MISC1LLAHI0US FOR SAL1. MISCILLANCOUS FOR SALK. MISCILLANIOUS FOR SALl. MISCILLANtOUS FOR SALI. Nt 0 U S FOR SALI. M ISCILLANIOUS FO* POOL TWil. _MISCSLLA $All. regulation sue; bail*. h* 8I*W. 64" Tracy sutnleesstag); cu*fc rack; reasonable. Phone Hobart jiate complete Us. Hnglish. site approx. MISCIILANkOUS FOR 5AL1 (Cut.). MISCILLANIOUS SOU SAL1. * jsassBas buyer Owner With under-link cabinet, chrome fauceu 48x108 Inches, hunting scene purchased D°n‘t C*“ Unl*“ to Gibraltar before Sacrifice, SALE—-800 of PORCBLAIN-TOP BREAKFAST SET. 4 » lnt.er* war. $60. 1-^^*®**, £0* pieces 4x4, OVERCOAT, man's black chinchilla. #50; chairs, rood * Ksnmore de lux* lroner, bucket-a- TYPEwrMb.*"!?. 3CP§MITH: very Wnt*£;tl(l}lU<«L®l!»if,AI^H*^l8th' gnd*D >»rte flae 1360 Pa ave. a.e. S.wJjp.fijMtiL .UH- *08i. —28 ra||P TAPESTRIES, pair, 2 by S. French cotton, ferm2a.?!U^xSg1n';Woo^2r^ $30; 4 by 6, Italian. *15: 4 by 5 silk. Oer- RENTAL'3SERVICE. 67X9 2x4, con- 8>»n. $36; antique scarf, Palaley border. TY^iwItT*^*' 8x8 shelving: mlsc. pieces: j4frfaxC'77-W^12r*tt' $10. 8088. also galvanized iron garage complete. r,00d Oft roof, SffiKBBfcSPt TAR KETTLE, made by White. 1«8 cal. 8“Mce*ent Mr.« capacity, rubber tired, with hand latest cond.: dried, 18,000 board ft.. eomlltion, Uke new; Axminster, belie 11*.*%i*?rAr spray Underwood: model*: new #88: lImBE^—^OeXUatr coni!.5i°n- sS^dellvereii. *Sh! g. like new. #40: good allow, for trade-in: Remlnston for 1 Inch and 2 Inches thick, several widths sffwSkgfrbrushes, ladder*. Atlantic 4144, heavy chenille, blue, 0 ft.xl2 it., $38: $ T and lengths; also about 500 board ft. 6 eu. ft., perfect condt- heavy twist broadloom. dusty rose; one »onVuuPr&V PA^it Hoffman, model JieErIGERATOR, _ m0t°r “ greens. a-s—ami-- 0 It. 3 by 0t4 ft.: one 8 ft. 7 by 0 ft. 9, ^officer's "°mBlete' llk* 0: * l** C>UI with alld- (2). electric, and W“nUt^&Mr eilver (English Hal- #40;UpIFOEMS—One*^naYal also one enlisted man’s tallormade Mkr ofAV&.r compete* Una* o’ a 'iij&UGklMTORS one scatter. *38 lor 3: Axminster, SINK. warrE pore., with TE^'sET-^Sterllngmrk) 1881 Victorian new enamel fnA’ l"Ta!ye dralnboard; set; sacrifice, $095. «“• 3R JA- paint; open Bunders. 985 vstS6!^’ u*' blue, leaf pat. 9 ft by 10 ft. 0, and two co“* VACUUM2'lL‘S£\.*Z!-59i, 28*7,_24* 9th, st. n.w. NA. 3589. —39 EQUIPMENT, one cabinet with natter all CLEANER, prewar General Eiae* '^icTRic C®10B: rugs, #40; ruce clean, new con- THOR WASHER, brend new. North trie, LIMBER—Used one-inch hardwood VSck watfipkiiriT ' "»• REFRIGERATOR. General Electric. 7 ft.. dition. DU. 5978. » 2908 practically new, alt attachments; #60. ttiaple £?w .i#.7:L5herm»n *ve. n.w. TT» IS'**' Fairfax drive. Arlington. Clarendon flooring in good condition; short lengths of Ll Kfieti£.*V7.n8W’ brown and belie. vicinity vMm aheathlna, 2x4, 3x4. 2x6. 8. 