Tweneth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 16, 2015 Most Reverend Edward K. Braxton, Bishop of Belleville We, the people of St. Clare Catholic Parish, In the Diocese of Belleville, are called by God in baptism to be disciples of Jesus Christ. Centered in the Eucharist, and strengthened by the gifts of the Holy Spirit, we strive to live the Gospel and further the reign of God. We do this by creating a vibrant faith community, by actively promoting justice and evangelization, and by using our gifts in the service of God’s people, to give God glory and reverence all of Creation. WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE Saturday 5:00 p.m. Sunday 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Nursery service during the 10:30 Mass. BAPTISM—Preparation classes for parents are offered every other month for infant baptism. Call the Parish Office to sign up. Adults wishing to be baptized should also call the Office. RECONCILIATION—Saturdays 3:30 until 4:30 p.m. or by appointment. Community celebrations are also offered every Advent and Lent. MATRIMONY—Contact Pastor a year prior. St. Clare of Assisi, Pray for Us! ANOINTING OF THE SICK—Communal celebrations twice a year, or by appointment. St. Clare of Assisi Catholic Church ST. CLARE SCHOOL 632-6327 1411 Cross Street 214 West Third Street, O’Fallon, IL O’Fallon, IL 62269 Milissa Faust Principal 618/ 632-3562 Gloria Schmidt Secretary 618/ 632-9036 (fax) Eileen Yahl Accountant www.stclarechurch.org MT. CALVARY CEMETERY 632-3562 Fr. Jim Deiters Pastor Jim Deschesne, Sexton Dennis Vander Ven Deacon Marcia Fix Parish Secretary PARISH TRUSTEES Jamae Shubirg Administrative Assistant Michael Crupe Shirley Seipp Business Manager Patrick Jurgensmeyer Facilities Manager John Dempsey Tom Docter Accompanist Jane Dotson Family Faith Formation ST. VINCENT DEPAUL 632-4270 Matt Flynn Adult Faith and Mission Emergency Assistance From Our Pastor... Happy OKTOBERFEST!! Birthday!! Every Fall on the last Saturday of September, St. Clare Parish cele- brates our region’s German heritage with a great fundraising event called Oktoberfest. It’s a festival for the entire family featuring August 18 (continued) wonderful food and drink, games and rafles, a fun run, live music, Henry Browning and more! August 15 Drew Ferguson Martha Smith Charles Cappel This event is open to the public and attracts visitors from through- Idamay Pfeiffer out the region. While we welcome this annual opportunity to enjoy Deb Zimmerman August 19 fun and fellowship, as a parish we also count on the revenue gener- Matthew Wilson Mary Anne Burroughs ated by Oktoberfest to help pay down the mortgage on our new Ian Jentsch Mary Munie church. Our proit for our 2014 Oktoberfest exceeded $50,000! Cyndi Grubb Brett Hart We’re very proud to be celebrating our 15th Oktoberfest, and I in- Curtis Newcomb Shayna Kueker vite you to do your part as we prepare for our anniversary event on Anna Strake Emily O’Connor Saturday, September 26! As a member of our parish family, your Alexander Walford Kimberly Stolle involvement is CRUCIAL to our success. Please consider: Kyle Jenkins August 16 Kaylee Mixon ♦ Buying and selling rafle tickets for our two great rafles. The Lucy Mixen Kelly Short rafle contributes the greatest amount of proit to Oktoberfest, Linda Riedel Margaret Fitzgerald so its success is