First Annual Report OF THE New Fiampsliire Timterland Owners Association NINETEEN HUNDRED AND ELEVEN Treasurer’s Report. From January 1, 1911 to November 20, 1911. Receipts. Assessments...... ,..............>.................. .■..... $9,653.49 OFFICERS. Tool Box.......................................................... 25.48 Donation...................................................,..... 25.00 $9,703.97 W. R. Brown, President - Berlin Mills Co. Expenditures. Patrol......... ■...................................................... $3,709.82 W. H. Bundy, Vice-President Conway Lumber Co. District Chiefs................................................ 547.00 Mt. Lookout Stations..................................... -975.79 Telephone Supplies........................................ 415.28 Tool Boxes....................................................... 687.36 Board of Directors. Maps................................................................. 168.04 Salary................................................................ 1,332.67 W. R. Brown, Berlin Mills Co. Travelling Expenses...................................... 459.05 W. H. Bundy, Conway Lumber Co. Office Expenses.............................. 346.20 G. S. Lewis, Connecticut Valley Lumber Co. $8,641.21 F. P. Thomas, International Paper Co. Balance.............................................................$1,062.76 5 C. C. Wilson, Odell Manufacturing Co. Due account unpaid assessments................ 175.00 $1,237.76 By vote of the Directors the Treasurer was authorized to loan this balance, at interest, until F. H. Billard such time next spring as it shall be required by the Secretary-Treasurer, Forester. Association. The affairs of the Association were closed up on November 20, and your Forester left your em­ ploy, for the winter, on that date, so this report is made only to that time. 3 Forest^r’^ Report, Gorham,, Low & Burbank PATROL. The patrol work of the Association began on Erro,!,. Kilkenny Miilsfield May 4th, and has been continued throughout the Jeffersoti, Odell ’ season. A total of $3,709.82 was spent for this work lylilah and of this amount $3,251.32 was spent during the Pittsburg Success months j3f May, June, July and August. kand<jmfi '---- Sargent’s'Furchase Dijring the dry period in May and June the ShelbumS^* Thompson & Meserve the largest number of men yras employed, namely Starjk , Green Grant fifty-eight patrolling daily and twenty-six gxtrg n)pn Stratford^, Martin Location pafirplling on gundays, frpm that time tl^ nuipbep Beans Purchase Pinkham Grant w^s ^ecregsed, vaiying according tp the Carroll County. frero fire, Albany Conway froni tjie last of August until the gij^ of t^e Bartlett Jackson gpasp.n $45.8.50 was spent fpr pafrcfl, .the few pipp §p Chatham Sandwich epipjoyed fluring this p.art of the season wepp i}§gd GgAFTON County. to patrol .railroad lipes gpd other pj.acgg whgre the Benton Orford hrg ripk was HnusuaJ.iy .great: Bethlehem Piermont Eighty-seven small fires were reported as dis­ Campton Rumney covered and put out and over 1,500 persons met in Easton Thornton the woods during the dry season were cautioned Franconia Warren against carelessness in the use of fire by the patrol- Lincoln Waterville men- Livermore Wentworth A list pf thg fifty-fwp tpwna ip which patrol­ Lyme Woodstock men were employe,d iphOWg: Co-operative Patrol. Sogs^suNTy. The passage of the Weeks Bill by Congress Berlin Cambridge made it possible for the U. S. Government to aid Cpr-rpl) Partpiputh CsJle&e Qrant certain States in the work of fire protection, accord­ Clarksville Pijc’g Qrnnt ingly, through the U. S. Forest Service, the N. H. DijfyilJg Forestry Commission was given authority to employ Dummer Eryjpgs hpeatiW for the season twenty-four patrolmen who would 5 be paid by tbe U. S. Government. ,, 6. Millsfield—Millsfield,Ppjj^jjJ^ilj5p^,and The routes where these men were to patrol Clear-|§^'eam^.,,jj.,^_ rioiwhnsS .fS were laid out by 3 representative of the U. S. Forest 7. Odell-Nash Stream.. ^ Service, the State Forester, and the Forester of 8. Dummer and Millsfield—Phillips Brook. Association; by mutual agreement it was arrangeti 9. "^aPmSr&ge-^Chickwoin^p^^'MolAich- that the Association .provide whatever pal;rol w^s wock^Sd'Se'g.fef^oks. ■ necessary in theTollowing towns: lb.""''S?i5[aA Ind Berlin—Hea^Si^ti® th€ Shelburne Bean’s Purchase Upper AAS^dbirUc River. Gorham Thompson & Meserye Dunni5er^Newell BroSS and Berlin Sargent Purchase Durnn^^orid^. ‘ > r.. j to r"! Success Pinkham Grant 12. Success—Success Pond and road tb Berlin. Milan Green Grant 13. Bethlehem and Francohia—Gale River Kilkenny Martin Location and tributaries. Jefferson Low & Burbank Grant 14. Woodstock—Lost River and Elbow Pond. Randolph 15. Lincoifi—Franconia Notch, Bog Pond, During the severe diroUght the Association em­ Flume Brook and Eastmafa Brook. ployed men to work with the federal patrolmdn ih 16. Bethlehefn and Carroll—Little "River, the towns where the latter were stationed. Zealand River and Cherry Mountain Brook. All of the federal patrolmen have been stationed 17. Warren and Benton—Headwaters of the this year in toWils where the members of the Baker River. Association are large dwners of timberland. 