200 Years & 88 Stories: Ohio 1803-2003 Cellar Sewers Quilt Club OHIO (12) 300 Paper Pieced Quilt Blocks Carol Doak DOAK (4) 50 Fabulous Paper-Pieced Stars Carol Doak DOAK (4) 501 Quilt Blocks Better Homes & Gardens BETT (11) A Few of Our Favorite Things Sharlene Jorgenson JORG (1) A Celtic Garden Philomena Durcan DURC (2,3) A Quilter‘s Ark Margaret Rolfe ROLF (4) Almost Amish Sampler Quilts Made Easy ALMO (1) Angel Wings & Growing Things Debbie Mumm MUMM (2) Angle Antics Mary Hickey HICK (1) Another Can of Worms Debbie Caffrey CAFF (1) Applique Alphabet Stewart Merrett MERR (2) Applique in Bloom Gabrielle Swain SWAI (2) Applique Quilt (The) Dinah Travis TRAV (2,3) Applique with Folded Cutwork Anita Shackelford SHAC (2,3) At Home with Thimbleberries Quilts Lynette Jensen JENS (1) At the Heart of Folkart Janet Miller MILL (2,10) Baltimore Beauties and Beyond Elly Sienkiewicz SIEN (2,3,11) Basic Seminole Patchwork Cheryl Greider Bradkin BRAD (1,3) Batiks & Beyond Laurie Shifrin SHIF ( Bear‘s Paw: New Quilts from an Old Favorite AQS BEAR (1) Beautiful Borders, Backings & Bindings Jill Reber & Margaret Sindelar REBE (14) Best of Jacobean Applique (The) Patricia Campbell & Mimi Ayars CAMP (2) Best Quilts from Thimbleberries: A Lynette Jensen JENS (1) Collection of 50 Charming Country Quilts & Decorative Accessories Beyond Log Cabin Kerry Gadd GADD (4) Beyond the Blocks—Quilts with Great Nancy Martin MART (1,14) Borders Big Book of Small Quilts Mary Hickey HICK (1,5) Block Bender Quilts Margaret Miller MILL (1,8) Block by Block Beth Donaldson DONA (1) Block Party Marsha McCloskey MCCL (1) Blossoms in Winter: 14 Designs in Wool-Felt Patti Eaton & Pamela Mostek EATO (2) Applique Bold and Beautiful Judi Dains DAIN (3,8) Bright Quilts from Down Under Australian Patchwork Magazine BRIG (1,2) Casual Quilter (The) Robin Strobel STRO (1) Cat Quilts & Crafts LaVera Langeman LANG (2) Cathedral Window Quilts Lynne Edwards EDWA (1,3) Celebrated Craziness Janet Nesbitt & Pam Soliday NESB (1,2) Celtic Style Floral Applique Scarlett Rose ROSE (2,3) Class Act Quilts Patchwork Place CLAS (1,2) Collection of Classic Quilts Lynette Jensen JENS (1) Color & Cloth Mary Coyne Penders PEND (11) Color Shuffle Karla Alexander ALEX (1,4 ) Combing Through Your Scraps Karen Combs COMBS (1) Crazy But Pieceable Hollie A. Milne MILN (2,4) Crazy Quilt Handbook Judith Montano MONT (1,3,8) Cups and Saucers: Paper Pieced Kitchen Maaike Bakker BAKK (4) Designs Designing Tessellations Jinny Beyer BEYE (11) Do It Yourself Framed Quilts Gai Perry PERR (3) DVD: Quilting Arts Workshop DVD Quilting Arts with Wen Redmond HOLO (8) ―Holographic Memories Workshop‖ DVD: Quilting Arts Workshop DVD Quilting Arts with Judy Coates MIXE (8) ―Mixed-media Painted Fabric‖ Perez DVD: Quilting Arts Workshop DVD Quilting Arts with Maria Elkins MAKE (11) “Making Faces” Easy Art of Applique (The) Mimi Dietrich DIET (2) Easy Machine Paper Piecing Carol Doak DOAK (4) European Art Quilts II European Art Foundation EURO (8) Even More Quilts for Baby Ursula Reikes REIK (1,6) Every Seven Years Gerry Kimmel-Carr KIMM (2,10) Exploring Textile Arts Creative Publishing International EXPL (3) Fabled Flowers Kumiko Sudo SUDO (3) Fabric Collage Quilts Joanne Goldstein GOLD (8) Fantastic Fabric Folding Rebecca