William lowry, Editor Charles Ault, Ass't Editor Bette Haberer, Business Mgr. SHAW HIGH SCHOOL EAST CLEVELAND, OHIO Volume 37 SHAW HIGH SCHOOL .... 1630 students, 70 teachers .... one hundred two years of traditions and memories . beacon light of progressive education in East Cleveland .... best-illuminated edu­ cational buildings in America .... most modern high school stadium in the United States .. high academic standing- history, English, languages, fine arts, useful arts, rhetoric, science, business, mathematics, dramatics, physical training .... corridors of trophies, cups and awards. Home of powerful football elevens, championship basketball quin- 4 • tets, crack tankmen .... strong track, cross country, hockey, tennis and baseball teams .... numerous girls' athletics. First-division bands, state-renowned debate teams, nationally rec­ ognized publications .... student participation in school government. Rich in social contacts ... happy reminiscences of dates and dances, parties and plays . spirited athletic contests . profitable Hi-Y and Friendship Club meetings .... extracurricular activities and after-school diversions ..•. fast friends made, and true. • 5 DR. 0. J. KORB THESE opening pages would indeed be incomplete without a sincere and warm welcome to you, Dr. Korb. In the short time you have occupied your new post as head of the East Cleveland school system, you have made an impression deep in the minds and hearts of all of us. With an enviable record in educational work already established, you come fully prepared to fur­ ther the progressive organization which your pre­ decessor developed here. The Shuttle speaks for the students of Shaw High School in welcoming you to East Cleveland. We hope you like our school and trust that you will find in us a medium for accomplishing your highest pro­ fessional ideals. May your years here be complete­ ly filled with joy and satisfaction. And so from the very hearts of all of us comes, "Welcome, Dr. Korb!" 6 • MR. C. W . KIMMEL, elected president of the board in January, 1940, has served since January 1, 1932. His term expires December 31, 1943. MR. GEORGE N. NELSON, elected vice president in Jan­ uary, 1940, has served since 1934. His term expires De­ cember 31, 1941. MRS. MARIEM S. MORGAN was appointed to the board January 1, 1934. Her present term expires December 31, 1941 . MR. BEN B. WICKHAM, retired president, assumed his duties in November, 1929. His term will expire December 31, 1943. MR. PAUL H. McCLELLAND, newly elected member of the board, will serve until December 31, 1943. • 7 MR. M. C. DIETRICH fEW people who have been connected with Shaw High School and its 1600 or more students can equal the sincerity and achievement of her principal. Mr. M. C. Dietrich, who came to Shaw from Bill­ ings, Montana, now brings to a close his eleventh year as the head of Shaw. During the past decade he has done much to broaden the curriculum and stimulate interest in outside activities. At the same time he has maintained a keen interest in the individual whose problems he has handled justly and with wisdom. The wheels of Shaw have indeed gone forward under his expert guidance. 