P. sylvesrrir in southern Fenno-Scandiaas acase study. Inour analysis, we ignore tem- live wood was a constant fraction of aboveground production. perature effects, considering an average season, and focus on so thequestion of whether the ratio of NPP toGPP is constant the influence of tree size over the course of stand develop- remains unanswered. Nevertheless, the assumption of a con- ment. We utilize previous estimates of specific respiration and stant NPPIGPP ratio has been applied in stand-growth models production rates and some recent measurements of biomass with promising results (e.g., Battaglia andsands 1997, Lands- fractions, including sapwoodand fine mots, in Scots pine trees berg and Waring 1997). ord~fferentages (Vanninen et al. 1996, Makela and Vanninen An argument for a declining NPPIGPP ratio after stand clo- 1998. Vanninenand Mael2 1999).Wethen insen theemp~ri- sure can be developed from two assumptions: (I) the ratio of cal findings into adynamic stand-growth model toexplore the respiring wood to foliage should increase with plant size; and implications of different assumptions concerning respiration (2) the specific rate of respiration of live wood should remain and production rates on stand dynamics. fairly constant from year to year. Support of thefirst assump- tion exists in the form of a high linear correlation between cross-sectional area of sapwood and foliage mass (Shinozaki Ratio of net to gmss primary productivity: the classie et al.
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