vital! Brad Badgley ♦ Donating a prize to the rafle stand, basket rafle, silent auction Jeanette Nacar August 20 or bingo. This can be merchandise, gift cards/certiicates, ser- Doug Pressnall Flor Garcia vices, condo stays or tickets for concerts, sporting events, etc. Monica Winkeler Bernice Thibodeaux Many other donations are needed for our dinner, gaming and Jeff Harris Russell Riedle food stands. Nicole Bow Char Rubush Melissa Kellebrew Sarah Sheesley ♦ Becoming an Oktoberfest sponsor, with opportunities to pro- Stephanie Sharpe Kelly Burke mote your business or workplace and enjoy tax beneits as you Molly Jackson Matthew Holdner support our parish. Jennifer Furrow Bryan Holdener ♦ Serving as a general volunteer before, during and after the Lane Radloff Will Thoman event. Signups will be available at weekend Masses beginning Silas Grandame this weekend, August 14/15. August 17 We count on every parish household to make Oktoberfest a suc- Mary Jones August 21 cess. May we count on you? Matthew Boyles Sharon Buckman Maggie Artime Joe Chappell God bless you and your generosity! Angela Schloer Colin Kaufman Fr. Jim Deiters Andy O’Guinn Lillian Herling Eric Hughes Special Thanks! I want to thank the members of the parish for their Madison Eghigian August 22 response to my appeal on behalf of UNBOUND on August 8-9. Brett Robertson As I mentioned from the Altar after the Masses, I enjoyed celebrating the August 18 John Kemp Eucharist with you and sharing in your devotion to the Lord. There are Dave Kelso Sal Escalante too many individuals to thank but a few need to be mentioned: Tim Kwiatkowski Gabby Kniepkamp Marcia, for help in preparing for the visit, members of the parish who Bree Badgley helped after the Masses as people gathered to sponsor our children and August 23 Senior citizens, and those families and individuals who committed to Emily Whatley supporting our ministry and sponsoring someone. Fifty-three people Elizabeth Correale Dee Kirsch made that commitment. God will bless you even more abundantly for Aaron Cherry Gayle Keniley your generosity. Rachel Sabella Tracey Cooley A word of thanks who spoke so graciously to me after the Masses and Eddie Barragan Misty Avila Janet, for the gluten-free banana bread and those who packed a bag of Ashley Schloer David Schmitz tomatoes and cucumbers for me to take home. God bless everyone. Perhaps we will meet again. Fr. Rich Tillman MASS INTENTIONS Next Weekend August 22/23 Saturday, August 15 Cantors Tweneth Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:00 p.m. Cecil, Lorene and Bill Johnson Saturday 5:00 pm Kristine Blair Hazel Lindsey and Gladys Head Sunday 8:30 am Barb Compton 10:30 am Amber Harris Sunday, August 16 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Tweneth Sunday in Ordinary Time Saturday 5:00 pm Makayla Saltmarsh, April Leo, Russ Hart, Robin Bandy 8:30 a.m. Roberta Gainor Jessica Kalmer, Tom Grimmig, Lee & Anne Crowe 10:30 a.m. For Our Parish Ellen Gravlin, Sella Roman*, Jack &Patti Leisure* Nancy Karrigan* Monday, August 17 Weekday Sunday 8:30 am John & Suzie Durnford, Kevin & Linda Rademacher 12:00 Noon Special Intenon Marie Berry, Sharon Ripplinger, Bob & Michelle Crain Ely Gillespie, John Gomez*, Debbie Cavese*, Pat Day* Tuesday, August 18 Linda Cipfl* Weekday Sunday 10:30 am Tanja Ramsby, Toni Stanton, Jane Dotson, Tina Whitlow 7:30 