JJJ ___ .J.JLI__L-~-----'--- . C00018210.-· • 18 August 1U72 • SPECIAL REPORT • 1972 Republican National Convention (RNC) . .. •Preparations for organized demonstrations at Ute Republican ~·· National Convention (August 21 - 23) appear to be more sophi~ti ~a ted than U1at whicli took place du~inq the rebent Democratic National Con- vention. )-n, il ;J.. 4. .t(. C ,.--.. ... -} "' c, c 1 ...,,..., - · . ,} f/ (/ . The Miami Convention Coalition (MCC), a confcder;:~.tion of ;mli­ war forces, women libbers, gay activists and oUter diversified group::; led by radical activists Rennie Davis and Dave Dellinger, appears to be ..... 1-.... _.."' the principal spokesman and organizer for most of tl1e groups that plan ,.., some sort of protest a.ction d~ring the coming GQP Convention. Sixty antiwar ~d .socif!l action qroups are r7po;r:t~dJ:Y 5!ated ~o partici- pate. \"::!.. .. { ":>~r.;-t ~:>ct~f{ -,_. heel... ;, l ... ..(.ry{t _ S.h·-:. ~ tl(.,~.' 7::) " I, •. 1· .. 1J 'J 1 /- ~· One of the most difficult problems for t hcse protes(grou.ps i::; attempting to arrange coordinated activities thar will have broad appeal ···;.. and contain a variety of issues and tactics witil which tile various ~.~ ~ .. groups can find identity. To accomplish this end, it appears MCC h::ts implemented the following three strategies: First, it is exploiting ti1e participation of well-known personalities who o.re not identified with any particular group, such as Da.niel Berrigan, ti1e radical priest, a.nd Jane Fonda ti1e antiwar celebrity; secondly: it has designed a broad "Scenario" of events to provide continuity for tile various groups in­ volved; ~d ti1ird, it is continuing its rather novel appro:J.ch of ~ntert~.in­ inCJ and amusing UH? ~lderly citizens of Miami Beach which ga.ined ~ide­ spread publicity during the '72 Democratic~Convenlion. .. /. "-rw....-/ l· ,, -.~•· ·-'tI c'' .J•(" (• , •• • •'~ r..ttJ'· 1 -~ . ' , .Protest ~.ell vi ties n.re expttc[f'd to begin Auuu~;t 11 wil.h the openin!J of "Expose '72, '' an anti-imperialist education prrJjcct U1:tt will fcature_c.xhibit3, work:3hops and lectures on U1c wnr ~.ud U.S. irnpcri~li:;m. - . I • ... •. ~-:: ~ _, •. l :) i\ '· : . • ...• ,. ( I ' I (. ') . ~t:L. ,t .. .Li. .•:_ I .J ~J. t.-{' 7 .J J - ,.,.,,_. •. ..... ~· ., . .,... - Ill ....L-_......... ......._.........__!Ll~lii,J. IIJ!ILJilllll·ll ,111 I !!U...-L..I----------'--- C00018210 - .. ('~; -... ... -, -· One or.. the thetn~s of "EKpoS()" will t.~ an attack on the Cl.A for th~ir - mvo1vem~nt in the <.ll(fair~ at'td govf.'rnrn~nts of S. K Asia. (Vietnam1 LaiJs and Cambodia) as well as iw su sed involvement in heroin traffic. · /J...,.,.I(·r.t. .:.;.· ,., :J_L 7 .J. ~~ P- \.., 7;; lr:~·. .,. ·~'· J~· ... ·:• ..: . ..,.,. t. : f .. •tt .~· . .;, .. · I; I y ,·:.. v 1 . .. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement exrect.s the follow­ ing radical organizations to be involved in unlawful protest activities during the convention: the Communist-influenced Peoplns Coalition for ~nee· and J'usti~e, the Vietnarp Veterans Against the War, (VVAW), a ·major power in the :MCC; the Progressive Labor Party; Workers Action Movement, (PLP/WAM), a militant Communist splinter group openly · follov.ry.ng the Maoist line; and the Youth International Party, (Yippies) •. The ultra•radical "Zippies, 11 a militant faction of th~ Youth International Party, "ar~ openly predicting violence during the Republican Convention. Dana Beal, a Zippie leader, has promised "to ~r;y and push Nixon intp . the sea with an army· of militant protesters. u '· 2.:Jl \.l t···i- ...J 'I~t f ~.