8 • shaw faculty MISS J EAN QUAY, Assistant Principal MR . HOWARD K. HUNTER, Guidance Director MR. F. E. WILLIAMS, Boys' Adv1ser EARL G. ABBOTT, M.A. Economics; History HARRIET D. CARPENTER, B.S. Home Econom1cs Faculty Manager : Boys Athletics Adv1ser: Sophomore Friendsh1p Club Ohio Wesleyan Un1versity, B.A., M.A. Western Reserve University, B.S.; University of Wis­ consin; Columbia Univers1ty, Graduate Work. LOUISE BAKER, M.A. Engl1sh CLAUDE J. CARTER, B.A. Physics Ohio Wesleyan University, B.A., B.L. ; Western Re­ Adv1ser : Radio Club serve Umvers1ty, M .A.; Ch1cago University, Graduate Ohio State Un1vers1ty; Ohio Wesleyan University, Work; Diploma at King's School of Oratory, Pitts­ B.A. burgh. CLARA CLENDENEN, M.A. Engl1sh MARTHA FRANCES BARNETT Expression Univers1ty of Pennsylvania, B.S. m Educat1on; West­ Adv1ser: Dromot1c Club ern Reserve University, M .A. Judson College, Marion, Alabama; Curry School of Speech; Boston University; We~tern Reserve Univer­ ALICE ANNETTE COFFIN, M.A. B1ology sity; Northwestern University. Adviser: Senior Friendship Club Oberlm College, B.A.; Western Reserve Un1vers1ty, MARIAN M. BRIGHT Art M.A. Adviser : Art Club OLIVER N. CRAIG Woodworking Columbus Art School ; Ohio State Univers1ty; Art Head of Book Store Students' League of New York. Adv1ser : Photography Club Bradley Polytechnic. RALPH A. BROWN, M .A. Mathemat1cs Head of Mathematics Department LOIS CRANK Debate; Public Speaking Adv1ser : Astronomy Club Adv1ser : Debate Club; Nat1onal ForenSIC League Case School of Applied Science, B.S.; Western Reserve Curry School of ExpressiOn; Mary Baldwm College; Un1versity, M.A. University of V1rginio; Western Reserve University. FOREIGN LANGUAGES Back Row : Miss Ort, M1ss Jones, M1ss Woodward. Front Raw: Miss Dillman, M1ss Gleeson, Miss Kennan, Miss Duvendeck, Miss Zuck. • 9 faculty SOCIAL SCIENCES Left to Right: M1ss Nott, Mr. Loftus, Mr. Lowden, Mr. Abbott, M1ss Devney, Mr. Rees. HAROLD W. CROOK, B.S. Physiography HARRY M . FOOTE Mechanical Drawing Allegheny College, B.S .; Ohio State University, B.S. Architectural and Mechanical Drawing, Western Re­ in Education. serve University; Racine College. LOIS DEAN, B.S. Expression; Public Speaking HOMER R. GIFFORD, B.S. Mathematics Adviser : Dramatic Club Adv1ser : Observer Business Stoff Curry School of Expression; American Academy of Otterbein College, B.S.; Graduate Work, University of Dramatic Art; Columbia University; Boston Univer­ Chicago; Columbia University; Western Reserve Uni­ sity, B.S. versity. JENNIE A. GLEESON, M.A. Latin ANNA M. DEVNEY, M.A. History Adviser: Latin Club Adviser : Stomp Club Director : Senior Activities Valparaiso University, B.S .; Western Reserve Univer­ Western Reserve University, Ph. B., M.A. sity, M.A. GRACE L. HARTMAN, M.A. Botany; Biology LUCY DICKSON, M.A. English College of Wooster, B.A.; Western Reserve University, University of Chicago; Columbia University, B.S., M.A. M.A. KATHRYN HUBINGER, B.S. Commercial JULIA DILLMAN, B.A. Spanish; History Ohio State Un1versity, B.S. in Home Economics; Office Cornell University, B.A.; Graduate Work, Cornell; Training School. Wisconsin; University of California. HOWARD K. HUNTER, M.A. Director of Guidance CORNELIA DILLON, B.S. Mathematics; Physiology Western Reserve Un1versity, B.A., M .A. Ohio State University, B.S. in Education. JANET JONES, M .A. French Adviser : Notional Honor Society; French Club EVA DuHADWAY, B.S. Commercial Denison College, B.S.; Middlebury College, M.A.; Ohio University, B.S. in Education. Graduate Work in France, L'AIIionce Francoise. KATHARINE E. DUVENDECK, M.A. German ALBA B. JUNK, M .A. Commerc1ol Ohio Wesleyan University, B.A.; Western Reserve Adv1ser : Shuttle Edi ton a I Stoff University, M.A. Miami University, B.S.; Columb1o University, M.A. MATHEMATICS Left to Rig ht: Mr. Snavely, Mr. Norogon, Mr. Gifford, Mr. Brown, Mr. Nick, Miss Dillon, M r. Williams. 