![S CITY CHRO]'Qlcle](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
CA-- ;S CITY CHRO]'qlCLE VOL. 23, NO. 9. CASS CITY, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1927. 8 PAGEN BIRD MAN OBSERVES 167 f Ackley's daughter, Miss Alberta SPECIES AT FISH POINT Bishop, was united in marriage with BI6 CROWD [ Busy Days Along This Rural Route Charles C. Wood, son of Mr. and D[FORDMAN FATALLY , , ..... ........... j ......... ~'ish Point, gnree miles souzl~wesz J cei*enioiiy VtaS I~¢I lUl ili~u U S ~GV. of Sebewaing, is gaining state-wide Ozanne, pastor of the Methodist IIiJUR[D,BY,. AUTO 11[ [ prominence as a bird haven. Last church of Bangor, before a bank of year, Dr. Norman A. Wood, curator of shasta daisies, the ring service being birds at the University of Michigan, ~o ~Orangemen from Large District used. Only the immediate family and Don C. Nutt Struck as He Was spent about a month at the point, friends were present. After the cere- Crossing Highway Near of State to Gather for An- during which time he collected 161 mony, a four course wedding break- different bird specimens for the Uni- Fostoria. nual Celebration. fast was served. The living room and versity, some of them quite rare in dining room were both decorated with the state. daisies and roses. Cass City Lodge, L. O. L., is ma- ~ince early this spring, Mr. Ed- Don C. Nutt, 77, of Deford was fa- Mr. and Mrs. Wood left for a two tally injured when an automobile king extensive preparations to enter- ward Allen Hyer of the Kent Scien- weeks' camping trip to Long Lake. rain the big Crowd that will gather tific Museum, Grand Rapids, has struck him 31/~ miles north of Fos- Mrs. Wood taught music and art in toria, about 6:30 b'clock Monday af- at Cass City for the Orangeman's been at the Point i'n the interest of the Cass City school for three years celebration next Tuesday, July 12. the museum, and in last Sunday's De- ternoon as he was returning from from 1923 to 1926. Mr. Wood is a North Lake where he had celebrated ~Several have predicted that it will be troit Free Press was printed a story graduate of Cass City high school. one of the largest crowds that ever by Mr. Hyer, in which he named 167 the Fourth with his son and daugh- and served as salesman and druggist ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. David Nutt, gathered i.n Cass City. LocaI Orange- different birds observed during his in the Wood drug store for several men not only expect members of the stay here, from March 27 to May- 26. of Caro. Mr. Nutt's death came an dd(g /£ZS years, being a registered pharmacist. hour after the accident. fraternity from the Thumb counties According to Mr. Hyer's story, Michi- Mr. and Mrs. Wood will make their to attend, but representatives of gan is rich in a large and varied bird Mr. Nutt was coming toward the home in Midland, where Mr. Wood car of his son which was parked at lodges from Detroit, Pontiac, Pt. Hu- life and Fish Point is a good place l has a position in the Austin drug the side of the ~oad when his daugh- ron, Flint, Clio, Saginaw and other to study them. - Sebewaing Blade. store. total,n-law warned him to wait until points in the state. two cars, one coming- from each di- Prizes will be offered for the best rection, had passed. Mr. Nutt thought appearing lodge and the best band in he had time to cross the road, but the parade known as the Orange PR[ItllU LIST !] misjudged the speed of one car which Walk, which is regarded as the big I SUP[NS[fl S FINISH struck him as he was crossing the feature of the day. .] highway. The injured man was taken The day's program opens in the I first to Fostoria and then to Maywille, morning" with athletic events for men, ] JUN[ S[ SION LAB[IR but no doctor could be located in boys and girls and a Shetland pony] either town at the time. A call to Ca- race. Thirty-eighth Annual Cass City Equatizafien Committee Raised ro and Vassar brought a physician Lodges dressed in regalia and car- from each town to Mayville. tying flags and banners and nearly Fair Will Be Held Six Townships and Lowered Don C. Nut~was born in New York every lodge accompanied by a band or August 15-19. Two. State. He was united in marriage fife and drum corps will form for the Madough Walk at 1:00 p. m. at the corner of with Miss Jennie of St. The premium lists of the Cass City Clair county, Michigan, and six chil- Main and Seeger streets. The line of The Tuscola county board of super- Fair of August 