> The Underground Press Syndicate which feeds matC"rial to scores .of radical newspapers aro\md the nation, has be>en promoting a heavy ,,·· :,.··· turnout of protesters for months; however, to date there has b'!en no •···-.. evidence~~ any massive move to Miami. Sgt. Pete Corso, a Miami Beach.police information officer, stated on or about (l August 1972 that - authorities ''have been looking !or some noticeable buildup, but thP.re just hasn't been on'3." lnformed sources are predicting less than 5, 000 pr0test demonstrators will be present in Miami Beach during the 1972 RNC. ' - t::··.'....... .r•. Whatev~r the siz~ or their ranlm, authorities seem to have the .. ·' .; :::ituaf.ion well in hand. Protest l,::aders are advr:catinq a rn ilitant non- · violett confrontation policy. If this policy is followed, demonstrators will express the~~elves in thj! strongel?t possibl~ lJ1an.ry.er but remain .. .r: non-violent. ~~-~...A >..(~--f ,x,l.,f.'.l..l'"/-; \-\. ..... ~ t.;.t'1'<· ya~~'J 7~, ~'IT ,r..t;;J;;;, · .. T"'-l ~·y,~·t.. ,; / "r'tt./. ••. ,?.:a II.. ,1 .... :_,.,' l7.... d........ ' ,,,-;;.._ ... · , " · CALENDAR OF PROTEST ACTIVITIES;.D.IRECTED AGAINST THE RNC ..::..,/,..;:7" ' . · 13, .14 August The VVAW organization has announced plans for a national cara­ van of protesters originating in the San Franciseo Bay area and the New EnQland area on 13, 14 August and ~rriving in MiaJ11.~. on 2p A}~gust . .,.,,~ •\JlJ 7•/F(! .~ rl ''"'"): _""!;, .....,,.(1-.r.,, .. _t,,t 1:.:1""( "-4 ;:, ...,,). H - 21 J\ui]ust . ,- .-~ .,. 1'h~ Flor.lda chaptc,r or the V.YAW will hold a "Mn;t·ch .1\qJ.inst ;: ."li:' . ) A..• (r 76 J J .~. AL,.(.. «( (1. ~ •., ., ~-- ',. v (.,• 1 f l/1 2-:t{~· "&ft,.,. 1'..?- v' ---------·-·----- .. I -It I. Ill ,· I iLLil.J.llLll..Lill!lLLL...uJ.L.L- -. .JlL.i__' _)_! _ _.______ _ ill-·-· -..J,JJ.."'""-""--- C00018210 ........... ....._. T .,_ ... .. ... -· Milita.ri::;m" from Fert Pierce, Fln. t.n Miami _Beach, Fb. The m::1rch will be cl.ixnaxed by· the ptt.rtici{'rults throwing U1eir milit.,ry ·medals and t·~'t-·· ribbons· over the f9ttce surroWldinq t.Qe Convention CeQter ._ (. ~·-. • . fi'\L ~ "?c.. Us:/ tJ.c.r q,t.... 7.> 14-.; 23 Auqust .• v."/1"'' a.l.i 'fi ll.li.}..,; I- - "Expose '72" wlll "seek to co'Qront and c:q>Ose the U.S. Govern­ ment and educate and unite U1~ demonstrators. "Expose, " also being referred to as a ~'Peoples World Fair," will be comi,rised of films, photographs, guerrilla theater and speeches. ·These exhibits are to· be . set up at .the demonstrators main campsite, Fla~nluqo Park, and s.~veral . hotels. where del~ates-..., wUl be residing.. ..~·" ;!'"· · • • 01.~,.,.,. ... k., ,.,.t..u. .,._ • · 20 - 2:r August · · ... .:-:-·· 'I'he Mia.mi Women's Coalition (MWC), a.·heterogcneous grouP./ of delermi~ted women's libbers org:mized specifically t.o confront dele- . g::~tes to the ~mocratic and Republican Convention::;, plans to openly chillenge Ule Americnn governmental process during Ute GOP National Convention by blockading Miami's International Airport and. U1e cory.yen;- tion hotels. · ''~:.) lf1 • • ~ 1 ·, U.'J '1;, __ , · 21 P..uqu::;t - a. m. .