18. Benton—Wildwood, Kinsman Notch The routes patrolled by them are as follows: Tunrtell and Whiteher Brooks. 1. Pittsburg—Ihdian and Perry Streams. 19. Jackson and Sargents Purchase—Rocky 2. Pittsburg-Second Lake and trail to the Branch, Ellis River and Miles Brook. head of the Dead Diamond. 20. Jackson and Chatham—East Branch, 3. Clarksville—Cedar Stream and Diamond Slippery Brook and Mud Pond- PAnds. 21. Albany and Waterville—From Pasacon- 4, Dartmouth Grant—Dead Diamond Stream way into Livermore, Bartlett and Eastern Water­ dftd Four Mile Brook. ville. 5. Dixville—Swift Diamond Stream from 22: Albany—Swift River and tributaries. Diamond Pond to Four Mile Brook. 23. Tamworth—South slopes of Paugus ahd 6 7 doAbtfql if ffehy^ill be necessary.* A capip was 24. Sandwich—Sandwich pDme^Ji'Saridwich also builTfor the St^tp lopk-put-Station pp Sugajr Pond. Ti'TimciG .8 Loaf Mountaip in Stratford- Each of the stations covers a' wide area of The new Forestry Law of ^^ij^rpyided Association territory and should give good service for ti^gagpQjpJ^ent by the State ggf^ter^/ four next season. District Fire Chiefs to act as his hand- In the list of patrol routes where the federal “"g-thfofecejt fe,work.' Q patrolmen were stationed this season, there are In order that better men might he^secured- seven routes where there is no telephone service than was possibie at the rate of pay authorized by available and a patrolman would have to travel the law, the Association agreed to pay each of considerable distance to summon help in case of these chiefs two dollars per day for the time actually fire, these .are: employed; in return these officials were to help in Route 1. Pittsburg—Indian and Perry Streams. placing and supervising Association patrolmen and 8. Dummer and Millsfield—Phillips generally to help look after the Association’s inter­ Brook. -— P. Papibpdge—Chjpkwolnepy, Molpjph- ests. This arrangement has been a mutual advan­ tage. WQpk apd gog Brppkg, 10. Milan apd Of ^ New Mountain Look-out Stations and the Upper Ammohppgup. Telephone Lines. • 11. Dummer-^Newell Brook, Dummer Six new mountain look-out stations have been and Corner Ponds. completed and full equipped except for putting in 12. Success—rSuccess Pond and road to the telephone instruments, they are: Berlin. Deer Mt., Pittsburg, (hear Third Lake.) 20. Jgck^pp apd Chathapr—East Branch, Dixville Peak, Dixville. Slippery Brook and Mud Poiid. Kilkenny Mt., Kilkenny. A telephone line has been Jjujlt this fall to Black Mt., Benton. Pumm^r Pond. Mt. Stinson, Rumney. Tl)p q^^^pped telephppe Jipe pf {he Jqtpr- Mt. Chocorua, Albany. national Paper Qq. has beep repaired by t)lP Camps were built on all except the Mt. Asapcffitjon from Wppf MUap tp ggg Dapi Chmp, Chocorua and Dixville Peak stations, where it is about seventeen mjles pp the Upper’Anjmppoqsue 8 9 valley, where- the" federal patrolmen on route No. One box with tools was sold to the State 10 made his'headquarters this year. ■ Forester for exhibition purposes at the county A trail has been built about fifteen miles up fairs, with the idea of interesting the towns through­ Indian Stream on route No. 1, where’next seas’on it out the state to fymish their wardens similar equip- is hoped.'tha^ a telephone line can be run/. ment?*''>«„-- ' A trail has been cut from Success Pond to, the A box, without tools, was supplied to the Berlin telephone' line, running from the State lookout Fire Warden, the tools being furnished by the town. station on Black Mountain, in Cambridge, to Milant The bO?:e3 distributed so far are located as fol­ over this .trail a telephone line can be run next season. lows : Livermore Stratford By an agreement with the United States Forest Milan Gorham Service, the Association was given the services of Dummer Dixville the federal patrolmen for this telephone and look­ Errol Shelburne out construction and advantage was taken of this Waterville help wherever possible, so the cost shown in this report is made up largely of the living and travel­ The gift of twenty-five dollars from Mrs. Mary ing expenses of these men with only a small D. P. Watson of Derry is hereby acknowledged and amount included for wages. the wish of the donor that this amount shall be used Tool Boxes. to provide a tool box for Dartmouth College Grant- Twenty-five tool boxes have been built and will be carried out. each equipped with the following tools: -j 12 Grub Hoes. 12 Shovels. 12 Galvanized Iron Pails. Maps. 12 Hoes. 6 Axes. Maps of ninety-four towns are owned by the As it was doubtful how much rhoney would be Association, these consist of both tracing and prints heeded for patrol this fall and the furnishing of of each town and show the lot subdivisions, by tool boxes were considered relatively less important means of them it has been possible to locate def- fifteen of these boxes were hot built until late this inately the land of the members and to plan the fall and will be stored in Berlin until spring.
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