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19 dren, three boys and three girls, were march will be on Seeger St. north to visors completed the work of the are Being" distributed. The new book born to them. On account of the ill the schoolhouse and then return south June session of that body on June 30. has 68 pages and cover, a larger book health of Mrs. Nutt, the couple broke on Seeger St. to Church St., west on A report of the committee on coun- than that of last year. H. T. Crandell, up housekeepi,ng at Deford recently. Church St., past the Nestle's Food ty officers' salaries was adopted on the secretary of the fair, has endeavored Mrs. Nutt has been making her home Co. plant, to the street paralleling the upon and seriously damage the corn closing day. It provided that the to make the premium list a complete with her daughter, Mrs. O. Valentine, railroad, south to Main St., west on crop. county treasurer shall receive $500 one. It contains the names of officers, at Oxford, and Mr. Nutt has been Main St. to Brooker St., then south on The finding of the corn borer moths THUMB DISIRICI per year for clerical help instead of directors and superintendents of de- with his daughter, Mrs. H. R. Silver- Brooker St. to Garfield Ave., east on is not to be looked upon with alarm. $200 as heretofore; that the school partments, a complete list of premi- thorn, at Deford. On Friday last, Mr. Garfield Ave. to Seeger St., north on It is expected that there will always commissioner receive a salary of $2,- ums, illustrations of special attrac- and Mrs. Silverthorn left for a trip Seeger St. to Houghton St., east on be a few of these moths present. The N[WS PA A APH 800 per year as before and that he tions on the entertainment program, to the northern part of the state and Houghton St. to Ale St., north on number, however, Will undoubtedly be allowed $1,500 per year for clerk the race program, names and dates left Mr. Nutt-at the home of his son, Ale St. to Main St., 'and then west decrease after a few years of careful hire in place of $1,000 which was the of Michigan fairs, special informa- Items Gleaned from Newspaper David, at Caro, until their return. on Main St. to the railroad where End of Clean-up Operations for clean-up. amount in the past year; and that tion for exhibitors, announcements of Besides his widow, he leaves five the lodges will counter march and This Season Brings Pest Exchanges and Other the register of deeds receive $100 busi,ness houses, fireworks features children, Ray Nutt of Deford, David return to the corner of Main and See- Sources. per year for making out cash receipt and names of fair guarantors. Campaign to Conclusion. Two tnjured in Nutt of Caro, Mrs. Alice Valentine Her streets. • -: t slips. Officers of the fair are: President, of Oxford, Mrs. Pearl Silverthorn of This is the plan of officers at the Chairman Dillon was authorized to P. A. Sehenek; vice president, Roy M. Auto Accident Deford, and Ivan Nutt of Cummons. present time though it is subject to Owendale--The paveme'nt on the attend the state meeting of supervi- Taylor; secretary, H. T. Crandel!; Funeral services were held at the "slight changes. With the cessation of enforced road running south out of Owendale sors and to select one or two mem- treasurer, G. A. Tindale; assistant Silverthorn residence at Deford on ~Addresses by speakers representing" clean-up operations in the corn borer Glenn McClorey, son of Mr. and was completed last week. This is one- bers of the Tuscola Supervisors to treasurer, Frederick Pinney. Thursday afternoon, conducted by the Orangemen~s order will be made area the past week, a truce has been Mrs. Dan McC[orey, of Cass City, suf- half mile of concrete. This section of accompany him to that meeting and Directors of the association include Roy. Scott. I,nterment was made in from a platform at the corner of declared for the next few months in fered a broken nose and had both jaw the road will be open to traffic in the county to foot the expense bill of ~che following: P.A. Schenek, J. D. Novesta cemetery. Main and Seeger St. the war which has been waged since bones broken and Joe Johnson, riding about two weeks. those representing Tuscola county. Brooker, Robt. Warner, J. A. Sand- early spring against the European with him in MeClorey's Ford roadster, The remainder of the afternoon Minden~The Community Club at a The resignation of D.
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