· ... - The "War Crimes Tribunal, " patterned after Ute "Peoples Grand Jury" sl:cl.gcd in Wanhington, D. C. by tl•e Communist-influenced People:; Coalition fer P~:"l.CC n.nd .Tu~tice (PCP.T) .in Oct0bcr HJ71, 'Hill convene on U1e ·a.bove dale. 'fhi::; two-d!ly mod: trL'll will consist of senior citizens or Mi:-:1.mi Beach hearinCJ testimony from veterans, ex­ prisoners, labor reprcsenk"l.tives, blacks, welfare recipients and gays on the crimes of the adminiStration. 21 Auguot - p. m. A Vielnamese Student Cultural Event. is !'ichcdnlcd to take~ place .U1is date. Veterans and Vietnamese living. in Ute Ui1ilcd 3Lates will '·"' . present a history of Vietnam through song; dance and guerrill~ theater. f!. George Jackson Memorial Service will ::llso be conducted by tJ1e above mentioned group. The service will emph:l.size·Geon.jc .Jackson's philosophy and how it may be implemented into ooo'::; routine w1.y or life. Jndc::;on wns one of the :)oledad BroUJCr!l who vm.s shot and killcd·on ::!1 /\uyust.D72 by a guard during an altemp~cd S.'ltl Qucnlin l.:'rison break. ,. 1 I · t .-'J • \J..oLilJ(,(Jf"' f/(-4') • :>. - ,tyr Jt.A. .;; "::; ~;_ - .... ~~··· :: ~ • -.: ~ .....!,.... ..... ,;. .,; . ~ •$-.~-"' ·,.,.· : ....... :,,..:J!!!.... _fi_.,_. ~ .~ .., ..... -~~ ........,....,.,,.,. .. ~: •. ··~·· ..... ..... !"'.' ':... ..._. •. ... \ ..._. ... ~,~~·~'-""~te::/~~.i~tt~~·~~...,-..~~... ~i;}; ..~:·~~~i.iW."'.;.::~:·.:.·'J"~~~<· .. ·,-:.··.·.·-'~·.~·K-"'~· ~-::,··.- .... ~•. ,,.,._:...._.._ . .. , .......... ~ .. , •·'·' ...... \•·: . .~ ~- }.- ~··'1···~······ ~ ... · .: ..... , ~ ... ·~'····. #··o'~'"': •.. ,, .... ~-~\·.· ...... , •. ~- ..........~ ..... ~ ··-...._ . .., .• ·'"'~·· •• ··~ ....... ,,..,.,...... ; IlL. C00018210 ... - ............... _..... .. ;::r "I .... ' "'• ... 22 1\unhd · .. The Wn.r Crirnos 'l'ri.bun~J.l will continue to hco.r testimony lhrOUljh­ oul the morning. In t11c evening as the delNJ;:lle.;; arc going to U1e Con­ ,.. ....... ·:: vention Hall, protesters will line C.ollins Avenue, which is to be re­ , named "Street Without .Joy" and draw U1e war crimes of the adrninislrat.ion lo U1c attention of U1e delegations as Uley drive Ulrough Ule "Gauntlet of Shame." The "Street WiUmut !o'/'' action will be followed hy U1c "March Ag;1.i.nst Murdcr''·lcd by the militant VVAW group who will present tJ1c poor peoples platform and a seven point peac~ proposal at U1e Conven- tion Hall. · • 23 AUIJUGt 1\ t 3 p.m.~ protcsterG are scheduled to conduct n. milit."l.nl. ntJn­ vit:~lcnt rnar<:;h to the Dora! Hotel (GOP I!e:)r.iquartl?rs) with U1e intent of prcvcnlin~J delegate::; fro·m attending the Convention. At G p.m. demon­ r.tro.tors will march .lo lhc Convention Center :md attempt to block entrances using "Mobile Civil Disob.es:fience Tactics. " - SOURCE: Government and News Media HELIABILITY: Probably True ,... ...l..,~.c · .,.. • .. .~-:' •. ... - . -~·. .. • •·• • ~ ·. ' • • • : • • • ~ • . .... : I . * • .,._.•• .,.41~ ....,. ,,"Iff. ·r,.~ :,...:.~\,.._.~....,.,...~,. .- : .,.r:?r<~':~~.,..,__ ., . ..,.. ...,.,,.," .. .,.~...., • ·!'""' ;~--:..;~ ......... ~~'...,;r·~.;.J!*,... <>:/" -···..,•~..,_-r., ............ .,:.·.•.,,.• ~~:~:~;;7.;.: ·\f.J~ .... :~_·:"!·~~~:-~>-.:-.:!·~·\·.. :r~:;J ...~~~ .. -==!':; ..~,:.\-.~~ .. ~:>·,.:.. !~~·". -~.. :~-.:i!'~·:·;·~~ •..:, ·>·.~~~!..;~.~~· .• ::·~- ·.. ~ ... .-....:~r- :r· ....r ..~- .... -~~.;·" _., ~-:·~ · ..... .
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