VoluDle 33 no. 10 Lundi, Ie 10 janvier 1994 A matter of Principal Lorraine Hill Glendon has had to bid farewell to one ofthe most familiar faces on campus. As previously reported in Pro Tern, Dr. Roseanne Runte's term as Principal of the campus expires June 30th, 1994, and she has announced that she will not be doing another term, having accepted the post ofPresident of Victoria College at V.of T. As ofJanuary 1st, 1994 Principal until June 30. If a Dr. Runte is on a six month new Principal has not been sabbatical. Until June 30th appointed at this time she remains Principal in title, Professor Jaubert may be ~ and therefore is still entitled asked to continue until the ~~ to the apartment on the new Principal is appointed, at :t: ~ second floor of Glendon which time he will reassume :E ~ Manor. his position of Associate ~ The work, however, Principal. ...0 still mustgo on. As Associate Jaubertbegan as Acting f Principal for the past4 years, Principal officialily on A familiar face to students;Pricipal RU~;~ ha;-b~e~--;~placed:------------------------- and with 2 years remaining January 1st, butdidn'tactually Associate Principal he was busy." college, which he says is qual­ in his term, Professor Jcan- start work until the first day of fully aware of all that his Since the post is only ity ofeducatiion, a high stand­ Claude Jaubert has assulned classes, January 4th. Since interim position would entail. for six months he does not ard of student-professor con­ the role of Acting Principal then, he says, there has not "Everything is the way I have many projects in mind. tact, and' biligualism, which for the interim. He assumes been anything unusual thought it would be,~" says He simply wants to continue he cites as the "raison-d'etre" al.~ ,the_~~~~"?~sibili~ies o~~.~~e ~~pp~~1!~:.~~~~.E~~_~.~~.J~~!ert,. ~'I ~~e~ ~t ~oul~ ~e pursue th~ mission of the of the college. ._ .... ~ ~...- ~~~~~"~~~--"""",,,T~'T~_"'-Mo-_~""'to ~~""''-'_'''_~~'''''~'''''''',.r''_~_.~.!:~'-=-''''--~'' ~:'- ....-.....~.,... .lc~~-.,£"'#; ~ _ • •• _ __"'__-'- .........::--.j'o\•• .. ..-... ...... __1'"- See PricipaJ on p. 8 Health plan follies Allerton's Alex E. Limion Among this year'sChristmascards,she received an "optout" ofthe plan. Marcos says that the deadline for visible impact extra-special December courier from York accounting ­ a bill for $111.24 for a health care plan she didn't need. opting out was October 9. Michele Ermuth Although this was not "I was very upset," 1) those who either didn'tpay mentioned in the Course Derek Allerton was announced as the winner ofthe says Marie-Louise (who for the plan with their Sep­ Calendar, Mr. Benevides George Tatham award on December 2. asked that her family name ternberbillings and don't feel feels that this was well The award, named in chose the winner. not be used). they should now and 2) those publicized becausethe Voice honor of the first dean of Mr. Allerton was given "Ispoke to a woman at who did and now feel that Enrollment system student affairs at York, is the $100 award and certifi­ accounting when 1 paid my they are entitled to a refund. mentioned contacting the presented annually to a cate for his involvement in $75 deposit last July. 1 told Mr. Benevides feels that the GCSU about health care student who was greatly campus activities. He is in herthat1was already covered GCSU acted appropriately but enquiries and because the contributed to the social and his second year as Don in underahealthcareplan. 'No that the second group has GCSU erected posters about cultural life ofGlendon. The Wood residence, a member problem,' she said. stronger claims. the college. winnermustalso be involved of York student security and "When 1 received the "On the September tui­ Mr. Benevides in student affairs and is the station manager of Ra­ bill 1was very upset because tion billing, it said to add a supports his claim with less­ activities while maintaining dio Glendon. I never knew that 1 was on sum for the health plan 'if than-conclusive data. He good academic standing. Said Mr. Allerton: "I the plan; I never took applicable' and to see page 11 states thatthe average opt out The student body feel glad 1was recognized by advantage of it! The of the Course Calendar for rate for student health plans nominated three qualified so many people. My work is University made a mistake details [health plan coverage offered by the Canadian students: Bassam Abou obviously not in vain ... I'm and now they want me to pay is mandatory for any student