Wat WAT (3) Fast and Fun Machine Quilting Rodale Press RODA (15) Fast Forward Your Quilting Dina Pappas PAPP (1) Fat Quarter Small Quilts Darlene Zimmerman ZIMM (1,5) Festival of Calendar Quilts House of White Birches FEST (1,7) Fibreart Montage Judith Baker Montage MONT (11) Floral Applique Nancy A. Pearson PEAR (2) Floral Illusions for Quilters Karen Combs COMB (4) Folk Art Animals Janet Cariji Brandt BRAN (10) Foundation Pieced Stained Glass Quilts Liz Schwartz, Stephen Seifert SCHW (4) Free-Motion Quilting Made Easy Eva Larkin LARK (15) Free Spirit Gerry Kimmel, Linda Brannock KIMM (10) From a Quilter‘s Garden Gabrielle Swain SWAI (2) Fun with Fat Quarters Nancy J. Martin MART (1) Fuse-and-Tell Journal Quilts Laura Wasilowski WASI (8) Fusing Fun! Fast & Fearless Art Quilts Laura Wasilowski WASI (8) Grandma‘s Best Full-Sized Quilt Blocks Better Homes & Gardens BETT (1,2,12) Great American Quilts 1987 Oxmoor House GREA (12) Great American Quilts 2001 Oxmoor House GREA (12) Great American Quilts 2002 Oxmoor House GREA (12) Great American Quilts 2003 Oxmoor House GREA (12) Great American Quilts 3 Leisure Arts GREA (12) Great American Quilts 4 Leisure Arts GREA (12) Great American Quilts 5 Leisure Arts GREA (12) Great American Quilts 6 Leisure Arts GREA (12) Growing Up with Quilts Mimi Dietrich DIET (6) Happy Endings: Finishing the Edges of Your Mimi Dietrich DIET (11,14) Quilt Hawaiian Quilting Elizabeth Root ROOT (2) Hearts a Plenty Lynda Milligan & Nancy Smith MILL (1) Heartstring Quilts Quilts Made Easy HEAR (2) Joy to the World Lynda Milligan & Nancy Smith MILL (1,2,7) Lessons in Machine Piecing Marsha McCloskey MCCL (1) Machine Quilting in Sections Marti Michell MICH (15) Machine Quilting Made Easy Maurine Noble NOBL (15) Magic Stack-n-Whack Quilts Bethany Reynolds REYN (3) Make Any Block Any Size Joen Wolfrom WOLF (11) Make Room for Quilts Nancy J. Martin MART (11) Make Your Own Quilt Labels Spring/Summer Kim Churbuck CHUR (5) Make Your Own Quilt Labels Fall/Wintertime Kim Churbuck CHUR (5) Making Needlecraft Landscapes Mary Carroll CARR (3) Mariner's Medallion Quilts M'Liss Rae Hawley HAWL (1) Mastering Precision Piecing Sally Collins COLL (1) Masters Art Quilts Martha Sielman SIEL (8) Miniature Baltimore Album Quilts Jenifer Buechel BUEC (5) Mirror Manipulations Gail Valentine VALE (1) Miss Jump's Memories Linda Brannock BRAN (10) More Biblical Quilt Blocks Rosemary Makham MAKH (1,4) New Patchwork & Quilting Book Better Homes & Gardens BETT (1,2) New Quilting by Machine (The) Singer Sewing Reference Library SING (15) Olympic Games Quilts Atlanta 1996 The Quiltmakers of Georgia OLYM (12) Pairing Up: 2 Block Quilts Nancy Mahoney MAHO (1) Patchwork Pantry Suzette Halferty & Carol Porter HALF (1,2,3) Picture Quilts Joan Masters MAST (8) Pieced Borders – The Complete Resource Judy Martin & Marsha MART (14) McCloskey Pineapple Passion Lynda Milligan & Nancy Smith SMIT (1) Portfolio 15 Studio Art Quilt Association PORT (8) Positively Postcards Bonnie Sabel & Louis-Philippe SABE (5) O‘Donnell Positively Pineapple: Quilts for the Pineapple Linda Milligan & Nancy Smith MILL (3) Rule...and more Potting Shed Patchwork Nancy J. Martin MART (1,2) Press for Success Myrna Giesbrecht GIES (11) P.S. I Love You Two Linda Milligan & Nancy Smith