a.m. John and Pat Chamberland Margaret Andrasko, Dan & Tara Ashbaker, Dominic & Wednesday, August 19—No Mass Rena Sabatino, Mandi Huelsmann*, Kathy Sjoquist* Stephanie Chambers*, Kitty Luehrs* Weekday, Saint John Eudes, Priest Lector Thursday, August 20 Saturday 5:00 pm Dennis Holdener and John Jackson Saint Bernard, Abbot and Doctor of the Church Sunday 8:30 am David Leisure & Sandy Gross 8:30 a.m. All School Mass in School Gym Sunday 10:30 am Leslie Goldberg & Amelia Abalos Servers Friday, August 21 Saturday 5:00 pm Liam Kenney, Nicholas & Ann Flath Saint Pius X, Pope 8:30 am Lindsey Berry, Charlie & John Moore 7:30 a.m. Gene and Ann Langhauser 10:30 am Sarah Arbogast, Isabelle & Victoria Day Ushers Saturday, August 22 Saturday 5:00 pm John Boysha, Scott Leo, Zakharie Stoll Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time John Winkelmann, Walter O’Dell, Josh Gansauer 5:00 p.m. Al and Bernice Lanter, Darrell and Aaron Lanter Sunday 8:30 am George Martychenko, Doug Gross, John Bechtoldt Jim Hendricks, Mark Huller, Pat Jurgensmeyer Sunday, August 23 Sunday 10:30 am James Taylor, Jason Holzum, Mark Stevens Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time Ruben Abalos, Paulo D’Amico, Tyler McDaniel 8:30 a.m. Arnold and Lucille Waeltz Leora O’Connor Gift Bearers 10:30 a.m. Rita Rehkemper Saturday 5:00 pm Jim & Barbara Calandro Vernell Goodman Sunday 8:30 am Ryan, Alicia, Madison, Brady & Logan Luechtefeld 10:30 am Patrick, Dannette, Joseph, William & Lydia Kinsella Greeters Weekly Readings for August 17 - 23 Saturday 5:00 pm Carol Williamson, Rosemarie Jones, Jeannie Haukapp Monday: Jgs 2:11-19; Ps 106:34-37, 39-40, 43ab, 44; Sunday 8:30 am Brandon Rotz Family Mt 19:16-22 10:30 am Blaine, Debbie & Spencer Phillips, Margie Carthy Tuesday: Jgs 6:11-24a; Ps 85:9, 11-14; Mt 19:23-30 Sound Board Wednesday: Jgs 9:6-15; Ps 21:2-7; Mt 20:1-16 Saturday 5:00 pm David Schmitz 8:30 am Gary Borges Thursday: Jgs 11:29-39a; Ps 40:5, 7-10; Mt 22:1-14 10:30 am Jim Colombo Friday: Ru 1:1, 3-6, 14b-16, 22; Ps 146:5-10; Bread Bakers Amy Short, Sarah Mattingly, Joe & Lona Moore Mt 22:34-40 Saturday: Ru 2:1-3, 8-11; 4:13-17; Ps 128:1b-5; Children’s Word Mt 23:1-12 Saturday 5:00 pm Sunday 8:30 am Pat Vollmer & Megan Blair Sunday: Jos 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b; Ps 34:2-3, 16-21; 10:30 am Barb Smith & Sarah Dotson Eph 5:21-32 [2a, 25-32]; Jn 6:60-69 Nursery Not Available Please pray for the sick, their loved ones and caregivers; may they never lose sight of the love of God… Jennifer R. Barajas, Wray Barr, Joe Burroughs, Shirley Carroll, June Dean, Yasuko Estabrooks, Rita Ferreri, Mildred Gerardi, Mike and Linda Gilkerson, Hannah Grubofski, Rita Haukapp, Margaret Heinke, Jessica Holmes, Elnora Hostetler, Boston Johnson, Pauline Keller, Dan Kimutis, Keith Klein, Dawn Papproth Kuhn, Thelma LaSalvia, Virginia Leninsky, Abelina Leon, Vincent Lepes, Mary Lugge, John Molnar, Mary Molnar, Nona Morgan, Helen Murphy, Margaret Nettles, Katie Paulochk, Thomas Peters, Doris Prosser, Madelean Sanford, Michael Schmitz, Clete Schwaegel, Craig Seipp, Diane Gettis-Simmons, Pat Thompson, Jack Titterington, Betty Tomasovich, Jake Van Hook, Jenny Vogt, Steve Wells, Virginia Woods Please pray for all our military families, especially those separated by deployment.
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