Federation of Students is Nairn, Laura Thompson and glad people noticed." for it!" with the equivalent of 4 or approximately 20% of the Derek Allerton. The GCSU Marcos Benevides, more full timecredits]. When students who originally paid Vice-President of the students chose their courses in. Because the optout rate at Glendon College Student by voice-enrollment, they Glendon was almost 23%, Union (GCSU), presently were also told the amount of Marcos feels that the GCSU administrates the health plan the health plan ifthe needed it did its job. and admits: "It's a mess." and were told to contact the Although 351 students Mr. Benevides says that the GCSUfor more information." opted out of the plan before GCSU has registered almost Ifa student was already the October9, receiving their 100 complaints about the covered on anotherhealth care refunds, and leaving 1204 plan. plan then that student could students in the plan as of Most student com­ passed in the spring to accept November 24~ many students plaints can be divided in two: a health plan, but Arlene Ali, were never reached by the See Health on p. 8... Lundi Ie 10 Janvier· 1994 David Laliberte n one prison II semble ~anquent de ci ~ue ~uelques etu · ~Ispretsaennuy:;~~e elementaire ~:nts en residence e Juvenilese e ' ils se moqautresetudlants·ave n dseulement sont- Imphquer. uent aussi des dangers c esqueplaisanteriecela peuts Voici les comprehensible Quelques ". faits. choque n ~ est tres probabl com1ques" , e mache ement A' mots quand 01 pas ses "bl 1 parle d essayaient de tr souls' "" agueurs". III .e ces moyen d ouver Ie msipid . esquahfie de resident. e se rire d' un probably'd mmdless and fU?ken morsel" d'imagination et Faute eu or1 0 - doute d" . sans aucun truc comP gmal, ce vieux 1ntell1gen' 0 orte eur vint d ce, 1 Idee evidents PD des dangers 1 o e mettre ,. ans l'e . d un incendo ventual1te n01r entre Ie cadred un sous a porte d e porteet ole, Ie r-< °d 1 Sermt certain de . c;SI ent· 1 resident en e ch.ambre du flammes et penr par les qu'il questIOn si b' p~emierchambre ~t~~:a~,,ce, surtout~itueesi la I~,'r ne pouvaitp1us en ' sortilen au I // I 1 - -J(a; Une te11e "b r. n ayant pas l'~posslblite.tudiant fl~rce -- etudiantso eux-me survenue re lague" est sortir par la 4' a de de manquer u ----- - i! 01 lenetre D p1re encore n cour, ou Olvent d mes se residence wcemment a la Sl 'etudiantestcl . e plus, ' un exame ~vheugleS face au d mesuresd e prendre les o ood ce "truc" d' austrophobe Pour qui s n. m erents:- d angers v1ctimed'un tela . Vne ' une pI to ,ces indiv1°d e prennent f a e tels act stopperce:~~:aO~~iees pour une lettre 1 cteaenvoye une stup1d'.< . a ltude et us qua d ait aucun des? lIne a residents me . n lllages. Les ProTem a redaction de pourrait Ie lk mdeniables permettent d'em n. ils se agissements oute que ces 0 s;a. ntentmieux que ct marquer" des resident ? pr1sonner tIne peu '.al11eurs,elleda apparait ar al11eurs 0 a v1eo s Se 0 eres par la vent etre 1 0 dans une 0 0 croient-ils d ce~te ~~WAWA ,I pourrait etre gardene? po glendonienne Ecommunaute L' auteur ns edition. 0 ~~~~~W/)~~core, sont- 01 . IS en- n ef£ ~ , qm chose P IS completement residencesseulement l'e ?ureauet, nondes ~~~~W~ , mats aussi les ~h:'Edi~~~ Picture thise irresponsibl Congratulate bed, open your d~O:oU wake up one mor · H e act could h F IOns' notbe opened S and suddenly 0 rung, get out of aveyouever . ave. rom what I' · effor~ ino:~onein :e~lize notion of s henterta1ned the congratulationannu:t~eve heard over th las~ ofyour thehall;au thatit will uc an 0 ~curance with the inorderto all thO: couple ofdays that there are ylng to open the d y otlces the sounds happening? l( success. now Ball . app ew 0 wereinvolved sh 11 0 now1ng h , arently it was a great thus makingitpennieim s ~n· between theoorda n d then notices a ow-minded ow that you've b posslbletojarit oorandthe frame assume not! you are, I een the victim of a senseiopen. Then you realize , I would h down so sh . ess pra k By the wa have been th ave loved to selling reduc:d;ouldn't be of such y, on behalf ere but 0 annoyed 0 classes run 0 since my to differ I k 1ckets_ I beg lYing i . n · studentsa resIdence until 9-30 _ now 0 f L you automaticalln resIdence' students' · you an .smyself,letmelend getting to F· pm and of people who a couple another conclu . y ~ome to have h ;n resIdence who Important 0 .~~tasy ~o advice If piece of ?efore 11 Farm reduced. toIC kets wentS.on was the work :;on.
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