Initial Environmental Examination (Draft) October 2019 People’s Republic of China: Chongqing Innovation and Human Capital Development Project Prepared by the Chongqing Municipal Government for the Asian Development Bank. CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (as of 16 September 2019) Currency unit – yuan (CNY) CNY1 = $. 0.1413 $1 = CNY7.0795 ABBREVIATIONS ADB – Asian Development Bank BIM – building information modeling CCDIG – Chongqing Changshou Economic and Technological Development Area Development Investment Group Co., Ltd. CMG – Chongqing Municipal Government CJU – Chongqing Jiaotong University CPMO – Chongqing project management office CSVC – Chongqing Sanxia Vocational College CUE – Chongqing University of Education CUST – Chongqing University of Science and Technology CVIE – Chongqing Vocational Institute of Engineering DCI – Dianjiang Chaoyang Industrial Co., Ltd. DMF – design and monitoring framework EHS – environmental health and safety EIA – environmental impact assessment EMP – environmental management plan EPB – Environmental Protection bureau ETDA – economic and technological development area FSR – feasibility study report GHG – greenhouse gas GRM – grievance redress mechanism HEI – higher education institution IEE – initial environmental examination LIEC – Loan Implementation Environmental Consultant O&M – operation and maintenance PAM – project administration manual PCC – public complaint center PIO – project implementing office PIO-ES – Project Implementing Office – Environmental Specialist PRC – People’s Republic of China SPS – Safeguards Policy Statement TA – technical assistance R&D – research and development TOR – terms of reference TRTA – transaction technical assistance TVET – technical and vocational education and training YREB – Yangtze River Economic Belt WEIGHTS AND MEASURES km2 – square kilometer m2 – square meter m3/day – cubic meter per day mu – Chinese unit of area (15 mu = 1 hectare) NOTE In this report, "$" refers to United States dollars. This Initial Environmental Examination is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB’s Board of Directors, Management, or staff and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “Terms of Use” section of this website. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgment as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY i I. INTRODUCTION 1 A. Background and Rationale 1 B. Project Outputs, Outcome and Impact 4 C. Implementation Arrangement 6 D. Objective, Scope and Methodology of the IEE 6 II. POLICY, LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE FRAMEWORK 7 A. PRC Legislative and Administrative Framework 8 Code Number 9 B. ADB Safeguards Policy and Requirements 10 C. Categorization of the Project 11 D. International Agreements 11 E. Scope of Assessment and Evaluation Standards for Project 12 F. Assessment Areas, Sensitive Receptors 15 G. Administrative Arrangement 16 III. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT 16 A. Nature, Size and Location of Project Facilities 16 B. Overview of Infrastructure Development Subcomponents under Output 1 and Output 2 18 C. Associated Facilities 24 D. Cost and Implementation Schedule 26 IV. DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT 32 A. Overview of Chongqing Municipality 32 B. Social and Economic Conditions 34 C. Environmental Quality Baseline 37 D. Ecological Resources 38 E. Physical Cultural Resources 38 V. ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES 42 A. Impact and Mitigation Measures during Design and Pre-Construction 42 B. Impact and Mitigation Measures During Construction 46 C. Impact and Mitigation Measures During Operation 52 D. Cumulative and Induced Environmental Impacts 54 VI. CONSULTATION AND INFORMATION DISCLOSURE 55 A. Objectives of Consultations 55 B. Methodology Used for Consultations 55 C. Stakeholder Consultations 56 D. Information Disclosure and Public Consultation 56 E. Future Information Disclosure and Public Consultation Program 59 VII. GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISM 59 VIII. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN 62 IX. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 62 APPENDICES 64 EnvironmentAL Management Plan (EMP) 64 i EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. This project initial environmental examination (IEE) report has been prepared for the proposed Chongqing Innovation and Human Capital Development Project (the project) in Chongqing municipality, People’s Republic of China (PRC). The project IEE is prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS 2009) on the basis of feasibility study reports (FSR), the transaction technical assistance’s (TRTA’s) technical, environmental due diligence, and project policy dialogue discussions. 2. The government has requested a loan of $200 million from the ordinary capital resources of the ADB to help finance the project. The project aims to support the development of Chongqing’s inclusive innovation ecosystem for transforming Chongqing human capital and economy into a green and sustainable one. The project has three outputs: (i) relevance and quality of higher education and vocational training strengthened; (ii) supporting mechanisms for innovation and entrepreneurship established; and (iii) institutional and project management capacity enhanced. 3. The executing agency of the project will be the Chongqing Municipal Government (CMG). The project will be implemented by Chongqing project management office (CPMO) and seven participating institutions namely (i) Chongqing Vocational Institute of Engineering (CVIE); (ii) Dianjiang Chaoyang Industrial Co., Ltd. (DCI); (iii) Chongqing Sanxia Vocational College (CSVC); (iv) Chongqing Changshou Economic and Technological Development Area Development Investment Group Co., Ltd. (CCDIG); (v) Chongqing University of Science and Technology (CUST); (vi) Chongqing Jiaotong University (CJU); and (vii) Chongqing University of Education (CUE). CMG established a project management office (CPMO) to coordinate day- to-day project management. 4. The physical infrastructure to be developed under the project (Output 1 and Output 2) will include construction of education and training facilities for six participating institutions in Chongqing (Changshou, Dianjiang, CVIE, CSVC, CJU, and CUST), as well as shared and/or public facilities such as R&D and technology innovation centers, entrepreneurship and innovation centers, and training centers in these institutions. These facilities are located in Chongqing municipality in the PRC. All buildings will be designed in compliance with relevant design standards and codes for energy-efficient, safe and green public buildings, including but not limited to: GB 50378-2014 (Green Building Evaluation Standards), GB 50011-2010 (Building Seismic Design Code); GB 50016-2014 (Code of Design on Building Fire Protection and Prevention); GB 50189-2015 (Energy Conservation Design for Public Buildings) and other applicable national design codes. The use of VOC-emitting materials (including paints, coatings, adhesives, carpet and furniture’s) will be avoided to ensure high indoor air quality. 5. The project underwent appraisal during project preparation and it was classified as environment Category B on the basis of comprehensive site visits and ADB’s Rapid Environmental Assessment. All buildings will be constructed within boundaries of the existing premises of the institutions with access to necessary public utilities such as wastewater sewers, electricity, solid waste collection system and water supply. Impacts that will arise from civil works will be minimal and localized (dust, noise, construction site safety). Domestically the project is classified as PRC category C on environment according to the Directory of Environmental Impact Assessment Categorization for Construction Project (2018). Each implementing agency will submit an environmental impact assessment registration form online through the portal managed by Ministry of Ecology and Environment. ii 6. In the framework of the environmental due diligence, consultation was conducted with key stakeholders. This IEE will be disclosed on the ADB website. Posters were placed on the sites of the participating institutions and surrounding villages and communities. A grievance redress mechanism (GRM) has been defined to deal with public complaints related to project activities during project implementation and operation. 7. During construction, major anticipated impacts include noise, fugitive dust, solid wastes, and community and occupational health and safety risks. Overall, construction-related impacts are localized, short term, and can be effectively mitigated through the application of good construction and housekeeping practices and implementation of construction phase community and occupational health and safety plans. 8. During operation, no major environmental impacts are anticipated. The current environment services of the institutes were assessed, and it is concluded that incremental water supply, wastewater and solid waste generation resulting from the project will not overburden existing services. The project’s potential impacts on community health and safety; and occupational health and safety during operation were analyzed and corresponding mitigation measures have been defined in the IEE and environmental management plan (EMP). 9. An EMP has been developed for the design, construction
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