MILL (1,2,6) Practical Encyclopedia of Quilting & Quilt Isabel Stanley & Jenny Watson STAN (11) Design Quick Classic Quilts Marsha McCloskey MCCL (1) Quick Country Quilts for Every Room Debbie Mumm MUMM (1,2) Quick Method Quilts Galore Leisure Arts QUIC (1,2) Quick Quilts from Your Scrap Bag Leisure Arts QUIC (1) Quick-Sew Celebrations That Patchwork Place QUIC (2,7) Quick Watercolor Quilts Dina Pappas PAPP (3) Quilt a Travel Souvenir Kimberly Einmo EINM (1) Quilt National: Contemporary Designs in Lark Books QUIL (8) Fabric ‗95 Quilt Room Pam Lintott & Rosemary Miller LINT (1) Quilt Savvy: Simple Thread Painting Nancy Prince PRIN (3) Quilted Landscapes Joan Blalock BLAL (1,3) Quilted Legends of the West Judy Zehner & Kim Mosher ZEHN (1) Quilted Sea Tapestries Ginny Eckley ECKL (3) Quilter's Edge (The) Darlene Zimmerman ZIMM (14) Quilting for All Seasons Sharlene Jorgenson JORG (1,7) Quilting It Up a Notch: Continuous Curve Deloa Jones JONE (15) Quilting Makes the Quilt Lee Cleland CLEL (15) Quilting Masterclass Katharine Guerrier GUER (8) Quilting Patterns Linda Macho MACH (15) Quilting the Savory Garden Sandra Millett MILL (1,2) Quilting with My Sister Barbara Brandeburg BRAN (1,2) Quilts for Girls and Boys Barbara Roberts ROBE (2,6) Quilts for Red Letter Days Janet Kime KIME (1,2,7) Quilts from the Civil War Barbara Brackman BRAC (12) Quilts in Community, Ohio‘s Traditions Clark, Knepper, Ronsheim CLAR (12) Quilts of a Different Color Irene Bluhm BLUH (3,15) Quilts, Quilts, Quilts Diana McClun & Laura Nownes MCCL (1,11) Quilts through the Seasons Eleanor Burns BURN (1) Quilts with Attitude Deb Karasik KARA (1,3,8) Repiecing the Past Sara Rhodes Dillow DILL (1,12) Reproduction Quilts from the Civil War Judie Rothermel ROTH (1,12) Period Rose Sampler Supreme Rosemary Makhan MAKH (2) Rotary Riot: 40 Fast & Fabulous Quilts Judy Hopkins & Nancy Martin HOPK (1) Say It with Quilts Diana McClun & Laura Nownes MCCL (1) Sensational Settings Joan Hanson HANS (11) Setting Solutions Sharyn Craig CRAI (11) Sew Easy Rag Quilting Four Corners Designs SEW (3) Sew Many Stars Gail Searl SEAR (1) Simply Amazing Spiral Quilts RaNae Merrill MERR (1,3) Small Wonders Elizabeth Hamby Carlson CARL (5) Southwest Designs II Jennifer Cole COLE (8) Stars a La Carte Bethany S. Reynolds REYE (3) Stars and Stepping Stones Marsha McCloskey MCCL (1) Start with Squares Martha Thompson THOM (1) Stash-Buster Quilts (Time-saving Designs for Lynne Edwards EDWA (1) Fabric Leftovers) Still Stripping after 25 Years Eleanor Burns BURN (1) Straight Stitch Machine Applique Letty Martin MART (2,3) Strip-Pieced Watercolor Magic Deanna Spingola SPIN (3) Stripples Donna Lynn Thomas THOM (1) Thimbleberries Book of Quilts Lynette Jensen JENS (1) Thinking Outside the Block Sandi Cummings CUMM (1) Thread Work Unraveled Sarah Ann Smith SMIT (2,3,15) Through the Window & Beyond Lynne Edwards EDWA (3) Traditional Blocks Meet Applique Deborah J. Moffett-Hall MOFF (1,2) Transforming Fabric Carolyn A. Dahl DAHL (8) Travels with Peaky and Spike Doreen Speckman SPEC (4) Treasures from Yesteryear Sharon Newman NEWM (1,2,12) Treasury of Crazy Quilt Stitches Carole Samples SAMP (3) Triangle Tricks: One Easy Unit, Dozens of Martingale & Co.
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