10 and 12. EP&imitfb °* * b,t' *-B- *ntl 2 ®-m- TILLER, mM^S£i£i. AiTvery. ... built by Erlena Co., for florists brand-new A radar house, for iSB? REFRIGERATOR.SaEwS VW Montgomery X Ward. W« 6-ft., Eureka, Apex. Royal, Westtnt- new. $70: general price, S.M1 "”'“r cooper ^ 387^' and gardeners Phone SH. 1380. house, $89. plateSSMSi&Ati,»£«! enaraver’e preaa. Box 181-Z. 1 condition, in uae. $75. SdfSSr w°& fe —3S Cadillac, Unlyersal and Pramler; MASON, 1600 Jefferson Davis high- &% m |gSJ>8gi new National, electric; Tire, used 700x18. $8.50: battery, $2.50. way Open IX. • ft 8L. 1787. SHE!*’a fPeAl' Sunday. 2508. f “CAPM}—Mammot h pecan halvea. new PRINTING PRESS, 11x17, delivery; guar.; cheap. s. L. Call WO. 7541, 4919 Brandywine st. n.w.' MACHINE, floor scrubbing and poliahlnc: crop. #8.26 per automatic. 4500 Prigidaire. email, excel- lb., delivered: mall and diet., 1184 Bth it. n.w., loth and H sts. n.e. Open Friday and General; 18-inch, with solution tank, Dhone orders accepted: special prices for LX. 0406. s.te; loom, |NJc.*j|HUssmann ,ood c’on- Saturday till 9 p.m. U. 2883. U. 8741. scrubbing perfect quantities. HOLIDAY SALES CO? 140 iwBrutftaSa.Tai antf pad; General _>ctrlc rSffto. doVn all-width; now on eale at fa- perfect condition. comforter, DU. after 8. JhifER, VACUUM CLEANER. 1048 Airway, used and^poUfhinjj^rushes; ft C. Phone*: 9hone°'Temple IV8723! drapes. 4444 vorite dept, or hardware; or order direct; TIRES AND TUBES,, 0.00-16 (4): recap- 82! Ate-asn 0x18 Wilson: a-pc. room 8 *'ter 8 pm- ssw. RUO, living suite, doien t0 dealers. 941 Maine ave. ped; good condition: cheap. 312 N. Ciro- fiwpr REFRIGBRATOR. 7 cu. ft.. In con- wardrobe aw VACUUM cleaner. Hoover, latest model, trunk; mink site 18 or • ?M6.btijmr Ch'*5t?ut PRINTING PRESS. good” coat, 18. ave. s.e. Lincoln 7236. nearly also le“ther J4x22-ln. Universal. In dition. for immed. delivery. 1632 Fort Upa new; baby bed. Phone CH. sL_ • TIRES (2) 6.15x18, good condition. Alio st 1945: $25. TA. la, u. 3731. PADDINGS 9xl a. all • Phone 4962. ■“‘•i.fr* Jypont Sfe'G^b wool, baby crib. Phone TO. 3255. VACUUM l % tEFRmERATOR, large ISS-lb. Ice box, wine, tone on tone, almost new: good buy. CLEANER#—Rebuilt Electrolux. HARRY BAKER^S* PUN* SHOP* doubb: TIRES (8) white sidewall. 6:00x16. 2 Fire- *14.80; Hoover. *13.50; all makes In stock; *e<^>°at*dlecoUllnsprlngs.' Tt ! SETS?* stone »u*r. 24 months For tree tf& 7440 RUG^AND red, Monroe et.. •&**i:• champion de luxe. 7:00x15. $10 end home demon* ^PAD?“wiWen^darlT 9X12! ghJk Arlington. Vg. OX. 3868 each. "tratlon, MODERN PHONOGRAPH, s 116 WO. 3446 after 10 a m. VACUUM STORM. NA. MAHOGANY BEDROOM SUITE, miscel- Child portable electric; TIERS, rood condition: *10. sh 412R isli *?!all Chestnut 3. 600X18; $5 each, call WA. laneous bo1?.?. dining and living room collector1! apcLrr Vacuum CLEANER. Eureka, with attach, metal no lens. Tern- ||8/««0.ntrXn ^C?iNr^lnrpg»*,.n30dro'^marun pieces; porch furniture, etc. Shown SAFES—New and »/*„ p.?-.. amusemeiW TIRES Sunday. 