10 • faculty NATURAL SCIENCES Left to Right: Mr. Carter, M1ss Scribner, Mr. Morris, Mr. Crook, Mr. Nunemaker, Miss Coffin. ALICE E. JURINGUS, B.S. Physical Education W. HOYT LOWDEN, M.A. History Adviser: Tarpon Club, Girls' Life-Saving Corps, Head of History Department Modern Dancing, Leaders' Club, Aqua-Dux Oh1o State Un1versity, B.A., M A.; Graduate Work, Kent State University, B.S. Columbia Univers1ty. RUTH R. KENNAN, M.A. Latin JEAN LAIRD MciNTOSH, M.A. Engl1sh Western Reserve Univers1ty, B.A., M.A. Adviser: Junior Closs R1ngs Denison University, B.A.; Western Reserve Univer­ ANN ITT A KLI PPLE, M.A. Cafetena Manager sity, M.A.; Graduate Work, University of Chicago. Miam1 University, B.S.; Columbia University, M.A. MARIE KURTZ, B.A. Commercial HUBERT McNEILL, M.A. English F1ndlay College, B.A. Adv1ser: Observer Ed1tariol Stoff Oh10 State University; Western Reserve Un1versity, N. F. LEIST, B.S. Law B.A., M.A.; Cleveland Law School, LL.B. Head of Commercial Department Adv1ser: Shuttle Business Staff NINA McWEBB, R.N. Nurse Bl1ss College, B.S. in Education; Ohio State Univer­ Farrand Troinmg School; Harper Hospital, Detroit, sity; Ohio Univers1ty; Graduate Work, University of Michigan, R.N. Cincinnati. MADGE LINDSAY, M.A. English RALPH C. MORRIS, M.A. Chemistry Adviser: Lotophagi Club Defiance College, B.A., M.A.; John Marshall School Ohio Un1versity, B.A.; Western Reserve University, of Low, LL.B.; Graduate Work, Un1vers1ty of Ch1cago. M.A.; Columbia Un1versity. WILLIAM H. MORRIS, M.A. History MARTIN C. LOFTUS, B.A. Mathematics Oh10 University, B.S. in Education; Ohio State Uni­ Assistant Coach: Heavyweight Football versity, M.A. Baldwin-Wallace College, B.A. ROBERT P. LOUIS, B.A. Commercial MARY MORRISON, M.A. L1bronon Adviser: Argus H-Y Club Adv1ser: Phi lomatheion Club Oberlin College, B.A.; Un1versity of Cmcmnat1; Un1versity of Ch1cogo, B.A.; University of Washing Boston University. ton, M.A ; Un1versity of Illinois, B.L.S. HEALTH Left to Ri g ht: Mr. Offmger, M1ss Wood, Miss McWebb, M1>s Juringus, Mr. Vivian. • II faculty FINE ARTS l e ft to Right: Mr N1ergarth, M1ss Shaffer, M1ss Barnett, Miss Crank, M·ss Bnght, Mr. Morris. HAROLD L. NARAGON, M.A. H1story MILDRED PALMER, M.A. English Heidelberg College, B.A.; Ohio State University, M.A. Marietta College, B.A. , M .A.; Work in Journal1sm at Univers1ty of W1scons1n. WILLIAM V. NICK, M .A. Geometry; Phys1ology Assistant Coach : Track MABEL PH I LPOTT Home Econom1cs Geneva College, B.A.; University of P.ttsburgh, M.A.; Rochester Athenaeum; Colt..:mbia University; Graduate University of Southern Cal1fornia; Western Reserve Work, School of Edu:::ation, We s t ~ rn Reserve Univer­ University; Columbia University. sity. MILTON G. NIERGARTH, B.A. Band; Orchestra ALMA POLK, M.A. English Northwestern College, B.A. Miami University, B.A.; Western Reserve University, M.A. C. C. NIX ON, B.A. Chemistry; Senior Science Wilmington College, B.A.; Graduate Work, Western JEAN QUAY, M.A.
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