FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16, IMS. FOUBTEEM AVKRAOB OAILT OOCCIATION'I Hlanr^rBtnr Svntfns ter the aMath al Isaaarg. 1888 r sfseast St 0. 8. Wsathsr BaMaa BartforO meet as fellows; 9:M to 10, bsgln- The district purchased paint and and on Cooper HUl street and Waet HOPE TO (X T ERA AID men were put to work painting No. atreet there wee a bad eoodlUon. nera; 10:80 to 11. tiny tots; 11 to Permanent Waves 5 , 4 5 9 Partly eleody tonight; ealfler to­ MELTING SNOW. RAINS 11;S0, intermediate; 11:80 to 13, ad­ 4's bouse, when suddenly the work AN ACTIVE WEEK The men In the omploy of tha ended. The work had to be com­ sf tha Aa«t ABOUT TOWN town were opening up catch baalna vanced. Enjoy R now Potm&nont HamljFBtFr lEtiftttng night and Raaday. TO PAWT FDtE HOUSE pleted and In order to do this the •f Cbealatlsae FLOOD CELLARS HERE In aU of tha low epota. but there The boys’ swimming elasaes will district otflcers had to pay for the now andJje prepared for par­ waa a lot of work neeeaaary in also meat; 0:80 to 10:15, beginners; remaining part of the cost out of A a Beaiatc! PLANNED AT REC aanding walka as the aurfaea water 10:15 to 11, Intermediate; 11 to ties and dances. •atvatlon___ Annrmy wUl have a aocial had gene over the walka, froae and Officers of ths South Manchsster district funds. (dnaaUM Afhrartislag ea Fsge 18.) PRICE THREE CBNTf I'rtd, advanced. Ths project to have No. 8’s house VOL. LTV., NO. 118. MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1935. (TWELVE PAGES) ither at tlM citadel toaltht Town H ig h w a y Forces Get left the walka alippery. Firs District wsre beginning to _ The regular plunge period for painted had been ajpproved, but the _B u 8y Early to Open Storm men will be held from 7 to 8 o'clock. think that the aid aaked for diatrict diatrict oSlcers did purchase the A public whist party will be held at n ia Maaebeatar KHranla club win D u d of, Roller Skiting, Ras* Water Sewers in Town. projecta through ERA work would paint thla time and will not do ao the West Side Rec on Cedar atreet. again fall flat, as It did last year, until they are sure that the work k im a “lu>bby" party at Ita meet- Recreation Center Play will atart at 8 o’clock and *\LlUdon Inc Monday noon at the Hotel Sher­ but the announcement that EIRA la to be started. FIRST TROOPS First Lady *s Secretary REMOVED SIGN ~ ketbali and Other Attrac­ Lost night’s rmin caused a lot o( prlzea will be awarded to the wln- HAUPTMANN TAKEN idan. Lad by Rev. BSmer Thlenea, Work would continue haa changed trouble in different parts of tha Items of Interest nera. The Rec volley ball team will the Klwanlana will explain the aam- travel to Wlnated to play the-T. M. their opinion. niea they are expected to brtn# with town, reports last night Indicating This year the district officers ^ e a u t i t tions Are on Program' C. A. team. FOR ETHIOPIA FROM HOTEL TO R «r . and a Uvely and latereaUng cellars' being flooded by water <rom present^ to the local board aa a BOSTON OR NEW YORK Named in Senate Probe meeting 1» anticipated. William the roads and walks. The Johnson Dancing In ths gym from 8:80 to Next Week’s AttmettoBS project the painting of the fire TO DEATH HOUSE Itublnow will furnish the attend­ bouses In the district and had ar­ 62.25 O.W. >4.05 R.T. , Because of the great Interest and block on Main street was one of the 13:30. Muaic by Benvenutl Broth­ Two basketball games In the sen­ START TODAY ance prise. first places affected. Water from ers orchestra. 'The public la Invited ior league on Tuesday night, “La­ ranged to have work done at No. 3's Sxxloru Washington, Feb. 16.—(AP) — Aj, charged recently there waa collusion GET H aC LOAN enthusiasm shown by the young men Providence ..88 O.W„ 88JIO B.T and wromen of Manchester this win­ Main street flowing down the hill to attend this weekly dance. The dles Night.” Roller skating in the house. The project was approved marine architect's story of bU rela- among ahipbulldera on blddirg on and when the announcement waa f^rat-m e-not Junior Circle of ter in the programs and other ac­ from the north of the building en­ regular plunge period for women gym on Wednesday night at 8:30. CENTER TRAVEL BURBAO Uonahlps with President Roosevelt naval construction In 1933 and that Klng'a Daughters will meet at the tered part of the building near made that ERA aid was likely to the Navy was a party to It IN STATE PRISON will be held from 7 to 9 o’clock. Dancing In the gym on Thursday tivities arranged for them In both TeL 7007 Hundreds