5332 THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 25, 1870. In Old-street-road between Kingsland-road and this Notice as published in the London Gazette, High-street Hoxton and between Tabernacle- j will, on or before the 30th day of November, be square and "Wood-street; deposited for public inspection as follows, (that In Hackney-road between a point 2 chains is to say) : as regards the parish of Saint Mary, south-west and a point 1 chain north-east of Islington, with the vestry clerk of that parish, at the end of Austin-street, between Crabtree- his office in Upper-street, Islington; as regards road and Crab tree-row, between John-street the parish of Saint James and Saint John, Clerk- and Nichol's-square, and between Saint enwell, with the vestry clerk of that parish, at Peter's-street and a point 8 chains west of his office at the Vestry Hall, Upper Eosoman- that street; street, Clerkenwell; as regards the parish of Prospect-place, Sewardstone-road, Bishop's- Saint Leonard, Shoreditch, with the vestry clerjf road, and Bonner-road; jj of that parish, at his office at the Town Hall, In Old Ford-road between Bonner-road and Old-street-road; as regards the parish of Saint Grove-road; Luke, Middlesex, with the vestry clerk pf In Grove-road between Old Ford-road and that parish, at the Vestry Hall of that parish in Mile End-road; the City-road.; as regards the parishes .of In Cambridge-road between Mile End-road and Hackney, and Saint Mary, Stoke Newing- a point 2 chains north of Northampton- ton, with the clerk of the District Board of street, between Oxford-street and a point 4 Works for the district of Hackney, at his office chains north of that street, and between at the Town Hall, Hackney; as regards the North" Side and "West-place; parish of Hornsey, with the parish clerk of that In Cambridge-heath and Mare-street between parish, at his place of residence; as regards the a point 2 chains north of Cambridge-heath- parish of Saint Matthew, Bethnal-green, with bridge and the Triangle; the vestry clerk of that parish, at his office in In Mare-street, Church-street, and Lower the Vestry Hall, Church-row, Bethnal-green; as Clapton-road from Helmsley-street to a regards the parish of Saint George's-in-the-East, point 4 chains north of Glenarn-road; with the vestry clerk of that parish, at his office In Upper Clapton-road from Lea-bridge-road at the Vestry Hall, Saint George's-in-the-East. to Mount Pleasant-lane, and between War- as regardsthe parishes of All Saints, Poplar, and wick-road and Stamford-hill; Saint Leonard, Bromley, with the clerk of the Dis- In Commercial-road between points 1 chain trict Board of Works for the district of Poplar, and 3 chains respectively east of Britannia- at his office 117, High-street, Poplar; as regards bridge ; the parishes of Saint Mary, Whitechapel, and In Aldersgate-street between Falcon-street and Saint Botolph Without Aldgate, Christchurch, a point 3 chains south of that street; Spitalfields, the precinct of Old Artillery-ground, In Saint Martin's-le-Grand between Angel- and the Liberty of Norton Folgate, with the street and a point 100 feet north of that clerk of the District Board of Works for the dis- street; trict of Whitechapel, at his office in Great Alie- Princes-street (on the east side) ; street, Whitechapel; as regards the parishes of In East-road between Bevenden-street and Saint Ann, Limehouse, and the hamlet of Eatcliff, Murray-street; with the clerk of the District Board of Works In New North-road between Murray-street and for the district of Limehouse, at his office in Cavendish-street; Whitehall-street, Commercial-road; as regards Bridport-place; the hamlet of Mile-end Old Town, with the Park-road between Dalston-lane and Bichmond- vestry clerk of that parish at his office in the road. Vestry Hall, Bancroft-road, Mile-end Old-road, as And notice is hereby further given, that regards the parish of St. Sepulchre, Middlesex, duplicate plans and sections of the proposed and the liberty of Glasshouse-yard, with the clerk tramways and works, and a copy of this Notice as of the District Board of Works for the district of published in the London Gazette; will be depo- Holborn, at his office, 20, High Holborn, and as sited on or before the 30th day of November regards the parishes of Saint Mildred, Poultry, instant, for public inspection at the office of the Saint Christopher-le-Stock, Saint Margaret, Loth- Board of Trade in Whitehall-gardens, and with bury, Saint Mary Woolchurch Haw, Saint Leo- the Clerk of the Peace for Middlesex, at his office nard Foster-lane, Saint Michael le Quern, Christ- in Clerkenwell in the said county; and with tha church, Saint Ann, and Saint Agnes, Saint Clerk of the Peace for the city of London, at his Botolph, Aldersgate, Saint Botolph Without, office in the Old Bailey in the said city; and that Aldersgate, Saint Martin Outwich, Saint Helen, on or before the same day a copy of so much of Bishopgate, Saint Ethelburga, Allhallows, London the said plans and sections as relates to each dis- Wall, Saint Botolph Without, Bishopgate, Saint trict in or through which the proposed tramways Botolph Without, Aldgate, Saint Katherine Cree or any of them will pass, or be made, will be de- church, Saint James Within Aldgate, and Saint posited as follows, that is to say, as regards the Katherine Coleman, with the parish clerks of Metropolis, at the office of the Metropolitan those respective parishes at their respective resi- Board of Works, in Spring-gardens ; as regards dences ; and as regards the extra-parochial place the city of London and the liberties thereof, at of Charterhouse, with the parish clerk of the ad- the office of the mayor, aldermen, and commons joining parish of Saint Luke, Middlesex, at his of the city of London, at Guildhall; and as re- residence. gards the district of South Hornsey, at the office All persons desirous of making any represen- of the Local Board of Health for the district of tation to the Board of Trade, or of bringing be- South Hornsey, at 18, Spenser-road, South fore them any objection respecting the intended Hornsey; and as regards the district of Hornsey, application, may do so by letter addressed to the at the office of the Local Board of Health for the Assistant-Secretary of the Railway Department district of Hornsey, in South-road-lane, Horn- of the Board of Trade, on or before the 1st sey ; and that a copy of so much of the said plans, January next ensuing. and sections, as relates to each of the parishes, And notice is hereby also given, that on or be- townships, extra-parochial, and other places from, fore the 23rd day of December next, a printed in, through, or into, which the proposed tramways draft of the proposed Provisional Order will be and works will be made or pass; and also a copy of deposited at the Office of the Board of Trade,.
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