VOLUME 20. NUMBER 47 JANUARY 27 - FEBRUARY 2. 1995 12 INTERVIEW Jon Ginoli Talks About Queer Rock and Pansy Division by David Parnell 16 HIGHLIGHT "Absolute Essentials" Benefits People living with AIDSin Dallas by Chris Gray 20 THEATRE Harvey Milk Premieres In Houston Reviewed by Brent Shockley 31 THEATRE Ruthless!at Fort Worth's Casa Manana IsNot Your Typical Musical Reviewed by Chris Gray 37 CURRENT EVENTS 41 LETTERSTO THE EDITOR 45 BACKSTAGE Comedienne Suzanne Westenhoefer to Perform In Austin Feb. 10 51 STARSCOPE The Month of Love Offers New Insights with the Sun in Intuitive Pisces 59 SPORTS Houston Bowlers Return from Florida Tournament with Fourth-Place Finish 60 TEXAS NEWS Gay Anti-Discrimination Measure Up For Second Vote in Dallas 65 TEXAS TEA Dance Sensation Livln' Joy Tours the State 74 CLASSIFIED 83 OBITUARIES 85 GUIDE TWT (This Week In Texes) Is published by Texos Weekly Times NewspoperCo., at 3300 Reagan Street In DaUas, Texes 75219 and 811Westhelmer in Houston. Texos nOO6. OpInions expressed by columnists ore not necessarily thoseaf TWT or 01 Its stoff. Publication of the name or photograph of any person or organlzotlon In articles or advertising in TWT Is not to be construed as any indication of the sexual orientation of said person or organization. Subscription rotes: $69 per year. $40 per half year. Bock Issues available at $2 each. Payment must accompany all orders. Copyright © 1995 by Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Co. All rights reserved. Partial or complete reproduction of any advertisement, news, article or feature, copy or photograph from TWT is specifically prohibited by federal statute. THIS W'EEK IN TEXAS MAGAZINE Texas' Leading Gay 8<Lesbian Publication Since 1975· Weekly Circulation: 20,000 I PUBLISHER I DALLAS OFFICE ALAN GELLMAN HOUSTON OFFICE 3300 Reagon Street EDITOR Bll Westheimer. Suite 111 Dallas. Texas 75219 RICHARD HEBERT Houston. Texos 77006 Dallas Fax (214)520- TWIT COMPTROLLER Houston Fox (713)527TWIT- (214) 521·0622 STEVEMILES (713) 527·9111 ARTDIRECTORRichard Bang • GRAPHIC ARTISTSSteve Pardue. B.J.Smith • TYPESETTINGTuong Huy Nguyen CONTRIBUTINGWRITERSHugh Callaway. Chris Gray. PhilJohnson. C. Lichtenstein. Susan McDanald. David ~arnell. Brent Shockley. Bruce Williams STAFFPHOTOGRAPHERSJames Franklin,Chris Garrett. Chris Gray. David Parnell. Tio NATIONAL SALESDIRECTOR. Steve Miles· (214) 521·0622 • FAX 520·TWIT Advertising rates are available on request from the salesperson in your nearest city. Austin - Robert Jackson (512) 339·0590 • Dallas/Fort Worth - Steve Miles (214) 521·0622 Houston/Galveston - Steve Nally (713) 527·9111 • San Antonio - Paul Briner (210) 614-1348 CLASSIFIEDADVERTISING. Dallas Chris Gray • Houston Brian Keever TWT© 1995 Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Company SHANERUFFPRES, IDENTI CEO I DIRECTOR ROYKLAUSI CO-DIRECTOR Represented Nationally by Rlvendell Marketing, Inc. USE YOUR ~~ FISCAL SENSE !~ 'Tuesda~ ~ Executive Night The ONLY Place to Dance and Cruise! Use Your Personalized •• .",;. ~'<T ,:,>"" .~ .,,~, "" _ r••~'K;.l Business Card to ~ SUPERBOWL SUNDAY •JANUARY 29TH. $1 so LONGNECKS ;.i!j Receive ?~ Free Admission! ".," ~ ~, . ~. ,"'" ,~ "~ ..•.,' .,--' , .~. $3.00 Absolut, Stoli, and Skyy! $3.00 Crown! ." ·\ "1,\ I" J •• ,,~ I\ [~ $1.75 Beer! 4025 MAPLE AVENUE• DALLAS $1.00 Well Drinks! (2141522·9283 $1.00 Schnapps! All Night Long Every Ni9!!!! MR. GAY PRIDE 96' Experience. Caged Heat! Men Behind All- AMERICAN CONTEST Bars! Our "gifted" Male Dancers "fill" the OVER $IJOO.OO CASH L PRIZES Cages of Decadance Every Night for you! Sunday Feb. 12 tho Contest Info. ··Please Drink Responsibly·· Available at BASIC BROTHERS 710 Pacific Street Houston, Tx. 713/523-0213 19 'aITWaITHSTa£lS.N ~ctD~ 99TH ANNUAL SOUTHWESTERN EXPOSITION AND LIVESTOCK SHOW Friday, January 20th - Sunday, February 5th ON THE MARCH BY DAVID PARNELL Jon Sinoli and Pansy Division Bring Their Openly Queer, In-Your-Face Brand of Rock to Texas sk the average person what comes to A mind when the phrase "queer music" is tossed out and the typical response will be: Erasure, Pet Shop Boys or Judy and Barbra. Unbeknownst to some out there, lurking in your neighborhood record store, hiding behind those Martha Wash and Crystal Waters CDs, is a whole new world of queer music. Dubbed by the mainstream press "Homo-core" or "Altema-queer," it's a form of music breaking stereotypes and shaking the gay and lesbian "lie down and be quiet" ideal. From the alleyways and backstreet bars come raucous guitar chords, ranting and turning away from musical tradition. This won't come as a major shock to most people; almost everyone knows someone with a CD by Nirvana or Pearl Jam. But beyond the condescending sex- ual ambiguity of