5718 THE LONDON GAZETTE, DECEMBER 22, 1871. South Hackney% of the said new parish of Saint trict of Saint Stephen, Haggerstou, from the Michael and All Angels, South Hackney,* of the parish of South Hackney aforesaid, meets the •said new parish of Saint James the Less, Betlmal boundary dividing the last-named parish from the Green, of the said nsw parish of Saint John, new parish of Saint Michael and All Angels, Bethnal Green, and of the said district of Saint South Hackney aforesaid; and extending thence, Stephen, Haggerston, should be formed into a con- northward, from such bridge along the middle of solidated chapelry for all ecclesiastical purposes, Cambridge-road,- and of Mare-street (thereby aud that the same sbould be assigned to the said following in part the last-mentioned boundary), church called Christ Church, situate within the to the junction of the last-named street with limits of the parish of South Hackney as aforesaid. Well-street j and extending thence, eastward, " Now, therefore, with the consent of the Right along the middle of the last-named street to the 'Honourable and Right Reverend John, Bishop of boundary at the junction of the same street with the said diocese of London, as such bishop, and Shore-road, which divides the said new parish of -also as the patron, in right of his see, of the Saint Michael and All Angels, South Hackney, vicarage of the said new parish of Saint James the from the parish of South Hackney aforesaid ; and Less, Bethnal Green, and of the vicarage of the extending thence, southward, along the middle .of said new parish of Saint John, Bethnal Green, and the last-named road (thereby following in part the also as the alternate patron, in right of his see, of last-mentioned boundary) to the junction of the the said district of Saint Stephen, Haggerston, and same road with Victoria Park-road; and extending with the consent of the Right Honourable "William thence, eastward, along the middle of the last- Ewart Gladstone, the First Lord of your Majesty's named road to its junction at the Broadway with Treasury, acting on behalf of your Majesty, as the Grove-street; and extending thence, southward, other alternate patron, in right of the Crown, of along the middle of the last-named street to the the said district of Saint Stephen, Haggerston, and boundary, at the junction of the same street with •with the consent of William Amhurst Tyssen Morpeth-road, which divides the said parish of Amhurst, of Didlington Park, in the county of South Hackney from the new parish of Saint .Norfolk, Esquire, the patron of the rectory of tlie James the Less, Bethnal Green aforesaid ; and .said parish of South Hackney, and with the con- extending thence, south-eastward, along the last- sent of the Reverend Ridley Daniel Tyssen, the mentioned boundary to a point in the middle of rector or incumbent of the rectory of the said the road in Victoria Park called or known as the •parish of South Hackney, and as such rector or Northern Drive, opposite to the house called or incumbent, the patron of the vicarage of the said known as the Royal Hotel; and extending thence, new parish of Saint Michael and All Angels,' westward, from the said last-mentioned boundary South Hackney (in testimony whereof they, the along the middle of the last-named road to its said consenting parties, have respectively signed junction with the road leading across Victoria and sealed this representation), we, the said Eccle- Park aforesaid to Bonner Hall Bridge, over the siastical Commissioners for England, humbly Regent's Canal aforesaid ; and extending thence, represent that it would, in our opinion, be expe- south-westward, along the middle of the last- dient that all those contiguous portions of the said described road (crossing Victoria Park as afore- parish of South Hackney, of the said new parish said) to a point in the centre of the said Bonner of Saint Michael and All Angels, South Hackney, Hall Bridge,, over the Regent's Canal aforesaid ; of the said new parish of Saint James the Less, and extending thence, north-westward, for a dis- Bethnal Green, of the said new parish of Saint tance of fourteen chains, or thereabouts, along the .John, Bethnal Green, and of the said district of middle of the said canal to the boundary which Saint Stephen, Haggerston, which are described divides the said new parish of Saint James the in the schedule hereunder written, all which por- Less, Bethnal Green, from the new parish of tions, together with the boundaries thereof, are Saint John, Bethnal Green aforesaid j and con- delineated and set forth on the map or plan here- tinuing thence, north-westward, along the middle unto annexed, should be united and formed^ into of the same canal, thereby following the last- one consolidated chapelry for the said church described boundary to its junction with the boun- called Christ Church, situate within the limits of dary which divides the last-mentioned new parish the parish of South Hackney as aforesaid, and from the parish of South Hackney aforesaid, at a that the same should be named ' The Consolidated point nearly opposite to the northern end of the Chapelry of Christ Church, South Hackney.' Bethnal Green Union Woi'khouse ; and extending "We, therefore, humbly pray that your Ma- thence, south-westward, along the last-mentioned jesty will be graciously pleased to take the pre- boundary, thereby passing to the north of the mises into your Royal consideration, and to make said workhouse to a point in the middle of the •such order in respect thereto as to your Majesty, street or road called or known as Lark-row ; and in your Royal wisdom, shall seem meet. extending thence, southward, for a distance of ten cha:ns, or thereabouts, from the said last- The SCHEDULE to which the foregoing mentioned boundary, along the middle of the last- Representation has reference., named street or road, to its junction with the " The Consolidated Chapelry of Christ Church, street or road called or known as Prospect-place ; -South Hackney, being :— and extending thence westward along the middle " All those several contiguous portions of the of the last-named street or road to the point at parish of South Hackney, of the new parish of the junction of the same street or road with Cam- Saint Michael and All Angels, South Hackney, bridge-road aforesaid, and with Hackney-road of the new parish of Saint James the Less, where the boundary which divides the said new Bethnal Green, of the new parish of Saint John, parish of "Saint John, Bethnal Green, fronr the Bethnal Green, and of the district of Saint district of Saint Stephen, Haggerston aforesaid, Stephju, Haggerston, all such cures being respec- meets the boundary dividing the last-named dis- tively situate in the county of Middlesex, and in trict from the new parish of Saint Jude, Bethnal the dioce>e of London, which said portions r.re Green, in the county and diocese aforesaid, and comprised within, and are bounded by, an imagi- continuing thence, still westward, along the middle jiary line commencing at a point in the centre of of the said' Hackney-road (thereby following the C mbridge Heath Bridge, over the Regent's last-mentioned boundary) to the junction of the Caaal, where the boundary dividing the said dis- same road with Oval-road j and extending thence.
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