2 to 4. EM. 0176. uaed, In stock for most (4>f 7.00x16. good tread: 6 gals. »; business uses: also money chests, wall safes Wf condi- .. Sf*1'bonnet, diate delivery; Eureka. Royal. Premier and MAHOGANY HIGHBOY, excellent yrs. Coral, white trim, $7.00.tJ3up *2$ tion. $150. KM 4772. ---—---. JoHascope," with carrying Wl. 4788 WHisrussf-3^aa caae, model K. ““ MANDOLIN, banjo, man’s 2-trouser suit, 16-ram., 75n-Watt lamp: •» SAFES (2), large, "A” T-20 label safee. tT'sIji011, SS* ,.’sr.,“S size 13»0- ggraibSK “ 37 short: private party. NO. 4193. 6?ne?*»£ >A- —“4 pK-s&t suitable for Jewelers with "block” insur- TIRESjEsrffl AND TUBES—6.60x16, new: 4 U. PUMPS—2” centrifugal water WEWtlOERATOBF—Kelvinmtor; silo n'.7» "*n™> —28 pumps. :r family ance or valuable records. Can be seen SL;°W' atpSeur: C°rd W‘tb tUb*,; SS?”«.3x.u'*»i§lr"”‘' MAN’S OVERCOAT. “Royal Coating" dlagphragm pumps, with suction and dls- 7-foot; perfect condition; #76. 623 Mass, METERS, elec., for still charge hose; new ave, n.e. IbVl &WiW SpAOpyrai1cedUUX60-Ii,On open self ssrv. size 38-40; worn 3 times; Spimi™P™> „FXP0S equipment; ready to de- 34* SSM&ssfttilS TOOLS, expensive case.JJS’, 11 new (WerumbQ). 10-ft. mechanics': ft.; «»»nmroe o!.?'5,r*'s: world-known makes. fiwto you. DU. 3700. nTwHENA8«^ liquid carbonic soda fountain; 1 radio, eon- Hussmann, with or with* sacrifice, $30. 531 Quintana place n.w. in good LaSTSkSAMOVAR. bras record * #18; candelabra, #18: liquid carbonic sandwich unit; 1 sink; 1 *0**. changer; complete 1945 MAPLE BEDROOM SET. 5-plece. with, K- * w plumb INO s!rAcTwoweahou,,: andirons, *12. HO. 4450. • edition Encyclopedia R REPRK3 ooi’i ntw 0tho/S1 »t.t.,p* REFRIGERATORS. GE. a Coca-Cola 1 Americana, new basi- L.%inE* ERATioN Hussmann twin beds: 1 electric sewing machine: both CC^lllia n.w. nine only, monl- stainlessBrollp-grUl: dispensers; net and crib. Call ME. 3702. gss»^tfmia**«a3a top. porcelain lined,' apt. steel back-bar; all this equip! and perfect condition. Apt. 2. 312 ^rU.Hale; obntrlfiigal, rated at 600 gal- slit, good run- *«%C lloCK 'PLUMBING TOOL#—-Disston. Slmonds and Atkins minute, with ning condition, $50 each as Is; five other Supi condition. Cali MR. GLENN, iiM Si«-* bRuAu,:,^ld? Brewerbrlh Oxford st.. Arlington. CH. 4808. nini viewer. 36-mm. ‘°P« P'r. complete Chrysler PLY.condition. 3050 M st. n.W., Ml. 7141. —28 mr/itngoodUN. 1000. saws: 34-lnch wrenches, picks, shovels. gffa;steel or aluminum: promi.t. service: irea —24 developing unit, dark- Ph0M B assorted models. Delivery available. See _26 fkn», small print walks snd terraces. Stone for all pur- ,ood for DUCKrrT.C,UNd*ir234n*lne' Apt" 1511 • condition: MATTRESS, single bed; heavy Inner- H.rU‘eS.'Jntll,l!lnfstainless st>el trays, poses. WI. 4305. «T^N*UB\^dw,..Rh?d. re* springs; custom built like new; $25; also FPJher. chemicals, GUILTS. 4. handmade. $20 each; 1 wln- ij<p js°4&sr SS* with B holders, numer- ter SAPPHIRE STAR. 2-diamond man’s ring: 80FA. sectional, prewar Heywood-Wake- g^G0t&be^teMgfitLaV'" *l AVE French clock. DE. 5214. ou« cnmtr* ooat. fur-trimmed: else 14-18; never REFRIGERATOR.wLSV® General Electric; mo- B<nnlne,)(rd. «“■ omy 14-k. white gold: gallet, 2 m*Wr“1: U°io'>*"lnn' B£tNbrC0°rrW. iftf* MATTRESS, SJSe.ih.S?,!' „F*ko glossy drier: at.
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