the Pearl Jams and the Suedes are homo (or at least very homo- friendly) bands who don't ignore their gay audiences. Bands such as Sugar, Kitchens of Distinction, Faith No More, Liz Phair, Consolidated and The Breeders have queer Jon Ginoli formed Pansy Division four years ago after he members and talk about gay issues in their became frustrated with the lack of a gay presence in the punk music. Hole's CD Live Through This in- and rock scene. cludes "Credit to the Straight World," a piece about homophobia that's a no-holds- Leading the world into 1995 is the highly barred attack by front woman (and widow touted and critically acclaimed group of Nirvana's Kurt Cobain) Courtney Love Pansy Division. A loud, rocking band that's on the hypocrisy of straight society. Con- Queer with a capital Q; a band that could solidated's latest album features several be described as a hybrid of the '70s1'80s songs berating the pharmaceutical indus. punk ideals of the Ramones and your fa, try for profiting at the expense of people vorite dog-eared issue of Honcho; a band with AIDS. So while some may heed the that sports fast and hard (and incredibly Pet Shop Boys' call for all beautiful, buff, catchy) guitar hooks and raunchy, hot, cabbage-patching club bunnies to "Go man-to-man homo lyrics, Pansy Division West," others (particularly our younger tell us the story of their lives. Hailing from brothers and sisters) are staring into space America's own queer mecca, San Fran- begging for a little depth. cisco, they've already caught the eye of PAGE 12 TWT JANUARY 27 - FEBRUARY 2 1995 some pretty important people. According seemed like the only thing out there that to Spin magazine, "Pansy Division's por- even came close to being gay just wasn't nographic cartoons rebel against the am- me. I couldn't relate it to me or what I biguous tease of U.K. poseurs from Bowie wanted to hear. I threw out the idea and to [Suede's] Brett Anderson," while MTV's kind of waited forthe right people to come Kurt Loder calls the group 1995's biggest along. It's mainly Chris and me, because breakthrough. we can't seem to keep a drummer. It really isn't anything that's been trouble, every- I 1.00 thing always felt right. You're getting a lot of notice from your tour with Green Day_Do you hear the feedback? Yeah, Green Day has been great. They've ONGNECK really supported us. They asked us to tour with them. They're from San Francisco also, so there's a camaraderie between us. They're into queer issues even though they're straight, which is weird in rock-and- roll because it's generally a closed-minded and homophobic scene. New for the New Year. How do the little boys and girls who go see Green Day react to you? ~ Surprisingly, very well. I love to look ut Now, Every Sunday and see their faces when we break in a song like "Beercan Boy" {an ode to senis n~ Every Wednesday! shape-,-Ed.}. At first they don't know how ALBUM COVER PHOTO BY MARC GELLER to take us, but then they let go and get into An Domestic Bottled After spending the greater part of last the music; especially the younger kids. year touring with radio's newest favorite, Music is music to them, and we're not Beer is $1.00. Green Day, Pansy Division is striking out really a polltlcal band. That's Right, on its own, supporting its latest musical Being openly queer and unapologetic effort, Deflowered, a worthy followup to about it is rather pOlitical.. _. IceCotd Longnecks the group's first recording, Undressed. Full What I mean is, we don't have a list of of sex and dry wit, Deflowered covers top- issues that we just spout off. We write Only One Buck. ics ranging from the pleasures of anal sex from what's happening in our lives. We ("Rachbottomoff") to coming out in high don't pretend to speak for everybody. school (the very touching "Deep Water"). How is all the media attention affecting Miller Lite ••• $1.00 Fun and inspiring, Deflowered is required you? listening for anyone with an interest in I'm not sure it is. We play music mainly for Budweiser ••• $1.00 guerrilla-tactic homo-sex nastiness. Un- ourselves, not for media or critics. If they derneath the refreshingly shocking ex- like us, great. I like the position I'm in, oors ••• $1.00 . terior of Pansy Division is something lack- where I can say what I want. Attention or ing in the majority of musical endeavors- not, I don't want to give that up, which is honesty. why I wouldn't want to go to a big [record- Pansy Division was formed in 1991 by ing] label. Jon Ginoli (singer and guitarist), who was This is the second time you've played frustrated over the lack of homo represen- Texas. So how do you like us? tation in the punk and rock scene he so Fantastically.
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