of Soldiers Move before the latter became President, M ilford Man Says **Gam' home of the leader, tomorrow after­ Recreation Centers, Director Frank Brainard place. Saturday night from 8:30 to 13:30. Flremen’a be withdrawn they recalled what Read The Herald Ad?i. Secretary Swanson has denied the noon at 8 o’clock. Jeannette Buch­ Busch and Associate Director Miss Help-was given as far as possible The girls’ dancing class*# win night, Friday night happened a year ago under CWA. and a letter saying that one of Mra Navy had anything to do with coUu- anan will have charge of the pro­ Gertrude Fennerty are again invit­ last night, and this morning the Into Rome for Northern Roosevelt’s secretaries has “some alve bidding. biers” Aid Is Needed to gram which will be followed by a ing the general public to be their town's outside gang started to work m a^c charm for business done with Correspondence introduced during GUIDERS OF MACON ConviiAed Slayer Is RemoYed Valentine social. guest all next week in both build­ at 6 o’clock Instead of 7 o’clock, go­ the Administration,” were before Homer’s prolonged testimony yes­ ings. ing to different parts of the town to Points Ready to Sail for Senau inveattgatora today. terday, included a letter which re­ Get U. S. Aid - $ 1 4 ,0 0 0 open up guttere. The architect, A. P. Homer, who Selectman Sherwood Bowers will On October 29 of last year the ferred to Mra. Mary ‘Ehen, one of be the speaker at the session of the The hUls east of Spruce etreet described himself as a freQuent host Mrs. Itoosevelt’s eecretaries, but did DAMAGED IN ST()RM '.™“ «“■ Recreation Centers held Ita annual and all side streets leading off Main Africa. to Mr. Roosevelt, prior to his elec­ Lent on $8,000 Property. Everyman’s Bible class Sunday "Open House Night” In the East not identify her position at the ___ ! der Heavy Guard — Re- morning at 9:30 at the Second Con­ atreet were In a slippery condition tion to the Presl(lency, told the mu­ White House. Written to Homer Side Rcc, and In the history of that this morning. The same condition nitions committee be solicited cam­ gregational church. institution, there never was seen Th«JW .tlAL€co by W. M( Rice of Glelpw, Inc.. New existed on streets that lead off Cent Rome, Feb. 18.—(API-Hundreds paign funds for the Democrats from York engineering firm, and dated New Haven, Feb. 16.— (A P )— peats That He Is Innocent such a large crowd of spectators, ter street from the Center to Mc- Witness TeUs Naval Board Miss Id a , Belchenbach of Wap- ^of soIiUert moved into Rome today shipbuilders and others In 1932 but August 15, 1934, It said: Lawrence T. Gallagher of Milford which proves that Manchester peo­ "lee street. Cooper street was so We Give Out Green Stamps was./ unsuccessful. plng. formerlv of this town, a stu­ ple are beginning to realize the Im­ om northern points, preparatory “ Who la Mrs. Mary Eben? She said today he had sent a telegram dent at New Britain Teachers’ Col­ slippery that a car without chains Once while the committee was haa some-magic charm for business That They Had Never Been ^Appears Nervous De­ portance of both buildings. There could not make the ftrade. The hill ^to embarkation for Afrl<» In a poe- to Representative Sweeney, Demo­ lege, with her guest. Miss Mary questioning him as to why construc­ done with the Administration pro­ were some 2,000 people who cram­ at Arch street was not attempted alble campaign against Ethiopia. crat of Ohio, containing additional Coleman of Bridgeport returned med every available space in the For R ight Now.*..For Spring! tion of two destroyers each had viding your bonding business la Properly Repaired. spite Attempts to Smile. home last evening to attend her gymnasium to watch the program Reports that the first contingent been alloted to the United Dry Dock given to her husband, Mr. Eben. Information concerning loans by a brother’s birthday celebration. which was arranged for that night. would sail today failed to ruffle company, the Federal Ship BuildUig "It has been suggested to me by branch of the Home Owners Loan Negradaa Yeaus, Ethiopian charge company, and the Bath (Me.) Ir.m several people that she la In a post Corporation. ■ Gallagher was the Because of the open house night BULLETIN! Memorial Temple, Pythian 81s- many parent!? as well as young men d'affaires, who declared: "We will Works, the latter a client of his, tion to hurry up the consideration author of a letter which, Sweeney San Francisco, Feb.
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